If Miyagi is allowed to sell teddy bears by himself, he doesn't know what is good and what is bad?

Taylor didn't do much research on this, but it didn't prevent them from finding suitable teddy bears. Even before the two children were out of school, quite a number of teddy bears were sent over!

In the evening, three people came to Ding Yu's apartment again. Gong Hetian was also very curious. When he saw the two little guys playing on the small four eyes, he felt some heartache at the same time? There are so many envy! Good luck for the two little guys!

"You can consult for yourself! But be careful not to be robbed by them! " Because the dinner had not started yet, Ding Yu didn't mind letting them go to the "negotiation" on their own. The two little guys, with their little four eyes, were sitting on the sofa. It was really like that!

Ding Yu didn't participate in the whole process, and even the final result, Ding Yu didn't want to ask about it. Taylor was surprised to see that Ding Yu, who is a father, is really not a general due diligence. If it is his own, it is not a question of whether he will do this, but he can't do it at all.

The result of the negotiation can only be said to be quite general. What's the price for master Miyota to get the desired result? The feeling is very general. As for Taylor and master Huang, they return empty handed. They have not achieved any desired results. Do you want to impress their two children? It really takes a little thought.

After the guests left, they sat on the sofa with their little four eyes in their arms. "Dad, why do they want the baby of the bear?! Feel stupid?! How about being a pet? It's like appearance, but what about hounds? There are still some that are not qualified! " When he finished speaking, he was also holding the head and body of small four eyes, a burst of frolic.

"I didn't really feel it when I used to. Little four eyes can grow to this point?" When he heard that he was called to the little four eyes, the little four eyes who were still lying there also howled. It seemed that they were extremely unwilling to admit it, but they could not struggle with it.

What's more, although it is not afraid of Ding Yu, and sometimes even deliberately bullies Ding Yu, it does not mean that he can do whatever he wants. "Now it has grown up to be quite spiritual. Everything is spiritual, but do you want to have your own spirituality? It's not that simple! "

"Don't understand?" Both of them said the same thing.

"Let's just say it! What about a sentence? A person gets the road, whether you or animals, need to have a considerable opportunity, small four eyes in a small time met you, so into the environment, and in this environment has been sublimated! To put it more simply, what about the little four eyes? It was originally a dog, but without the tempering of the external environment, he would slowly degenerate and get the chance of sublimation. But if there were such conditions and environment, it would be different. Now? Has he reached a certain level? "

"So powerful?" Two small obviously also have so some disbelief, immediately also is one person grasps a big claw, straight hook looks at small four eyes, can't help but ask, "have you sublimated? Will you become an immortal? "

This is not only Ding Yu some silly eyes, even small four eyes are also a bit muddled, on the one hand, can't understand people's words. Moreover, it can't afford to annoy the two little masters. He took the opportunity to turn over quickly, and then jumped off the sofa. Fortunately, the two little masters were left behind. Otherwise, would you know what the situation would be?

Ding Yu didn't mean to quarrel with the two children. Instead, the two little guys looked at their father, and their faces were puffing together. "Dad, there seems to be a lot of guests at home recently! And bear doesn't seem to like sister Taylor very much, and we are also subconsciously with some refusal! I don't know why? "

"She! She's a poor child. If I don't treat her, she won't be 18 years old. What about the genes of their whole family? They all have this problem, and even if they live beyond the age of 18, they can't live to be 60. Their family has a long history, but so far, only two people have survived the limit.

"And something like that?" Two small is also a big shock.

"A man who doesn't know if he can live after 18, brings her? It is not only the pressure of spirit, but also many other problems. So they need to know the cruelty and ruthlessness of the world earlier. How about this kind of cultivation? I don't agree with that, but for their families, there is no choice! "

"No wonder!" Two small also is vomit a breath!

"Just like the process of cultivation, it needs to be done step by step. It can't be achieved overnight. What are you doing for so many years? It is to lay a good foundation, but Taylor is different. She doesn't have so much time at all, because she is not sure whether she can live beyond 18, or even has a good chance of not living! Under such circumstances, it's not easy to be sensible. I don't think it's going to be crazy. God should take care of it! "Ding Yu is also very sad about this. Children are trained in such a way, which is completely rapid. Inevitably, there are problems and problems in other aspects, such as Taylor and the third generation.

"Dad, there's nothing we can do about it?"

"Ha ha, are we two cute or very compassionate?" Ding Yu praised a rare sentence, "I tried, what is the effect now? It's not bad, but what will the final result look like? I really don't say well. Try my best! Success or failure depends on the will of God

"Dad, you'll make it!" Just said, is a person a fruit of the hand into Ding Yu's hand, "Dad, this is for your reward!"

Ding Yu also feels that there are so many crying and laughing. Is this reward too big? A person a fruit to send oneself so? Is it too worthless? I really feel quite speechless. But looking at their eyes, Ding Yu nodded.

But what about the outside world? I feel a little confused. Things seem to have a lot of thunder and little rain. What about old Peyton? Quincy has been dealt with, but it seems that this is the end of the story, and there is no intention to go further. This is abnormal and quite abnormal.

Unless the old Peyton has given up the third generation, but this is impossible. The third generation is the most promising backup candidate of old Peyton. If he gives up like this, it is not a pity that it is so simple.

But now Tyler is in Boston alone. What about the rest of the staff? Basically back to the west coast.

What's more, is Ding Yu a good person? Have been so provocative, Ding Yu will do what has not happened? It's impossible! So this thing must have a follow-up!

However, when everyone hesitated, Zhong Meijun also contacted Ding Yu, and then arrived at Ding Yu's apartment. When he came, he didn't come empty handed. He also deliberately prepared a gift. To a certain extent, he also complied with the habits of Oriental people. The value of the gift does not matter, but it is important to have this intention.

"Hello, Mr. Ding." When he saw Ding Yu, Zhong Meijun was also cautious. When he came earlier, what was his identity? He is a communicator, so he doesn't need to look at Ding Yu's face. He has considerable power behind him. As long as it is not too excessive, there will be no problem.

But it's not the same now. I'm the only one in my family. So naturally, I need to pay attention to three points in this action and behavior. Don't provoke Ding Yu to make him unhappy. What about the so-called high and powerful people? They have always been unhappy, but who knows what they think in their hearts?

"What? It makes you feel nervous here? "

"A little bit!" When sitting down, Zhong Meijun also decided to tell the truth, "I haven't met Mr. Ding a few times in total, even this time, but I still have some confidence in the first two times, because I know very well that I am a messenger, but this time is different! I'm not conceited enough to be equal to Mr. Ding! "

"It seems that my evaluation in your mind will not be particularly good!" When Ding Yu said this, he was very natural and didn't mean to be angry at all, "but what about me personally? It's not as important as I think, because sometimes I can't tell whether I'm a devil or a saint! "

"Mr. Ding, you are joking Just like joking, should I discuss such a matter? Don't care whether Ding Yu is a person or a ghost, and he doesn't have any relationship with himself. He doesn't care about such things!

Ding Yu also took a deep look at Zhong Meijun, but she was very appreciative. She was not as sharp as she had been before. After thinking about it, it seemed that it was common sense to say, "let's open the door and say it!"

Looking at Ding Yu, Zhong Meijun also took a deep breath. "Mr. Ding, the previous things have made me gain a lot. It's meaningless for me to seek gratitude. What I pursue is the principle of interest and equal exchange. So I have brought you two pieces of very important news to Mr. Ding. I hope it will be of great use to you."

Looking at the document handed over by Zhong Meijun, Ding Yu also looked at the document. When looking at the document, the expression on Ding Yu's face did not change. However, after reading the document, Ding Yu nodded happily, "this thing really shocked me. I didn't expect you to have this energy?"

"Mr. Ding, I really don't have any energy. For me and others, I'm just a middleman and contact person. I hope Mr. Ding can give me such a chance?"

When he finished speaking, he also stood up and bowed to Ding Yu. Ding Yu thought for a little time, "sit down first! I'm so curious about this. Why should I give you this opportunity? No, I'm wrong about that. I'll take a different approach and look at it from your channel? It should be a very rich person and there should be no lack of customers like me! ""Mr. Ding, this is not a lack of customers. In the world, there are many people like me, big or small, even in China? There are people like me! But Mr. Ding's situation is different. Your power is very big, but it has always been very quiet. This makes everyone feel a little afraid. Of course, for Mr. Ding, it is not a big problem, but it is better to have more channels than to have less channels! "

"So you want to be the platform?" Ding Yu pondered for a while, then slowly said, "but where is your confidence? I'm not very interested in it, just a little curious! "

"I remember a Chinese saying that no one dare to go to Liangshan without three thirds of them. I want to eat this fat meat, because no one dares to try it out. What about capital with this courage? Maybe it's important, but it's not that important! "

"No, for me, courage is commendable, but not enough!" Ding Yu directly shook his head, "for me, this may be a unimportant position, but I need to be responsible for the whole consortium. What about the external things? Not enough to be the capital of judgment. "

Looking at Zhong Meijun who wants to speak, Ding Yu waved his hand. When Zhong Meijun was suspicious, Jin also came in from the outside. He didn't mean to look at Zhong Meijun. He just handed a piece of information to Ding Yu. Ding Yu examined it for a period of time, and then gave it back to Jin again!

When Jin left, he also took a look at Ding Yu. Ding Yu shook his head slightly. Jin seemed to be reluctant to go out. Zhong Meijun looked at Ding Yu. He didn't seem to have any changes on his face. However, he was quite interested in the documents that Jin had taken before.

"King Kong just showed me a piece of information about you?! A very original document! "

When hearing Ding Yu say so, Zhong Meijun is slightly stunned, but has not yet waited for her to speak. Ding Yu continues to say, "what about this information? It may be slightly different from your regular information. I won't say where this information came from, but I'm very interested in two of them! "

"Mr. Ding, is this too much?"

"It's not that you can't pass it, it's your identity. You're from Switzerland. Although this makes me feel a little surprised, it's reasonable, but your other identity really makes me have some people who didn't expect that you were still from the intelligence department!"

"It's impossible!" Zhong Meijun was also shocked. No one has ever known this secret. Even in the intelligence department, no one can investigate his own intelligence. To be honest, even the president has no such right. He is quite confident about this.

But now even in front of their own face with their own mention of this matter? Could he be bluffing himself on purpose? "Mr. Ding, I don't know where you got such information. I don't want to make any explanation. What about me? I just want to serve as a platform. If you don't think it's appropriate, I don't think it's necessary to talk to each other. "

"Talk? It's not that you can't Ding Yu leaned back to his body. "I just had some things I didn't think of. Even the military didn't know your secret. This secret keeping work is really good. Now I'm wondering who made such an arrangement. Similarly, how many people like you are

"I'm surprised that Mr. Ding is so sure. I didn't expect such a conversation!"

"I can't even see who is near me! So a simple survey and a little speculation, although there is no final certification, it is almost the same for me. It is not to say that your performance is not good, nor is it to say that you have revealed any flaws. In summary, your exposure has nothing to do with you! "

"What about the exposed? It's the least valuable, but what about me? I really don't have much interest. If I have a chance, I'd like to meet the person who controls the plan. In fact, do you want to say? It doesn't matter, because it's just a few people! "

"Mr. Ding, are you trying to scare me?" Zhong Meijun also sat up straight on her waist!

Ding Yu is totally indifferent to Zhong Meijun's pretending to be calm.

"And this man? There is no need to contact the president. There is no need for him to exert this influence on the president. However, I can be very sure that he has contacted the chief of staff, even the former chief of staff. He has a considerable influence. Such an investigation is really much simpler! What do you think of my analysis? "

"Mr. Ding is so sure, what else can I say?" This sounds like helpless, but what needs to be admitted is that from the beginning to the end, Zhong Meijun has not admitted his identity.

"It's not about what you can say. I didn't force you to admit that there is no need for this aspect. Maybe you have considerable value in other people's eyes, but in my own eyes? You have no value! ""There is no value. This is what you want to express, Mr. Ding!" Zhong Meijun also said with a sudden realization.

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