Ding Yu expressed his ideas and views intuitively. What about the balance between the government and the big family? To destroy, there is no problem, the fight between each other is simply countless, but between each other? There is a certain bottom line, that is, the balance can not be broken.

But what about mcmuller's behavior? To break this balance, we have not started for a long time because we have not found such an opportunity. Now that the opportunity has come, how can we let it go? Even now, what can Zhong Meijun do if he can see that the conditions are so big? Not many people will be moved.

What about any confrontation? There is a bottom line. Obviously, mcmuller has no such bottom line, so the problem is more serious. It depends on when and how he can catch up?

After all, Zhong Meijun is still in Ding Yu's hand, and what about mcmuller? Is also caught in the public eye, is using Zhong Meijun to play a cover? Or take other ways, the problem? I'm afraid no one can say too clearly, everything depends on what macmiller wants to do!

"Mr. Ding, can't you give me a chance? I believe some people will be willing to offer the conditions that you can't refuse! "

"Hard to refuse conditions?" Ding Yu made a circle in the air with his hand, "what about the so-called conditions that are hard to refuse? It's just like that. It's better! How about a bet? Just bet on whether he will come or not? Use your life to make this bet?! What do you think? "

"Gamble with my life?" Zhong Meijun is slightly stunned. Does Ding Yu want his own life? That's not right! What's your impression of Ding Yu? Cruel and merciless, but it is not appropriate to say that he is bloodthirsty. "I never thought that Mr. Ding was so interested in my little life?"

"No, I don't have any interest in your life. The platform on your hand is very large, and there are not too few strange people under your hand. I won't cause such trouble. However, just like the purpose of your coming here, someone has the same purpose. He entrusted me, but I didn't promise! But because of your unreasonable request, why don't we have a bet? But I don't mean to force you to do whatever you want

Do you want to press it? It's your own business. It's like you're in Las Vegas. If you walk into a hotel, it's your own business. No one forces you to go in. It's your own business. So no matter what the result is, don't blame God or man.

"If you come, you'll kill me. If you don't, you'll let me go? Am I right? "

Ding Yu said with a gentle smile, "is that too simple? The so-called meeting will come? In fact, you and I all understand that after all the arrangements have been made, then there is no worry about coming over? Or do you want to come straight? What about the former? It's for your safety. What about the latter? ..。” Ding Yu has another look at Zhong Meijun.

Ding Yu didn't finish his speech because he didn't have to finish it. "OK! As if I was playing a little joke, you stay here? It's been quite a while. If you don't have any interest, go out and have a cup of coffee! I'm really tired. I need a rest! "

At this time, Ding Yu is also direct to drive out people, let Zhong Meijun this time is also obvious lack of preparation, what with what? Why did Ding Yu suddenly become like this? This is totally different from what I imagined.

It is certainly dangerous to leave the apartment at this time, but it is also a good opportunity. How to choose? Ding Yu and Jin both got up and left at this time. They didn't pay any attention to Zhong Meijun's meaning. What kind of choice she made was totally determined by her own ideas.

"She didn't have her handbag with her, sir!" Jin looks at Ding Yu in the study, but also has some doubts. Why let Zhong Meijun leave at this time? It's really hard to understand!

"What about her choice? In fact, it is not so important. What matters is what kind of choice macmiller will make. This is the key point! " Ding Yu sighed, "in fact? It's the feeling in my heart, even some sour, such a person! Are there really some small greats? Although there is so much hostility between each other, as an opponent, we really need to say that we admire each other! "

"In some ways it may be admirable, but in some ways, it's disgusting."

"It's normal, even gold, that some people love and hate, and they can't do it. Everyone is interested in it. What about Mr. mcmuller? It's too much taken for granted. After all, it's different from the past. Hoover was able to do all these things, which does not mean that he can do all these things. In other words, you choose to survive from the cracks rather than choose a dependency. What about this? It is doomed to his present tragedy! "

"Sir, what kind of arrangements do you think he will make?" Jin is really interested in this person. He really didn't expect to encounter such a person in his lifetime. Just like the gentleman said, he is really a person worthy of admiration."Maybe it's not for money, power and love, it's just a kind of faith, so he can give up all the things outside, because all the things outside are illusory to him, and only faith is the most real!"

"It seems that there are some violations with reality! Because in the real society, only faith is the most illusory thing! And other things, will be naked in front of the public

"Everyone has his own opinions and choices. What is the most important thing? In fact, Mr. mcmuller is probably the most thorough one. Who knows? " Ding Yu said bored, "for such a person, how about destroying his body? Not enough to have any impact on him, only the spiritual destruction, he will directly collapse, Zhong Meijun is really his pain

When Zhong Meijun walked out of Ding Yu's apartment, he had noticed that someone was following him. In Ding Yu's apartment, no one dared to get close to him. At the same time, he would not come near. However, it was different when he got out of Ding Yu's apartment.

Looking at the flies around him, Zhong Meijun also felt a little fidgety. He took the umbrella from his assistant and opened it to block all the signals! "What about them?"

"It's two blocks away, but I just looked at it. There are a lot of people around. It's obvious that they are coming to you, but there's no intention of doing anything. The purpose should be to monitor. However, I got the news that many people are driving towards Boston, in all aspects!"

"I know!" Zhong Meijun also took a deep breath, "give me a phone, and find me a clean place, I don't want to be disturbed!"

"The route has been designed, but the time can't be too long. The people who follow us are old hands. They can only temporarily avoid their eyes and want to get rid of them completely, unless they leave Boston!"

"Get rid of them temporarily, and let them pay attention to safety!" Zhong Meijun got on the bus, spared a circle, and was replaced on the way, so he also rushed to a temporary safety room. Immediately, Zhong Meijun also dialed the satellite phone in his hand.

"Why did you call? You shouldn't have a phone in your hand at this time?! Out of there? "

"After dinner, he suddenly wants to rest. What about me? I didn't drive them away, but I didn't pay much attention to them. I meant to let me go out and have a good time. However, I left my handbag in the living room. The situation here is very bad, and you should be very dangerous. What can I do for you? "

"Don't do anything. Just wait and see what happens. In those days, I just wanted to take care of your father. I didn't really want to pull you in and put you in such an environment. What has happened all along? I would like to say I'm sorry. There may not be such a chance in the future. I'm sorry, Elizabeth

Also did not wait for Elizabeth to have any response, the phone over there had been hung up, Zhong Meijun wanted to say something, there was no time, it is obvious that the situation over there is not as good as imagined, looking at the phone, Zhong Meijun is also a little distracted, but now it is not a sad time, he needs to do some preparation.

Obviously he came to Boston? There is no need to question the question, but what about the possibility? I don't allow him to have any problems. I need to use all the manpower and resources I can mobilize. I don't know how effective it will be, but I will try my best!

After coming out of the safety room, Zhong Meijun also went back to the car and found a coffee shop. Zhong also sat down. Since some people don't let themselves out of sight, don't go around with everyone else. In that case, you will waste your time and effort. After all, there are not so many people at hand!

Looking at the sky outside, Zhong Meijun also narrowed her eyes. Someone just sent a message to him. Mr. mcmuller has arrived at the airport and is driving to the airport. The destination should be Ding Yu's apartment. Do you want to stop it? What kind of consequences will it have?!

"Arrange for us to meet."

The people nearby looked at Zhong Meijun and thought for a long time, "if we just arrange to meet on the road, it is not safe for each other, and now there are too many people watching. If we can arrange the meeting place in Mr. Ding Yuding's apartment, it may be better!"

Zhong Meijun's eyes suddenly brightened and arranged in Ding Yu's apartment. This is really a good choice. He suddenly has an idea. What about Mr. mcmuller? Now it is imperative to meet Ding Yu, but what if Ding Yu refuses to meet? Is it possible to delay a considerable amount of time?

It's not that Mr. mcmuller didn't come, but Ding Yu had problems and conditions. In this way, there would not be too many problems and situations. We would not pay attention to Mr. mcmuller's head and dare not say more. However, there should be no problem in striving for one night's time.

But how can we fight for this time, or in what way to convince Ding Yu? Zhong Meijun's mind is also fast to turn up, now this time must think of a way, and want to come up with this method as quickly as possible, because time is not waiting for people!"My handbag seems to have left in Mr. Ding Yuding's living room for two children? Prepare a gift and bring my bag back by the way Zhong Meijun also made considerable arrangements and instructions to the assistant nearby.

For Zhong Meijun let people come to take the handbag, Ding Yu did not express any refusal, "what about next time? I'm not so lucky! " Jin also handed the bag to Zhong Meijun's assistant. Ding Yu couldn't show up at all. Now Jin has full authority to deal with the relevant affairs!

What about the gifts? Jin checked it and immediately reported to Ding Yu, "Sir, what does Zhong Meijun mean? It feels a little too much? "

"Still fighting for the last chance!" Ding Yu said without salt and salt, and then he also looked at Taylor beside him, "but you come here so late, how do you mean? Don't tell me what's wrong with the third generation? What about my medical skills? Maybe it's not so profound, but how much is still a little bit sure? "

"I personally experimented yesterday, and I felt extremely sick!"

Hearing Taylor's words, Ding Yu also looked at Taylor with his eyes for quite a long time, "old Peyton this guy! It's really an old fox

Comments said a, Ding Yu also did not ask the detailed reason, this is not to give face, but some things? It must be handled in this way!

"Sit down! I'll check it for you later! " Looking at Jin next to him, Ding Yu nodded, "let me know Mr. mcmuller. I'm afraid I won't be able to see him tonight! In order to show our apologies, everything is up to him! "

Looking back at Tyler again, Ding Yu also took a breath, "I have eaten in the evening. If you feel unwell, you can solve it by yourself or ask the service personnel to prepare some for you. I need to coax two children to sleep!"

What about two little guys? It's just a kind of refusal. Taylor is also very clear, but what about the family's arrangement for himself? He had to do it again. Before he came, Taylor did not know whether Ding Yu would agree or repent. There was no decision in this respect.

Although Ding Yu didn't express any strong opinions when he left, he could still feel it. Ding Yu was not very happy about it. Would he be anyone else? I'm afraid none of them will be particularly happy about it.

After waiting for about an hour, Ding Yu came to the study again and gave Taylor a pulse. After a period of time, he also frowned slightly, "I said, what about the blood? For your family, it's a kind of poison. It seems that your dose is very large. I don't know what the consequences will be if you do this! "

"Give it a try! It seems that there are many problems in always letting others try. If you try it yourself, you can get decent data and results more intuitively, isn't it better? "

"How about it? Only you know that the blood disease in your family should be caused by hidden genes. For gene cracking, I can't find my head. I'm not an expert in genetics. At the same time, I'm not so-called omnipotent. I don't guarantee that there will be other accidents in the process! "

Taylor hesitated for a moment. "Is it serious?"

"From the pulse, the situation is really abnormal, I think you should also feel, where is your heart? Are you feeling overloaded now? Maybe it will explode in the next moment? "

"I feel like that!" In front of Ding Yu's face, he didn't need to hide anything, "but I didn't feel like that when I was injected. These two days I feel that the situation is very different. If it's not too special, I won't disturb you at this time."

"What about the results?" Looking at the data and list handed over by Taylor, Ding Yu also carefully reviewed it under the light for a period of time. After reading it, he also took off his eyes. "It's really not a general exaggeration. What about you? Originally, it is different from person to person. It is absolutely impossible to have two identical leaves! "

"You mean invisible genes, sir? Maybe it's the same, but with each person's different, they all derive different changes. Is that right? "

"I have a guess in this respect, but I don't know whether it is right or wrong. Because I have no way to prove it, so now I can only guess boldly. Your situation is very bad, and even has adverse effects. I feel a little tricky now!"

Because the disease has changed a lot, there is a saying in traditional Chinese medicine, which can cure the disease, but never cure the bad disease. What's the situation of Taylor now? Because of her own reasons, there have been considerable changes.

Originally, the information that I control here is quite limited. I can only read it from the book. But now? The condition appeared sudden condition, how does this let oneself deal with? To find trouble for themselves, but also add trouble to Ding Yu."I really don't know what to tell you! Try it! However, there is a sentence to be made clear, what effect, I do not know, may live, may die, also may be life is not equal to death! Make your own decisions Some words, can only be said like this, because taylor made the decision himself! You can't blame others, can you?

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