Peyton didn't sleep all night last night. He didn't have to go to see Taylor and the third generation. He went to see Master Huang at the first time. Although he was not imprisoned, he was limited!

This is not a problem for the old Peyton family.

"Master Huang, what are we talking about? It's also a decades old relationship?! What about Taylor and King III? It should be said that they grew up under your nose Peyton is also sitting in the opposite position of master Huang, "and I don't believe that anyone can buy you, because you have your career and family! That's why I don't understand! "

Master Huang also sighed, "fortunately, you come a little early. Otherwise, I can see that you are talking about things. During the period of my being here, do you know how many times I have escaped?"

Looking at old Peyton's appearance, master Huang also looked bad, "what about me? It should also be regarded as a doctor, inherited? It's traditional Chinese medicine. We've been together for decades. What about me? I know some other ways, but what do I boast? No harm

Old Peyton looked at the man in front of him, and twisted his mouth slightly. The words didn't make sense, but what was the meaning? He has already made it clear that master Huang is definitely not a betrayer of himself. At the same time, he does not mean to betray his family. If this is the case, there will be a problem!

What about the house? The only one who can give orders to master Huang is himself. What about others? If you want to give this order to master Huang, unless you get your own consent, or someone has passed the order falsely! So old Peyton also went out at the first time, some things do not need to be explained too clearly!

"Joe? Did you arrange the itinerary? " He called out his personal assistant, "I want two days of my communication records, as well as master Huang's all communication records, control all people!"

Without five minutes, everything was placed in front of old Peyton. Looking at the communication records, old Peyton narrowed his eyes. "I don't remember I took these two calls from master Huang. Who arranged it?"

"Your life secretary, Vivian!"

As soon as the words were said, everyone's eyes were all on the woman on one side. Peyton looked at his life secretary and said, "what about master Huang? Not dead. All the security is under control. What about you? It should be online! " Old Peyton also gave two instructions to his personal assistant.

When Joe left, Peyton looked at his secretary. "You're my life assistant, and you've been around for almost six years! Master Huang gave me a call. You didn't get through and didn't report to me. Master Huang almost lost his life. I think there should be an explanation for some of them! "

"Anyway? You will say, sooner or later, sooner or later? No more pain. How about you? After all, it's still young. Later? You have to say, of course, you can delay for a certain period of time, but that's it

Vivian is paralyzed at this time. The whole person seems to have been pulled out of his spine. He has been around old Peyton for so many years, and he is deeply aware of the horror of the old man. The more pleasant he is now, the more he shows the anger in his heart.

"What about people? There are only three, or four, reasons for the so-called Betrayal: money, power, love and faith. Among them, what about rights? It can be summed up in faith, so it is nothing more than money, love and faith! "

Looking at Vivian did not mean to speak, old Peyton also nodded and waved to the bodyguard nearby, "do you know how to do it?" This feeling just finished, Vivian is also a daze, and then it is the first time to climb to the smell of old Peyton's body, but before catching old Peyton's leg, she is pressed there.

"It's the same with me or with them!"

When Joe came back, old Peyton also turned his head and looked at him. "Did Tyler and Peyton not come?"

"I didn't get any information about this! But the security told me just now that they went out and came back a little late. They left a message for you, but they cancelled it when they came back! " Joe a serious said, see Mr. don't have any reaction, he also said, "they received Vivian's orders and messages, and..."

"What are you hesitating about? Just say something directly!"

"It seems Quincy is involved in it too!" With that said, Joe also stood aside and said what he knew. There was no need to hide in front of old Peyton. He had already arrived in Boston in person, and the matter had reached such a point? It's going to take quite a clean-up!

"Ha ha, it seems that the hand is so long?" Old Peyton also laughed, laughing a little coldly, "has already reached my side? Does he feel that he is omnipotentAfter laughing, old Peyton also took a long breath. "Take Tyler and the third generation and let them have breakfast with me, and what are the things for Ding Yu? Is there any problem? "

What about the other problems? There is nothing wrong with the delay to investigate this, but what about Ding Yu? It can't be delayed for a moment. Although the specific problem has not been found out, it can make Ding Yu so angry. It has already explained quite a problem. He must stabilize Ding Yu!

"The present is ready! I have checked it myself three times, and the things are now under Mr. Ding's! "

Old Peyton also stood there. When Taylor and the third generation came, they saw their grandfather and said hello. Then they also stood on one side. Everyone can see that he was quite unhappy at this time!

"And Quincy? I don't know who I'm looking for when I get involved in this matter, but after breakfast? You should have delivered the message! He can't go! What I want to know now is if there is anyone else behind this? "

Taylor and the third looked at each other, and it turned out to be Quincy? Is this too bold? You know, if it is their own words, there is no problem, but when it comes to Ding Yu, the matter is not so easy to solve. If you make fun of Ding Yu's small life, it will cause great action!

Even two consortia? It's possible to make a big fight. How can such a thing come to an end?

"Did you go out last night?"

Taylor and the third looked at each other again. The third also leaned over the old Peyton's side and said in a low voice, "this is the general situation. What about him personally? He even has no interest in our family. Anything happened in the family has nothing to do with him, but he needs to explain this matter! "

Old Peyton, who was sitting there, jumped at the same time. This action not only made the third generation and Taylor scared, but also the distant Joe. The joke was so big that he was already an old guy. He was not a young man and could not stand the toss!

Maybe he knew that he was too excited. Old Peyton also made two turns and then sat down reluctantly, "is this true?" Until now, old Peyton still felt that there were some things that he could not believe.

If you can survive beyond the age of 18, you will have more than 40 years of life, and you can do too many things. Therefore, the people who come here to experiment are basically young people, and there is no old guy, because from the temporary situation, there is no need for this!

What about Ding Yu? It's a man, not a God. He can't be tied to the whole family, but now? The problems of Taylor and King III have been basically solved. Even if they can't live through the threshold of 60, at least the whole family will have no problems for another half century!

Although he has some unpleasant things to say, what about what he does? I don't care how to deal with the affairs of your family. I have given the third generation of treatment, but I'm just saving people, not saving lives.

What about this? You must give me an account at last, and it is a satisfactory one. Otherwise, don't blame me for my ruthlessness and ruthlessness. I have already wanted my life. So what's hard to say? I'm afraid it won't be as pleasant as Ding Yu when placed on anyone's body.

"Eat! I've already called Ding Yu. I'll visit him later! " Peyton pressed the joy in his heart to know that when he came, the most worried thing was Ding Yu's complete letting go. At that time, he really wanted to cry without tears!

It's hard to find Ding Yu. Although he hasn't solved the problem completely, what about Taylor? We have been able to see quite obvious changes, and what about the situation of the third generation? Is not optimistic, so he is also anxious to send the third generation to come.

Who could have thought that such a change had occurred, and that there was no way out, he could only come back in person to see if things could be eased a little bit, even if the conditions were higher? I am not afraid of it!

But what he didn't think of was that Ding Yu actually chose to take action at this time. This really solved his worries and made him have no worries. What about the human relationship? He has to know what to do. Ding Yu is really a good man! Even let oneself this old fellow all have so some sense of shame!

During the meal, old Peyton did not let the third and Taylor introduce the specific situation. Although they said that even if they knew, it would not matter, but old Peyton did not mean this!

But what about Ding Yu's apartment? Jin also personally walked down. Yesterday's situation was so special. Jin came here to express Ding Yu's dissatisfaction. How about treating the third generation? It's a one-time thing, but it doesn't mean Ding Yu needs to give old Peyton the face. It's two times.Looking at Jin who came by, old Peyton also went forward in person. Before waiting for Jin to speak, old Peyton took the lead in saying, "tell Ding, I'll wait for two hours below! Let you be tired, brought him a little gift, yesterday's matter is really sorry, I hope to be able to explain to her personally later! "

Kim nodded slightly. "Let Tyler and III stand outside! They are young after all

Since the old Peyton asked for it voluntarily, it's not good for him to force anything, right? Whether it's posturing or something else, it's already here, so what's next? Just let it go on!

Jin goes to Ding Yu's apartment and explains something about it. Ding Yu just smiles and sends his two children to school. When he comes downstairs, he doesn't even pay any attention to the three people standing there. Since old Peyton wants to make this gesture, he can't be disturbed by other things, otherwise his layout will be affected.

Looking at Ding Yu, Taylor and the third generation did not say anything, but let old Peyton take a rest temporarily. They could just stand here. It's nothing, but what about old Peyton? He's so old!

However, old Peyton stood at Ding Yu's downstairs, and Ding Yu didn't pay any attention to it. The waves aroused by this incident were really so big, and even all aspects knew about the situation. As we all know, old Peyton asked for Ding Yu, but as for such humiliation? They're all standing downstairs.

What's more, Ding Yu knew that old Peyton was downstairs, but when he sent the children up, he turned a blind eye. Although he said there were contradictions between them, this gesture of old Peyton was enough, and Ding Yu could not go too far. This is simply contempt for the same level!

When Ding Yu sent the child back, it seemed that he had bought some things, but it was no different from the previous time. He still walked past the three people, as if they didn't exist at all. Old Peyton even took the initiative to talk to him, but Ding Yu left directly! Let old Peyton also appear extremely embarrassed!

It took two hours for Kim to step down again, but it was just old Peyton. What about Taylor and the third? Still out there? They can't get in at all. At this time, they don't have any identity. Even if Ding Yu looks at them differently, it can't do!

"Is such a pretentious gesture really good?" Although the old Peyton is in, but Ding Yu still does not give any good face, Peyton can only take a cup of coffee for himself.

"It's not whether it's good or not. From what I know, it involves not only some problems within the family, but also the involvement of other aspects. I don't care about other things for you, and even take the initiative to help. But now it's time to get involved. This is to destroy our whole family! Can't bear it

"You didn't come up to tell me a story! I'm not a child. I need to be accounted for. Or I've stopped for two days, so someone wants to ride on my head! " Ding Yu is also a little impolite, "if you can't solve it, then I can only start with myself!"

"Come on The old Peyton also blocked this gap at the first time. If Ding Yu made the move in person, what about the reputation of the family? If you go out in the future, you can't be ridiculed to death? What's more, if you let Ding Yu do it, how will this situation be controlled?

Ding Yu's meaning is very clear. What about old Peyton? It is also quite clear, but it is also because it is too clear, so it is now directly to Ding Yu seal! "What about family affairs? I'll give you an account. What about the external affairs? I will also give you an account

"Whatever you want!" Ding Yu was also slightly displeased and muttered, "say something practical. What about the situation of the third generation? I've seen it. What about it? It's more serious. What about Taylor compared to him? There are really some things that are not worth mentioning. You should pay attention to them by yourself. "

"What caused it?"

For the old Peyton said this, Ding Yu was very impatient, "you are sure you didn't mean to, how can I know? I'm not your family doctor, and I haven't read his information. What's the difference between asking me and asking God? "

"Well! I'm too anxious! I admit it

"What about the blood? All of them have been taken away, and I don't have any hobbies in this field! " Ding Yu waved his hand, "but his treatment can't be regarded as finished. I still say that, I only save people and save lives? You're looking for someone else! And it's better to be faster in terms of speed. If you don't understand, find someone who understands. I'm not responsible for answering! "

"I know you're not in a good mood, but I didn't expect to be so" pissed off! " Old Peyton also joked, "there are some gifts for you and your two children. Do you like them or do you like them? It doesn't matter, but I think two children should like it! "

"Why do I feel a little out of place?""Your two children are children, Tyler and III? It's my kid, it's just a little different in size! "

"Old man, take it easy. We are not united front people, nor a faction. What about your style? Still not that good sense! "

"Whatever! So this candy is not for you! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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