Ding Yu didn't mean to explain it hard. Whether Taylor could recover or not has nothing to do with himself. Giving her three years' time also told Taylor that she had no problems before she was 18 years old. This is his guarantee.

But obviously, Taylor didn't realize that Ding Yu didn't mean anything. Master Huang was sitting next to him? Here it is? He is not very convenient to speak, but after leaving here, he should have explained something!

Ding Yu's stay here is not very long. Taylor left, and he also showed great respect when he left. After three years, he didn't calm down his mind, just let himself calm down. Is this true?

"Master Huang? Mr. Ding should not be perfunctory to me, but why do I feel a little unrealistic? "

Master Huang looks at Tyler, she! I'm still too young. I'm smart, but I'm sophisticated? It's too bad! I left myself beside her. Now? I can only explain to her by myself!

"There are two reasons why Mr. Ding has given you three years. The first is that the three years will guarantee your life. As long as you don't intend to die, there will be no problem. What about the second one? I haven't met Ge Huai, but this matter has nothing to do with him. What's your mood? It's really hard to say whether it can be recovered in three years. It's like GE Huai, which is enough to explain everything! "

Taylor didn't say anything. It was a little dull. Mr. Taylor told himself something. It was obviously different from that of Ge Huai. But after thinking about it, the two people went on different roads. But Ge Huai is very interesting. Suddenly, it comes out. Is it Mr. or Ge Huai.

No one went to ask Mr. Ge Huai about this? It doesn't seem to make any sense, even if he said it? What's the point?

What about granddad? It seems to be a bit impatient, but it can't be said that it's a bad thing. Let me meet Mr. Zhang and consolidate my position. After all, it's hard to say whether Mr. Zhang will stay in Boston after the next year. Generally speaking, it's not very likely that Mr. Zhang will stay in Boston!

"Dad, when did we go back years ago?" Do you know that there is still some time before the Chinese new year? Both of them care about it so early? See Ding Yu is also crooked his head?!

"What? What is your special situation? "

"No! We are old enough to be free now, so we want to prepare some special gifts for you. The gifts we prepared by ourselves are not so meaningful when we buy them! "

Ding Yu's expression is also so some surprised, very suspicious looking at his son and daughter, is sincere? It shouldn't be fake, but why do you suddenly come up with such an idea? Let yourself have some doubts. What do they want to do?

"When will you go back? It's not decided yet, but what about your grandparents? I'm going to spend the Spring Festival in Beijing this year. Do you think about it? If you really have this idea, you need to prepare now

Ding Yu has no intention to ask for any questions. He has more things to do. At most, he has a comparative relationship between education and life, but what about other aspects? I really didn't care too much.

There is no need to imprison their space, which will only constrain their growth.

"Your phone number, sir?"

Ding Yu came out of the study and nodded to Jin when he took the phone. "Hello, I'm Ding Yu!"

"Younger martial brother, do you have time?" It turned out to be elder martial brother dongfangjing. I just felt that I had just met in Boston. Now I call at this time. There are some things that shouldn't be. There should be something wrong.

"Reading at home is a little free?"

"Well, I have an old brother who has some problems. What is the result of the treatment? It's not particularly good. I know you're a big doctor, so I want you to have a look at it?! I don't know if you have the time! "

Ding Yu is also Leng for a moment, is he a big doctor? It doesn't seem to be. I'm not as smart as I imagined in my medical skills. But what have I learned? It's not only western medicine, but also Chinese medicine. After all, what's your Kung Fu? It's not the same! So we should know more about TCM.

But that's all. What about Kung Fu? After training to a certain extent, you can basically become a good doctor. The doctors here refer to traditional Chinese medicine. Both meridians and acupoints have their own unique views. Now elder martial brother Dongfang suddenly finds himself. It seems that it is a little strange, because what about elder martial brother Dongfang? Is a good everybody!

"Do you want me to go there?"

"No! I just want to see you, but I don't know if it's convenient for you! " Dongfang Jing explains, after all, where does Ding Yu go? Are there really so many inappropriate, so let yourself and old friends? Go to Ding Yu's place, in this way, the face of each other will look better!"You can come here any time. I don't have other things these two days. Is it the hospital or at home? Can I arrange it? " Ding Yu is very considerate of his elder martial brother Dongfang.

"Go to your house! How about going to the hospital? Too much noise What about Dongfang Jing? There are also some things that are not very good. After all, although there is no explicit statement about such a thing, I believe that my younger martial brother will understand how it happened? What about ordinary people? I won't take it to my senior brother.

"OK, I'll wait for you, elder martial brother!"

When he put down the phone, Ding Yu also followed up and explained what kind of person he was. It's still unknown what kind of person he was. However, his elder martial brother called, and he still needed to give him face. But what kind of problems are, even his elder martial brother is so helpless. It's very interesting.

In the evening, his elder martial brother took the lead in coming over. There were not many people following him. Jin was standing at the door. Dongfang Jing laughed at the old man behind him, and then he was the first to be checked. This is a routine. Not only himself, but also Ding Yu himself is the same! There are no exceptions and differences.

The people at the back were a little surprised and even shocked. They knew exactly who Dongfang Jing was. Since Dongfang Jing was so formal, other people should not be too arrogant, let alone come here? It's asking for help. What if it's asking for help? Then put forward the attitude of asking for help.

In addition, he was able to make the Oriental grandfather so cautious that everyone restrained himself. During the inspection, Dongfang Jing looked at the gold and jokingly said, "why is it your turn today? What about younger martial brother? "

"The eldest young master and the eldest young lady are pestering with him. They were educated by him earlier!"

Dongfang Jing also laughed, "so lovely children, younger martial brother is willing to start, if born in our family, the absolute ancestor, love is too late, but say it? I haven't found any chance. When I have time, let them come to play at home. The big and small in the house are watching! "

"The eldest young master and the eldest young lady also hope to have such an opportunity, but they have not been able to find the right opportunity." Jin is not very strange to Dongfang Jing, what's more, the two people are just ordinary words, and it's not any other situation. The relationship between them is very normal!

After the examination, Jin also made an invitation gesture, and then took the lead in the front,

"younger martial brother?!" Dongfang Jing also took the lead in holding hands. "Do you have any trouble?"

"Uncle Dongfang!" Two children are also very respectful, but looking at Ding Yu's hair, we can see that the situation is absolutely not what we see. Xiaosiyan is lying on his feet. It is obvious that he was hit quite a bit just now. Now he is relieving himself and snorting his nose as a greeting.

"Go and play?! Don't make a fool of yourself

Two small is also patting small four eyes of the big head, walked to the guest's side, is also slightly bow, "Hello, welcome to be a guest!" Very polite, bow down and let your body go.

The old man and the three people behind him were all in a daze. When the reaction came, the two children had already left with the big dog. "Younger martial brother, let me introduce you to you. This is Tao Xinran, brother Tao! Brother Tao, this is Mr. Ding Yu and younger martial brother Ding! "

"Ding... Younger martial brother Ding!" His voice was very weak, even a little coughing. Someone in the back also handed a handkerchief to the old man. Ding Yu moved his nose slightly. Then he made an invitation gesture and took the lead in sitting down. However, it was not the position of the sofa, but a hard seat.

The table is not very big, and there are a lot of things on it. Ding Yu looks at Dongfang Jing. Dongfang Jing doesn't mean to speak. He just smiles at Ding Yu. Ding Yu gives a white eye and pushes the pillow forward. The old man also raises his hand, but he is very cautious and careful.

Different from the traditional Chinese medicine, Ding Yu only stretched out one of his fingers this time, and took an inch of his mouth alone. He saw not only Dongfang Jing, but also Tao Xinran. His eyes were bright, but the three people who followed him could not understand.

Looking at the younger generation who wants to speak, Dongfang Jing shakes his head slightly. The people behind him may not understand because they are too young. To know that taking an inch of mouth alone can diagnose and treat the diseases of the whole body, which has determined the method of life and death of the five viscera. This kind of ability is really not what people can see on the body.

The diagnosis time is not very long, Ding Yu also pondered for a while, "untie the coat, let me have a look? Is it in the front chest or in the back of the heart? "

"Forebreast!" This time, Dongfang Jing took the lead in speaking, and then did not let the people behind him do it. He personally untied the lapels of his body to elder brother Tao. Looking at the situation in front of him, Ding Yu frowned slightly. Then he also looked at Dongfang Jing, "decide whether to live or die?"

Dongfang Jing didn't say anything, just nodded. If it wasn't life and death against the enemy, he would never adopt such a method. No wonder he didn't go to the hospital. Even if he was sent to the hospital, there was no use for him. He didn't talk about his kung fu, even if he was old? Will also further deteriorate! When that time comes, there will be no way out."Must be saved?" After knocking on the table for a long time, Ding Yu said something abruptly.

Dongfang Jing, who was still standing, sat down and poured a cup of tea for himself. Of course, he didn't forget Ding Yu's meaning. When Ding Yu looked at him, he twisted his mouth unsatisfied. "It's too troublesome, and it's not necessarily helpful. What's more, you know that I have patients in my hands now!"

Dongfang Jing naturally knew something about the situation in the old Peyton's house, so he also snorted, "anyway, you can't die for a while and a half. Do you need to worry? What's more, even if you don't, how can old Peyton give you? I don't dare to borrow his courage, not to mention the people behind? It's just some miscellaneous fish! "

"That's what you said Ding Yu obviously doesn't want to take responsibility for himself. Of course, what about more? Just joking, "but that's what I said. What about the rest? It's just a bunch of people who don't really care! " With a sigh, Ding Yu looked around and said, "Jin, come here with paper and ink!"

Dongfang Jing looked at the leaving Jin, but also looked at Ding Yu suspiciously, "when did you learn to write? It's really rare when you're in the middle of the day?! I thought you could only use computers! "

Ding Yu doesn't speak. Jin comes with the four treasures of his study. Dongfang Jing also takes the inkstone and looks at it. Then he grinds it himself. Ding Yu takes up his brush and dabs it twice, and soon writes it on the paper. It's small regular script, but the handwriting is very neat. It seems that Dongfang Jing is also a little strange.

I've never seen Ding Yu write brush characters. Today, it's really extraordinary. I don't know whether it's the brush or other reasons. Does it make people feel? The handwriting is fair and the page is neat, but is that just the external feeling, the inner one? That is to say, it should not be disclosed.

After writing a small piece of writing, Ding Yu didn't sign his name at last. He just drew a special mark on it, a feather. I don't know whether it's because of the ink or something else. It's a clear black feather.

After the ink on it all dried up, Ding Yu also took up the paper and handed it to Dongfang Jing next to him. "I don't have anything. This is not a warehouse. If it's over the courtyard, it may be similar, but I can't make it now!"

Dongfang Jing looked at the things on it and thought about it for a while. Then he handed the paper to him, "boss, go and get the things." Obviously, he was also prepared. The person called the boss nodded slightly when he looked at the things above. However, when he left, he was the first to take two steps back, and then turned to leave.

Ding Yu stood up and went to the study. After a while, he took a box and came over. However, he put the box there, but he didn't mean to open it. "What is the result of the treatment? I dare not make any guarantee. After all, old brother Tao is old, and now he is hanging in one breath!"

"Younger martial brother, please!"

"It's not a matter of asking!" Ding Yu also shook his head to express his refusal, "I hurt my heart and lung, and I'm afraid I can't live for a few days even if I've hurt my heart and lung. I'm afraid I can't live for a few days, so I can only take other methods. The technique is too harsh and too cruel. You need to dredge the chest and then use medicine after the heart. Elder martial brother, you should work harder."

"Let younger martial brother Ding, brother Dongfang suffer!"

Ding Yu didn't say much about it. Even when he was sitting there, his hand was on the small box. When he was waiting, Tao couldn't stop coughing. He could see traces of blood on his handkerchief. At such a age, he still had to endure such pain. It was really a terrible sight.

"Ah Yu, when will you return home?" Since he has nothing to do, Dongfang Jing obviously won't let the atmosphere fade down. "I heard your father seems to have been promoted? And how is old Su's health? "

"I don't get involved in family affairs!" Ding Yu also took a look at the warning, "father there is just a position adjustment, grandfather? I'm still the same, but I'm a bit confused. After all, my body is so big. Although I keep it well, what can I do? "

What about grandparents and grandparents? There's no big problem with your health, but you're so old that it's inevitable to see signs of decline. In the past, how about at home? Lack of such conditions, but after the establishment of Dingyu Siheyuan small pharmacy, the situation is really so some different.

What about other homes? There are basically no such old people now. What about the three old people? Basically, there are only a few left. What about dealing with family affairs before? It's basically the last performance of the three old men, and now it's really put down.

Ding Yu still knows something about the general situation, but what about this kind of understanding? It can not be said that it is quite a surprise, after all, there were many gratitude and resentment before, it is really not able to eliminate in a moment and a half!

Tao Xinran didn't mean to speak. He just sat beside him. However, when he was old, brother Dongfang also explained that. Although he didn't say it in detail, he could see from his attitude that what about this young man? No ordinary people!In particular, he revealed that the only way to take an inch is to let himself not react now. How old is this young talent? I didn't see any other brilliant place! Is it the temperament of the whole person? Maybe a little bit different! That's it! I really didn't see anything else.

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