Michael Miller came to Boston, but did not see Ding Yu. This is to buy himself a night's time, but who won this time? It really aroused the curiosity of mcmuller!

There are many people around him, but do you want to make Ding Yu change his attention? Impossible thing! Elizabeth does not have this energy, at the same time she does not have this ability! However, Elizabeth has delivered a message, Taylor is in Ding Yu's residence, and mcmuller also understands!

It's all the attention of old Peyton, but what about Ding Yu? It's just pushing the boat along the river. He's really a smart man who knows what's the trade-off and when to enter and when to retreat! Very good. What a pity? Is between each other's identity has so some opposition, regret!

Ding Yu checked for Taylor, and even worked hard to take out some blood for Taylor again. Compared with the previous time, there was a quite obvious difference. Ding Yu did not pay any attention to it. After clearing up, he directly drove Taylor away! There is no need to continue to stay here!

"I'm sorry to trouble you, sir." Taylor watched Ding Yu's face attentively and apologized sincerely to Ding Yu.

"Well!" Ding Yu didn't say anything. After Taylor left, Jin stood by Ding Yu's side. "Sir, is this really good? It's obvious that mcmuller is aiming at you, but they've stepped in. Isn't it a little too much? It's even quite unsound! "

Ding Yu, who sat down again, rubbed his brow with his hand and said, "is it a tunnel problem? Is it really open to discussion, standing in my present position? Is it an opponent for mcmuller, a friend for old Peyton? It's really not! "

"But to threaten you with such a thing, it's not as simple as this one!" It's obvious that Kim also feels quite angry. He uses Taylor to stop Mr. Wang. What about his life? There needs to be some bottom line, right? But the old Peyton does this, obviously already does not have too many bottom line!

"It doesn't matter. What about seeing mcmuller? It's also hesitation. How about meeting him? It's a trouble, isn't it? It's also a hassle. Some people are not so sure about it? It's understandable, but now I can be sure of one thing, the old Peyton guy! It's in Boston now! "

Eh? There was also a look of amazement on Kim's face, "is this possible? Didn't get any news? "

"Not receiving news does not mean that things have not happened. What's more, we don't need to keep our eyes on him all the time. What does he do? It's none of our business, now? Take a break! Tomorrow's business will be discussed tomorrow. Who knows whether it will be windy or rainy? "

Ding Yu's attitude towards this can be said to be quite calm, and mcmuller was also received quite courtesy in the place where he stayed. Looking at the old man sitting there smoking cigars, he also laughed, but there was much irony in this smile!

"Old Peyton, you are still so polite! It's just a little hypocritical in this way! "

"Miller, it's a lot more energetic than before!" After finishing an invitation, the two of them also took their seats separately. "I know you haven't eaten dinner yet. I can have someone prepare it. I brought the drinks myself, and my father left them. It's really not a lot. But today I met an old friend, I still hope to have a drink!"

"Well prepared?! Then I'm not polite! " Michael Miller doesn't need to be polite to old Peyton. They are quite familiar with each other, but what about their identities? Now this is the real face-to-face!

"Aged wine, rich taste!" After a try, mcmuller also said with a sigh, "but it doesn't taste good to drink like this. I don't want to be embarrassed if you want to add some seasonings to it. You are still here. I think you must be fully prepared now!"

"I've made quite a preparation, but I didn't expect that this person would be you! Also really did not want to hit her is Elizabeth, her name is really too much! In order to get in touch with Ding Yu, she has another name named Zhong Meijun. I really don't know what she thinks. Is that really important? "

"A name is just a code name!" Mcmuller placed the glass on the table. When it was put down, it was very gentle and did not make any sound. Obviously, at this time, mcmuller was able to control his emotions, and there was no difference because of the arrival of old Peyton.

"Yes! The name is just a code name. In order to find out the ghost of you, we have really tried our best. I only had doubts in some aspects at the beginning, but I couldn't find any evidence! "

"Can't find it, or dare not to find it?" Michael Miller is not polite at all.

Old Peyton took a sip of his cigar, his mouth slightly twitched, but then he also laughed, "you are right. It's not true that you can't find it. If you pay attention, you should still be able to find some traces, but you just dare not to find them, because what about everyone? They all have their own worries and fears! ""It seems that the third generation's problem has been solved?" Mcmuller sighed, "that's one night. How is it solved? Ding Yu is here? It should be impossible. I don't think you can knock on the door of Ding Yu's house, at least not at night! "

"I don't like your judgment very much. It's true, but it's a bit exciting for me." Old Peyton also felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. Why? To be able to knock on the door of Ding Yu's house, it seems that he has no relationship with himself. The main reason is that Taylor, the granddaughter's way into Dingyu.

However, Ding Yu couldn't have guessed the purpose of Taylor's past this evening, or that he had come to Boston, but he was not willing to pay attention to it!

What does it look like? He got quite a lot of opportunities, but in fact, he also lost a lot of things. Ding Yu is quite a good young man, but the problem is that he let Taylor block Ding Yu today. How many of them slapped him in the face. It's hard to say whether such behavior will give rise to other antipathy in Ding Yu's heart!

"You can't? What's more, although he is valued by your family, it doesn't make any sense to Ding Yu. Besides, it should be Taylor. I didn't expect Taylor to have such a new attraction. I'm surprised that he still has such a new attraction? "

Mcmuller helped his black rimmed glasses. "She doesn't look pretty, and her temperament is not very good. At most, she's from a good family. But the problem is that Ding Yu will never attach great importance to these things. Otherwise, he will not find Jin Taixi. What can Taylor do to impress Ding Yu? Maybe it's her ability? "

"It's not right. Taylor's ability is good, but there is no place that is good enough to make Ding Yu feel moved. I heard that Taylor has a considerable research on Taoism. It should be used to knock on Ding Yu's door. How about that? My old friend, what I'm saying is that it's eight to nine, right? What a pity! What a pity

Of course, old Peyton understood what the last sentence "pity" meant. What if someone else said it? I really don't think it's great, but when mcmuller mentions this sentence, it also makes the balance in his heart drop a weight, and the other paragraph has been raised!

"Such a good opportunity has been so wasted. In a Chinese saying, it's really a cruel thing. No matter whether Ding Yu loves or cherishes talents, it is always a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Taylor!"

"Yes! What a pity Old Peyton is also staring at mcmuller, his eyes are so fierce, but also with considerable disgust. If it was not for the old man in front of him, how could Taylor sacrifice so much and get into Ding Yu's eye? Is it really easy?

"Being able to impress Ding Yu once doesn't mean that I can impress Ding Yu for the second time. I have studied Ding Yu for many years, but I really haven't found too many problems, even some? I also suspect that Ding Yu deliberately set the trap down, waiting for someone to step on the door! He is really quite cunning

"Must he be involved in our affairs?" Old Peyton's face was quite displeased at this time!

"If he wasn't involved, old man, would you be here?" Mcmuller also asked, "so we'd better not play the so-called official tune. If it wasn't for Ding Yu, you wouldn't have done it, and you didn't dare to do it. But in the end, I had a very poor move, and there was nothing to say!"

"No, at this point? I still admire you, because you didn't do something. If you did something, I'm afraid the whole Washington would be in chaos. In a vulgar way, everyone's ass has excrement, everyone needs to excrete, and no one can be really clean! "

"It's disgusting enough!"

"It's not disgusting or not. Everyone has a scandal. But when you enter the Senate, the house of Representatives and other departments, you still have something disgusting on your body? No, it's easy to be seized by some people. No one wants to be blackmailed, and it's still repeated, isn't it? "

"I see. You are here on their behalf!" Mcmuller nodded clearly, "OK! Since it is already the fish on the chopping board, then don't think about struggling, struggling? It doesn't help much, does it? "

After thinking about it, mcmuller took off his glasses and threw them directly to old Peyton. He was not polite at all, and even the whole action was slightly rude. "Everything is on it. Just check it!"

Old Peyton looked at these things and nodded to the people not far away. Soon, someone put the glasses on a table top and began to decompose. Two microchips were also taken out from the inside. However, he just put the microchip there, but he didn't mean to do anything about it.

"After all these years, no one has found out?""It's not that they haven't discovered it, but that no one dares to have this action. They are subject to others' control. The more they struggle, the more painful they will be. It's better if they are more calm and calm." Mcmuller is really straightforward, which makes old Peyton have some doubts.

"Some people will go to test it, but I think it will be forever, and basically won't get any chance to open it!" Old Peyton really didn't mean to dye his fingers. He waved to the people standing there. Anyway, everything had arrived. How do you detect it? I don't dare to be interested!

"Are you still so cautious?! No interest in that at all? "

"Yes, but I know very well that it is a big bomb. For all families, it is a big bomb. What about this bomb? It is enough to make the whole government bear a considerable cost, and then the whole balance will be really broken. I am the beneficiary of this balance of interests. Why should I destroy this balance for the sake of small things? "

"The balance of interests is only for the interests of the family, regardless of the interests of the United States!"

"How about that? It is really too biased! Old man, actually speaking, I admire what you have done. You are not a greedy person, as we all know, but what kind of way do you take? Let everyone feel the fear, the consequences of fear are not willing to face! "

"Is the process really that important?"

"The starting point is good, but whether it is the process or the result, there are considerable problems. Maybe half a century earlier, it would not have been like this. But what about modern society? Your things are no longer suitable! "

"Well! This evening's banquet is not bad, I may need to prepare for tomorrow's feast, so I won't disturb you! "

"I've talked about business. I want to talk to you about something. I don't know if it's a disturbance?" It's like this, but the gun is already on the top of the head. Does it make any difference whether you agree or disagree?

So mcmuller also laughed, "it's not impossible to talk about things, but what about anything I do? There is a price. What about the price? It depends on how many conditions you offer? "

"What about Eve Taylor's life?" Old Peyton put down his cigar, picked up his glass in one hand and sipped it gently. "What about her? Now it's just rootless duckweed. How long can it live? It's really hard to say. I can guarantee it! "

"It's not worth it." Mcmuller directly shook his head. "I'm going to use this to negotiate with Ding Yu. If I put this on the current negotiation table, it's definitely a small loss. At least I have a choice. What's the life of Eve Taylor now? It's not in your hands. It's not your capital! "

"Yes, where is her life? It's not my capital, but over the years, she has worked together to build a fairly large platform, which is really praised by people. Such a platform has solved many problems and is also very popular! It's very valuable! "

"You have too much appetite!" Then Michael Miller also stopped his words suddenly, "Oh, I see. No wonder you want to talk to me about this problem. You are afraid that Ding Yu will snatch this in your hand. No wonder you threw Taylor into the pit to fill the hole. You old guy, you are cruel enough

Although he is also ruthless, but there is an old Chinese saying, tiger poison does not eat son, but old Peyton? Even let Taylor step on the pit, or even throw it in directly. If it wasn't for the extreme situation, Ding Yu would not have left his own!

Although Ding Yu doesn't want to get into too much trouble, it doesn't mean that he has no interest in some things! It's just two situations!

"If you want this platform, capital is enough, but why give it to you? Is it not good for the government? I think they will be more interested! " Mcmuller also shook his head. "And we're different. What do you mean? It's all the interests of the family. What do I represent? It is the interests of the government as a whole. "

"Different ways do not conspire with each other. This statement is really good! It's really hard for you. There is such a research! " The old companion also applauded his approval, "but what about me now? I'm negotiating with you, but I don't have to force you to sign. If Evelyn Taylor's life is not enough, then continue to add chips? I have a lot of chips, but you have very few! "

"Don't act so mean, it will make me despise you!"

"Mean me? What about your behavior? Your behavior is not despicable, where is the serum in my house? Let the dog eat it? Don't tell me that you take it home and enjoy it! And Ding Yu's assassination, the logo on the body of the third generation and so on! " When he finished, old Peyton patted the table heavily, "even if I killed your family, I can't pay for it!"

"It's business, not private!"

"Business? I can't even control the blood of my family. It's just business. If you're OK, don't be grandiose. How many private affairs have you done in the name of the so-called official business? You can't even count yourselfWith a sigh of relief, old Peyton also said slowly, "you should know, what's the opportunity? It's what you fight for, not what others give you. So you should cherish your present opportunity. What do you say? "

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