When Ding Yu and his parents returned home, their parents still didn't come back. The two children looked at their father pitifully and asked the servant aunt to give them some more food. Taixi also followed them and ate some more. Ding Yu did not have anything to do, so he helped with the dishes.

Taixi put it down after eating two mouthfuls. Originally, he didn't eat a lot of food. In addition, he didn't eat too much at night. It's not that he needs to lose weight and keep his body shape very well. The reason for this is very clear.

Every time the father of the child is busy? It's all sweat. I can't rest for two or three days. What about home? Not only myself, but also two children, even parents. Such hard work is also seen in the eyes, some things between each other is not too clear.

"The third uncle looks very dignified. Why don't you pay any attention to it? At the end of the meal, even the plate was almost empty Ding Xitai brought a cup of tea to him.

"The third uncle is not an outsider. He doesn't need to carry this shelf in front of him. There's no need. Just like a family member, do you need to be polite when you eat in your own house? It's not a bad thing to be thick skinned sometimes. If you really don't have enough to eat and you're hungry, don't you have to come back to supplement it? "

When talking, I also heard a burst of sound. Looking at the father and mother who were helped in, Ding Yu's eyes widened and the driver scratched his head. Some words were really inconvenient to say. How to say them? This thing can't be stopped by itself!

It's a happy thing to meet old classmates and old friends. People are happy when they have a happy time. There is no way for them to do anything. Taixi also gave the sobering tea to them at the first time. If they let their parents rest now, it would be no good for their health.

"Mom and Dad, would you like to have some together?"

Looking at the things on the table, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying are also a little hungry, and soon they also brought up two bowls of noodles. Along with the soup and water, they are all in a hurry. Ding Yu is also a little surprised. Obviously, they just drink at night!

"Dad, aren't you with Uncle Gu and them in the evening? Why are you two old

"Don't mention it. They're all drinking and dancing. Let them have a rest first." Ding Lin is also very indifferent to say, "let them come here? On the contrary, they will not be used to it. What's more, they will not come here on the first day. Let them rest, and we will come back! "

Get it! The threshold may be slightly higher, so what about the subconscious? There will be other feelings. Ding Yu didn't mean to say anything. Anyway, the sobering tea has been drunk. Tai Xi and Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying greet each other, and then they take two little guys to prepare for a rest!

It's been a little too noisy these two days. What about the mother? There are so many can not see! However, the father's education and his own education are totally two things, which can't be the same.

"How do you remember coming here for the Chinese new year? Is it a western view? " Ding Yu poured tea for his parents again. Although they said that they drank a lot, they would wake up a lot when they drank sobering tea. What about some words? Take the initiative and speak to your parents passively. It's two times!

"What about Lao Gu? Isn't it solved? You've seen that big boy in their family. He's doing a good job. What about marriage? I'm not satisfied, but I'm in a good mood. I just take this opportunity to come and have a look. Aren't you at home? "

"So polite?" Ding Yu also laughed, "Dad, you personally come forward, what else do you need to say?"

"Old classmates! How many years of feelings, if there is no difficulty, who would like to open this mouth, our lifetime of old friends, now basically are full of children and grandchildren, easily will not open mouth, since the matter has been done, this friendship can not be forgotten, always care for this guy! Still a bit of a dead heart! "

"I didn't eat anything for nothing, did I?" Ding Yu also made a small joke, "since uncle and uncle have already come, no matter whether they are good or bad, it's right to have a meal and have a cup of tea at home. We have a foothold in the capital in the future, don't you think?"

Ding Lin also nodded with satisfaction, "OK, you say it is. Your mother and I have a little too much to drink. We are ready to go to bed after a rest. We don't have to be busy with you. Are you going out today? How about it? "

Although Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying went out to meet old friends and drank a lot, they didn't forget about their eldest son when they came back. From then on, we can see that they still care about the eldest son!

"There's no problem. He's an elder with a high position. Taixi and his two children are a little bit stiff and hardly move their chopsticks. So when they come back, they eat some more. But if they get used to it in the future, I'll invite him to sit in the house one day. I'll make sure you'll be surprised!""Don't frighten me Ding Lin is also dissatisfied with a glance, Ding Yu did not explain what, sat with his parents for more than an hour, simple wash, Ding Yu is also personally to his father dry hair, now this time to rest, there is no problem.

Before leaving, Ding Yu also placed the kettle and cup in front of the window. People who drink alcohol are prone to thirst in the middle of the night. This is common sense, and there is no difficulty. Tai Xi is holding a tray to follow the position behind, his favorite is this!

What about the father of the child? Although life is superior, it has never been domineering. Whether it is treating family members or outsiders, it is always like this. After so many years of following him, it seems to be very insipid, but there is a certain taste in the bland, and I am very satisfied.

"By the way, the South Korean side called me earlier. Now I have some hesitation. Do you need to tell Fu Zhen Ou Ni about this matter? I really have some worries!"

"About Samsung or about the woman president who will take office?" When he sat down, Ding Yu frowned slightly. "Apart from the two of them, I'm afraid nothing will make you so worried." And what did Ding Yu think of?!

"You know, too?"

"What and what!" Ding Yu also shook his head, "what can you feel difficult about? It must be these two people. In addition, Fu Zhen was involved. If I can't guess this, I'm really a fool! "

Taixi also giggled, "the relationship between me and each other is quite good. With your care, plus the relationship of Fu Zhen Ou Ni, how about with you? Hello, everyone. What can I do for you? All of them can be settled through negotiation, so we should naturally know more about the domestic affairs of South Korea! "

"You know that woman president is not in office yet." Ding Yu is also interested in this aspect. "At the beginning, I met with her a few times, and we also had relations with each other. It was an investment in politics. What about deep friendship? Maybe not too much. She shouldn't have too many questions now, should she? "

"I really don't know much about her. I'm not so interested in taking over the secret service. However, the eldest son of Samsung is so wanton now. Fu zhen'oni has completely retired, but it is obvious that there are still many problems within Samsung!"

"Did the young man go to her?"

"I don't know the specific situation very well. There are not many people who know the problems. However, I have heard that some people have deliberately introduced them, so we have reached this meeting!"

Ding Yu twisted his mouth, "what about Samsung? They are already king without crown. Why should they be so noisy? There are so many problems and situations that the eldest childe contacted! This is the ecstasy soup! I'm afraid I've drunk it for a long time. Now even if I want to regret it, there is still some time too late! "

After thinking about it, Ding Yu also took a breath, "this thing is really not suitable for you. For example, I called Fu Zhen and asked her to come over when she had time. Whether it was before or after the new year, some things should be said to her face-to-face? Maybe the effect will be better! "

What about South Korea? The problem is not as big as you think. What about the woman president? Now there is no idea of death, but no one can guarantee that this will happen next. What about the eldest son of the Li family? It should have been pulled onto the ship by some European and American forces!

Ding Yu had known about it from a very early time, but Ding Yu had never made any moves. Li Jianxi knew this from his heart, but anyway? He is so old. What about Samsung? Is there anyone else out of Li Zai Rong? Li Fuzhen has left Samsung.

Who will take over Samsung in the future? It is an established fact that there will not be a second candidate except Li Zairong.

Will Li Jianxi have so many regrets now? Who knows? In any case, no one went into his head to have a look. In Ding Yu's opinion, it was almost impossible. After clearing up Li Fuzhen's biggest constraint, some internal problems of Samsung were cleared up to make final preparations for Li zaireng's accession to the throne.

But what about Li Zai Rong? It's not as easy to solve as expected. The crown prince will face many problems when he wants to ascend the throne. Can he control Samsung, or is he controlled by Samsung? Ding Yu has also considered this problem. Is the final result? It is likely to be beyond Li Jianxi's expectation.

The next morning, Ding Yu also made a phone call to Li Fuzhen, "in Korea or abroad?"

"How can I feel so strange when I call at this time?"

"Do you care?" Ding Yu also has so many flowery flowers, "see if you are in South Korea. If you are not so happy there? Come here to celebrate the Spring Festival together. If there are more people, it will be more lively? "Li Fuzhen is not a fool. Naturally, he can hear the other meanings implied in the words, "you are the Spring Festival, so is our side. It is not the past. We still need to see my father. Although I am no longer in the internal position of Samsung, I am always the daughter of my father."

Why does Ding Yu sound so perfunctory? But Ding Yu didn't want to argue anything, "come to me sometime after the Spring Festival! What about Sergey you recommended? I've seen it. It's not a big problem. I have some brains. I believe there won't be too many problems! "

But for Li Fuzhen, he has already understood the meaning of the words. What about the things he said? It has never been a big thing, but I'm afraid that the problem that has not been mentioned is the real big problem. What kind of problem does not mean to be said. Besides South Korea and Samsung, what else can there be?

What about the new female president of South Korea? I've been in touch with each other. What about the relationship? It's OK, but I'm not in charge of some internal problems and situations in South Korea now, so I don't have many contacts, but my brother seems to have some contact with her!

What was involved? I didn't ask, I didn't want to talk about it. I had a look at my father and his family? You need to sit down and have a meal, no matter what the relationship is? This maintenance surface still needs to be maintained.

This is the main reason why I didn't want to go to China. It has nothing to do with whether to escape. But even so, what about my brother? There seems to be a lot of defense against him. After returning to South Korea, the eyelid of every aspect is a little too much. Is it really afraid or is there something else?

He has completely let go of Samsung, is it not enough to let people rest assured? What else do you need to give up? Is it hard to make yourself feel at ease by living in prison? What else doesn't know? Maybe that's all, but would his father know nothing about it? Li Fu really doesn't think so.

Yes, but no action? This makes Li Fu Zhen's heart impossible to have no idea at all, but with the idea, Li Fuzhen will not have any disclosure. What's the significance and value of mentioning these things now? What can a father change? Will he still listen?

Or that moment when he stood by Ding Yu's side? The family has a distrust attitude towards himself, but he is standing beside Ding Yu, even standing in the position of Asian leader. He has a deep understanding of Ding Yu's situation.

Is Ding Yu interested in Samsung? It can be said that there is no or even too much to pay attention to. If Ding Yu really wants to make a move, many problems in Samsung will be exposed one by one, but from the beginning to the end, Ding Yu did not make any action, or even much attention.

When thinking of these, Li Fu Zhen also feels quite ridiculous, regarding himself as an opponent, but the question is whether he is really the enemy? I'm afraid I'm in the wrong direction! It's really hard for them, but I have nothing else to say.

"Mom and dad." Although his parents got up a little late, Ding Yu didn't say anything. It was the parents' business. They were happy. What about the two? There's no hangover fatigue. What about that? Or because the care is better, otherwise it is really difficult to say.

"Didn't you lose your manners last night?" While not paying attention, Ding Lin also asked in a low voice.

Ding Yu shook his head. "I'm very happy. By the way, if you invite uncle Gu to come and have a seat, I'll let them do some preparation in this respect. Anyway, there's no need to worry about the food and use at home."

"I don't know if those old goods can get up at this time? Let them rest in the morning first. "

What about the son and daughter-in-law? There's nothing wrong with it. What about the two little guys? Is also surrounded by their own grandparents, dad? It's very vulgar, and what about mother? Yesterday, they were educated again. At this time, they can only play with their grandparents. This is the most intimate person.

At noon, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying also called their old classmates. They didn't get as good treatment as they did in the hotel. Some of them even just got up and had a good drink. However, if they were to have another meal today, they would not be able to stand it physically.

And Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying don't have the idea of this aspect. They just come to the home. What happens after? It's also a foothold. It's not difficult to come and sit down.

But at this time, they all gathered at Lao Gu's side, "Lao Gu, what about Ding Yu? We've all met, but it's been a long time, and we don't know that well. You've had contact with him recently. Tell us all about it, so that we won't be disgraced at that time! "

"You! It's just a bunch of old people who don't want anything from us. Ding Yu is a good child. He is polite and respects his elders. He is not so proud and aloof as he imagined. Don't you worry about the children that laoding educates? But I haven't seen Ding Yu's children all the time. They say that the two children are very cute"Lao Ding is blessed. He didn't raise Ding Yu for nothing in those years. Now he's enjoying his happiness. However, this old product is also. He doesn't know how to enjoy it with such good conditions. Do you think it's a bit cheap and skinny?"

"You don't seem to say the same thing!"

People are also a lot of laughter.

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