"Have you seen it?" Ding Yu made a phone call to sun Yingnan. Sergei had already gone to New York and needed to let him know something, "what's your opinion? Tell me your opinion

"Very cautious, know how to control themselves, and there are so many hidden caution!" Sun Yingnan expressed his intuitive impression, "he knows a lot about things in Russia, not only on the surface, but also in the dark. He has his own unique understanding. From this point of view, he is a good candidate."

"I also pay more attention to the latter part. No matter which aspect it is, it is more advantageous for us. The question is whether he can control himself. I feel OK in the interview, but what will happen in the follow-up? It depends on his performance! " Ding Yu simply expressed his own views and opinions!

"Sir, do you need someone to look after him?" Sun Yingnan is also a little worried, after all, this position is extraordinary.

"No, since we have chosen him now, we need to give him considerable space. As for whether he will have problems? That's his problem. What's more, if there is a problem, it won't be seen in a day or two! "

Obviously, Ding Yu has his own assurance. Sergei will not have any problems and conditions now. What about the power of the consortium? Is slowly unfolding to him, he can not realize what, as for the problem after understanding? Then will slowly establish some of his ideas and views!

No one can tell whether Sergey will hang himself on a tree. Maybe he has his own idea in the future, and he can't always tie a rope around his neck? Good get together, good break up, at the same time to meet again!

Is it good to help others to achieve something? Right?

Of course, if Sergei really has no other ideas, that is, if he devotes himself to the consortium, he will not be stingy and will give him enough space to give full play to himself.

For Sergei, can we seize this opportunity? I don't know yet. If we seize this opportunity, what will he achieve in the future? It's really limitless. After all, what about Russia? He has never set up any office. He belongs to kaichao.

And where is Russia? With Europe and Asia are inextricably linked, in the future will grow into a first-class office, it is really hard to say, should give him the hint has been given, the rest depends on his performance!

"Master, it's too kind to be a good thing!" Sun Yingnan also said that some blame, on this issue? Their own view has never been like this. It is right to have rewards and punishments. Sometimes the master is too tolerant. What about the capital society? Sometimes there will be so some can not eat, because the capital is merciless.

"Forget it, if I am too strict, the people below will not be able to breathe!"

Whether it's sun Yingnan, or Hote, Li Fuzhen and Sasha, or even big Sanshiro, what about the subordinates? It can't be said to be harsh, but they are quite severe. If you say that you are the same, you really don't have any way to live. And what about Ding Yu? There's no idea about this.

Are they more strict? This is nothing, but as the leader of the consortium, if you still have such a style of work, it will have a considerable impact both externally and internally!

"Since they take up the chopsticks and the rice bowl, they should know that food is not so easy to enjoy!" Sun Yingnan's tone did not change, "naturally they can not choose to eat this bowl of rice!"

"Be strict with yourself and be lenient to others. You don't need to be like this!" What about Ding Yu? Naturally, I won't say too much about sun Yingnan. After all, how can I control the things on the table? I really don't know that well, "what about me? In other words, you still need to control the specific handling of the matter! "

Naturally, sun Yingnan didn't say anything, sir. What about himself? It's not good to say anything. If you change to someone else, can you speak like this? Don't think about it, sir. I don't care about it, but I can't forget myself. After all, what's your identity? I should be clear about it!

"I've already arranged for Sergei's guidance! But it shouldn't be long. What about the president? I've been in touch with you. It should be around the lunar new year! Maybe I will meet you. If it is really placed before the new year, the time is too tight for us! "

"Then put it in the new year! We may have more time for each other. Explain to the president that we should also have more communication in this respect. "

Why does the president want to meet in such a hurry? It should be that Mr. Zheng's investigation has quite a result, but it is not easy to see the results so soon! Mr. Zheng, they are really hard! Where, after all? It's Russia, not your own country! There are many difficulties!

"Master, old Peyton had a meeting with me earlier. It seems that he came here deliberately! The attitude is obvious! ""This old fellow! I know what he meant. What about this period of time? Elder martial brother Dongfang brought a patient here. Tao Xinran. Elder brother Tao just left, so I didn't go to the research center. I didn't expect that old Peyton was still in such a hurry! "

Sun Yingnan just mentioned it. What about herself? This is not so concerned about, at least for this matter is not so concerned about each other? That is to maintain a superficial relationship, what's more, he didn't come to visit him intentionally, he just did it conveniently!

So sun Yingnan also has so many look down on, as for the host side? He is not a private doctor of the old Peyton family. He is on call. He has a lot of things. He is not as relaxed as he imagined!

When putting down the phone, Ding Yu also touched his chin. Previously, Jin had informed the research center to arrange for two elderly or middle-aged people, not children.

However, when Ding Yu arrived at the research center, he also twisted his mouth and said that he would arrange two old people or middle-aged people. But what is the matter with the people standing inside? Is not a little bit so much, really take themselves as a thing, is not it?

"Mr. Ding!" When he saw Ding Yu coming in, everyone moved forward together. Then he bowed down. Ding Yu also looked up and down, that is, he nodded his head. There was no other movement or expression.

Not far away, Ge Huai hooked his hand. Ge Huai fingered his nose. He looked suspicious, but he trotted to Ding Yu's position at the first time. "Why are you still here?" It didn't sound so polite, but everyone didn't care! You're welcome? It shows that Ding Yu is more optimistic about GE Huai.

"Mr. Ding!" Ge Huai saluted Ding Yu respectfully, and then straightened up his waist. "The atmosphere here is very good. There are some places that I don't know why. I can ask you for advice. When I go back, I just changed my living place."

Ding Yu looked up and down, then snorted, and did not pay too much attention to it. But Ge Huai followed Ding Yu's side honestly. Ding Yu looked at the people standing there and rubbed his fingers. "You five came together, obviously, there was no agreement. Otherwise, what about the people standing here today? There's only one, but I'm not so concerned about it! "

You know, if it's old Peyton, his words may be a little more respectful, just the five of them? With their own position has quite different, and five people come together, how much let Ding Yu have so some not very happy, so this speech naturally will not be too polite!

"Discuss it by yourself." Ding Yu said, "give you five minutes. If you can't come, then you can draw lots! Let's see whose luck is better! "

Five people, you look at me, I see you, if you can negotiate, then you don't have to come here together. Five minutes? Five days? We have not been able to discuss the outcome. Once we get the diagnosis and treatment of Ding Yu, we may break through the limit of our own family. Who can give up such an opportunity? The choice between life and death.

What does it mean to break through the limit of one's own family?

What's more, can this treatment be successful once? Who dares to make this guarantee, the children in the family? Because they're young, at least there's hope, and what about these old guys? When I was 60 years old, I was really waiting for death. Every day I live now, there is one less day!

Ding Yu didn't really have any meaning to ask about the process of drawing lots. Looking at the old man standing in front of him, Ding Yu also extended his hand. The staff of the research center immediately sent all the relevant information to him. Ding Yu also indicated to the staff next to him, and then looked at the information alone.

"What about the process? It's very painful. I once told old Peyton that I'm not responsible for any accident! So prepare yourself for this. " What about this? Not only to the people on the bed, but also to other people, although they are no longer here at this time!

After trying the gold needle inside, Ding Yu started slowly. However, the one on the hospital bed was still good at the beginning, but it didn't take long for him to start howling. The sound was too loud. Although the room was sealed, the scream was still heard outside.

Because the experiment has already started, the whole research center has been closed. There are still four other people who are depressed. After hearing about this, they come here at the first time. Although they are not listening to the truth, why is the sound so wrong?

Ding Yu doesn't pay attention to this guy who squirms on the bed. You know, when you give it to Tyler and the third generation, or even Ge Huai, he basically doesn't encounter this problem. It's not to say that Ding Yu is deliberately targeting the old guy on the bed. It's really not!The staff of the research center also looked at it carefully. Basically, there was nothing wrong with the method. However, the people on the bed howled like what, which really made people look down on. But the whole person was completely fixed on the bed and wanted to move? How could it be?

Looking at the sweat on Ding Yu's forehead, he was soon wiped by a researcher who couldn't make room for it. When the sweat drops down, it will affect the vision, and there is no guarantee that it will cause other consequences. There was no problem with the air conditioning temperature in the room, but Ding Yu's sweat couldn't stop dripping.

Looking at the blood that leads out, Ding Yu is also wrinkling up his brow, how to return a responsibility such a color? It's not blood red, it's not black. I feel like some purple, black purple, and smell it far away? Some of the smell, I really have never encountered such a situation, strange, really too strange!

A little more blood was taken out, almost two test tubes, but Ding Yu had not cleaned up his things. The researchers nearby also ran over and looked at the blood in the test tube. At this time, it had solidified, just like bean curd. Ding Yu also took a suspicious look.

"Mr. Ding, when you put it in, it suddenly becomes like this. It is much different from ordinary blood. The test tube is absolutely clean, and there is no problem!"

Researchers are not afraid to carry the pot, their own operation does not have any problems, but the blood suddenly turned into such a look, do not know what the cause is, this is the most troublesome! How to deal with it?

At this time, a researcher came over and looked at the blood in the test tube. There was no difference. At this time, Ding Yu shook his head and said, "what about this guy on the bed? It's not suitable to continue to take blood. Even now, it's hard to say whether the whole person can survive or not! "

What about the researchers? Also pay attention to the old guy on the bed. It's like a dying fish. If it's not hung with an oxygen bottle? I'm afraid I don't even have much breath. Fortunately, the research center side? There are quite a lot of equipment.

"There is not too much physical condition, and there is no organ failure, but what about the mental aspect? The possible impact is a little bit big, and we need to do a lot of inspection later! "

Ding Yu doesn't care about such things? After leaving the room, they simply cleaned up and dragged down their coats. However, the other four people looked at Ding Yu and looked at the door. Why didn't Russell come out? I heard the howl earlier, but after a period of time, the sound stopped. It can't be dead, right?

After sitting down and resting for a long time, Ge Huai also brought a cup of water to Ding Yu and placed it in front of Ding Yu. Then he stood in the position behind Ding Yu. At this time, the researchers also went to the position in front of Ding Yu. "Mr. Ding, all the blood has solidified. Even if it is bitten by a poisonous snake, it will not be so fast!"

"That's your business. Do your own research?! It's just a blood protein that can't be turned into, to see if it can coagulate out of the serum! " Such a thing is common sense, follow-up research Ding Yu did not mean to be involved, he is not an expert in this area, just some knowledge! After all, I am still a doctor.

"The patient's condition now tends to be stable, but depending on the situation, we need to be hospitalized for observation! But the stability of the victory is still unknown! "

The four people next to you look at me and I look at yours. What happened is that they were sent in for some treatment. How can they be sent to the hospital for observation now? Is there something wrong with the research process?

I haven't heard of this problem and situation before! Even some of the children in the family? After treatment, you can get out of bed. However, judging from Russell's condition, whether he can get up or not is a matter of two words. What is the reason for this?

Did Ding Yu start secretly? Impossible things, except Ding Yu? They are basically from the family, and they are absolutely sincere and reliable. What's more, there are monitoring facilities. Everything can ensure that Ding Yu will never have other opportunities to attack.

If you look at it like this, what about the treatment? Not that there is no danger at all! When we think of it, we are all afraid of it. When we have no turn to ourselves? It doesn't matter, but really let oneself lie on the bed, this heart is also sad.

When Russell was sent out, it was already unknown. The whole person was lying there, his face was quite pale. When people looked at him, they unconsciously took back their eyes. Although it was said that this guy robbed his head to eat soup, what was the result? It also makes my heart feel very uncomfortable.

"Who drew the number two?"

"Me A middle-aged man also stood up. Ding Yu took a look, "left hand!" Ding Yu also touched his pulse and waved his hand to others. The remaining three people and researchers had left, but Ge Huai was still standing behind Ding Yu.After a period of time, Ding Yu is also staring at the person in front of him, "I have no intention of interfering with your lifestyle, but it's hard to say whether you can come down from the operating table in such a situation! For a week, if you can't adjust your breath well, I think you'd better find yourself a cemetery in advance? "

After that, Ding Yu didn't pay any attention to it. He turned to ge Huai and said, "have you read all the books?"

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