For Taylor's departure, Ding Yu did not express any interest and opinion, and left, so what can we do? The previous things themselves did not settle accounts after autumn, but also has given this face, only follow-up? It's just for the sake of master Huang's face. It has nothing to do with Tyler, nor with old Peyton.

What about the old Peyton family? I'm also cold at this time. I spent too much skill in the previous treatment of Tyler. I need a lot of time to recuperate. I don't think you can recover in a moment and a half. I believe you can understand it!

But in the morning, Ding Yu just walked out of the door of the apartment, and was surrounded by several cars. Jin stood in front of Ding Yu for the first time.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ding. We'd like to have a talk with you."

Looking at the posture in front of him, Ding Yu narrowed his eyes slightly. Is this the lengtouqing from there? Directly put oneself to block here, regard oneself as what? How many people do he want to talk to about himself? Is it difficult to express yourself?

Jin didn't relax at this time and looked at the changes around him, but soon someone came out of Ding Yu's back. "Hello, I'm Mr. Ding's personal lawyer. His work has been arranged. There are still two operations this morning. I believe no one wants the operation to be postponed. I hope to see your documents and documents File

There are documents, but what about documents? I can't take it out at all. The lawyer feels that his head is smoking. Are these guys sb? Or did you come here to amuse yourself? He didn't even have a document, so he came to surround him and asked him to go back to assist in the investigation. It seems that the head is really in water!

Ding Yu looked at the person standing in front of him and patted Jin on the shoulder. "I don't know who you are, but the smell on your body is a little bit special. It really makes people have some deep impression. I don't know if you like your own work, but what about me? Still like my work

"Ding Yu, Michael Miller had a heart attack after meeting you! You have a serious suspicion! "

"Ha ha, I'm a suspect?" Ding Yu gave Jin a finger ring, "Jin, go to inform him. Would you please tell Professor Brown? Instead of me today? " Then he turned and looked at the man in front of him, "come on, come with me? Don't worry, I won't eat you again

Then Ding Yu turned around and went to the apartment again. The people behind him didn't hesitate. He followed him. When he walked into his apartment, Ding Yu's face did not change. How many people did you follow? They are all looking at Ding Yu with bad looks. They almost want to eat Ding Yu!

But just out of the elevator, with several people around Ding Yu, the phone ring is almost in the first time ring up, Ding Yu did not stop his own pace, but the sound? Still is passed out, "do not answer the phone, since the matter has happened, then need to have an account is! And how about answering the phone now? It's too late! What did you say? Is it necessary to be responsible? What are the things to be done? It also needs to pay a considerable price! "

Jin was looking at a few people without expression, and then made an invitation gesture, even with the smell of force. Moreover, when Jin made the gesture, the phones of several people all stopped ringing at the first time. Now, even if it is to pick up the phone call, it has no effect. I'm afraid it can only be used as a watch!

Sitting in the living room, Ding Yu holds his cheek in one hand, and knocks on the back of the sofa with the other hand. It seems that he is thinking about something, but what is the expression on his face? It's really not that hesitant.

At the same time, Washington, D.C., was almost in a mess? The investigation department found Ding Yu and even blocked Ding Yu at the door of the apartment. What the hell is the joke? Are these guys stupid? Or is it that someone is joking with Washington, which has something to do with his mother Ding Yu?

Ding Yu is not even able to reach out to help in the whole thing. Now the investigation department has found Ding Yu. This is where he is beating Ding Yu's face! It's all about hitting Washington in the face. How about old Peyton blocking this thing? It's disgusting to Ding Yu.

But now the people of the Bureau of investigation blocked Ding Yu. This is a serious provocation to Ding Yu. If it really starts, the problem will be too big. If it is too big, everyone will have some doubts. Ding Yu is not a person who scolds and doesn't fight back. They are antagonistic to each other.

But now? The way we are more familiar with each other is cold violence. At least, we still have a lot of scruples about face. But now, the intervention of the investigation department has completely broken the balance. Therefore, the Washington side will feel impatient. What kind of people want to provoke each other's relations? It's hateful!

Looking at several people standing there, Ding Yu raised his head. "Someone wants to investigate me. It's really a very strange thing. I don't even know when I'm on the list of your bureau of investigation. But I'm sure someone will tell me. Please wait a moment. Besides, I don't know what kind of coffee you like I didn't have any preparation before. Please forgive me for that! ""By the way, Michael Miller's death report has come out?" Ding Yu's words seemed to be murmuring to himself, as well as asking, "where is the report I received? He died of a heart attack. Is there anything else in this

At this time, several people were also looking at the leader, "Mr. Ding, what exactly is said in the death report? I don't need to mention it to you. We are ready to ask you to assist in the investigation, and you should have read the documents!"

"Assist in the investigation? What you said is easy! " Ding Yu also shook his head, "look at your age? It's not young. I'm a lot older than me. How can I have no social experience? Let's not say whether this matter can or can't be investigated. You didn't do any preparatory work, so you came straight forward. Are you a little impulsive? "

"Mr. Ding, from your words, I doubt that this matter has something to do with you!"

"Good words." Looking at the lawyer not far away to speak, Ding Yu also smiles and waves to his lawyer, "who is mcmuller? I know better than you. What about us? There may be some problems, but it has never been a big problem, but now you have big problems! "

"Hello, I'm Ding Yu!" Ding Yu said

"Mr. Ding, I heard that there was quite a stir. I'm very sorry. I didn't expect such a thing either!"

There was a familiar voice on the phone, and Ding Yu snorted, "now someone is blocking the door of my apartment. It's not only to damage my reputation, but also to pour dirty water on me. What about the people? Right in front of me. How do you think I should explain this? "

"The people of Washington will be here as soon as possible!"

"Yes! The people in Washington will be here the first time! But there is a fart. When I go to work, several cars roar and come, so many people look at it. What about the people who don't know? What kind of crime did you think I committed? You haven't experienced such a scene, I haven't experienced it before, but now I know the power of it

The people on the other side of the phone are also speechless. This matter has nothing to do with Ding Yu. What kind of lengtouqing directly intrudes into Ding Yu's apartment, let alone you break into Ding Yu's apartment? Even if the street is blocked directly, how can such a situation be tolerated?

The old Peyton on the other side of the phone is really helpless. Originally, everything has been solved. What about the whole process? Ding Yu did not get any so-called benefits, nor did he ask for anything. What about this? I'm afraid I've been dissatisfied for a long time. It's not easy to suppress the anger in my heart.

But now some people take the initiative to stir up Ding Yu's anger, and it is still such a blatant way. Under such circumstances, it is strange that Ding Yu can be happy? He didn't say a word of abuse, also is a recuperation is very good!

Old Peyton really wants to scold his mother now. Now Ding Yu asks himself that he has to give a proper account. At the beginning, Ding Yu met with mcmuller. At least, all the people in the cafe were arranged by them. Under such circumstances, the news can be revealed. Ha ha!

"Mr. Ding, it has a considerable impact on your reputation. I think this should not be unconscious?! I can assure you, absolutely must give Mr. Ding an account?! An account to your satisfaction

"Is that what you want to say?" Ding Yu's words are not light or heavy, but we can feel that his tone has become a little bit more serious. An account, a satisfactory account, just want to send himself away? Do you mean to play with yourself as a monkey?

I'm not a three-year-old. I need to listen to what you say?

"Since the investigators need me to cooperate with the investigation, I will cooperate with the investigation? I'm just saying what I know. Isn't that a problem? "

Old Peyton laughed bitterly, "Ding! What about them? For me, they are all children, at least in terms of age? They're all kids, and everyone? They are all family members. In other words, they are just for the sake of making a living. Things have been settled, so there is no need for them to be buried with them! "

The voice of the phone was so loud. Ding Yu was on purpose. Several people standing on one side obviously heard it. At this time, we were all looking at each other. Why is this? Do you mean to scare yourself? Or do you have any other opinions and ideas? For a while, we were really at a loss.

"Yes! Are they all Americans, all noble people? What about me? Asians, therefore, should be discriminated against, so I should bury Michael Miller with me. I'm dead anyway? It won't cause any other noise. The next problem will be easier to deal with. Just pour all the dirty water on my head

Looking at Jin who came by, Ding Yu also looked at Ding Yu with a look of inquiry. Jin also looked at Ding Yu with embarrassment. "Sir, some reporters have appeared downstairs. They seem very excited!"Ding Yu also snorted at this time, "old Peyton, it seems that it is really lively, and the reporters have already arrived. It seems that we really want to settle this matter. I also have some doubts. What is the wrong way to use? I have to take such a method? Yes? Do you really want to be beaten to death with a stick? "

Old Peyton also took a breath of air-conditioning. This matter is troublesome and troublesome. Previously, the police did not say anything about Ding Yu, and even now reporters have come to visit. What is the final result? It may be hard to clean up!

Who did it? I don't know yet, but old Peyton has some doubts. What position does the Boston consortium stand on in this matter? What place should we know? But Boston, the home of the Boston consortium, how could they not control their own voice?

But according to the relationship between Ding Yu and Boston? They can't do this, and they do it so hard?

Is there a problem? The Boston consortium may not be aiming at Ding Yu, it is totally targeting them! When he learned that the reporter appeared, old Peyton seemed to understand something! These guys want to rob by fire, so they come here.

But on the other hand, will Ding Yu know about this? I didn't know that before, but now? If he said he didn't want to understand, he was really deceiving the ghost! He must have considered it clearly, but he is the most indifferent person, because things have nothing to do with him.

How about the Boston consortium fighting for this? It doesn't matter whether they can earn or not. What about them at this time? More willing to disgust people, what about Ding Yu? Naturally, they are willing to cooperate. After all, from the perspective of faction, Ding Yu and Boston and other consortia stand together, and their interests are the same.

What about old Peyton now? It's really disgusting! "Mr. Ding, what do I say now? Not so worthy of protection, but I need to say, this matter will not have any movement, also will not have any waves

Listening to old Peyton's voice, Ding Yu also said, "I don't want to be found by others for no reason. I hope you can do what you say! I believe you, but do some people do things? Hum

Listening to the last sentence in old Peyton's ears, he also felt a little itchy. What about Ding Yu? Obviously, there are some opinions and opinions. They just focus on interests and results. For others, they don't care so much about Taylor's affairs? Or let the relationship between each other, there is a considerable separation.

Although he said that he had been prepared for a long time, when facing such problems, he still felt that there was no taste in his heart. In other words, what about asking for and not asking for? It's just two things!

Although the research center said that considerable progress had been made, this progress was still very limited and could not play a decisive role. What about Ding Yu? It's impossible!

What's more, if you put aside Ding Yu, then the whole family should not mix in the United States. What did Ding Yu ask for in the whole process? It can be said that he didn't have any demands. Instead, old Peyton took advantage of this small pit to dig Ding Yu. What about this? It has also been criticized!

Old Peyton was really dumb eating Coptis, and he could not tell what he had suffered. At that time, apart from Taylor, no one could stop Ding Yu. She was the only one. But judging from the current situation, he really regretted it!

What about Taylor? Even if he doesn't become the Savior of the family, he should at least play an important role. However, Ding Yu directly obliterates this position. Such indifference and indifference also makes Taylor unable to accept it for a while, and the whole person is totally out of balance. He listened to master Huang's advice!

If Taylor continues to stay in Boston, she can only destroy the child. Although she said she has considerable ability, she can't bear such a blow because of her age and experience. Now she can only withdraw and lick her wounds slowly, waiting for the day of her return.

However, it is still unknown which day he can come back. It is not really up to old Peyton to decide.

Ding Yu, who put down the phone, also looked at several people standing there, "what about me? There were some doubts, but now the doubts have been solved, so it's not difficult! Kim, pour them a few cups of coffee. The visitors are guests. We shouldn't be so indifferent. What's more, it's a day of surprise and joy for them

"Mr. Ding, we..."

"Answer the phone? Some things? It doesn't matter whether it's your high spirits or your hot blood. What about your work? And their own family and life, from which to frame the whole life, what about this thing? It has nothing to do with me. We just sit together! My lawyer will explain all this to you in detail! "

What about myself? You don't need to go back with them. These guys from the Boston consortium play games. They just accompany them to make a fool of each other! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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