The next day's breakfast is still very rich, but Michael Miller is over that age. For him, he can eat enough and eat healthily, and there are so many things on the table that he doesn't really care about!

There is no one else sitting on the dining table. Even the waiters can't see it. The empty environment even makes me wonder if I'm alone on the earth?

Old Peyton didn't show up at this time, and the expression on his face was rather hesitant and complicated when he was sitting with his granddaughter and eating breakfast! I got what I wanted last night, but at the same time? It's also an opportunity to ruin your granddaughter.

Which one is more important? It seems that some of the problems are unclear, at least for now. My granddaughter is very quiet, although in the past is also like this, but I can clearly feel it, the taste is very wrong.

It was cruel for her to cut off Taylor's hope. It's really too heavy to bear such things at such a big age. Although she is only the spare child of the third generation, in my mind, she is still her granddaughter, which is an indisputable fact.

"Did the doctor check the treatment last night?"

Tyler nodded slightly. "Things may have changed, but it's stable for now." Obviously, Taylor didn't want to talk at this time, because the reality is not so good, the results of the examination have come out, for Taylor, it is obviously quite depressed.

Although the old Peyton and Michael Miller talked about for a short time, there are many things that need to be handled by him personally. These things can't be handed over to others, they can only be done by themselves! So he really did not read the report. If he had, he would never ask about it at this time.

But Taylor's words obviously made old Peyton feel something, because Taylor's performance was not only displeased, but also a little decadent. What's the situation? Is it because of Ding Yu? Did Ding Yu have other performances last night?

"Last night, Ding Yu was not very happy?"

Yeah? Taylor was stunned for a moment, then shook his head. "Mr. Ding did not say anything. He examined me carefully and even gave me some treatment. Then I came out! But my situation may be a little bit special! "

I squinted my eyes and looked at the assistant next to me. The assistant also stepped back two steps and went out. It didn't take long to get Taylor's relevant inspection report. When I saw it, I twisted my mouth. What about the previous inspection report? There has been a marked change, which is not a good thing.

Old Peyton frowned when he saw the report. "What did the doctor say?"

"The situation is not optimistic!" The assistant carefully said, "at the first stage, we need to observe, because this situation is really special, there is no basis to investigate, there is only such a case, they can only be carried out step by step or as usual!"

"Make an appointment with Ding Yu, after he has talked about things! I want to talk to him in person? " Old Peyton is very clear. What does the assistant say? It shows that there is no particularly good method and way for doctors, and this has nothing to do with Ding Yu, mainly because Taylor's things are too urgent!

Ding Yu and mcmuller didn't meet in Ding Yu's apartment. They met in a cafe. Mcmuller readily agreed to Ding Yu's request. Although he didn't understand why Ding Yu chose an open environment instead of a closed one, he didn't have much objection!

"I heard that Mr. Ding is very good at studying coffee?" When he picked up the stirring spoon, mcmuller also asked abruptly.

Each other's opening remarks have been said before, nothing more than shaking hands and introducing each other. It is very monotonous, but also quite tasteless. "I don't have any research and I don't like it. I'm a doctor. I study in school. When I work in the hospital, I don't eat at noon. It has a great impact on individuals, but it still needs to be supplemented. Coffee is a good substitute!"

"It's a substitute!" Mike Miller took a sip of coffee, which was quite different from ordinary coffee. Ding Yu chose such a place to meet him. What about here? It is obvious that Ding Yu does not want to be contaminated by other aspects. This is really unexpected.

"Mr. Ding's influence is great, and at the same time, this destructive power is also great!"

"Mr. Miller, what do you say? It's just on behalf of you. I think we'll meet each other? I don't think it's just for the sake of discussing this matter? " Ding Yu didn't mean to take up the topic at all.

"Yes, we shouldn't talk about such vulgar things between us!" When mcmuller saw that Ding Yu had not been cheated, he did not continue to explore what he had to explore on this topic. He had already made it clear that he was not deceived. Why should he bother to entangle himself? It's really boring! And they have pulled down their own level."Do you want to try one, home-made?" Ding Yu took out a cigar from his arms and motioned to mcmuller, "everyone's comments on it are pretty good."

Mcmuller didn't refuse too much, but before he tried, he took the cigar scissors from the box, roasted it, and then lit it for himself.

"I've heard about this cigar before. You can say that people praise this cigar, but not many people can try it all the time? It seems that I am really lucky today! " When speaking, he also nodded to Ding Yu, but he didn't topple the donkey. Especially in front of Ding Yu, he couldn't lose his demeanor.

"It's just that the planting conditions are a little harsh, and the manual workers also need a considerable level of technology, which is very difficult to achieve, so the yield has not been very large! What a pity Ding Yu obviously did not want to talk about the meaning and ideas of important things with mcmuller, but it did not surprise everyone.

"It's hard to imagine that you can come out with such a big name. You are capable and ambitious. In the past, you were really underestimated, so the cost may be a little bit too high!"

Although he felt the aggressiveness of mcmuller, Ding Yu didn't mean to fight against each other. He just sat there and looked at him for half a day and shook his head. "If you talk about this, it will be very boring. There are many landscapes on the road of life. If you miss it, you may never see it again!"

"I'm a dying old man. It's not so important to see the scenery or not!"

Understand, Ding Yu slightly nodded his head. Last night, mcmuller should have reached an agreement with old Peyton. As for the content of the agreement, Ding Yu really does not have any meaning to ask. What is not his own? Don't get contaminated. It's easy to catch fire.

And over there? For the end of Michael Miller should also make a lifelong judgment, certainly will not lock him in the secret room, let him never day, even if it is done like that, it is not safe, so it is the most safe way and means to solve all the problems once and for all, and the big family will really feel at ease.

In terms of the results, it is the most beneficial to all people, but the whole process is really quite cold and cruel. But Ding Yu is not a so-called moralist, so such a problem will not cause him any thinking.

"Mr. Miller is in a good mood." Ding Yu showed a little compliment and said, "but such a beautiful day can be let down, I am afraid that all other Mr. Miller will not see in the eyes."

Listening to Ding Yu's words, mcmuller also tilted his head. The moral of Ding Yu's words is quite obvious. What about himself? There is no opinion or idea at all. It's time now. What should I say? Just say it! The matter that should account for it!

It's so simple! It's so straightforward!

"Have some cherry pie! When I was a child, my mother often made it for me, but after my mother died, I seldom ate it, not because I didn't like it, but because I couldn't make my mother's taste! I don't want to entangle myself with such worldly affairs, and I'm not a hands-on person either! It shouldn't be too much? "

"How?" Ding Yu beckoned to the man in the distance, "go and make a cherry pie. I think the old man's cherry pie? Must have her unique way and technique! I hope Mr. mcmuller will be satisfied! "

Turning his head, Ding Yu also looked at mcmuller. "In fact, at your age, eating this kind of food is not very good, and the sugar content is slightly higher. However, life is a rare opportunity to indulge and be able to do what you like to do and eat what you like to eat. What about your life? Want to be free, but freedom is never so simple! "

"It's very sensible to say that life wants freedom, but how can freedom be as simple as imagination?"

The conversation between the two is simple and boring. The people who have been monitoring are also confused. It's time for them to talk about something more important? Why say these things? They have no meaning at all! What about the people in the back? I'm quite impatient about this, right?!

Old Peyton and others are also listening to the live broadcast at this time. Ding Yu did not put the place of the conversation in his apartment, but arranged it in an open place, which was really beyond everyone's expectation. It is really too simple to want to monitor such a place.

If it is not for fear of some things, even the most clear image data, but what about the people sitting there? After all, it is Ding Yu who needs to be worried about. After all, Ding Yu has given everyone considerable face in the whole thing. On the contrary, we can't give Ding Yu this face at all.

The hostility between each other is true, but it doesn't mean that we need to fight each other. It's past that era. Now we are better at it? It's cold violence, that is, it doesn't lead to considerable conflict, but it can make each other targeted.Because there is a bloody lesson in front of us. Similarly, not all of us are the same as Michael Miller. One pays attention to the principle and doesn't know how to adapt. Therefore, his ending and ending like this are really deserved!

"It's not appropriate to say thank you now!"

"Something? Some are what I can do, some are beyond my power. What if I cook myself? There may not be too many problems in cooking two dishes, but that's how it works. If you really want to be a chef, I'm afraid even the people who cut vegetables need to think about it carefully because they are not qualified! "

"I have the same feeling. In fact, I also tried to make cherry pie in the past, but the process was too troublesome. I did it strictly according to the book, but what about the products? Maybe even a dog won't smell it! I tried, and I was thrown away! "

At the end of the speech, both of them were laughing. They were very happy. They didn't need to talk about such a serious topic. Now, it's better to say some simple things!

"I heard that you are very strict with two children?" Mcmuller also sighed, "what about me? I have had such a life for a short time, but I always have a bad coordination. Maybe it's because feminism is so popular? "

"I've heard of it, but I've heard that you haven't seen each other for decades!"

"Why meet? What about me? Don't want to because my work involves them too much, a lonely family is also very good! And it's good for work. If you take them with you, I'm afraid it won't be so easy at this time! "

"The two children in the family are very upset, and even have some mischievous. What if we talk about it? Is it really hard to say that my position in their mind can be compared with that of our little four eyes? "

"I know!" Mike was also very interested in the discussion. "The dog you adopted when you were traveling is very big, and the relationship with the two children is also very good! I was really interested in it, but the dog was very alert, and then it was over

"Old man! You are cruel enough Ding Yu moved his nose and said, "I'm a cruel person. Sometimes even cockroaches don't stay. But what do I do? It's people who don't attack me, I don't commit crimes. What's more, are you a man? Sometimes there is awe, which is not a bad thing! "

"Are you in awe?"

"How about being a man? I need to be awed. I am not a lawless person. How can I be awed? " When talking, Ding Yu even opened his arm. "To be a man, we should have a sense of awe. I always remember this sentence from the beginning to the end. Even when I taught two children, I also told them this sentence for a long time."

"It's not easy not to get carried away."

"It's normal that we use our own eyes. If we don't use tools, how can we see our back? Anyway, I haven't met such a person. Since we can't see it ourselves, we need to rely on other work and means. This is the right way and the general way! "

"If you are not a Chinese, we may become very good friends!"

"No, I'm a Chinese. I'm very proud of this all the time. I've never felt anything bad about it. Of course, I believe you too? I've always been proud to be an American. We all have our own ideals, but in the process of walking, we have different performances. "

"This description is very appropriate and appropriate. I have always been proud of being an American, and I have always been defending the interests of our country. However, from your words, I can feel that there are some problems in the process of my progress."

"People? It is inevitable that there will be some problems and conditions. If we go wrong, we will not see any bad things. At least, it will give a wake-up call to the later generations. Moreover, who knows whether we are really wrong? Who can go to the front of history to see who is right and who is wrong

"Yes! We can't go to the front of history to see whether we are right or wrong. Let alone that we can't do it, even others can't do it! "

"So I'll go my own way, but I won't hinder others from going other ways. People with similar ideals will never imagine so many of them, so everyone is well! As for whether there will be a meeting day, I believe in the walkers? Will have considerable expectations! At least very much

What about Ding Yu's words? I believe that many people who listen should have some understanding. I don't hinder others, but what about the same? Don't let anyone else trip me up? It's so simple and straightforward!

But it is also because of this simple and straightforward, so that many people are also feeling.

Of course, it can't be that everyone agrees with Ding Yu's words, but Ding Yu is just explaining his own opinions and ideas. If you agree with it, it's better if you don't agree, it doesn't matter!Have you ever held a knife and a gun against them to let them blindly agree, right? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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