Is Ding Yu disgusted? It's not a big deal. If we put it in the past, maybe we will really be happy, but now? Really do not have this mood, why is Ding Yu disgusted? Isn't it because of what happened to mcmuller that I was really disgusted? Or an interest consortium headed by old Peyton.

Washington will send relevant personnel to come over, but they can have a maoyong. Can they take the initiative to stand up and say something ugly, they have no courage to stand in front of Ding Yu.

What about the two idiots who were sent here? "It's not to ask you to marry them home. Don't you have a saying that the red flag is flying at home, and the colored flag outside is not falling? Yes? Are you still afraid of your wife? We should respect our wives, but we should also have our own lives, shouldn't we? " Bruno is also a strong demagogue Ding Yu.

"Let's forget about women's affairs. I don't have much interest in it. Taixi will be here in two days. However, it doesn't matter whether they are in Boston or New York. Anyway, they are not so far away from each other."

What about other people? Ding Yu won't pay any attention at all, but Bruno's invitation still has some weight, so Ding Yu gives this face, how about this period of time? It seems to be so close to old Peyton that some consortia may have some complaints. We also need to sit down and have a talk!

"Don't put a place, say something personal, you see, I'm very kind to invite you! You can't come here empty handed

"Bruno, is that a little too much? If you ask me to bring you two bouquets of flowers, there's no problem. Even two roast chicken and two Boston lobsters are under consideration, but they just represent my heart! "

"Don't be so cold, will you?" Bruno also changed his tone. "You know, how mean this guy in the East is? I've already tracked down his farm, but I only got two boxes of cigars from his hand. When will you be able to open up the supply? It's not like this

"Come back with me if you have time. I'll show you the production there?"

What about the origin of cigars? It's not a secret. Is it secret? It's just formula and technique. What about these? It's really not something that the outside world can learn. In fact, as we all know, it's not how stingy Ding Yu is, but that there's really no way to mass produce things.

The requirements for soil quality, and even accidents in the planting process, etc., may cause product faults. It is quite good that Ding Yu can share these things with you. But why is the "lack of people"? Right? So we still hope to be able to dig out more things from Ding Yu's mouth.

Anyway, he can't consume so many things. With these good things, we should help him to share, which is better, no doubt!

"I don't care. I'll order a big box of Christmas presents for me. Otherwise, I'll have to go to your apartment to steal. I hope you won't say that I'm rude. There's no way. Who can let you keep good things in private?"

"It's hard for you to say such a thing!" Ding Yu is also really helpless. Obviously, he is playing rogue with himself. "I will prepare the gift for you. I hope you will be satisfied then! I also need to prepare some Christmas and new year's Day gifts for them. If it's OK, don't disturb me! "

"Good luck to you!"

The things that should be said have been said, and the things that should be asked are also required. Although things have not been obtained yet, Ding Yu has said this, and then he only needs to sit and enjoy his achievements! Beautiful enjoyment.

What about this problem? I still despise old Peyton very much, the matter let him deal with too disgusting! What could have been a pleasant thing on both sides, but he came up with such a way to deal with it? Can't we say hello to Ding Yu in advance at that time, and the two sides discussed to solve it?

Is Ding Yu so bad to talk about? Or deliberately snatch the credit? How can it be? I don't know Ding Yu too much! Yes! In the end, old Peyton, they got what they wanted, but what? No, let Ding Yu's heart have considerable views and opinions, which is nothing to lose.

Now think about saving it? Is it so easy there? If everything can be saved, what else should the police do?

So Bruno looked down on old Peyton, too small. If you are sincere to your friends, your friends can be sincere to you. They are mutual. Ding Yu has promised to help your family deal with genetic diseases. Then this matter can never be given up halfway. I believe that old Peyton also understands.

But we should not use this thing to threaten Ding Yu in turn. How about each other? They also stand on the opposite side of interests. Otherwise, they are really maintained by having such friends. Even if they stand together, they will feel quite disgusted and despised by others.In about a week, old Peyton also called Ding Yu. The previous things always need to be explained to Ding Yu, isn't it? This is what he said. Ding Yu didn't mean to ask about the process. Now he needs to know what the result is.

Old Peyton did his best for this matter, but now he is also a little exhausted. During the whole process, Ding Yu has never been to the research center. Although Taylor is not here, what about the research center? Some people still exist, but Ding Yu is indifferent.

Things have been explained, it is also a matter of their own mind, otherwise there is really no way! The blood of the research center is not enough! After all, the research center is in Boston, not on the west coast. Although the family has mobilized a lot of people, it is not their own territory.

There is no way to let Ding Yu come to the west coast. It is not because of the transfer of the hospital, but because Ding Yu has no interest in this aspect. He is not so confident about himself. After this, it is even more impossible to go to the west coast! It's a mess.

"Ding, there are some problems in the research center. Their staffing is not enough to solve this problem?! I hope you can help! " When he said this, old Peyton was full of bitterness. When Taylor was there before, Ding Yu occasionally went over, and even took the initiative to help.

Now that Tyler is gone, what about Ding Yu? Never been there again, sad or not? And all this? Unexpectedly, some things are just like this. When you get something, you don't deserve to cherish it. When you lose it, you will know how to regret it. But it seems that it is really too late to say regret now!

"I've been busy these two days, so I don't have so much free time. Sorry!" Ding Yu also used the tone of prevarication to push the past, has been like this, is it difficult to let himself have a little temper, right? What's more, they are not dependent on others, willing or unwilling? You need to look at your mood.

However, these two days of work is really to make himself feel a little tired, should go out for a walk, but Ding Yu did not go out as before, the suit is completely changed, dressed as if he was a sports man, style has changed a lot.

What if you wear a casual dress? I can't bear it, but how can it be that you are wearing such a sportswear? But Ding Yu does not care about it. How about me? It seems that it has nothing to do with you! How I am willing to do it is my own business!

Ding Yu came to the research center smoothly. The quality of the staff here was quite good. All the materials were put on the table at the first time. However, Ding Yu did not show any interest. He did not understand it. After all, what was involved? It's a bit wide!

Although Ding Yu didn't mean to see it, the leader here really tried his best. Now there is no blood on this side. As a result of too frequent research, the blood taken out is limited, not endless, and it is totally two times with blood drawing!

It's not to say that today's pumping can continue tomorrow's extraction, not so simple! The requirements for family patients are not high, but what about Ding Yu? It can be said that it is quite high. Ding Yu is not a God. He can do it endlessly. After all, Ding Yu still has his own work and life.

Looking at the little boy who brought something for himself, Ding Yu also looked at him. He had black hair, but his eyes were blue. "Father or mother?" The little boy looked at Ding Yu and said, "my father is Asian!"

"Good hair!"

Ding Yu said that, without any praise or reprimand, but after coming in, regardless of how other people said hello, Ding Yu didn't pay any attention, but only said a few words to the little boy.

"What's the name?"

"Ge Huai, Miss Huai!"

Ding Yu also nodded clearly. It is self-evident what the so-called remembrance refers to. Obviously, her mother should not have heard of the family genetic disease, but remember? It seems that there are also some problems, because there are two barriers in the old Peyton family, the first is 18 years old, and the second is 60 years old. Obviously, what about her mother? Not 60 years old!

How about 18? It is not a problem to have a baby by oneself. It may be a test tube baby. In terms of modern technology, it is not a problem. It is just the gene of the old Peyton family? It really doesn't mean that you can solve the problem by checking DNA and chromosomes.

What they can think of, how can their families not think of it? Even in the whole process, I don't know how many times I've manipulated it. It's just unknown to the outside world! Of course, this may be more of a guess, who knows? Anyway, Ding Yu didn't mean to ask, and old Peyton didn't mean to say either.

"Now that I'm here, I know my own situation well?" This topic is so heavy, especially for children of this age! But Ding Yu just asked!Ge Huai nodded heavily, "I hope I can help the family members!"

"The idea is really not general strong!" Ding Yu looks at the little boy in front of him. He doesn't know where he is interested. Maybe his father is Asian! So it's also interesting to say two more sentences. "There's nothing to do today, just you!"

What about Ding Yu's attitude? There are some things that can't be refused. For the staff here, what about GE Huai? It's not a big deal if you're just a participant in the experiment! His age is really young, but for the whole family disease research, it is really a good object.

It's not to say that they must be approaching the age of 18, and other ages can also participate in it. Only through this in-depth understanding can we know the reasons and changes. Ge Huai looks at Ding Yu and nods heavily, but Ding Yu doesn't have much reason.

On the test-bed, Ding Yu looked at the little boy lying naked there, and touched his body with his hand, probably because he was too nervous. Chen Huai also couldn't help twisting his body. "Don't be too nervous. You can't cut or pull meat. Just relax! Relatively speaking? It's just a little pain! "

However, when Ding Yu was ready to start his work, the assistants nearby were not free for a moment. The experimental center was closed at the first time, and no external interference was allowed at this time. This is not only for the protection of the whole research center, but also for Ding Yu!

You know, in the eyes of the outside world? This may be a research center, but in fact, the security level here is absolutely beyond imagination. What about the researchers? Many, but the security personnel stand up several times more than the personnel, not to mention the human, even if the ants have been unable to let them slip in!

What about the movie? After all, it's just a movie. The reality doesn't allow them to make any mistakes. Besides the security of the research center, there are also Ding Yu's security. They are also on standby.

What about these? It's just internal protection, not external protection?!

Lying on the bed, Ge Huai really didn't feel any pain. It was just that the instrument hooped on his body made him feel a little uncomfortable. Besides, what else? Really don't have too much feeling!

And Ding Yu after so many experiments, is also able to control the problems and situation!

So the whole process is very smooth, and the effect seems to be better than the imagination. What's the first feeling of the blood taken out? Is very healthy, with Taylor and III has a very obvious difference!

But the overall dose seems to be a little small, but what about those lying on the bed? After all, he is a child, so I can forgive you! Ge Huai also took quite a long time to get out of bed.

But when he got out of bed, Ding Yu had already left and had no chance to thank him!

This point is really let Ge Huai have some small chagrin, did not seize such an opportunity! It's really a pity. If you can communicate with Ding Yu again, it may be better. What about next time? I'm afraid we won't get to the wheel! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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