When the two children came home, they also showed off to their father. Taixi's face was so white with fear. What did they say? It's definitely not the details, so I also look at Ding Yu.

Ding Yu simply explained that the two children didn't want to take the road of performing arts circle, which was a great relief to Taixi. The hardships and hardships of this road were really beyond people's imagination. It was too much twists and turns. I really didn't want the two children to experience these.

Even if they like it? I will try my best to avoid it, but what do you mean now? It seems that the two children really don't have interest in this aspect, which is also a good thing. Like their father, it's very good to be an entrepreneur, or to be a lawyer and a doctor!

"I won't be with you tomorrow. I'll meet other people. Christmas is coming soon. We need to solve some problems before this. Otherwise, we will be in our hearts! There are some who are in a hurry! "

Although Ding Yu said so, in fact, he was not so concerned about the whole thing. He had not met the great emperor of Russia, so what about the farm? We can only express a general interest, there is no way to finally determine.

At most, it is to explain the old Peyton affair. This is not a troublesome thing in itself. Of course, it may cause the matter of macmiller, but what about this matter? Ding Yu is not completely involved in it. He is just a knife, not a hand holding it!

As for the prism action they outlined? At most, his side is to arrange the follow-up processing, and I believe they will not deliberately chat with him too much, so Ding Yu still has considerable confidence in this aspect!

The next day, Ding Yu came to the place with something. Looking at the people present, he also said hello to each other. It seems that everyone is very attentive when he can spare such time. But now he is sitting here, but what is the actual situation? There was no intention of holding a meeting.

When Ding Yu put the cigar box down, everyone's eyes were bright. When he opened the cigar box, his hand speed was quite amazing. What about now? But there's nothing you say before me. Who's got it? It's someone. I don't have the chance to have such a chance.

Soon the crowd is also spitting clouds and fog, one by one? They are all old smokers. At this time, Sanchez also carried drinks and walked to Ding Yu's side. "Ding, what about such a good thing? Should I really share it with you? Anyway, you don't have any hobbies in this area, but what about us? It's an old man who has entered the coffin with half a leg. If you don't have this scruple, it's not good to respect the old man. "

It's shameless enough. Ding Yu is also helpless. "With such a large output at home, is it a little bit wrong? It's not the taste. What's more, what's the change of origin? It will also cause other malpractices. If you don't dislike it, you can try it. Next year at most, but what's the taste? I'm not going to make any guarantees! "

"You! Always in the front Holding up the cup in his hand, Ding Yu is also the same. There is not much wine in the cup. Ding Yu just sipped it. "It's OK. I'm willing to be the pioneer. It's also a way to pave the way for everyone. I'm sure you won't have any opinions!"

A few small jokes, can also be regarded as the opening remarks?

"Ding, I heard that the Russian side has carried out a good investigation?"

Ding Yu looked back at Bruno beside him and nodded slightly, "what about Russian agriculture? It really can't meet the standards of American agriculture, and even the agriculture of any other country can't meet the standards of American agricultural modernization. Therefore, we can only find ways from other aspects. I haven't talked to the great emperor yet. "

"Over there? The landform is vast, but what about the climate? It's a little bad! "

"Who said it was not?" Ding Yu replied, "what about the emperor? There are also concerns in this respect. I have read the report on the investigation mission. It is not a general trouble, but I believe everything? They can be settled through mutual consultation, which takes quite a long time. "

Speaking of this, Ding Yu also looked at all the people present. What about next year? If I want to expose the prism plan, I must dare to be before this? The matter is solved, that is to say, before the prism project is exposed? I need to talk to the emperor about things, so now we give an accurate information!

Obviously, people also heard the hidden meaning of the words. They looked at each other and said, "is it more than a month away from the lunar new year? Ding, I think you'll probably go home for the Spring Festival? "

"Do you mean to solve this problem years ago?" Seeing everyone's appearance, Ding Yu only understood that they were obviously misunderstood, so he also explained, "I mean the meeting with the great emperor was placed before the Chinese Lunar New Year? What about me now? There is such a time, but I don't know if the emperor has such a time! "Because of this? He said it doesn't count. He just slapped his hands all the time. What about the emperor? It's another slap, two palms together, that can be clapped. But from the tone of people like Sanchez, you can feel hungry. What about their plan to detonate the prism? It won't take long.

"I'll try to be ahead? Talk to the emperor?! I think I've been looking forward to each other! " This is really not empty talk. We have been famous for a long time, but we really haven't seen each other. Although we have had considerable cooperation, there is no way to expose this cooperation.

"By the way, old Peyton is a disgrace this time. Isn't he in a hurry lately?" Dongfang Jing also said jokingly at this time, "old five's temper is a little bit grumpy, and he swears at home. I think the eighth generation of old Peyton will never have a good year?"

Ding Yu looks at his Eastern elder martial brother with a bitter smile. As for such a grudge? But it's not a bad thing. "What about old Peyton? I didn't mean to be involved in this thing, but he was too anxious at that time! right now? Should it be more popular? "

Other people may not understand what Shanghuo means, but Dongfang Jing can't understand it. He has a very happy feeling in his heart. He should drag old Peyton to save him from making such a moth. If it wasn't for his sake, would Dongfang Jing be like that at that time?

Now what about Ding Yu? In your spare time, go and see the progress of the research center before the relationship between them is completely relaxed? If you want to let Ding Yu do his best, how can it be possible? Even if Ding Yu's mind is broad and magnanimous, does old Peyton have a good idea? Their skin should not have the level of kindness?!

"Old Peyton should prepare you with rich Christmas and new year's gifts. Don't worry. He will never give you a turkey. There are some things he can't do well!"

Is it really good to bury old Peyton in this way? But in people's eyes, it's also common sense. What happened? It's not a factional person. At least, everyone's direction is different, so this situation at this time is not a big deal!

"Is there a gift? I don't have such a relationship. As long as I don't curse me, at least I can feel more comfortable in my heart! " Ding Yu is not so interested in such a thing. Even if he can blackmail old Peyton, what can he do? Do you still lack the oil and water?

Therefore, Ding Yu will never take the initiative to reveal the meaning of this aspect. How can old Peyton do it? That's his business. How can I do it myself? It's our own business, everyone is irrelevant! This is also very good!

What about Ding Yu? It's really not a big problem. After a period of time, Bruno seems to have talked with the people next to him, and then he also touched Ding Yu with his hand, "to say something practical is also to satisfy my personal curiosity. What about my brother? It's like there's a handle in mcmuller's hand! "

Some puzzled looked at Bruno, "I haven't heard of it. The conversation between me and mcmuller is not very long. In addition, compared with each other's situation, we all know, and I have not opened the so-called information?" After that, he also looked at Bruno. What does this mean?

"My fault, what about that? I may have expressed some inaccuracies. I really don't know how mcmuller mastered those things. Anyway, my brother didn't mention this to me. Isn't Michael Miller dead? Some things need to be cleaned up! "

Ding Yu pointed to Bruno, "I understand, but is it really good to get involved in this matter? I found Mike Miller earlier and identified him. What about his home? I'm afraid there are no cockroaches left now, so you can't do it too lightly? I think a lot of people will be interested in it! "

What about this? It's not a joke. It's the actual situation. Everyone wants to know if there are any other historical materials left by mcmuller? It is bound to have a considerable impact. If you can take the lead in holding it in your own hands, you can eliminate your own danger, and at the same time, you will also have a handle on others.

"A lot of people are interested in it, but there is no one who can really get it!" Bruno is also very helpless to open his hands, "all aspects of the people are looking for, and whether it is inside the industry, or outside the industry, whether it is professional, or flying professional?"

"Why must it be me? What's more, I don't have the time! " Ding Yu held up the glass in his hand and said, "what's more, even if it's your brother, it doesn't seem to have any influence on you. Do you have any other ideas? It seems that it shouldn't be so right?"

Bruno shook his head and laughed. "Something? It's really not so simple to be able to make it clear. Everyone doubts what macmiller left behind, and even Elizabeth is trying to find it. But no one has any results. It's natural to find it. If you can't find it, you will be relieved! ""Isn't it clear that I should jump into the pit?" Ding Yu also took a look at Bruno without being angry. "What did mcmuller leave behind, or is it true that something has been left behind? Is there any significance in tracking down this problem? Even if it makes sense, where do you think people like him put things? "

"The most unexpected place?"

Ding Yu knocked the cup on the table with his hand, "if I were him, I have two places to hide things. What about one? It's a place that everyone can't imagine. What about the other one? Is it a place that everyone can think of? "

"What do you mean?" Bruno also blinked his eyes, "what is the place that everyone can think of?"

"Can see but can't eat what meaning, I think you should also understand?" Ding Yu explained, "do you know that place clearly? We should be able to find out some things, but you can't get in, let alone you can't get in. Even old Peyton can't get in either! "

Bruno seems to understand something, the expression on his face is also a lot of helplessness, "I seem to understand, so think about it? There is a possibility in this respect. If I were Michael Miller, if I hid things like that, I could see them, but I couldn't eat them? "

"If it was me, I would do it, but who knows? From my personal point of view, I don't approve of this adventure. It's just like that after Hoover died, everyone went to search his files. What's the point? Always disappear in the historical context? "

Bruno looked at Ding Yu and raised the glass in his hand, "you! I can't avoid two days of leisure. The final conclusion is not yet reached. So, no one can be too good. Some people? What can you do if you don't give up? "

"Don't pay attention to me, as for the others? It's really not that reassuring? "

"And pay attention to you, unless you really don't want to die?" Bruno was very dissatisfied with Ding Yu's reply, "I always think you are the best candidate. What about others? After all, it's a little bit worse than that? "

"Forget it! I don't have the time, I don't have the energy, and I don't want to thank you for this! " Ding Yu always insisted on his attitude, Bruno also shook his head, "do you insist? I'm afraid it doesn't have much effect, but what about it? What about Greece? But it's been a long time since it's stopped? "

"What about things over there? It's Sasha who is in charge. I won't pay much attention to it. Yingnan is the housekeeper. What about this? Just like Bai Wen, I'm only responsible for the problems in the general direction from time to time. As for others? It's not that I don't want to ask questions, but I'm really powerless, not my major! "

Bruno doesn't believe it? What about this? That is to cheat the ghost! But what about some things? It's also true that we can't deny that Ding Yu's decentralization is really the ultimate. He just controls the consortium to a certain extent, but he doesn't mean to cling to it!

What about the following subjective initiatives? This is the main reason why Ding Yu's consortium has been able to develop vigorously? There is a leader. He is responsible for the direction. Other things are basically indifferent. What about the people below? After getting the direction of guidance, joint efforts, so to achieve goals and objectives is very simple!

"What about it? I have a question. You can rest assured that sun Yingnan is your woman? "

"Why not worry?" Ding Yu also asked, "if you can't even feel at ease, what else can you do?" Obviously, Ding Yu has absolute confidence in this matter.

"I'm not like you, you fellow! You can still live now, thanks to the modern medical conditions. If you were a few centuries in the morning, you! It's really hard to imagine what this time will look like

"Don't talk to me about Russia? I have some opinions and ideas, but what about sun? It's too slippery to keep your hands. There's no way. What about you? I'm in charge of my own affairs. I can't do nothing, can I? " Bruno, there are so many rogues at this time!

"What about Russia? I need to see the emperor first. I really don't know how the relationship between your consortium and the emperor is? " Having said that, he also took a suspicious look at Bruno.

"It's not as shameless as old Peyton's, but the struggle for interests? Is a common thing, but we pay more attention to mutual cooperation, rather than monopolizing all. The world belongs to everyone, not to one person?! But sometimes? Truth is in the hands of a few! "

"This is sophistry, OK?" Ding Yu is really a little bit ungrateful for such fallacies.

"Anyway, I need to meet the emperor. What if you have to be the representative? I'm not against it. I don't think it's going to spoil the issue between us, but are you really ready for this? "Bruno looked at Ding Yu with a little doubt in his eyes, "why do you look at me like this? It gives me the feeling that there is a ghost in your heart! I'm a little worried? "

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