"Mr. Ding, long time no see!"

Ding Yu, sitting in the office, looked at the visitors and thought for a moment. He had a little impression, but the impression was not as deep as he imagined! "If I remember correctly, I met once in the first place!" Closing the books in his hand, Ding Yu also cleaned his desk.

There is no other intention, just a personal habit!

"Now I have a Chinese name for myself, Zhong Meijun. I like this name very much!"

"Oh Ding Yu also nodded. Earlier, he talked about himself, but he didn't succeed at the beginning. There seems to be little communication between them. What's the purpose of going into his office at this time? "Are you my patient? Or did you jump in? I remember there was no special arrangement today? "

Ding Yu's tone is not as pleasant as he imagined, so his speech is quite direct.

"Mr. Ding, some people want to talk to you, but they know that your situation is quite special, so they also hope that I can be a middleman. The remuneration is very ideal, so I can't help it. What's more, I've been defeated by you, so now? The latter has to give himself a little hope, no matter how brazen or indomitable he is! "

"Get down to business!" Ding Yu did not drive out the people in front of her. Instead, she was very curious about what she wanted to talk about with herself or what the people behind her wanted to do, especially at this time.

"Mr. Peyton has come to Boston many times. We are very curious about the purpose. Some people are very worried about the problems. If we can't open a breakthrough from Mr. Peyton, we can only open a breakthrough from Mr. Ding!"

Ding Yu looked at the woman in front of her, and also gave a slight smile, "I am a doctor!" What's the implication? It seems to be one's duty to protect the patient's condition. It's too much for me to mention this aspect now!

"I'm not going to touch Mr. Peyton, and I don't mean to touch Mr. Ding. I just want to know some specific information, especially Mr. Peyton has been standing on your building for nearly two hours. Everyone is quite curious about this!"

What if Ding Yu used to be? May be directly in front of the woman to get out, but now? Ding Yu had other thoughts and thoughts. He knocked on the table with his hand. "That is to say, some people are very worried about this, but they don't know the problems and conditions. They are afraid that there are other implications?"

"And you and Mr. Peyton? They're all giants. What about a sneeze? It's possible that the earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking. No one wants such a thing to happen again, so it's necessary to make preparations in advance. It's like rain. You have to let others have time to buy an umbrella, don't you think? "

"So what are you prepared for?"

Hearing Ding Yu say so, the woman sitting there can't help but feel refreshed. The last situation can be said to be vivid in my mind. Now I still remember, but what about today? Ding Yu seems to be a different person, and then he is fighting his own spirit. Ding Yu is a more open-minded person, at least for now.

"Mr. Ding, I don't know what kind of situation you are interested in. What about me? It's just a middleman. Maybe you can get some information, but it's basically disclosed by everyone. In our business, strict style of speech is a guarantee. If you can't keep a secret, you can't guarantee your own life! "

"It's no big deal to tell the truth about it!" Ding Yu also laughed, "someone wants to take my life by the hand of the old Peyton family. I wonder if the result is satisfactory?"

"What?" Sitting opposite Ding Yu, Zhong Meijun stood up. Today's Ding Yu is totally different from the previous Ding Yu. Setting a trap for Ding Yu to eat shriveled or even to give him some trouble is no big deal. However, some people want Ding Yu's life. This is too exaggerated! "No wonder Mr. Peyton will come in person? What a terrible thing

"Why do I feel you are more nervous than I am? The two consortia will not engage in a big fight, just investigate the matter clearly! " Why does Ding Yu say so? It is to send a signal to the outside world. What about the relationship between yourself and old Peyton? No big problem! There will be no other aspects of the impact!

At least for the time being, the situation is like this. As for what kind of problems will appear in the follow-up process, this is another thing. But for Zhong Meijun, the information he has received is enough, at least his goal has been achieved, although he feels shocked by the results.

"Mr. Ding, this news is so shocking that I can't even describe my mood now. It's different from the past. Moreover, this is the United States, not any other place. I don't think anyone would like to see the previous grand occasion again!"

Obviously, this is a point. What happened when Ding Yu started fighting? Although it is said that some people have been cheated, the whole United States has been under considerable pressure, so such a thing can never happen again."Would anyone like to see such a grand occasion? It has nothing to do with me Ding Yu knocked on his desk with his hand, "well, all the things you should know have already been known, but I haven't seen anything practical yet."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ding, when I came here, I made quite a preparation, but now I can't really take it out!" Zhong Meijun has a helpless look at Ding Yu, because the things he takes out will be very unequal. In that case, Ding Yu can only underestimate it, thus destroying the relationship just established.

"Since you can't take it out, don't take it out!" Ding Yu knocked on the table again, "what about next time? Just look for gold. I don't like breaking in suddenly

Zhong Meijun understood the meaning of Ding Yu's words, there are again and again, not again and again, regardless of the previous time with what kind of reason, this is the reason she can break in, if there is a next time, then don't blame yourself here is not polite, I believe she can understand!

"Thank you, Mr. Ding. I'll leave first." Zhong Meijun stepped back two steps and then turned to leave Ding Yu's office. When she turned back to close the door, she was very cautious and careful. After all, the person in the room was Ding Yu, and what about Ding Yu today? It also gives me a lot of respect. I should know what is contentment.

When she came out from the hospital, Zhong Meijun also took two pictures of her heart. The news she got was so shocking that she didn't even know how to deal with it! Although it has come out now, how to release the news is also a trouble!

What about Ding Yu and old Peyton? There are serious problems. Although Ding Yu said that he was understatement, the actual situation would not be as simple as imagined. No wonder that old Peyton stood under Ding Yu's apartment for almost two hours. I'm afraid that anyone would be too happy!

How Zhong Meijun wants to release this message, Ding Yu really does not have too much interest, but this news should soon cause some noise, this is certain! However, no matter how it is spread, it will not have any influence on Ding Yu or old Peyton, because there is no contradiction between them.

At this time, both Ding Yu and old Peyton don't take the noise of the outside world as a thing, because both of them have already talked about it. Of course, this is not the most important thing. The important thing is that Ding Yu has given three generations of treatment, which is also a guarantee for each other!

Even old Peyton? I didn't expect Ding Yu to be so grand. Of course, I didn't expect that Taylor and Peyton would go to Ding Yu that night. What's more, the news is blocked very well. All the favorable conditions are on their own side. If you can't play this card well, it's not suitable to stay in this position!

Don't say, the news exposed by Zhong Meijun really caused an explosion within a certain range. No wonder old Peyton personally rushed to Boston, and such a thing happened. We really felt a little nervous. If something happened, it would be a big trouble!

Who is so bold as to want Ding Yu's life? Although it means something in every aspect, how long ago was that? Now Ding Yu's power is expanding too fast! If you really want Ding Yu's small life, the impact is too big to say, but also easy to cause quite bad impact on itself.

And even if it's Ding Yu's life, what can it do? Ding Yu is not alone. He has a son and a daughter, so what is the direction of everyone's efforts now? Is to try to find trouble for Ding Yu, try to reduce Ding Yu's power, not to let him expand too fast!

But now suddenly came out a person, unexpectedly wanted Ding Yu's small life, even through the old Peyton's hand, this suddenly but provoked two big consortia! Who on earth is so despicable? All aspects of this time is also moving up, there is no way to do things, no one wants things to further deteriorate.

Old Peyton went back immediately after meeting Ding Yu. Obviously, he had reached some agreement with Ding Yu, but what about the agreement? It should be procrastination with the life of the third generation. Why did the third generation go to see Ding Yu? You should know that old Peyton takes him seriously and takes good care of him!

But at this time, he took the initiative to deliver it to Boston, even to Ding Yu's side. Why? Obviously, we should find a solution to find the lifeblood of their family, but at the beginning, things suddenly stopped, and the feud was really big!

The situation of the third world made everyone pay no attention. After something happened, that is, one night, he came back! Has his business been solved? The possibility is not very big, what's more, even if it is solved, what can it do? What about the whole family? It is not a person of three generations, but a number of people.

It's just a matter of solving a person's problems. At most, it's just a matter of procrastination. It's just like old Peyton and his father. So old Peyton will never give up on this matter. It's not just to give Ding Yu an account, but to fight for opportunities for his family.Apart from Ding Yu, no one can give any guarantee. We all know what kind of influence the old Peyton family has, but we can't solve the problem for several centuries. Now that the dawn is dawning, how can anyone else be allowed to destroy it?

"Younger martial brother, this is not an ordinary bustle now!" Dongfang Jing also said happily, "almost all the big families? Now it's all moving, and the water seems to be stirring up again

"Under such circumstances, no one is willing to do something about it!" Ding Yu said calmly, "but being able to set up people around old Peyton, and even caused quite a chain reaction, and then directly pointed the spearhead at me, which is absolutely not what ordinary people can do!"

"You want to say that the final result will not be too good?" Dongfang Jing is also worried about this. Under the current situation, everyone is not willing to collide with each other, and the sparks may directly create a fire all over the sky!

In fact, there are so many useless words! But it is also because he has some understanding of the problems, so Dongfang Jing said so. He was also worried that his younger martial brother would be so upset. I'm afraid it would not be too comfortable to put such things on anyone's body!

"Isn't it too beautiful? In fact, all the things have been doomed, I have nothing to think of, investigate the matter clearly, give me an account? That's fine! " Ding Yu also snorted, "I'm just curious. It's all in such a state. Who on earth refuses to give up and must want my life?"

"Don't say you are interested. I don't know how many people are quite interested in it now!" Dongfang Jing was also hateful and said, "but what about the news? Even when old Peyton went back, the news might have leaked out, or someone would have taken the initiative to come forward, or? You don't have to think about it in a short time! It's been clear for a long time

"After all, I can find some traces. Time is too short! It's not a long-term plan. Let's look at the situation! I'm not so anxious, since some traces are revealed, it's also a good thing! Isn't it? "

"Yes, you can see it! I don't want to say more. If there's anything I can say, the old brothers are waiting. "

"Thank the old brothers for me. They have a heart!"

Ding Yu is not a rigid person. He has already understood the meaning of elder martial brother Dongfang, so he comforts him in turn. He is not so worried about this matter now, and I don't know what kind of situation old Peyton will be like. He is as steady as Mount Tai!

But it's understandable, although what about the research center? It's stalled, but the question is, what about Taylor and King III? Both of them have been given some treatment, which may completely solve the problem, but they will not have too many problems in a short time at least. For old Peyton, it is enough!

Dongfang Jing's phone just hung up, and old Peyton's phone was also called, almost stuck in time, "Ding, what's the matter with me? Some things have been found out from the investigation, but there is a lack of an important person, but the above situation is almost the same! "

"It's solved so quickly. It seems that some people do not want the third generation to come here! I'm afraid he won't be able to stand up to this trouble! " What does Ding Yu sound like? It seems that there are some refusal meanings, but in fact, it is quite clear in each other's hearts about how things happened.

"Can you come here? The preparation here is quite complete! " When he said this, old Peyton's tone was slightly weak. If outsiders saw such a scene, he would never have thought that he would speak in such a tone.

"Forget it! In your own nest? They were almost plotted by others. If they really go out, who knows what kind of situation it is? " Ding Yu refused at the first time, "say something about the actual situation!"

"No chance at all?"

Ding Yu was silent for a little time. "This will make me very embarrassed. What about my business? Although it is not dominated by you, after all, it is closely related to your family. This is an undeniable fact. As long as I give an account, it has already given you considerable face. I can't let me acquiesce in this way! "

"All right." Old Peyton was also reluctant, "what about this? I always need to give you an account. After all, some people in the family are not competitive, but they are all children of the family

"What do you want me to say? You can do whatever you want. " Having said that, Ding Yu also hung up the phone, did not expect this old guy? It's really an old fox. Now it's time to act? What's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, he's? He also won the initiative from Ding Yu.

But it doesn't matter. It doesn't have any influence on the whole situation. So Ding Yu copes with it at will. He can't give old Peyton this face at all, can't he?www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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