"This is Ding Yu. He is investing in the future! Not now. " Tyler also laughed, because he felt his brother's concern, so his mood is not the same, "where are his two children? I've seen and got along with each other. I'm very smart. I'm more happy than you and me when I was young. At the same time, Ding Yu's family education standard and recuperation are quite high! If we compare the two of us of the same age, we are far from each other. There is no need to deny that. "

"Invest in the future?" The third nodded, "that is to say, this matter has nothing to do with Ding Yu." When such a thing happened, it is impossible for the third generation to have no idea at all. It is not to say that he just sees his own problems, but also needs to see Ding Yu's problems.

Only by looking at this issue from both sides can we see things more clearly.

"As far as the present situation is concerned, it has little to do with Ding Yu, because he has not gained the benefits he has gained, even from the perspective of long-term goals? There is no direction. What's more important is that he has never been in contact with you, or even know your existence to a certain extent! "

The third emperor nodded slightly. Throughout the whole family, there are not so many people who know themselves. So Ding Yu is not likely to know at all. What's more, master Huang? It's the grandfather's man. Can Ding Yu buy the people around him? And in such a short period of time to make such an arrangement, which itself is a little bit incredible.

"I'm going to see Master Huang later. Do you think he has a problem?"

The third generation, who was sitting on one side, did not answer immediately. Instead, he thought for a long time, "although I don't have much contact with master Huang, I still have some understanding. I thought just now, there is no contradiction between them, let alone the so-called interest entanglement!"

"There is no serious interest dispute between me and you, or even the final conflagration." Although there is some ruthlessness in saying this, Taylor is very calm when he says it at this time, "because the relationship between you and me is not only simple, but also the positioning of the family in the future is not the same. Whether I am in addition to you, or you except me, there is no benefit for you and me!"

"That's interesting!" The third world looked at his palm, and even deliberately made his finger, "there will be no problem between you and me, and Ding Yu's problem will not be as big as imagined. What about grandfather? It's even more impossible. Who else is more likely? "

Both of them hit the table with their fingers. "If I want to see Master Ding now, do you think it's ok?"

"Now?" Taylor suddenly raised his head, and his brother's request was too much. "To know that Mr. Ding is quite angry now. If you go to see him now, will there be any other situation, I can make a phone call, but will he meet you? None of their problems have been solved yet? "

"I don't know if I'll see you? But I want to make a bet! " When he said this, he was very calm, and his firm attitude was as firm as a rock. "Personally, I don't think Ding Yu has any opinions and ideas about me. Although it's up to me, it has nothing to do with me!"

"You can say that, but the question is will Ding Yu choose to believe it?"

"Who knows? So try to be a man? There's always a little bit of a dream, isn't it, once it's done? "

When Ding Yu received the call, he was stunned. It was quite late. Ordinary people would not take the initiative to call at this time. Moreover, the people around him had a good understanding of this. Looking at the caller ID, Ding Yu didn't hesitate for too much time, "Hello, I'm Ding Yu!"

"Mr. Ding, my brother and I want to visit. I don't know if it's appropriate?"

Looking at his younger brother's appearance, Taylor also shakes his head. There is a busy tone in the phone. Obviously, Ding Yu is also thinking about it. After a while, Ding Yu slowly said, "I'll give you a special channel. I hope you can come here!"?! And I only give you one chance. I hope you will cherish it. "

After hanging up the phone, Taylor also looked at his younger brother. The third emperor nodded his head slightly. "It seems that master Ding doesn't want other people to know the relevant information. Moreover, for us, this is a test, isn't it?"

"Is it a test? I don't know, but do you think the risk is proportional to the benefit? "

"Who knows, I'll try it anyway!"

Two people came out very quietly, no one noticed the occurrence of this situation, the time is quite late, two people out of a short time, a car will lean on their side of the position, see the car stopped, whether it is the driver's seat Taylor, or sitting in the back of the third generation, can't help but spirit is tight.

After the window opened, the person inside shook the phone in his hand. When the two cars were in parallel, they also threw a mobile phone in and said, "who are you?"

"Check your phone and the facilities in the car. If you are not sure, you can leave a message for old Peyton, just in case! There are detection facilities in the mobile phone! "The other car has no meaning of reporting a number at all. It is just a brief introduction to the relevant situation. Tyler parked the car at one side position, and after checking in, he followed the car in front of him. He came to a very secret garage. Looking at the people coming from above and down, Tyler and III all had some tension.

The person who came also directly handed the cell phone to the front of the third world and Taylor, "Sir's phone!"

"Mr. Ding!"

"Like chess?" Asked about this, Taylor was just a jerk, what did he mean, but soon Taylor wanted to understand, "curiosity about three-dimensional chess!" Obviously Ding Yu is asking for the authenticity of his identity, and what about it? Also give oneself certain guarantee, come person is Dingyu person!

"Follow him! He'll send you safe! "

After returning the mobile phone, Tyler nodded to his brother. They were in the back of the person. On the outside, they really couldn't see who the person in front of us was, who was wearing baseball cap, body clothes, facial masks and sunglasses, even gloves on his hand!

These may be better, is he behind the back of a backpack is what it means? It is so difficult to understand, but neither of them has to ask, because the people in front of them, after they come up, seem to be dumb, and have not said anything to them at all.

After a while, they also sent them to Dingyu's apartment. When he saw Dingyu, he nodded. "Sir, the goods are delivered!" Taylor and Peyton, who stood behind, noticed that Dingyu's face had a rare smile, even without any dissipation.

"It's hard! A good rest! " There was no more words, and then he gave Taylor and the third two people in. Looking at the little four eyes, Ding Yu also made a quiet gesture. But even then, the little four eyes turned around two people, slightly showing their teeth!

"Well, I know!" Dingyu also attached his body, touching the big head of the small four eyes, "you also go to rest! Just take care of them. I'll give you the things here! Go! " He kicked a little, but Ding Yu stood up and looked at Tyler and the third world and said, "come on, the children are all resting, and don't provoke it! He's not very happy to meet both of you, so be careful that it tore you into pieces! "

There are so many confused in the third world, what and what! Isn't it a dog? How do you feel that Ding Yu said that there are so many exaggerations? It was Tyler who was looking at the little four eyes, a little thoughtful, and it was strange that the dog seemed to have not been so good at his impression all the time!

There is no hatred between each other. Why does the dog always show its teeth when it sees himself and his brother? It's a strange thing, and why does Dingyu move on to a dog? What's more, the dog has not given Dingyu any face, which is so strange!

"Mr. Ding!"

"Master Ding!"

Dingyu put his hand slightly, and then he came to the study with two people. Looking at the two people to talk, Ding Yu shook his head and showed him to the third world, and he was lying on the bed. But Taylor also noticed that there were some things lying on the bed. Obviously, what about Ding Yu? Some of the cleanliness!

Looking at the third world lying on the bed, Dingyu pushed the tool over. "First of all, Tyler, you listen, I can help, but what about his life? I don't care, second, what kind of thing happened in your family, I can't manage it, but it must be explained to me! Third, it's a little painful, so I bite my teeth and hold it. I wake up my child. I want you to look good! "

"I see!"

Without waiting for any speech and action in the third world, Ding Yu was fixed there. Tyler was also playing by the side. Ding Yu was busy with this thing all night. Dingyu was meticulous, and all the spirit was put on the body of the third world. After all, it was not a small thing.

Tyler is also on the side of so a few worried, and he and the three people came to see Ding Yu? There is no such meaning, I want to explain it to Dingyu. This matter has no relationship with the two of them. It is not what they do or have nothing to do with them.

But neither of them thought that Ding Yu had nothing to do with it. He pulled the third world to the bed, and then began to give treatment at the first time. Looking at the blood left on the third world, Tyler also carefully received the test tube, which was almost black and bright than his own blood black!

"Sir!" When she saw Dingyu sitting down, Tyler handed over the towel for the first time. Dingyu's face was so white that he was not only on his forehead, but also as if he had been bubbling in the water. Although the third world on the bed did not rise, he also saw clearly."Let him rest for a while. You can take the blood away by yourself, and I don't have any effect to keep it! Wait a little longer, it's going to be light! " Ding Yu gasped for a while, but also white his eyes, "his situation is particularly serious, no wonder the old Peyton is so anxious, maybe the next moment will really be warped!"

Thank you Looking at Taylor's intention to kneel down, Ding Yu snorted.

"Don't worry, thank you, just temporarily stabilized his situation. I still said that, it's just saving people, but what about life? It has nothing to do with me. Do you still want to find out what happened to his life? It shouldn't be too difficult! "

Ding Yu's eyes are a little tired. Today, he really spent too much energy on himself. The third generation on the bed slowly slowed down. With the help of Taylor, he also stood up, and then knelt down in front of Ding Yu. The third generation was also a little surprised. Why did he kick himself? But he kowtowed in front of Ding Yu.

There is no dissatisfaction, and there is no dissatisfaction. I just feel a little puzzled. Why does my sister want to kneel down? There must be a reason! Ding Yu took a look at Taylor and then closed his eyes. "Third generation, I don't want to save your life. I just want to save you. What's more, you have a heavy breath of killing and cutting on your body. Now, maybe you don't have too much feeling, but it will make you violent. I think you should feel something in your heart."

Ding Yu's eyes are closed, but Ding Yu's eyes are closed? It can be said that it is a helpless choice. How many of the reasons for my sister are among them, but this time bow down? It's true sincerity.

What if Ding Yu didn't mention it? I really don't have too many feelings, that is, temper may sometimes be so uncontrollable, a little bit so bad. In my opinion? It may be that the pressure is too great, which leads to this aspect of the situation, but it is not so concerned about.

But Ding Yu did give himself another explanation today. Is it because of the killing that he created? A little bit more, so it will affect their own mood, make themselves unknowingly become violent. Originally, I wanted to discuss with Ding Yu more, but what do you mean by Ding Yu? Seems to be really tired!

If you go on, it will seem that you are too lack of accomplishment, but also extremely disrespectful to Ding Yu. When the two people leave, the person who sent them away is obviously different from the person who picked them up before. The difference in body size between them is too big!

But what about this one? It was even more boring. There was no word in the whole process. It was like a robot. After sending them to the place where they had parked, they didn't leave immediately. Instead, they hung from a distance, waiting for them to return to their residence before leaving!

"It's worthy of its reputation. It's really amazing!" After coming back, I don't know if it's too high spirited, or because of other reasons, both of them didn't mean to go to rest. Although they said that they had been struggling for a whole night, the impact on them could be ignored!

"I knew it from a long time ago! And what about these? It's just a small part. What about Mr. Ding Yuding? The more you touch it, the more magical it feels. What about others? I'm not so envious, but I really envy his two children now

"It was a long time ago to hear his name. I knew that he was very courageous and even impulsive. What about his business methods? It is also superior to others. Now it seems that everyone's understanding of him is only trivial. If you really want to know this person, the space hole on paper is too tasteless

"It's normal, but it seems that he has a little influence on you. I don't know if my grandfather is happy to know this? Still headache, and grandfather's plane should arrive! What about this? That's the big problem we've faced before. Other things can be hidden, but what about this one? It's not good! "

"Just control a range!" The third generation snorted, and his eyes also showed some light. "Grandfather, I will be very relieved. He may be very happy to hear this? But I think my grandfather may let us cooperate to perform the play! "

"Well, don't sell the show. Is it a performance? It doesn't matter who knows it! " Taylor is also very dissatisfied with looking at the third generation, complaining, "even then not to find out the people? It's not so important, just know the purpose! "

"In the end, we need to give master Ding an account. This matter is not only aimed at you and me, even our whole family, but also involves master Ding. Only by solving this problem can the whole thing be stabilized."

"Well, you've just finished your healing. Let's have a rest for a while! No matter how things go, your body is the most important thing. What about Mr. Ding? I think it's very important to control others? This is not difficult, but do you want to control yourself? Too high standard"I understand, I will try my best to be the best

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