Michael Miller looked at old Peyton, who was also staring at him. Both of them had very sharp eyes. "What about your family? It is an unsolvable problem. If the limit is broken, it may be a good thing for your whole family, but what about all the big families? Maybe it's a bad thing! Greater threat to the government and the public! "

"Thank you for thinking so well for me!" Old Peyton also felt that his head was smoking. He was really angry. He didn't know that Miller was so eloquent. "In this case, the children of our family should die with each other. Isn't it? We can't even have the chance to help themselves!"

"It's OK to find other people, but it's a problem to find Ding Yu!"

"See what you mean by that!" Old Peyton suddenly laughed. "I don't think there's any willingness to argue with you about such a thing. It's totally unreasonable. But it doesn't matter. Do you agree? It may be better. Don't you agree? It's not as important as you think

For old Peyton, it's good to be able to take over such a platform, but can't it? That's not to say that they can't accept it at all. They will be destroyed directly and solve the problem once and for all. People will feel cold in their back, right? Should get everybody's approval!

When mcmuller heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched and his head was pulled out. Although it seemed that he was in a favorable situation, he didn't have much room to move around. Even if he was yelling at old Peyton, what could he do?

Filling the hole by yourself? It's OK. It seems too selfish to pull all the people in to fill the hole. It's a pity that they serve the whole country wholeheartedly, not for their own personal service, because of their personal relationship, and then all their efforts are paid to the East. What a pity!

What about old Peyton? It's also heartless and heartless. I can see that if I don't hand over the platform to him, then the result of waiting is that all the people will be destroyed. Although there may be two or three kittens left, they need to stay in the sewer all their lives, and there is no chance to breathe.

His intention to stimulate old Peyton is to fight for some opportunities for everyone, but he doesn't pay attention to himself. What about each other? Also is quite familiar with, so playing with some of the so-called tricks is meaningless!

"It's obvious that the third generation was able to get Ding Yu's hand. It's really good to play this hand, but I really have some doubts. When will the relationship between you become so good? Don't tell me what agreement you've reached with each other

At this time, old Peyton also took up his cigar and put it in his mouth. His face also showed a triumphant expression, "really? I really didn't pay any special price, that is, lying in the hospital, and then sincerely mentioned some problems and conditions with Ding Yu, the patient? You shouldn't have too many reservations about your doctor! "

"Ding Yu has caused too much loss to the interests of the whole United States. Everyone knows about this problem, especially when you are in opposition to each other. I think you have suffered huge losses, and there should be no interest relationship between them. Even the fight is quite serious! I can't understand! "

"It's good for each other to do what we should do and get what we deserve. Is it just because we are in a relative position, so we are hostile all our lives? It doesn't matter how the people below do it. We drink tea and eat at one time, which is very good! "

Mcmuller shook his head. "I didn't think you'd all think that now. The day you regret, it's just sooner or later! Although I can't see it, I will wait in heaven

"Wait in the heaven, if you don't go to hell, it's not natural for you!" "Ding Yu is a threat, which is true, even quite real. But can he control the whole United States? No way! You are so stupid

Michael Miller slightly stunned, old Peyton suddenly said this sentence, let him really not have too much preparation.

"What about you? They do things according to their own will, but in the name of the so-called. What about hypocrisy? I'm afraid you are the most hypocritical. You just don't want to admit it. You are a poor creature living in your own dream. Even Ding Yu can understand this truth, but you can't understand it. I really have some doubts. How did you come to this day and control the whole situation? "

Old Peyton is really hard to understand. From Miller's point of view, Ding Yu is the enemy, but there are not too many problems. The enemy is the enemy, and there is no big deal. But think deeply, is it a good thing or a bad thing to have an enemy like Ding Yu? It can't be generalized!What about Ding Yu? It has had a considerable impact on everyone's interests, which is not to be denied. But on the contrary, if you think about it, it will become a stagnant pool. But what about the arrival of Ding Yu? Still really to this pool of water to muddy, so that the situation inside is not quiet!

what the sardine is most afraid of is nothing to be ambitious and enterprising. But now Ding Yu is like a catfish that has mixed into sardine, so that all sardines are alive. But what is Mike Miller? Too much narrow sense, he could not see this!

Is Ding Yu a true enemy, or even something he has done? It can be said that they are terrorists, but what about the actual situation? It is precisely because of his actions that we are so active now, so we don't need to be so hostile to look at him.

"So that's what you think?" Mcmuller also sighed.

"Is the so-called interests important or not important to us old guys? Of course, it is very important. Interests are fundamental, but what about the same? It's more important to keep everyone active. If the whole family is dead, it's better to put them in the coffin directly! "

"I don't have a choice. What does Washington say?"

"What else can they say? For them, as long as it is to clear the excrement on their buttocks, any conditions can be promised. You have threatened them for so many years, which has become their heart disease. Naturally, they will not have too many opinions and ideas about such things! Are you disappointed? "

"I'm very disappointed. If the state is in their hands, it's really sad!"

"I'm not as pessimistic as you are!" Old Peyton took a sip of his cigar. "Is the state really in their hands? If you really think about it, it's really sad. In the same way, if you don't have them, how can there be you? They are really willing to get involved in some things. It's not all your "credit."

"I'm just a spectator!"

"Come on! Don't because of how advanced your means are, what about your stuff? It's all left over from the game. It's just that we haven't found too much, so we've seized this opportunity for you

Although the ash on the cigar was very long, it didn't mean to fall. Old Peyton also watched for a while. At this time, someone knocked on the door and walked in and nodded at him slightly. It was obvious that the microchip taken out from the glasses was real.

Old Peyton nodded slightly. What about the microchip? I really don't have any meaning to reach out, in my opinion? Early destruction is the best choice. As for what these guys in Washington think, I'm not so clear. Anyway, I don't have any interest!

Now that they have finished the audit, the transaction between them has been concluded. Where did they come from and where they went! What about the rest? It has nothing to do with them!

"Old man, I've just got some news. Elizabeth has called in a few teams. What do you think she means?" Old Peyton seemed to be chatting with each other, and he said plainly, "at this time, several armed teams have been mobilized to come here. It's obviously provocative."

"If you want to add a crime, why have you no reason to be guilty?"

"Ha ha, I really didn't know that you had such a research on China. It really impressed me!" Old Peyton was stunned for a moment. "If I didn't get it wrong, what about the scandal in the intelligence department? You seem to be good friends with that intelligence colleague. Later he committed suicide. You should have been interested in China at that time. "

"What? Want to add two more charges to me? " Michael Miller really doesn't have any worries and fears.

"Just to discuss, it has nothing to do with the crime. I usually read Chinese books. You should know that I was saved by an old Taoist priest, but what about the old Taoist priest? There was no news in the follow-up. I doubted at that time, because there were not many people who could hide the family's eyes! "

"Dead!" Michael Miller also shook his head. "Under the circumstances, the conditions paid were very heavy. What about this information? I got it by other means. It's normal that you can't see it. Even the president doesn't have the authority, so you can't find out! "

"Is there an old Chinese saying? It's called the gratitude of dripping water. What about him? It's the Savior of my father and I. you had this plan more than half a century ago. It's really hard for you! You say, I can still keep calm under such hatred. Should I be praised? "

That is to say, but the cigar in old Peyton's hand has been driven to pieces!

"I didn't do it, and you can't find it on my head!" Michael Miller snorted, "what's more, you have guesses in your heart, and your father also has guesses. Why don't you do it? It's a very good time to be powerful and powerful at this time."Old Peyton took a long breath. "That old mess has already shown its meaning in this aspect in a long time, but it really needs to be said that he is very capable. What about his years as director? Really, there is no one dare to touch the mould. No matter what family, or what President and attorney general are in front of him? It's really like a shit, everything seems to be taken away! "

Who is the so-called old and miscellaneous broken, it is self-evident that the legendary director, Hoover, but what does this man say? He was praised as God in mixed reputation, just like macmiller. What about him? Think he is shit, it seems to old Peyton, but anyway? There are some admiration in my heart.

"So you know it is such a result, but you dare not have any action, it is pitiful!"

"Yes! What a pity! " Old Peyton looked at the ash tray, "now Hoover building still exists, even Hoover Dam is firm, do you know what I think in my heart? It's a humiliation, but it's also a spur, it's our shame to whip all of the family! "

Although it was stimulating old Peyton, mcmuller knew it clearly. What about stimulation? There is no effect or effect at all, but the real idea of old Peyton is just revealed. What is his inheritance? It is all of the director Hoover. Is he cruel to himself and bite his teeth.

"Say something practical!" Mcmuller knocked at the table. "I'm going to see Ding Yu tomorrow. What can I do? Dead in his bedroom? It's a good choice, too? "

"You are going to see Dingyu. Dingyu didn't see you tonight. Will you see you tomorrow? Since I have both said things, he can't have no idea, so you want to talk to him about the conditions? No work is possible! "

"As for such ruthlessness?" Mcmuller laughed bitterly, "I've come here!"

"See or not? You said no, did not all have said it just now? You are just the fish on the chopping board. As for how to move the knife, it depends on the chef's mood, not your condition! "

"Well! I agree! " Mcmuller knew that he had no choice at this time. "The whole platform will be handed over to you, if she can keep Elizabeth's life. She should not have been involved in this matter. It is my reason. So I am quite responsible for this situation!"

"I hope she can have her own knowledge. If she has no scruples, I have no way!" When he finished speaking, old Patton stood up, too. "What about talking to you? It's not a good thing. It's not very pleasant at all. Can I bring you two words if there is anything to explain? "

"It's all this time, what else can be explained?" Mcmuller hesitated. "I hope I can be buried in the National Cemetery in the future, but I don't expect any recognition, but I hope to have a place to live in! There should be no problem with this little request

"Reasonable!" Old Peyton turns and leaves. As for mcmuller? Sitting there was also a sigh, and soon someone came in, took him to an empty room, the clothes on the whole body were stripped off, even the whole body was also the most detailed inspection!

Mcmuller is not angry with what happened. It is too normal. If you do it yourself, you may be more than this. There is no other choice! So it's better to be honest now, but what about something? Maybe you're going to follow yourself into the grave!

From Washington to now, all of the things are under strict supervision, and there is no chance for themselves. Of course, there are some reasons for it. I also think it will be such a consequence, so it is not so unexpected.

As for tomorrow, I went to see Dingyu, I really didn't prepare too much. For himself, Ding Yu was the biggest enemy, and he had a lot of time to prepare for this aspect. But this time, he really lost his feet and fell into his trap. This guy is really terrible!

What about the third world? If not old Peyton could express something, he would not have known it at all, but Dingyu did it. Moreover, he did not know the ghost. If he had received the news in this respect before, he would never agree with Elizabeth to try to explore Dingyu.

And Elizabeth's test? It is also to let the people fall into the trap, behind the crowd, and pull their own side up, as you can imagine, there are many people in Boston who have been jailed!

This generation may no longer see the sun, there is no so-called right and wrong, because no one will listen to the so-called excuse, everyone just follow the rules! It's all about myself, so many people. What about it? There is nothing big about yourself. One is alone, but what about those people?We should know that in the whole process, the loss is the strength of the country, and these people themselves have no problem!

Although when he lay down, mcmuller seemed to be asleep, but in fact, he couldn't sleep at all. Everything was like a movie, playing back and forth in his mind!

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