As for Ding Yu's performance is a little cold, Tao Xinran naturally knows how to deal with it? If it's true enthusiasm, that's strange? Brother Dongfang brought himself here. If there was no brother Dongfang, would people open the door? People know who they are? Your name may be bullshit here.

Looking at the arrangement here, we can see that it is not a simple thing to knock on the door. Even the powerful brother Dongfang is so cautious and careful. It can be seen from this!

Before long, Tao Xinran's son also brought things up, still followed by Jin, while Ding Yu took a look at the things sent up. Some things were very fresh, just as if they had just been picked. What about some things? They are old things, but they are well preserved. They should be attentive.

"Is the new paste made?" After opening the bottle, Ding Yu sniffed it, and then put it to one side. The paste inside was like jelly. It was obviously not made in the ordinary way, because the ordinary method could not produce such effect.

"I made some at home yesterday!" Dongfang jinggei accepted it.

"Have a try?" Ding Yu took a look at elder martial brother Dongfang and said, "do you start?"

Seeing Dongfang's elder martial brother nodding, Ding Yu signaled to Jin. Soon, there were other security and service workers coming to make room. Tao Xinran's coat was also untied. With the help of Ding Yu, Tao Xinran slowly sat up straight. However, there was a burst of tearing pain in his heart and lung. His movement was slow, but he could not hold his own The wound was not forgiven.

After cleaning his hands with a soft towel, Ding Yu opened the box. Looking at the needle, Tao Xinran was stunned. It turned out to be a gold needle, not a silver needle, or a common acupuncture needle!

Ding Yu dealt with it carefully, and then nodded to his elder martial brother Dongfang. Dongfang Jing was also making considerable preparations. If it was taken orally, it was not that the problem could not be solved, but it took too long. In addition, Tao Xinran was so old that he would surely leave other sequelae, which was harmful and unhelpful.

Ding Yu was the first to take the lead. The gold needle was also slowly rubbed into Dongfang Jing's chest. Of course, not only the chest, but also the head and other positions were involved. "Elder martial brother, medicine?" After wiping the sweat on his forehead, Ding Yu also mentioned it to Dongfang Jing.

Dongfang Jing takes a look at the medicine on the cotton cloth and takes a breath. The cotton cloth contaminated with the medicine is placed on Tao Xinran's back at the first time. Then, with luck, she pattes Tao Xinran's back, while Ding Yu sits on the previous position.

Put Tao Xinran's hand on the pulse pillow. While searching for specific information, he used his hand to adjust the changes of the gold needle. After about half an hour, Dongfang Jing stopped.

Ding Yu made a sign to the gold not far away. Soon, the people who Tao Xinran brought over also came forward and supported Dongfang Jing to sit down. The cotton cloth in the back was also picked off, leaving only some scum!

However, Ding Yu did not make any movement, and did not know where to take out a knife. The knife did not have any sharp edge. Ding Yu looked at the knife, looked at it for a period of time, and then made a gentle stroke. Tao Xinran did not even feel any pain.

Looking at the blood slowly flowing out of the body, Ding Yu is holding cotton to wipe the blood flowing out. The blood is a little black. If you smell it at a close distance, even a little fishy smell, Ding Yu's action is very gentle and slow, and not long, the blood will not stay!

"Destroy!" Ding Yu took down the gold needle and packed it into the box. However, Ding Yu did not receive the jade knife, but put it aside. Since all of them have been stained with Tao Xinran's blood, how about keeping it? It doesn't have much effect, it has become his exclusive.

"Slow down!" Ding Yu explained two sentences, but he sat there with closed purpose. During the whole process, Ding Yu didn't seem to exert any force, but what about this? It's just an ordinary person's opinion. It's placed in the eyes of Dongfang Jing and Tao Xinran. What's the most powerful one? It's Ding Yu!

After all, what about Dongfang Jing's work? As long as you find an expert, you can basically complete it. It's just medicine delivery. But how to dissolve the medicine as quickly as possible, achieve the effect, and release the waste blood at the same time, it's really a test of Kung Fu. Ding Yu's essence and spirit are really expensive!

"Thank you, brother Ding?! It's hard for you After a while, Tao Xinran took a breath. What about the violent tearing feeling of the original heart position? There is not too much. When I came, although I said that I came on foot, I was basically helped in by my old brother and son, and even the boxing was done by everyone.

But now, although Tao Xinran said that he was sitting on the chair, he could hold his fist by himself. The effect was quite remarkable and obvious. Ding Yu opened his eyes and looked at it for a while, and slightly shook his head, "what about the matter of thanks? Put it back. Now it's just a preliminary treatment, and the follow-up is also troublesome. It hurt the heart and lung. What about the treatment now? But in the end, was it good? It's inevitable that you need to be stabbed! "What Ding Yu said is the truth. Now he didn't use the knife because once he went to the operating room, he couldn't get down. But after treatment? There's no big problem with the injury. If you use the knife again, it's another thing. "During this period of time, we need to take good care of ourselves. We don't need to be angry. We also need to pay attention to diet and rest."

Basically, it's nonsense. In this respect, even if Ding Yu doesn't give advice, Tao Xinran will pay attention to it. And Dongfang Jing also adjusted his breath and said, "ah Yu, is this really troubling you? Brother Tao still needs.. "

"Now it's just a preliminary treatment. Although I'm in good health at ordinary times, my heart and lung have been hit hard this time. The method is too cruel." What about this? That is to say, all of us are practitioners of martial arts. It's good to understand some things separately and do not need to say them directly.

If you really say it out, hurt others and hurt yourself, Ding Yu has not been stupid and straight-minded to that extent, so a little bit more, you can think about it by yourself!

Tao Xinran's heart also knows exactly how it happened, so he nodded at Ding Yu. In the past? I really haven't heard of Ding Yu's name. I didn't think there was such a great master, his son and grandson? May not understand, but as a direct contact, I have a special feeling.

So young, how did you get this Kung Fu? You should know that it takes time for internal Kung Fu to be tempered slowly. It's not like outside Kung Fu. Maybe three or five years? There will be achievements! What's more, he is still so young, which is a little bit scary!

"Elder martial brother, are you in a hurry this time? If there's nothing wrong, let brother Tao keep him for a week! Remember to give medicine every day! I'm in the suburbs? There's also a place where you can take care of yourself. I'll send you by plane! "

Since it was introduced by elder martial brother Dongfang, what about Ding Yu? It doesn't mean to dislike trouble. Since all the good people have done it, don't care about such trifles! Dongfang Jing also nodded, and did not even let Tao Xinran open his mouth, "OK, where is it anyway? It's also a place for you to relax. This time, brother Tao and I use it to make you hard! "

There is no need to say anything in return. Tao Xinran nodded his head slightly to Ding Yu, but he still didn't dare to exert any force. Looking at brother Dongfang, Tao Xinran also stood up with the help of his children and grandchildren. When he left, he also clasped his fist at Ding Yu, very attentive and sincere 。

"Grandfather Dongfang, Mr. Ding has never heard of it before!"

Sitting in the car, Dongfang Jing opened her eyes, "you monkey cub is not convinced?" Looking at Tao Xinran who wanted to be reprimanded, Dongfang Jing also waved his hand, "say? Although I am his elder martial brother, I just have an advantage over my age. In terms of status or status, what about me? It's a long way from home? "

"Can't you, grandfather Dongfang?" What about young people? Obviously, there are some who don't believe it. "I admit that Mr. Ding has the ability, but how can he compare with you, grandfather Dongfang?"

"Ha ha, if you say so, my old face is going to have no place to put it!" Dongfang Jing's mood is obviously so good, "today, I'll tell you about your good performance, so that you can open your eyes!"

It's not only the young people who are interested, but also Tao Xinran and his son and granddaughter are also interested in him? You're born of a great family. In our words? Red boy, but when I was young? He left home for special reasons and was adopted by his adoptive father and mother? He didn't tell his adoptive father and mother the specific situation. What about these things? You can know it This is a small warning!

"It's no wonder there's something noble about you!" Tao Xinran said in a low voice.

"And his father? You may have heard that Wang Changlin is Wang Pu, but what about grandfather? I think both of them have heard of their old names

Tao Xinran's eyes couldn't help but beat up, "grandson of general Su? No wonder

"Grandfather, who is general Su?" Young people obviously don't know that.

Tao's heart ran white one eye, did not speak, the young man also looked at his sister, but the middle-aged man seemed to think of something, "old general Su is still alive? I heard about it when I was a child, but I haven't heard of it in some years? "

"But what about his beginning? Wang Su's family has nothing to do with his family? At home? It's hard to say, but what about America? How about me? Although it is said to inherit the ancestral heritage, it is also expected that you will bear it! "

"How many consortia do you compare with?" Middle aged people's eyes are also staring at how big?

"Oh, what do you think? Do you think that the place where he lives now is not quite consistent with him? " Dongfang Jing shook his head, "what about the building? What about my guess? Basically, he has complained. The apartment is basically within his sphere of influence. However, he doesn't like to publicize. Of course, where does he live? Mainly because he is now? It's a doctor at Harvard general hospital! " And then he put out his thumb."Is it a study of traditional Chinese medicine?"

"No, he is a surgeon, a very well-known surgeon in a certain range. Would you like him to operate on it? What about your number, sir? Also international doctor, what name, I forgot for a moment, but you go to the network of the general hospital can be verified one or two! It's very popular! "

"So bad, still be a doctor?!"

"The pursuit of individuals is not the same! What about what I know? His foster father is a doctor, but a little doctor, just like a doctor in one of our towns, of course, it's better than our town? I want to be a little older, but also a little doctor. What about ah Yu, I think? It should be the reason of inheriting the father's career

"Brother Oriental, your Kung Fu is not ordinary

"It's Taoist Kung Fu. The Dao Hao Yuming!" When saying this, middle-aged people, with a pair of daughters have no reaction, Tao Xinran is to take a breath, "did not think of it? I didn't think of it at the time! "

"If it is Taoist, it is really unusual, no wonder that such a high degree of uncertainty!"

"Who is the Taoist? Actually, I can't say clearly, I know the sign rain Ming, what about it? There should be too much to be explored! " The warning in this discourse means very heavy, "but, brother Tao, how old are you, and how tough are you?"

A group of people also arrived at the villa outside Dingyu Boston. Although they said that no one was resident, the cleaning was very clean. Dongfang Jing called Dingyu again, expressing a considerable appreciation. Ding Yu didn't even ask why, so they gave old brother Tao a considerable diagnosis and treatment, too much for his face!

People live a breath, Buddha is a fragrance, Ding Yu gave himself this face, he can not certainly nothing happened the same, right? Ding Yu even pushed away from the old Peyton affair. At that time, he said to play jokes with each other, but playing jokes was always jokes.

"Brother Oriental, this time is really a problem for you?" After Dongfang Jing called, Tao Xinran said with great gratitude, "what about my old brother?"? Nothing else, but what about this life? It's for you! "

"Don't say that, when I left home, if I said without your elder brother's care, who knows what it is like now, ah Yu? He is not good at showing his feelings. If there is any place wrong? Your elder brother also has more to do. What about his life? That's what it looks like! "

"Without you, I can see that door, I still know it very clearly!" Tao Xinran sighed softly, and still quite uncomfortable between the heart and lungs, but now it has been quite obvious to improve, "but I really doubt how his kung fu is practiced? It's too much of a exaggeration

"They said that when we met high-ranking people, they did not worship their guilt, and saw his condition and felt that we had lived in dogs all our lives!"

Dongfang Jing also helped Tao Xin and sat down. "Really don't say that. Are we all or good now? What about such a monster? I have not one in a hundred years. Anyway, I have to see such a one for so many years. And what about him? Also hiding without leakage, know his medical skills are strong, but how many know his Chinese medicine so excellent? We all just saw the surface. The Jianghu is big. What about the people who are hiding, sleeping in tigers, we? It's not what! "

"Yes! The Jianghu is big. What about us? There's something too complacent about it? "

"I mean, how to listen to old brother Tao, it seems that there are so many lonely, no big things, veteran volunteers, we can not be underestimated by those young people, right?"

"There is no spirit, no strength!" Tao shook his head. "This time, it was a victory, but it was also defeated. It was not that he was not angry, but he really needed to be old. He was too wild when he was young. He knew that he regretted when he was old. He didn't know brother Dongfang, could you leave a place for me?"

"Brother Tao, what you said, let me have so much self-esteem!"

"It doesn't matter. I was hurt. I also found someone else. I don't mean anything about the world, or am I an old man? I didn't see clearly the face of some people, but the situation is very good now. I really recognize it. What about life? It was a complete success, was it

"You are my brother Tao, and you are always my brother Tao!"

It is also a great joy to orient Jing. Maybe it seems to many people? Tao Laoge's body has been disabled. Even if he can cure him well and live for several years, it is basically useless. Therefore, when we treat Tao Xinran, he is mostly perfunctory, basically without any other expression.

But Oriental Jing is different, this time, I really see clearly, after I asked for the door, Dongfang Jing did not have any push, in the circumstances, there is no one dare to say that they can cure themselves, but Dongfang Jing has played a charter ticket not to say, even the relatives of the petitioner to come! Such friendship, oneself cannot not forget. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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