The reason why Ding Yu and Peyton talk like this is that both of them are very clear. The outside world must pay close attention to them. It is more important to get the first-hand information at this time. Even if it offends them, it is not so big.

That is to say, at this time, everyone is doing their best. Even if it is eavesdropping, what can we do? And in the past, we are not without such means, too normal!

But this is exactly what Ding Yu and old Peyton said. They deliberately let the outside world know about the situation. If you don't know, how will the play go on? What's more, if there is no public support, then even if the play is wonderful, it doesn't have any significance, right?

Although Ding Yu will go to the hospital, he doesn't mean to go to the research center. As for what Taylor does, Ding Yu really doesn't know and doesn't care at all. But what about the people outside? See such a situation, the heart is also a total up, such things are really quite interesting!

What about Taylor? It should have been treated by Ding Yu. What about this? It has also been proved that although the channel is narrow, it is still reliable. But what about the third generation? The situation is different. Instead of placing the third generation in Ding Yu's place, he is asked to go back. Obviously, the problem between Ding Yu and old Peyton is more serious than expected.

Because the identity of the third generation is totally different from that of Taylor!

"Sir! Taylor and master Huang are here, not only with people, but also with some special things? "

After getting Ding Yu's consent, the three of them also came to Ding Yu's apartment. Unlike the United States, Ding Yu prefers to receive guests at home. What's the so-called privacy? In Ding Yu's opinion, it's just such a thing! Anyway, I'm not an American. Why care about these things?

"Sir?" Taylor immediately put the relevant information in front of Ding Yu, "this is the data from the investigation, limited by the impact of some situations, now only these!"

Looking at the thin folder, Ding Yu opened it and took a look at the contents. The expression on Ding Yu's face also changed. He even took a look at Taylor, but he didn't speak. Instead, he took out his mobile phone. After the call was connected, he spoke in a bad tone.

"Old Peyton, are you kidding me?" Obviously, the content of this investigation is not satisfactory to Ding Yu. "Yes, I said as long as you give me an account, but is this explanation too much? You can't be like this even if you're fooling a ghost? That's ridiculous! "

"I know it's a bit of a drag, but what about what I'm investigating now? It's what you show in your hands! I didn't even think it would look like this! There are a lot of people involved, but are they the main ones? Even the people above, I didn't expect that you would have such a great attraction! "

Ding Yu is also a little angry, "I said old Peyton, is this a question of attraction? It happened in the United States. Now you have brought me to China, and there are still some people who have strong eyes. You can't take such a way to divert your attention. Moreover, it is completely to avoid the heavy ones, so I don't believe that he has such influence just like a lonely family! "

"If you are a loner, you have no such influence." Old Peyton's tone was not slow and impatient, "but after all, he represents a force. What about the United States? Naturally, I am willing to unite with this relationship. I can only say that your influence is really great! They've arrived in the United States, and there will be people coming after them! "

"That's it!" After Ding Yu finished, he also put down the phone, and then put the folder to one side. Looking at the three Taylor people still standing there, Ding Yu also made an invitation gesture, "all sit down!" It's just for old Peyton, but for Taylor, it doesn't mean anything.

"Mr. Ding, this is Gonghe Tiangong master! Just arrived safely

Ding Yu looked at the man carefully, then stood up and walked to the front of the visitor. He was very impolite. He took the lead in extending his hand, "Hello, master Gong!"

"Hello, Mr. Ding. I'm here to make amends." When Gong Hetian saw Ding Yu, he subconsciously opened his eyes. After touching Ding Yu's hand, he held it for a little longer. Ding Yu just looked at Gong Hetian in front of him with a smile, without any other expression.

When Gong Hetian woke up, he also loosened his hand, and then he clasped his fist at Ding Yu, "I'll make you laugh!"

Ding Yu smiles, "sit down! The so-called one who does not know is not guilty, but let master Gong wade in muddy water! " Obviously, what about Ding Yu? Not so interested, looking at the situation between his eyebrows, we can see that his situation is very bad, the so-called reverse phagocytosis is not a joke!

Moreover, the more profound a person is, the more serious the repercussions will be. Fortunately, Ding Yu didn't want to start at that time. Otherwise, whether he can stand in front of himself today, I'm afraid it's all about two things! On the other hand? They are all people of the same way. There is no need to die.What's more, killing with a knife has nothing to do with it. As long as you pull out the hand behind your back, it's OK. Ding Yu adheres to this concept. Master Gong is standing in front of him now, and he can have a more direct and clear understanding of the relevant things!

Someone brought tea, Ding Yu tried to take a sip of it with a cup of tea, "Tyler! Pour yourself a cup of coffee

Taylor, who had already taken up the cup, was slightly stunned. You know, this is Ding Yu's apartment, not any other place. Moreover, he said that the tea had been placed in front of him. Ding Yu even allowed himself to drink coffee, while others drank tea and drank his own coffee. Isn't it typical to distinguish himself from others?

But in a trance, Tyler seems to have thought of something. He poured himself a cup of coffee. When he came back, he found that the three of them didn't mean to speak. After thinking about it, Taylor also put the coffee on one side, and then stood at Ding Yu's side, but did not return to his own position.

When Ding Yu stood on one side, Ding Yu also took a look, and then he took back his own eyes, which was not bad. Is it small four eyes? Shaking his body came over, looking at Taylor standing there is also across his nose, even if lying next to Ding Yu, is also looking at Taylor covetously.

Tyler's been around for a long time, this dead dog! When you have a chance, you must let it know how powerful you are. Every time you come, it gives yourself such a look. People who don't know how to abuse him! And sitting there Gong Hetian saw four eyes, eyes have been straight!

If master Huang didn't stab him with his hand secretly, maybe Gong Hetian would be stupid there. The awakened Gong Hetian also peeked at Ding Yu, and then he put his eyes on the little four eyes. He really wanted to have a look carefully!

If you want to say how handsome xiaosiyan is, it's not really. Even if he is a dog raised by Ding Yu, it's the same! We are not so skinny and have no face to that extent. It gives people the feeling that small four eyes are full of naivety, just like a toy, but what about this toy? Maybe a little bit bigger!

"Master Gong just came to America recently?"

"To be entrusted with!" When hearing Ding Yu's question, he also hastily put down the things in his hand. "All the messy things are a little bit more understood, so I also followed him to have a look. I didn't want to encounter such a thing! You're surprised, Mr. Ding! "

"If you are at ease, then you can have a look at the scenery here. If you are not at ease, you should go back home first. Things have nothing to do with you. More mouth to say, in the future such things do less good! Whether it's a Chinese or an outsider, there's something wrong with it. It's too hot to hold the money, and it's easy to get angry! "

This word has some warning meaning, the same? There are also some people who hate it. It is important to know that those who study Shu Shu and Ming Li always pay attention to not fighting and being kind to others. What about Gong Hetian's behavior? There are so many out of the circle, what is the reason? I don't need to know if I don't say much. I just hope he can learn from him!

"Mr. Ding, can I ask for something?" Ding Yu, who was asked, was also slightly stunned. Some doubted that Gong Baotian was also biting his teeth. "Can I have a look at that dog?"

"Little four eyes?" And small four eyes lying on the sofa at this time is also slowly to stand up, but Ding Yu patted its head twice, but did not mean to press it, otherwise small four eyes could not stand up at all, "how? Interested in it, I can't do it. What's its position at home? It's very important. Even most of the time, I don't obey my discipline! "

Looking at the little four eyes standing on the carpet, he has already begun to crouch down his body. His four claws are also grasping the ground. Maybe he will jump up at the next moment. Gong Hetian also said in a hurry, "Mr. Ding, it's not like what you think. I mean, if it is possible, can I..."

Hearing Gong Baotian say so, master Huang next to him is also very nervous. His palms are sweating. When he came to Ding Yu's apartment, he noticed the big dog. But what about this big dog? After all, it belongs to Ding Yu, not to others. How dare you open your mouth like this?

To his surprise, Ding Yu didn't express any disgust, but what about the words? It seems to show that there is not much jurisdiction over this big dog. How can this be possible? To know that Ding Yu is the head of the family, how can he be?

Ding Yu leaned down and comforted the little four eyes with his hands. After he got down again, he also explained with a smile, "what about this dog? I really can't control it. It doesn't listen to me very much at ordinary times. The two children in my family are reared up again. If they are at home, it will never be around me! "

And Tyler was curious to see the big dog that had fallen down. What was his feeling? This big dog's attitude towards himself is quite bad, but I didn't expect that master Gonghe would be interested in a dog. Similarly, he noticed that master Huang was also interested in this dog!"Ah?" Gong Hetian looks at the big dog. At this time, it seems that he has forgotten the purpose of his coming here this time. He is looking at the small four eyes, and the expression on his face is so yearning! "Mr. Ding, what about my fortune? You may not have any interest, and I can't offer you anything to exchange with you, but I really hope to have such a chance! "

Ding Yu also took his hand, let small four eyes lie on the sofa again, pondered for a while, "I think! Will you discuss this matter with me? It really doesn't have much use, but it's OK! Where are they? I like teddy bears very much. If I can do their job well, I have no problem! "

What about this talk? There are so many childish feelings, but Gong Hetian nodded heavily, "Mr. Ding, I did something wrong before. No matter it was intentional or unintentional, I did it wrong. I should admit that I am punished. You have a lot of them. I should not be so disrespectful!"

"Well, you don't have to be so polite!" Ding Yu also did not let this word continue to say, blindly flatter himself? It doesn't mean too much, "since all of us are here today, let's have a potluck together."

Now that all of them have come to the apartment, Ding Yu has followed the hospitable attitude and made people stay on their own initiative. However, Taylor can clearly feel that Ding Yu seems to attach great importance to the master Gong. He has been here many times, and has also had meals here, but how to say? It seems that Ding Yu has never been so polite.

Standing on one side of Taylor is also let his head continue to turn up, why Ding Yu to this palace master look at it differently? There must be a reason. If you were to stand in Ding Yu's position, what kind of attitude would you have towards master Gong?

Even if we don't beat and scold? At least let him know that he is powerful. It's not that anyone can provoke him. But Ding Yu didn't do that. Even when master Gong was a little too much, Ding Yu still didn't mean to be annoyed. He was extremely amiable.

Obviously, Ding Yugong is valued by his master because of his ability? Although it is said that Ding Yu may be in the eye of Dharma, just because of his own qualifications? It may be good, but in terms of ability? I almost have no so-called performance, should be like this!

Taylor's heart seems to have some ideas, but there are other doubts. If Ding Yu only pays attention to ability, then how to solve the problems of character and trust? It seems that master Gong didn't hand in any bidding forms.

Is it just because of a look, this is really too much fun, Taylor feel very distrustful, for such a result? Taylor also felt a little dissatisfied, but this question has left a considerable impression in Taylor's mind!

They also have their own subordinates. What about their abilities? It's never been a problem, but how to control their hearts? For this point, my grandfather has quite a teaching, and I have a considerable taste in the process of practice, but now what happened, let me have doubts about my feelings.

Is ability important? Or is loyalty more important?

Ding Yu didn't have so much time to pay attention to Taylor. Although Ding Yu told them to have dinner here, the three of them had a little less time to leave the apartment. On the one hand? It's preparation. Wait a minute? We are going to face two children. The key to success or failure lies in this!

"I say you are brave enough!" When master Huang came out, he also looked at Gong Hetian angrily, "do you know that is Ding Yu's residence! What's more, you think you can see it, I don't see it, but I don't dare to speak

When I think of this, master Huang is also a burst of chagrin. What about this trick? It can only be used once, and such things happen under my own eyes. I really can't bear it. However, Miyagi is a blessing in disguise. Now, it's absolutely beautiful.

"Lao Huang, there is no way! In the end, it's an odd move Miyagi also took out his mobile phone, "tell me, what's that teddy bear? Is it a bear? Children like that? "

"Is it a toy?" Taylor, who was standing next to me, also explained, "when I was a child, I had teddy bear toys and kept them at home all the time. I didn't expect that two children would like this one?"

"Toys?" Gong Baotian was stunned for a moment, and then he was also happy. He nodded at his attitude. As long as he knew what it was, it would be easy to do so. He could not catch sight of himself. Even if it was a expensive toy, how could it be? If you can really get what you want, everything is worth it!

"Toys are expensive too!" Master Huang also said without curiosity.

"It's hard to buy money with money, good heart!" Miyagi this time is also provocative to say a word!

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