Ding Yu didn't discuss too much with Bruno. There were many things involved. After all, what about the people present? There are so many a little bit, although what about everyone? It seems that there are some not very serious, and even some of them are so careless, but no one will really take this as a matter. They all have their own attention and calculation in their hearts.

From the beginning of the morning, there was no one coming out in the evening. Until the next day, all the talents left. Tomorrow will be Christmas Eve. Basically, all the things that should be discussed have been discussed. What about the decisions that should be made? Also made the corresponding response.

Ding Yu didn't take Christmas Eve and Christmas as a special thing, but when he was in Rome, did he? Tai Xi's preparations are really quite complete. Looking at the Christmas tree in the room, Ding Yu also stood there and looked at it for a period of time. The small things on it were really exquisite, and it was hard for her to be so careful.

But small four eyes put aside their own hind legs, this is how a thing? Ding Yu also stares at two eyes, but does not have any response meaning, and small four eyes? Even Ding Yu did not mean to be polite.

Seeing the appearance of xiaosiyan, Ding Yu twisted his nose with his hand, but there was no other smell. What about xiaosiyan? Is deliberately in the division of their own territory, if such behavior is really seen by Taixi, then stew it? No, but what about labor reform? Or is it not a problem?

But tomorrow is Easter, so Ding Yu really didn't mean to tell the story. He looked at the little four eyes and looked at each other for a period of time. Then they both turned their heads to one side and ignored each other. It seemed that there were some obstacles between each other, but they could not give each other any more!

Originally, they wanted to make a fool of themselves, but the two little guys were obviously sensitive to the smell on their bodies, which was not so strange. After staying there for a whole night, it was like smoking, drinking, and even sweat stains. It really made Ding Yu shiver.

When her hair was dried, Ding Yu didn't have much mischievous meaning with the two little guys. She said hello, and then went back to the bedroom to have a rest. Yesterday, there was no time for any rest at all, and everyone did not act foolishly. There were so many things to talk about.

Before returning to his residence, Ding Yu also met sun Yingnan, mainly to sort out, although he said his brain memory? It's very good, but even if the computer crashes, not to mention sun Yingnan? But the chief executive!

Let her come home together for Easter and Christmas. She is alone. It seems that she has no taste. But she can't forget Sasha and Li Fuzhen. There are too many women? It's really not a good thing. Fortunately, my gift has already been prepared, and now it should have been delivered!

Wake up, in addition to the service and security, did not see Tai Xi and two children, but is very quiet.

"I remember giving you a holiday?" Looking at the gold there, Ding Yu also has some puzzled questions.

Kim stood up on his shoulder and said, "there's nothing to see!" Obviously, what about the words? There are also some helpless and depressing taste, from the beginning to the end? It's the same way that he's with him.

"A very important festival, whether for yourself or for the whole family? Although there are some things? The explanation is not clear! "

"Sir, it's because the explanation is not clear that it's the trouble." Jin also shook his head. "Some things really can't be explained if you want to explain them. If all the things can be explained clearly and clearly, there may be no worries! But this kind of life is also very good! I like it very much, and so do everyone. "

"I had a little too much last night, so don't let me drink with you now!" I don't know where Ding Yu pulled out a box of cigars. "You can do anything else. These things are hard for me to leave behind! It's different from those guys! "

Jin didn't have any hesitation, but he soon put it in his own hands. Do you know what Mr. Zhang gave him? It's one time. Take the initiative by yourself. That's another thing!

"Let me tell you, I can't have a rest at such a time. There are some things that shouldn't be done. Work is work. But what about such a day? You should relax and relax. You can arrange it! There's nothing else here anyway! "

Have been waiting for the evening, Tai Xi and Sun Ying men with two little guys back, good guy! Fortunately, there are nannies and attendants at the back. Otherwise, they would not be able to take so many things. I really don't know where they bought them. The categories are not complete in general.

"Dad Looking at Ding Yu, who was going to pick up things, the two little guys rushed over like bears, and the things in their hands were almost flying! Fortunately, Ding Yu's body is relatively strong, so he also picked them up."When did you get up?" Tai Xi also let people put things to security, "I saw you rest earlier, so I didn't disturb you!"

"For a while! Last night I was devastated by these old guys? Boy, more energetic than I am Ding Yu can't help shaking his head when he thinks about it now. "There are some doubts really. Where is the spirit of these old guys coming from? I still have some doubts now. It's really not human? "

"That's what you're talking about, teaching bad kids?"

But what about the two children? At this time, he was concentrating on sorting out their toys. When Ding Yu looked at these toys, he was also curious. He even sat cross legged in front of the two children. He really didn't expect to be here in the United States? Encounter such a toy, there are so some can meet but can not ask for feeling.

"Where did you buy it?" Ding Yu took one of them and put them on his hand. When he was a child, he played with such toys, but there were so few of them. Now he saw them all of a sudden. Is there really something unexpected?

The two little guys looked at the things there and were eager to try. Ding Yu didn't mean to disturb them. What about them? Really is not a small test, their own for these things? I don't know much about it, but it's not easy to tear these toys apart.

There are no nails, so what about the architecture? They are all based on tenon mortise structure. If they are placed in China or Japan, there is no problem. What about China? It was the ancestor of this, but what about Japan? Although Ding Yu doesn't like this country, he can't deny that some traditional things are well preserved there.

In front of two little guys? It's a big house. The whole house is so fixed there. No nails can be seen. It's made of wood. However, it's not so easy to find traces. Ding Yu has been looking for a long time, but he can't find out why.

He was more interested in Lu bansuo in front of him. He played when he was a child, so Ding Yu quickly found his way. After opening it, there was also a sign inside. Looking at the sign on it, Ding Yu really didn't have too many ideas and didn't know him, but it should not be difficult to check.

After all, it's just a simple cage. It's not a big pineapple or a magic box next to it. Ding Yu really doesn't have any research on the big pineapple and the magic box. What about the magic box? It's really different from the ordinary box. Ding Yu examined it for quite a long time and didn't mean to do it.

Because there was no instruction manual, the two of them were arguing with each other. Ding Yu casually handed over the things from the cage next to him, "what about this house? It's too much of a test for you. It's really not what you can interpret at this stage, even your father can't, but this cage should be more suitable for you, don't think of violence to crack, move your head! "

When they were about to have dinner, the two children also cracked the contents from the cage. There was a small problem during the assembly, but the problem was not big, and it was solved quickly. However, it was obvious that this could not satisfy their interests. Their goal was still to place it on the next big house.

Taixi looked at the two children when they were eating, some were not attentive, and some were not satisfied. He took a look at Ding Yu, but did not get any response. The two children ate in a hurry, and soon put their attention on the previous big room, but still could not do it.

"That thing is so funny?" Taixi is also curious.

"Not for fun?" Ding Yu looked at the two little guys who left, and also laughed, "what about them? It's time to learn a lesson in this respect. I don't know how thick the sky is When I said this, I didn't worry about whether the two children were their own children.

"Just some wood? I had a look just now! No, what do you think? " Obviously, Taixi didn't take this as a thing, just some wooden blocks! There's no big deal.

Ding Yu looked at the English man who didn't speak. He felt a little funny in his heart, "you can guide them. As long as you can get up tomorrow morning, I don't have any opinions!"

After thinking about it, Ding Yu still felt that it was not so safe. "It was very simple, just a few wooden posts, but what about the actual situation? It is the crystallization of the wisdom of ancient Chinese culture. It is not as simple as you can imagine! They are starting to study the big house now. Some of them are too far ahead of time and can't climb. They just want to run, and they will suffer a lot! "

Taixi's appearance is a little resentful. Ding Yu didn't explain. When he had dinner, Taixi was sitting beside the two children. Ding Yu looked at the three of them, but he didn't mean to disturb them. "Where did you find them? Not to mention, quite good! "

"The gift for them, an old man I knew earlier, has been in the United States for many years, which is far away from here. So I asked him to make such things. It is only two years before it is finished!""It's really hard!" Dingyu also praised the saying, "it is really good thing, domestic side will have such a talent I really don't know, when I was a child once played, but many years have not played, even have been about to forget, now remember, really impressive!"

Dingyu didn't want to disturb the children, let them explore it on their own! But what about Taixi? It's not that grumpy, but it's clear that it's not easy to get rid of it. What about two kids? She has studied the contents of the cage, but she still hasn't found the knock.

In the morning, Taixi was lazy on the bed without any intention of getting up, nor did she think about punishment or other reasons. She held Dingyu in his dead arms, which means nothing to let go. Dingyu didn't refuse. She was not right in her mood last night!

What about the two children taking things in the cage? It's quite familiar, but what about her? Even two children can not catch up with each other. This blow is a little bit big. This thought has not changed in a moment. When the two children come to the riot, Taixi can quietly open his eyes.

Then they also pressed the two children in the quilt, which is the two of them caused the disaster, otherwise how can it be? The two children had no so-called consciousness, with a little four eyes of a sudden of noise, almost all the bed to step in and collapse.

At night, Ding Yu took two children to the show. After all, it was also a Christmas dinner here. It was different from the normal performance. In fact, it was quite lively. What about the people around the world? It may all be gathered here. We sincerely wish each other, but it is also a different taste.

But when watching the performance, Dingyu also noticed a strange phenomenon. It was not really possible for ordinary forces to operate the girls here. The performance of several girls also made the atmosphere in the square very strong!

Dingyu is not so keen on these things in ordinary times, so he doesn't know so much about this situation. "When did they come? Can stand on such a big stage, as if should get some praise

What about Taixi for them? There are also some kind of hearts, "fauzhenoni has been keeping this aspect of concern. In the past, the road was not so smooth. Later Bruno helped a lot. Otherwise, they would have to pay a lot if they wanted to make a difference."

Dingyu laughed at it with no intention. Two little guys clapped hands. Anyway, there were parents and aunts. They only cared about eating, drinking and playing. They were very excited. When they went back at night, they even fell down in Dingyu's arms, and they were exhausted for too long!

The gift of bed head has been set up. Dingyu also has his finger active. Instead, she was patted by Taixi. What is it if they reach out for their children's gift? Sun yingmen in the back also feel that there are so many funny, even a little bit to laugh out of the voice.

Ding Yu didn't mean to attend the countdown of the square in the new year. Taixi and yingmen were not interested in it. It was good to sit at home and watch TV broadcast. The same was true for the two small ones. It was too lively. However, when watching the big apple fall, the feeling was really different.

Although it is not the new year of the lunar calendar, Dingyu still videos with his parents. Their time is different from that of this side for a day. The time of five in the morning is exactly five o'clock in the evening, so video chat is really very suitable!

See the big son? It is not so important. When seeing Taixi and two children, Dinglin and zhaoshuying feel very satisfied, especially grandchildren and granddaughters. Their mouths are very sweet and very likable!

Dingyu, while in his spare time, also called his grandfather and grandma and grandpa. After all, it was the beginning of the new year. What about two words of gratification? Or should we cut off the relationship? It was a time, but what about the new year? Another time! Can not be seen in the same way.

What Ding Yu did on such a matter is really that there is no way to pick up what. Wang Pu and the old lady can't say anything dissatisfied. Grandson called himself. What else would you like?

Especially at this time, why not make it too pleasant? Originally, he wanted to say two words to two children, but Dingyu told them something about it. How about waiting? It's going to be video with them!

What is the matter? Dingyu didn't say it, but how could Wang Pu and the old lady not understand? Must be to Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying to talk, do not want to know how to do a thing!

Two little guys are not really busy. Besides video with their great grandparents and great grandmother, they need to video with grandpa and grandma. It is also necessary for them to have so many without looking tired. What about a month later? Maybe it needs to be repeated again, and I can't stand it!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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