Dongfang Jing leaves with Tao Xinran. Ding Yu has spent quite a lot of energy and continues to stay here? It is already quite inappropriate. As for the so-called cost? Whether it is Dongfang Jing or Tao Xinran, there is no meaning to mention. For comparison, what about the cost? There are some things that are not worth mentioning.

"Sir Looking at the brand-new Sergei, Ding Yu also nods. Sergei also looks at Ding Yu with an inquisitive look, and does not mean to sit down immediately.

Although the time here was not very long, Sergei obviously felt that there were different places. It was like when he went to go through the formalities, no matter it was in the hall of the government or anywhere else, he never had any waiting. He simply asked a few questions, and then he sealed the release, which made him feel a little suspicious, I live in a dream.

You know, this is the United States. It's not other places. It doesn't mean that all things can be settled with money. But in the past two days, I have really seen a different place. Even in Russia, it seems that I have never met such a arrogant person! This is not just a manifestation of power.

"It feels very different?" When Sergei sat down, Ding Yu also gave a smile, "I'm not very proficient in Russian food. I ate some food there, bread, gas, and sausage at home. Compared with Chinese and American food, each has its own advantages."

"I boast to be proficient in food, but I'm not very picky."

Now that Sergei has sat down, Ding Yu also indicated to the waiter nearby, "what about my food? I'm not so proficient, but I really don't have any nitpicking. I used to live in the Department. At that time, I developed the habit of this aspect. I eat a lot to fill my stomach! "

The waiter brought the dishes one after another, and the two also took up the knives and forks in their hands.

"What does it feel like?" When eating, Ding Yu didn't say much. After eating, Ding Yu wiped his mouth with a napkin. "I believe there should be a lot of doubts! If you don't mind, tell me! "

"I am a small accountant, not a person who can control the overall situation!" Sergei obviously has a good understanding of himself, which is also very direct, "maybe ordinary communication is OK, but real decision, I can't do such a thing, although I want to, but I lack this ability!"

From what he said, Sergei was very cautious and careful, even with a little bit of trial.

"Under one person and above ten thousand people, what about rights? Can be said to be aphrodisiac, can also be said to be poison, depends on how you use and use, fear and fearlessness? Not enough to control power! "

"That's why you are in awe

"Perhaps! Where am I going to be today? At the beginning, I wanted to earn some money, support my parents, care about my sister, and take care of my relatives. At that time, there was really no other opinion and idea! "

With a sigh of relief, Ding Yu sighed, "but later, as time goes by, I have come to this position step by step. Looking back, I don't know whether it's really good or not. There's an indescribable feeling!"

"Sir, my experience is very complicated. I claim to have met the top and the bottom of the society. Are there really any so-called differences between them? Personal feeling is not very big, the vast majority of people? All hope to have a plain life, a harmonious family, and no other extravagance

"Yes! What about my parents? Now I still live in a county-level city, a very small city in China. It does not mean that I do not have such conditions, nor that I do not provide them with such conditions. But what about their life? They live on that land, and they can't live without it

Ding Yu's words have their own feelings. He has said this many times. But what about his father and mother? There is no meaning in this respect. They feel that their life is very good and harmonious. To break their life and integrate into the new environment, it is no longer necessary for them!

Whether it is Ding Yu or Ding Ding Ding, it's ok now. As long as they live a good life, it doesn't matter. Anyway, it's more convenient now. Even if there is any situation, they can rush back as soon as possible. If they really feel uncomfortable, it's OK to come and stay with Ding Yu or Ding Ding Ding for a few days!

"What about my parents' life? It's not so good. It's all dead now. Isn't the country strong? In fact, the most difficult thing should be the people at the bottom? "

"At the beginning, with your ability, it was not a difficult thing to get out, because of your parents, so you gave up, do you feel some regret?" Ding Yu asked abruptly."Regret? Maybe it was in my sleep! " Sergei didn't hide anything, "but after watching them die safely, I felt that everything was worth it. If I didn't personally send them away, I think this should be the most painful thing in the world! At this point, it's worth it. "

Nodding, Ding Yu also took a breath, "what about me? We need to set up an office in Russia. How about you? You are recommended to be the director of the office, and the personnel above are recruited by yourself! "

"Office? What kind of business is involved? "

"To the authorities? On one hand, what about the other? It's about dealing with other matters. How about being in this position? Need to be a native person, at least someone familiar with the local culture. At the same time? Have considerable communication skills, can not be too rigid! "

"Dealing with the authorities?" Sergei was also a little distracted, and then he also laughed bitterly, "my identity does not seem to be suitable for dealing with the official. After all, I once joined a gangster. What about this? It's just a stain. It's also a stain that can't be washed. Isn't it a bit inappropriate? "

"Is your identity appropriate? No one went back to talk about it. What about your success? It has nothing to do with you. At the same time, you don't need to carry these things. You can get rid of them completely

What about Sergei? It's not to say that they are suspicious, but that they are not so confident and understand what they know? What about Russian gangs? In the world? They all have quite good names, and they are not very good names. What about themselves? There is contamination, although what about this contamination? Not so many, but after all, is a member of the past.

"It's not that I don't want to get rid of this trace, but some things really can't be explained clearly!"

"I don't know? I believe they are not unreasonable people, at least in today's society? There are not so many unreasonable people! "

The hidden meaning of Ding Yu's words is very clear. What if we can understand the truth? So just talk about this truth. What about each other? It's better than that. If it doesn't make sense, then there's nothing to say. It's better to shoot them with one stick and solve all the problems.

Sergei looks at Ding Yu, is he reasonable? How does this sound so familiar?

"Although you say that you are active in Russia, you need to make it clear that you are not personally involved in any politics. What about politics? Remember, no matter what you want to save the country, it's not dangerous for you to say anything else in politics!? Sometimes things are done without any emotion! "

"It seems that there is a little bit of cruelty!"

"So it's better to be vigilant, because you don't know when it's going to get contaminated, but what's the purpose of most of them? It's not you. If you don't want to be implicated, then stay away from me? A lot of times, I don't want to get contaminated with these things. It's too dark! And it's quite helpless! "

"In Russia, some things are inevitable! What is decided by the national conditions can not be changed in a moment and a half! " Obviously, Sergei also means something. He needs to know how much scope he has.

"What about this year? If I have a chance, I'll meet your president! Many people are interested in discussing some investment in agriculture. Will the final decision be made? It's not really a question, but how large is the scope of this investment and how many people are involved? It's a lot of attention! "

"Our president?" Sergei was also staring at Ding Yu, "Sir, are you kidding me? You know, he's good at fighting gangs and corruption. "

"Yes, it is not the first time that we have cooperated with each other. What about this cooperation? It involves agriculture. I have a relatively large farm in China, involving education, science and technology and so on. The prospect is quite good. What about Russia? Some of the areas that he wants to improve in agriculture are to follow China's development model. "

Sergei pondered for a while. "I seemed to have read the news about this before, but it means that there will be considerable reform in agriculture, but I really didn't expect that it would be like this!"

"It seems that there has been a period of time since the news was released. I didn't expect you to pay so much attention to it?" When the news was released? Is deliberately to reveal their intention, did not expect Sergei should still remember such things.

"Russia's agricultural development is not bad, but there is no shortage of staple food, but there is a lot less in other structures, at least not as developed as expected!" Sergei also expressed his views.

"What about agriculture? I'm not good at it. I've integrated other forces and made progress together. What about me? I hope that there will be a good cooperative relationship between them, so we need to have some control over them. What is the purpose of the office? That is to say, we need to have good communication with each other! ""I will try my best to do it!" Sergey knew what he should do, but he was really relieved.

"Where are you? It's just a secondary office. Now there's no way to upgrade to a first level office, because what about Russia? What about the center? It is in Europe, but the relationship with Europe is not as good as that in the United States, but it is not as good as that in most of the land boundaries? Is it in Asia again? So the scope is really hard to divide! "

"Sir, you mean we have our own offices in Europe and Asia!"

"Yes, it is Sasha in Europe. She is not a person who likes to show off. What is her background? Similar to you. What about Asia? One is a first-class office, the other is a second-class office. Li Fuzhen is the leader in Asia, while the second-class office is hosted by Mr. Saburo! You'll see it in the future. "

Sergei thought for a while, "I've heard of Li Fu Zhen, who seems to be the eldest lady of the Li family of Samsung!"

"Miss Li in name, but now she works for me, but you already have a wife? So don't hit them! " Then you sighed, Sergei looked at Ding Yu, as if suddenly understood something, he really did not have the meaning and interest in this aspect!

"I'll try, but if I can't restrain myself, can you give me some guidance?" Sergei also lowered his head, "I haven't done anything in this area, but it's very challenging. I'm also very interested, but I don't know if I can control my ambition!"

"What about the things I'm talking about? Everyone knows it in a small area. What about each consortium? Each has its own independent scope. What about the world? It is a whole, not a single body. Can you restrain your own desire? It's all up to you. I can't help you! "

"I see, sir!" As he spoke, Sergei stood up and bowed, "Sir, I'm under too much impact now. I need some time to calm myself, otherwise I'm afraid I won't be in a bad mood!"

Ding Yu did not mean to force, received such a shock, if Sergei can continue to sit still, then it is really too abnormal! What's the situation? Is more reasonable, so Ding Yu also nodded!

On the way back, Kim was a little puzzled. "Sir, judging from his performance, there is a little bit of confusion!"

"It's better to mediate already!" Ding Yu also sighed and said, "if you encounter such a thing in life, not everyone can keep normal. How about anyone else? Some of them are not normal

King said nothing else about the matter. "Sir, old Peyton called to say hello to you." Looking at Ding Yu's face, he also explained, "it's obvious that you didn't pay attention to the research center after you came back, which made old Peyton feel a lot of pressure!"

"I'm not the doctor of their family!" Ding Yu replied, "but what about it? Previous research! It's all children. I think it's time to find two old guys and see what's going on here! "

"Sir, old Peyton should be quite distressed!" What about this? To a certain extent, it is really not something that the old companion can say. Ding Yu is the main body. What about old Peyton? Can only be passive to support, there is no way, who let other people can not do that degree?

"Sir, Mr. Dongfang has sent quite a few gifts, which have been placed in the apartment."

"It's really quick for elder martial brother Dongfang to start." Ding Yu was also inexplicable with a smile, "but I can make elder martial brother Dongfang so attentive. I feel that this elder brother Tao is really extraordinary. Up to now, I still don't know exactly who this elder brother Tao is!"

What about this? It seems to be talking to himself, but actually he asked Jin. Jin thought for a while, "what's the identity above the surface? Even the master of a martial arts school has a good reputation and has many children. I think that's because of this! "

"More than that?" Ding Yu shook his head slightly. "Elder martial brother Dongfang has many children under his name, and the relationship between them is also quite complicated. I don't think elder martial brother Dongfang will covet this power!"

"Besides, there seems to be no other aspect to be concerned about. Tao Xinran does not involve other industries. At most, there are several restaurants and restaurants, and there is no other involvement!"

"I should have taken a fancy to elder brother Tao!" Ding Yu felt as if he had grasped something, "this is the grace of saving lives! Elder brother Tao's East West elder martial brother will not have any interest, can't make it, and is harmful to his reputation. What about elder brother Tao now? The Kung Fu is useless, and this is the only one left! "

"Is such a man of such value?"

"Yes, although I don't know what kind of ability it is, haven't you heard a word? There is an old man in the family. If there is a treasure, especially for people like brother Tao, social experience and experience are only one aspect. What about the other, conservative? It's normal for the elderly, but how about being steady? It's really not what we can match! ""Sir, there seems to be a lot of people on our side."

"Quite a lot. I know what you think, but who knows when it will come into use? Even if it is a little bit of pay, it doesn't matter, how can there be harvest without investment? Not afraid of ten thousand, just in case , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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