When Zhong Meijun comes to the bathroom, she is also a simple make-up. In fact, when she enters the bathroom, she is thinking about a series of problems, but what about the bathroom? It's too simple, even clean, which makes people feel incredible. Obviously, this is just for guests!

Is it convenient for you? It's just to give yourself some time to think simply, so as to deal with the next situation. But after thinking about it, I find that even if I think about it, what's the use of it? Can't play any role, Ding Yu all to calculate dead!

After coming out, Ding Yu is not in the living room any more, but Zhong Meijun doesn't mean to act. What about the landline? It's not far away, but what can it do? Can I connect to the outside? It's impossible, and what about doing this? It's just to show you're worried!

Although he said he was in front of Ding Yu? There are not many secrets to speak of, but I still don't hope that everything will fall into the control of Ding Yu. The more I struggle now, the less hope I can get rid of. I will only let the rope firmly trap myself to death!

Ding Yu really cooks by himself. Looking at his knife work, he is really good, but what about this knife? It's obviously different from your usual kitchen knife. Even if you chop bones, you don't need such a big knife? What's more, Ding Yu's control is very good, very flexible! A real freak.

"I didn't expect such an honor today!" Does Zhong Meijun know his own words? There is too much water, even I don't know how I said it, but I can't help it. What else can I do besides compliment Ding Yu?

Find a knife to threaten Ding Yu, or do you harm yourself? No eggs.

First of all, it's a bit of a joke to talk about threatening Ding Yu with a knife. We should know that Ding Yu is a force, but also a combat force. The combat force here is not an ordinary combat force, but a special combat force. That is to say, he is a secret special combat force. One of these people can hit ten of himself without any problem.

He threatened him, don't look at the joke, the reverse is almost the same, as for self mutilation, pain or not, what is Ding Yu's current identity? Doctor, and still a big doctor, you think he can't even deal with such a thing, so you still stay here honestly? See what happens next!

The pickling time was a little long, but Ding Yu carefully prepared other things. During this period, Jin also came twice, that is, he put the documents on the table. Zhong Meijun looked at the things on the table and slightly twisted his mouth, which was obviously intended to show himself.

"What? No interest? " Ding Yu wiped his hand with a towel. "We should have a look. It's all about that person. It should be very rich and even moving. But is his own information? There is really not much need to see, it should be quite boring and tasteless

"Are you so sure?"

"No, just doubt, as for the so-called affirmation? There is really no evidence to prove this. Even if all the information is put in front of you, it is difficult to really understand this person through these materials! "

"I seem to suddenly understand!" Zhong Meijun looks at Ding Yu. Why does he say so and still use such a tone, because they are the same kind of people, only the same kind of people? Will understand what they are thinking about, not the same kind of people can not grasp this vein!

"That's a good thing! If you don't understand anything, it's really bad! But how much do you know? " Then Ding Yu also took up the document on the desktop, looked at it for a long time, and then took out a photo from it. "I didn't expect that you were so young, so the relationship between you is really not simple!"

There is a middle-aged man and a young girl in the picture. It's hard to connect the girl with Zhong Meijun in front of her. It's really inconceivable. But Ding Yu is very positive. Zhong Meijun doesn't want to deny anything. Is there any significance in denying at this time?

"I really didn't think it would be him. How many times have I seen him before? It's really knowing people, knowing faces and not knowing hearts. I underestimated him too much in the past Ding Yu looked up the photo in his hand, "but speaking of it, his qualifications are really not ordinary old? It makes people feel numb after watching it! "

"This is what you showed me, Mr. Ding? I have a good relationship with Mr. mcmuller, but that doesn't seem to explain anything? " In Zhong Meijun's heart, there are so many feelings, even he has not remembered that there are such photos!

"The more experienced people, the more difficult it is to express their feelings!" Ding Yu folded up the document and put it on the desk. "If you want to exchange it, I think he is more willing to exchange his life for your life! I just don't know where he is now. Has he felt something already? ""Mr. Ding, Mr. mcmuller is an important person in the intelligence department. If you do something to him like this, you will not be afraid to cause a lot of noise. Especially at this time, the old Brown family does not seem to take the responsibility for you!"

"In fact? He is a balloon, a balloon that can be pierced with a single needle. The more secrets he knows, it seems to be a kind of protection for himself. But what about the reverse? Actually, it's a threat to yourself. What about his threat? I'm afraid it has already made people feel uneasy. This even includes the president and the attorney general, don't you think? "

Zhong Meijun fully understood the meaning of this speech. We should know that the nearly half century term of office of director Hoover has created considerable problems and troubles in the follow-up period. Therefore, both the president, the attorney general and the director general all have a term of office, but what should we pay attention to? It is not limited by the term of office.

Like Mr. mcmuller. What about him? It's the senior level of the intelligence and governance department. The scope of this senior level is really too wide. He can even take over the things that even the director of the intelligence department can't take over. No one will threaten him. Similarly, no one dares to threaten him!

But that was the situation before. Now? Ding Yu has now revealed the meaning of this aspect. He doesn't know what the outside world is like, but he can be sure of one thing, that is, he should be limited to a certain range now, which depends on whether he can break away from himself in this limited time.

But this is not easy to talk about. Ding Yu is not wrong at all. The more secrets he controls? Looking is a kind of protection to oneself, but on the other hand, it is also a threat to oneself. What about this threat? If it is not exposed, it may be nothing, but once exposed, the wall will fall and people will push.

Is Ding Yu an enemy? For everyone, it must be! But how? Ding Yu can only be regarded as a foreign enemy, in a broad sense. And Mr. mcmuller, for everyone, how to judge, should be the internal enemy? Should we first solve the internal enemy or the external enemy?

What about the fight between the two? Everyone will stand by and even help Ding Yu to a certain extent, because Ding Yu's power and ability are much greater. Zhong Meijun is also so sighing now. Why can't we unite? No matter what's the internal problem, first solve the external problem?!

The plan here is very beautiful, but I really didn't expect Ding Yu to have such preparation. It's amazing! It's too confusing. There's something wrong with it, and it's quite a big problem.

Even Zhong Meijun is doubting whether someone intentionally disclosed the news to Ding Yu and solved the problem with Ding Yu's hand. Otherwise, why would it be so fast? You should know that he has been in this plan for more than 30 years, and has not had any problems and conditions. Now he is suddenly rooted by Ding Yu, which is unimaginable.

"Will Mr. Miller come?" Zhong Meijun also asked subconsciously.

Ding Yu sat back and said, "what about this problem? I really don't know. If he wants to, he will definitely come. Although he has been pulled out, he is still a tiger after all. Ordinary people don't want to go forward, but there are too many people who are threatened by him. We can really use hatred to describe it in our hearts! "

"It's fallacy and slander, isn't it?"

"Judgment is not my strong point. At least I don't want to impose anything on others. Sometimes I have to eat meat? Can only be a special case, can not be regarded as common sense! It's self sophistry. If you feel uncomfortable, you can scold two hypocrisies in your heart. You don't have to say it! "

"It's not a question of hypocrisy, it's...."

"As I have said, if he wants to, he will come here, but it depends on how he allocates the time. What about him now? Basically, we are already in full view of the public. We can't do too much action. What about the arrangements and explanations? Or do you have other plans? "

Ding Yu is also thinking about how to deal with this matter? This question is really not very clear, he came here? For myself, it's a good thing, but it will also bring me a lot of trouble!

"The end is doomed?"

"Don't know?" Ding Yu's tone was so hesitant, "I'm not himself. How can I know what he thinks? It depends on his self-determination. There may be arrangements, then a heart attack or something. In this case, all the problems will be covered up. Is it possible? Come here, but I can't win him anything

Looking at the time again, it is obvious that Ding Yu also feels that there are some thorny problems with this problem. And gold is again walked in, see Ding Yu when also slightly nod a head, "found?"

"Well, I found it!" Jin also hesitated for a little time, "but the search is still going on. I don't think this kind of thing will be a share! What you find will be delivered as quickly as possible"It may be useful to hold it in mcmuller's hand, but what about it in our hand? The use will never be as big as you can imagine. It's not that the value of this thing is not so great, but what we find? No one else except mcmuller can decipher it! It's a kind of self-protection, and it's also a protection for others! "

Then Ding Yu shook his head, "stay at night! Just me? It's really the feeling of being alone. I don't know why I feel so uneasy when facing mcmuller. Even now I have such a sense of emptiness! Is it that I am too sentimental? "

It's not clear if it's affectation, but when people are eating lamb chops, Ding Yu's mobile phone also remembers. Looking at Jin who is going to stand up, Ding Yu shakes his head. The call is a strange number, and Ding Yu doesn't let the people there wait too long.

"Hello, I'm Ding Yu!"

"Hello, this is Mike Miller!"

With the words, two people are silent for a little time, each other did not take the lead in opening up, "are old friends, need such a big banner?" After waiting for a while, mcmuller was also the first to say, "I heard that someone's action is very fast, is that really good?"

"We're having lamb chops together. I'll cook it myself. How about that? Are you interested? "

"I really don't know that you are so hospitable, Mr. Ding? Now it's really a little tongue in the mouth! I heard Elizabeth was with you? " For their own situation, never mention, the first to ask Elizabeth, a little interesting!

"A little nervous, obviously not prepared for things!" Ding Yu also took a look at Zhong Meijun who was sitting there. "However, her performance is still calm. It may be that the space is too small, so she does not have any display. This is quite a pity!"

Mike Miller, on the other side of the phone, thought about it for a while, and then said slowly, "for the time being! I'm sorry to call you! It has caused you a little trouble! "

"You're welcome. Are you really sorry? This person should also be me

Two people almost at the same time put down the phone, Ding Yu is also shaking his head, looking at Zhong Meijun to look at himself, Ding Yu also frowned, "I really did not think that he had the intention to come, for you are more important than other people, this really makes me feel very embarrassed!"

"Sir, he still wants to come here?" It's hard for Kim to say a word.

"If he wants to come here, it's not difficult. He can't make all the things public. In that case, it would be a big earthquake for the upper class. No one can accept this situation. Let alone their dogs. Even their cockroaches will not stay. By the way, I forget that he doesn't have dogs!"

After a cold joke, Ding Yu sat down again. "Ms. Zhong, don't look at me with such eyes. It's meaningless. To a certain extent, I'm just a knife. We need such a knife now, so it's unwise for you to vent your anger on it!"

"Mr. Ding belittles himself too much. I really can't believe it. Mr. Ding said it himself!" Zhong Meijun's words are obviously difficult to express her anger in her mind.

"I think you should have experienced such a situation. You should not be surprised when you see it!" Ding Yu took up the chopsticks in his hand. "And I just told Mr. mcmuller that you behaved very well. At least now you are still very calm. It's just a little nervous. It doesn't matter if you let me down, but don't let him down!"

"It's a tomb, and you want him to come in by himself?"

"Grave?" Looking at Jin who was going to stand up, Ding Yu also waved his hand, "what about this adjective? It's inappropriate. I don't like it very much. However, seeing how much you are annoyed now, I choose to forgive you, but I hope you too? To be able to pay attention to your own tone, I didn't ask him to come, but he chose to come by himself! "

"He wouldn't have come without your threat?"

"You see, you have completely lost your cool! He knows what he has done. You may know better. What about me? Also clear some, no matter how to choose, nothing more than a result! This kind of result is his choice. I don't know what kind of choice you will make. I hope it won't be the same as him! "

"No other chance?"

"What would you do if it were you?" Ding Yu also shook his head, "what about the people he offended? Not a single person, or even a single force. What about some things? Can not touch, he does not have such a solid foundation! So now it's time to play with fire! What's more, he offended me and even wanted my life, which can't be tolerated. "

"Is it impossible to exchange all of it?"

"Who wants to control? But who dares to control it? " Ding Yu shook his head. "If anyone controls it, it's suicide. I have a good understanding of myself and a good grasp of the bottom line. So I don't want to be that fool. What's his behavior? It is admirable, but the way is too extreme"I didn't expect such a result!"

"The result has been doomed for a long time. It's not the question of who gives up who. The government will not stand up and bear the blame. What about the power of the government and the big family? It's balanced and deliberately destroyed, but it can't break the balance between each other! "

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