The two people in the conversation did not blush and blush as they imagined. They were really friendly. However, when he left Ding Yu, old Peyton looked angry. Obviously, what about this visit to Ding Yu? "Not satisfied"!

However, he was not satisfied and didn't solve any problems. After waiting all the way back, old Peyton also called Taylor and King III together, "Tyler, you can stay here! Visit Ding Yu as much as possible and make corresponding posture. Three, you go back with me! What about this? Always need to have an account, some things need to be solved by yourself! "

"I also want to be able to get close contact with Ding Yu!" Obviously, this decision makes the third generation have some helplessness, so it is also quite sad to look at his sister, such a good opportunity is so wasted, it is too much a pity! However, Ding Yu has saved his own people, as for his own life? You need to do it yourself.

Now there is really no fourth person to know that Ding Yu has dealt with his illness. For himself and even his family, it is an opportunity. So he has to go back and hide a lot of eyes. Last night was just one night. But do you want to come? It should also be a night to decide the winner or loser.

If it was not for his own temporary initiative, I am afraid it would not be like this. Of course, if Ding Yu did not have this aspect of mind, he would not have his own good day standing here. Fate! It's really a wonderful thing! Really let oneself say not clear road not clear!

"Grandfather, you should have known about the situation there. Do you want to deal with it? There's no chance of easing up at all? " After thinking about it, the third generation also mentioned this matter in front of his grandfather and sister, "is there any other problem and situation in this?"

Old Peyton looked at his grandson suspiciously. He was not like this before. What's wrong with him today? Is it difficult for Ding Yu to cure his illness and change his character? Why say such a thing! There should be a reason.

"It's not just a family problem, but also an external one." Old Peyton took a look at the third generation, but also snorted, which can be regarded as expressing his dissatisfaction, "who is Ding Yu! The soul of the whole consortium can't be short of anyone, and his problems can't be underestimated! "

"That's not what I mean, grandpa!" The third generation also explained directly, "what happened in the past? Pressure is the driving force, but if the pressure is too high, even steel will crack. But I have never considered this problem all the time. Master Ding Yuding gave me some explanations earlier, and I want to understand some problems! "

Oh? This actually made old Peyton really curious, "let's hear it!"

"What is the ultimate goal of solving family affairs, even external affairs? They are all the same, that is to give master Ding Yu an account! But I don't think master Ding has any interest in this explanation. He just makes the outside world feel and shake. "

This remark really makes old Peyton look at this grandson differently. In the past, he was able to understand these things, but in the end, he needed his own advice. What else? He will solve the problem directly. There will even be a lot of blood in the whole process. Is God on his side today?

"I didn't think about it. Is this the magic of Ding Yu? He is really an omnipotent guy. It seems that he was defined as an opponent from a very early time, and there is really nothing wrong with him! "

"Grandfather, you and he become opponents, only because of the interests of the faction, but I really do not want to face such an adversary, although he does not mean to shine, but the light is really to make the people close to him irresistible and chase for a lifetime? It's really quite a test

Although admitted his own problems, but to the old Peyton and Taylor's feeling, the heart of the third generation is still quite unconvinced, did not deny Ding Yu, but also did not deny himself! This is the real third generation. He is not only intelligent and so simple, but also makes people sigh for the cognition and processing of things.

For Peyton, it's really happy to see the third generation in his heart. Is he finally going to shine his own light? You know, because of his illness, although the family said that he tried his best to cultivate him, but in the eyes of many people, he basically could not live to be 18 years old!

So we are wary of him, but we really don't pay so much attention to him. But now we can see that the falling star has begun to get angry again. Even now, we can feel his vitality. Let alone the previous payment, even if we pay more, we are not afraid.

"You'd better mind your own business." Old Peyton gave a smile. "What about your life? Do not control in other people's hands, always in their own hands, see your own! What about the solution to this problem? I can give it to you! "

As he stood up, old Peyton hesitated for a moment, and then he went to Taylor's depth and hugged him, "hard for you! These things need you to take on againThe departure of old Peyton and the third generation was also in full view of the public. However, master Huang stayed at this time and was transferred to Taylor's name. At this time, he also sat in front of Taylor and helped to examine the gifts given to Ding Yu.

Although some things have been sent to Ding Yu, they are only a small part of them. There are many things in Taylor's hands. I don't know what Ding Yu likes. Now I can only gamble on luck and take things to fill the hole. Who knows when to fill this bottomless hole?!

"Master Huang? If Ding Yu really gave treatment at that time? What will happen? I have thought about it for a long time, but I haven't mentioned it all the time. Even my grandfather has not mentioned anything about it. But seeing that Mr. Ding is so angry, I think the problem must be quite serious! "

Master Huang put down the list in his hand. "If I choose one from Mr. Ding and the third, I can only choose the third. There is no other possibility! As for Mr. Ding's situation at that time? I think he will be greatly affected, but to what extent? I don't know! "

Whether it's unknown or not, it's really only master Huang who knows it clearly!

Under the circumstances at that time, if Ding Yu saved the people of the third generation and also saved the life of the third generation, it was bound to have an immeasurable impact on Ding Yu's own family and life. The people who set up the Bureau behind it were really terrible! Even master Huang feels a little chilly now.

I noticed when I came with the third generation on the same plane. I was really shocked. Therefore, I deliberately called old Payton to make sure. Even when Vivian told me my situation, I still didn't believe it.

But how can I think that Vivian will rebel! She is also an old man around old Peyton. Although she can't give orders, she sometimes mentions it implicitly? More clear than giving orders!

If there is any accident in the process of treatment, then you have only one choice, that is to use Ding Yu's life for the life of the third generation! What about life? It does not mean human life, but refers to life. This is the most important thing. But it is obvious that Ding Yu discovered all this.

In this way, the problem is really too big, even between the two consortia? There will be a collision. If we say that there is a fire between each other, it is a big explosion. Now I think of it, master Huang still feels that his back is a little chilly! Were you a participant or a bystander?

"There won't be too many people who can design such means!" Tyler didn't even look up. "I think what's in your heart? There should be quite a total, even if we don't investigate, Mr. Ding will certainly investigate! If we can investigate the matter earlier, there will be less trouble between each other! "

"What about Shu Shu Shu, Ming Li and Metaphysics? In fact, it is very troublesome! " Master Huang also said, "I have some research on this, but I am not proficient in it."

"You mean that if you don't pay a fair price, there's no reason for anyone to do it, do you?"

"Cause and effect, there is a cause, there is a result. This involves Mr. Ding Yuding. What about the person I want to do? I'm sure I didn't understand the specific situation. Mr. Ding is a Taoist. There are many problems in it! " Master Huang is so far. What about some words? Tell it to Tyler, and he may not understand.

There is a certain amount of speculation in my heart, but guess is not the final result, so I am not willing to speak more. But what about the one who did it? It's not going to be very good! Ding Yu did not enter the game, the one who made the move was bound to suffer a backlash, so pay attention to find out, there will be results.

"Master Huang, I didn't know you had a lot of research on this before!" Taylor finally raised his head and looked at master Huang, "no wonder grandfather wants to keep you in the position around him. You are not only a doctor! It's a pity that we didn't find anything at home

"You are not a person of the same kind. Although you are said to have talent in this aspect, the culture and quality inherited between us are different. Even if it is forced to change, it will not have much effect!" Master Huang also explained a little, not really afraid of Taylor, not this aspect of the reason.

Is it convenient for people? It's convenient for me. I don't want to have any disputes with Taylor. So whenever I can get along, I will let the whole thing go. Although Taylor may not be in charge of the whole family in the future, she must be an important member of the whole family. In other words, I don't want to offend her.

"Let's meet Mr. Ding." After saying that, Taylor also stood up. Master Huang looked at Taylor, but there was no other words. Two people came to Ding Yu's apartment together.

However, Jin looked at master Huang. He was also one of the parties. It was very interesting that he was following Taylor's side. However, from Jin's point of view, he was just a knife, and his role was not as big as imagined. It was meaningful to see who held him!Taylor is not the first time to come to the apartment, so he is quite familiar with the whole process. When Mr. Huang looks at Taylor, it is not easy to say anything. Taylor can make no complaint and stop beeping himself! It's just that it's hard work. Isn't it that you're higher than Tyler?

When entering the living room, Tyler also stood at the door position, did not want to move forward. Master Huang was very interested in looking at the big dog in front of him. His eyes were slightly bright. The little four eyes saw a stranger. He turned around master Huang twice and snorted his nose slightly. What about Taylor? It seems that there are some unfriendly!

Claws scratch on the carpet, there are so many eager to try. Taylor's heart is really a dog's feeling, why every time he comes, the dog has a considerable opinion of himself? He did not offend it, every time is like this, can not change a way?

Even if Ding Yu comes out, xiaosiyan is still looking at Tyler and looking at the two people at the door. Ding Yu also shouts. Xiaosiyan turns around and looks at Ding Yu. His expression and actions are more reluctant. Then he trots to Ding Yu's side and roars in a low voice.

Ding Yu attached himself to his body, touched the head of the little four eyes, and even actively helped him to brush the hair on his body. One man and one dog were there. He didn't know how they communicated. Anyway, xiaosiyan was like a very reluctant child, but he was playing with his temper.

If in the ordinary time, Ding Yu may be a kick in the past, but small four eyes? They are two small guardians. Although they say that they are always animals, they are also members of the family to a certain extent. Especially now that they are still in a mood, Ding Yu can't deal with them with the usual means!

It took a long time to pacify xiaosiyan. Xiaosiyan was also lying on one side of the sofa. Ding Yu also motioned to Taylor and master Huang. Ding Yu sat down beside xiaosiyan, and Mr. Taylor and Mr. Huang sat directly opposite xiaosiyan!

"Old Peyton will let you two stay and clean up? How irresponsible Ding Yu's words are also full of ridicule, "yesterday, old Peyton made a full gesture, now this time is also back to clean up the situation, so Tyler, what do you mean by coming here today? What you send is not capital that can come in! "

"Sir, I don't know much about numerology and numerology! But as far as I know, there are not so many people who can use it like this! I don't know if you have anything else, sir

"You?" Ding Yu also said with a smile, "you underestimate the world, how about me? Follow one sentence from beginning to end. What about being a man? Need to have the heart of awe! Although I always say that? But there are not many people who can understand it. It may be because of myself? I don't understand it! "

Then Ding Yu also looked at master Huang next to him. "Being treated as a knife by others, this feeling should be quite unpleasant, but it's also indifferent." Obviously, Ding Yu didn't mean to aim at master Huang. There was no need in this respect. What happened last night? It doesn't have much to do with him.

"Thank you for your understanding Master Huang is also very careful to speak. What position is Ding Yu? It's amazing that he can say that people need to be in awe. It's even better than the dog he saw? It makes me feel scared. Yes, that's how it feels!

In Ding Yu's position, is there anything else he can be afraid of? I don't seem to feel it! But what about Ding Yu? Even in front of their own face, almost with pious words, this life should have the heart of awe, this is really not terrible so simple! So master Huang moved his body carefully.

Ding Yu does not have the momentum of a superior person at all, just like an ordinary young man. However, without knowing why, Ding Yu gives people an unusual and special feeling. He can't tell what this feeling is.

"I can think of some, but I can't help it!"

"Self cultivation and life cultivation! How many people have misunderstood this Ding Yu also shakes his head, "involving my life, I can't sit back and ignore it!"

Master Huang also stood up at this time, "thank you very much, Mr. Ding. I hope you have such a chance!"

Ding Yu and master Huang are playing games with each other, while Taylor beside them is a fog. They can't understand what they are talking about. They are totally at a loss! what do you mean?

Master Huang is very clear. What about Ding Yu? Should have seen through the fog in this, also do not have too much to investigate the meaning, as long as the face between each other better, also can! To a certain extent, it also gives that person considerable opportunity, but whether he will cherish it or not depends on master Huang!

Master Huang is also very clear, so he said that he had such a chance. He wanted to say that he would try his best to bring people here. It would be nice if we talked with each other! Is there any danger? Impossible, since Ding Yu has said such words, it means that he will be responsible for his own words! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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