How about new year's greetings? Ding Yu tried to make the things on the surface look very good. Anyway, Ding Yu's phone calls basically did not stop. Almost all of the time in the morning was making and answering calls.

The time in the United States is not synchronized with that in China. It is 12 hours later than that in China. Since we are in the United States, we need to follow the time of the United States, let alone our own side? It's still in the morning! So we don't have any complaints, just call me!

"What? Not going back to Boston together? "

Tai Xi looked at Ding Yu and the two children who were not far away. He also shook his head. "There are too many things in Korea. I have been away for such a long time. I am afraid that some business has been delayed. Moreover, after a period of time, it will be the lunar new year. I need to straighten out the relationship among them, and everyone will have a good year."

The last word has some coquettish meaning. Ding Yu also puffed up his mouth, but Taixi was also kind enough to bite Ding Yu's mouth, which could be regarded as giving Ding Yu some candy to eat. Otherwise, if the mood really gets up, there will be some difficulties in ending it!

After all, I still know the situation of their men very clearly. The women in the family don't say single to single, even two to one, it's hard to deal with them. If you don't flatter yourself, don't think about it at night. You can't get up tomorrow. You should be careful!

"By the way, those little girls are in New York now. They won't go back so soon. It's hot now!" When talking, Taixi also pays attention to Ding Yu. What identity those girls are is no longer so important. They were originally prepared for Ding Yu.

But Ding Yu didn't mean to look at them all the time. At most, his senses were pretty good. But now that he wants to go back, he doesn't mean to accept these girls, but at least he is a companion! Not too lonely and lonely.

Looking at Ding Yu's eyes, Taixi doesn't mean to insist. The two children are still studying the big house. All their attention is on it now, and they are almost possessed. It's a rare thing for children to have such perseverance!

At least Taixi himself has given up. During this period of research, he feels exhausted. Those things are really not what he should study. As for the two children? Their perseverance in this respect is so different. Since they like it, let them study it by themselves!

The next day, Taixi also cleaned up. Ding Yu didn't have anything to do. So his party sent him to the airport. The two children were not used to it. They had already passed that age. What's more, they will celebrate the lunar new year in a while. We'll meet again then!

However, when sending Ding Yu to the plane, someone waited for a long time. After Taixi left, they came to Ding Yu and said, "Mr. Ding? So careful? "

Two little guys said hello and then left. What about such an occasion? It's not suitable for them to continue to stay, and they have no interest in staying. Ding Yu looked at the visitors, but also turned his head and looked at the visitors. "I really don't remember when to deal with government agencies?"

"It's too big. I'm just an employee. I didn't expect to meet Mr. Ding here. I don't know if Mr. Ding can have a chat?" The visitor did not appear to have any anger because of Ding Yu's sarcasm. He still looked at Ding Yu calmly and seemed to have considerable confidence.

"Have a word?" Ding Yu waved to the back, "when did you become so cautious? It's not like the style of the past! It's true that there are some people who are not used to it. "

After looking at it for a while, Ding Yu shook his head, "what if it's a formal visit? I will accept, if it is the gathering of friends? I don't know how you define the relationship between each other, but such behavior? Can I be interpreted as provocation? "

"It has nothing to do with provocation. I just got off the plane and didn't expect to meet Mr. Ding here. So please forgive me for my bold visit." Having said that, she also bowed down to express her apology.

Seeing here, Ding Yu also slightly nodded his head, "coffee or tea?"

"Coffee is good! Thank you, Mr. Ding! " Then they followed Ding Yu's side. They went to the rest area together. Some people had already arranged their seats. After Ding Yu sat down, the people behind him also sat down with them. Soon, someone also brought coffee!

"If you remember correctly, you seem to have been promoted now? But when the CIA came to me, did I really feel flattered? Shall I have a guess at your purpose? "

"Is Mr. Ding laughing? What about mcmuller? It's dust laden, but what about some things? I haven't fully explained it clearly. Originally, these things should be about the FBI and have nothing to do with the CIA. However, mcmuller has been involved in a lot of things. I can only visit one by one to learn about other aspects of the situation! ""I can understand that this has been approved by Washington, and has already said hello to others, hasn't it?"

"Now I come to Mr. Ding. I want to know something about the situation, because the matter is too special and the people involved are very sensitive. Mr. Ding, you are one of the most direct participants!"

When Ding Yu heard this, he suddenly burst into laughter, which made people feel at a loss. At least, when people in front of him saw Ding Yu's smile, he could not help feeling numb in his heart, "I don't like swearing, but what about this thing? Is it really a little disgusting? " At the end of the speech, he also shook his head slightly.

"But they are so successful that I'm disgusted!" What about this? It's not about the person in front of you, your meeting with Bruno and Sanchez? Although the movement is not big, but what about the big guys in New York? Other consortia will never assume that nothing has happened.

But you want to have a face-to-face inquiry? It can't be done at all, so it can only be done in a roundabout way. Therefore, it is the assistant director of the intelligence bureau who comes to the door. In terms of identity, what about his identity? Ding Yu may not take it for a time, but he will not turn a blind eye to it.

"Mr. Ding, I'm just an employee!" The visitor once again reiterated his identity. What about himself? He is just a member of the intelligence agent. Although he is a senior employee, he is still an employee. How can he compete with a person like Ding Yu? There is no need at all, but will the above order not be carried out by itself?

"It's normal. Let's talk about it? I didn't expect that the intelligence bureau would be more interested in the affairs of the investigation bureau. You know, one of you is external, the other is internal. What about each other? Cooperation often happens, but there seems to be a lot of fighting. It's a lot of rotten things to say. But what do you want to know about me? "

"Mr. Miller has left a lot of problems behind him."

"How many things did he leave behind? This has nothing to do with me, and I have no interest in it. It's just a previous search? I just helped. This is also because of the joint efforts of all of you. I was just a housekeeper and integrated all the information together! "

"But I've heard a little bit. Some people say that mcmuller has left a detailed list of materials, which are now in your hands, Mr. Ding!" When he said this, he also looked at Ding Yu cautiously.

"What about that? It doesn't mean much! " Ding Yu also took a look at the person sitting opposite him, "even if he wants to frame up? It also needs to be changed. I hope it is the last time I hear about this matter, and I don't guarantee that there will be other consequences. You can regard this as a threat! "

"I see!" After saying that, he also subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva. When Ding Yu said this, he was very insipid, but he felt that his back was wet, even wet, and his sweat gushed out in an instant. He was completely uncontrollable. He did not contact Ding Yu. It was really hard to imagine that he was so terrible.

What about this? Not only to yourself, but also to the people behind you. What about yourself? It's a messenger. If someone mentions this matter again, Ding Yu may turn his face and be merciless. I believe no one wants to have a look at the consequences of turning his face and not being merciless!

"Drinking coffee is a very interesting thing, but it is also a meaningless thing. If you have time, let's have tea together!" When he spoke, Ding Yu also stood up and said, "and,...." when the words came to his mouth, Ding Yu swallowed them back and mentioned these things to him? There's no need to waste saliva.

Looking at Ding Yu who left, the middle-aged man also gave a long sigh of relief and pulled the tie on his neck. Such a thing is not really done by human beings, but there is no way. The top has sent such a task to himself. His backstage is not hard enough, so he can only bump up with his head?

If Ding Yu is not happy, he will break his own head. When he comes, he has already made preparations in this aspect. Fortunately, Ding Yu does not mean this aspect. Think about it, is he in the bureau? It can be regarded as a few people below, tens of thousands of people above, how to mix up to such a level?

To satisfy Ding Yu? It's not so simple, but it's so simple to make Ding Yu dissatisfied. Fortunately, Ding Yu's mood today may still be very good, so he didn't find his own trouble. Such a cautious person, especially such a powerful person, will make himself very difficult to stand!

"Sir, I heard that the CIA lackeys are looking for you?" Sun Yingnan on the phone is also very angry. This is New York. He even runs to this acre to show his prestige. Isn't he putting himself in his eyes? If you don't give them a good look, they may not know that Lord Ma has three eyes?!

Ding Yu was silent for a moment. "It's no big deal. Just give a warning."

Obviously, Ding Yu is not a good tempered person. Since you come to me? Give me a jam, then I can't make you too easy, can I? It's just reciprocity. It's a necessary price!What about such a trial? Ding Yu didn't do anything at all, but he was still a little annoyed. If he said he didn't make any counterattack, there would be a lot of them. Therefore, they should be given appropriate "warning". As for the way in which this "warning" will be carried out, it is not known for the time being.

But what about this way? It will directly cut off the tentacles that extend out there, and let each other return to normal again. It's really quite troublesome, but are you used to it? That's what happened!

It's all over, and there's still a lot of nagging? It's as if it can really make a difference, but we can still feel how much influence mcmuller has made.

But on the other hand, what about this one? It's just a preface. What about in a while? After the prism project is exposed, what kind of influence will it have? If you really think about it, it is really a little chilly feeling. Fortunately, when I was at the beginning, I didn't mean to join in.

If you really join it, it will be really difficult to get out of it. After all, what about yourself? He is just a foreigner. Although he will let the black president bear the blame, who can guarantee that everyone will not bring disaster to the east? Don't underestimate their ruthlessness?

Back in the apartment, Ding Yu looks at the girls in the room. She frowns slightly and takes a look at her own security. Jin stands up on her shoulder. It can be said that things have nothing to do with herself. It's not arranged by herself. It's useless to find her head.

Ding Yu also gave a white eye to this. Maybe it was arranged by Taixi, or Fu Zhen. Is it really good? Three girl film is accompanied by two small playing with the big house, attention slightly has so some concentration, and so on to see Ding Yu, is also in a hurry to stand up.

Ding Yu shook his head slightly. "I saw your performance before. It's very good." What about their bowing down? Ding Yu didn't have any other reaction. He said a few words as a greeting. He didn't need any other expression. Since he likes to play with the two children, let's play around!

Seeing Ding Yu and the security guard leave, the three girls also take pictures of their heart position, which is really not a general fear. Fortunately, Ding Yu has no other emotions to show, otherwise, they really don't know how to deal with it.

Each other looked at each other, there is no so-called embarrassment, since the choice to stay here, does not matter what fate arrangement, is not a good thing, but it is not necessarily a bad thing.

Ding Yu in the room also dealt with the business affairs in his hands. Looking at the girl who came in with coffee, Ding Yu did not mean to stand up, but still sat on the floor. However, the girl didn't mean to leave. Instead, she knelt down in front of Ding Yu. However, it was the feeling of the whole person, which made him feel uncomfortable.

"Your coffee, sir?"

"So nervous?" Ding Yu looked at the girl who always bowed her head and laughed. "I remember the last time, you were like a crazy little tiger, but now you are as weak as a kitten. There is a big difference."

The girl widened her eyes and looked at Ding Yu. The last time she saw Ding Yu, she had some blushes on her face. Now what do you think? It's really a little embarrassing.

"Trouble for you, sir?"

"You're not very suitable for such a thing, but I hear you don't want to develop in the United States?"

"The style is not appropriate. The company wants to prove something, but this way is too extreme!"

Ding Yu scratched his cheek with his hand? You are really not brave in general. At least your sisters didn't ask me to mention this matter. They can express your own ideas. I think there are other things? "

"Everyone's development is not unified. What about the company? I hope we can unite together, but it's just too much to do! " Looking at Ding Yu's eyes, the girl is also very sincere.

"You have to pay for everything. What about some things? It's not up to you to decide! "

"I know?" The girl also knelt down in front of Ding Yu, "no matter whether it's separation or combination, we are all sisters who have fought together. We hope that the sacrifice can be allowed to come down?"

"Smart?" Ding Yu also nodded, "how about your development? Continue to be on the stage, there are really so many difficult! But as you please

Ding Yu doesn't seem to say anything, but actually he has already revealed his attitude. What about such a thing? I really will not force to do anything, there is no need for that!

"What about the matter? I will tell Taixi that you don't need to worry too much about Fu Zhen. I believe they will not embarrass you too much! "

"Sir?" Listening to this voice, Ding Yu seems to understand something, "OK! I won't talk to them for the time being It seems that for Tai hee and Fu Zhen, these little girls are really afraid to the , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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