When my father's old classmates came, they were basically acquaintances. When they saw Ding Yu's courtyard, they were all stunned. Although they had made considerable preparations when they came, they still marveled at the scene and even couldn't make a move.

Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying also pretended to be calm, and soon they pulled Ding Yu and Taixi, as well as their two children out. Although this is Ding Yu's place, what about now? The leaders were definitely Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying, and soon they all let everyone in, and everyone's exclamations were endless.

Ding Yu took Tai Xi and his two children to give everyone a salute. People also sighed for a while. In those days, that hairy boy, now? Both of them are adults. The two little guys are really the same as the old Ding described before. There is no exaggeration at all. The important thing is that in front of the public, they don't have stage fright at all, and even have a little liveliness.

This is quite not easy. If it is one or two guests, don't you have stage fright? There may be no problem, but there are so many grandfathers and grandmothers, the two little guys are still so calm, which is quite not easy!

People quickly surrounded the two little guys in the middle. Ding Yu and Tai Xi didn't mean to sit down. They also served tea and water in person. What about other times? Maybe it doesn't matter, but today so many people are here. How about sitting down and being a master? It's not that you can't, but what about Dad's face?

What about these people today? It's not for myself, but for my father and mother. If it's disgraceful at this time, my father and mother may not be able to raise their heads for the rest of their lives. Ding Yu naturally needs to perform quite well. Of course, what about this time? It may also be the time when parents are most proud and proud.

"Lao Ding, they say you won't enjoy happiness. With such a good eldest son, you are still in the hospital!"

"Is it good for me to have a high ideological consciousness?" Ding Lin also pretended to be angry and said, "unlike you, you know to eat and drink mixed!"

The laughter of the crowd also made the lazy people outside curious and stretched out their big head to look around. The little Labrador in the back was a little afraid of strangers, nestling in the lazy side, some curious and some afraid.

The gathering of old classmates always has endless topics. Ding Yu matches each other on one side, while Lao Gu takes advantage of the opportunity to seize Ding Yu's hand, "ah Yu! What about Uncle Gu? I haven't found any suitable opportunity. What about this? I don't know what to tell you! "

"Uncle Gu, you're so polite!" Ding Yu also said with a smile, "I told my father before? At that time, Ding Ding and I were greedy for you to come to our house. That was the real improvement of our life. How should we describe our mood at that time? I really hope for the stars and the moon

"You Lao Gu also wiped his eyes, "thank you? Uncle Gu, I won't talk about it. What about this time? I didn't come here empty handed. I brought some local products, which are not worth much money. It's what you want from Uncle Gu. If you don't take it, you'll hit me in the face. "

"It's a good feeling!" Ding Yu was also very interested in saying, "what about Beijing? Although it is the capital, how to say it? If you want to find some local products, sometimes you have to work hard. By the way, is everything OK at home! I don't want to interfere too much in elder brother Gu's affairs, but

"That bastard just let him live and die, happy today, don't talk about him!" Gu Xiaoyan also has a straight face. It is obvious that his eldest son's affairs still make him feel quite angry. They are all sons. Why are other people's sons like this, while his sons are like that? There's a big difference!

Gu Xiaoyan tugged Ding Ding Yu for a long time, but his feelings were also a little excited. When Ding Ding was waiting for her two children to come over, he was able to let Ding Yu go. When he saw Ding Ding Ding's two eldest sons, they were all in a burst of exclamation. Did they take hormone or what? So big?

"Ding Ding, how did the two children grow up so big? What good food did you eat

For the elders' teasing, Ding Ding Ding also pretended to be distressed. "If you have anything good to eat, just give them water. They all grow meat. Now they can be better. At the beginning, they all grew into Michelin tires." When I speak, I also take a look at my brother on purpose, which I will never forget.

The two little guys were held by their grandfathers and grandmothers, but they soon got restless. They broke away from their grandparents and ran to Ding Yu. They struggled to climb up to Ding Yu's body. Then they were ravaged, gnawed, bitten, and even dragged their hair. How could they toss and toss.

The arrangement of the evening is relatively simple. It is on the side of the courtyard. Hotpot is not a difficult thing for the courtyard. What we need is such an atmosphere. However, today, we don't mean to have a big drink. We just sit together and remember the good times in the past.

After eating, they didn't mean to let everyone leave. They lived in the courtyard. Anyway, there were lots of places here, and it was quite convenient. Everyone really felt the difference of Ding Yu. It was just like what he said. He was generous and not arrogant at all! Such children are really rare.What about them? Although it is said that all of them are in the past, they all have quite rich social experience, and they are also exposed to a lot of people and things. Being able to live in such a quadrangle in a place like Beijing does not mean that you can do it with power and power, nor can you do it with money.

What about people like that? Even if the eyes are not higher than the top, they will not behave so casually. Even in front of the public, they also lower their own identity. As a matter of fact, we all know that even if Ding Yu behaves a little bit presumptuously, it's hard for us to pout Ding Yu's face. If we can't, there are some people who are not brave enough.

But Ding Yu did not do so, which made people feel comfortable. At the same time, he also sighed. Look at the education of Lao Ding, his luck is really enviable. What if he was his own son? Don't say anything. Is Ding Yu adopted?

Why don't we have this life? If I had adopted such a child in those years, I would be happy now! But let's just think about it. Lao Ding's education is definitely the first achievement for children to have such achievements today!

Without Lao Ding, there would be Ding Yu. Today, when he didn't attend the college entrance examination but went to be a soldier, we all knew it. At that time, it was a pity. But the fate of life in Hedong and Hexi for 30 years is really impermanent. I'm afraid no one dares to make any guarantee.

But what about Ding Yu? He is also a child who shows gratitude. Although he said that he was brought up by the Ding family, he was only adopted. However, Ding Yu is not a wolf in the stomach. When he grows up, he will try his best to repay his parents.

However, when Wang Changlin went home, looking at his wife sitting there, her expression seemed to be not happy at all, which was a little strange. Whether it was at home or outside, it seemed that he had not heard of anything. Why he looked so like this was already full of words.

"What? It's going to be Chinese New Year soon. I'm really bitter! "

"What do you think about Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying? When they come, they come and they call a large group of people to the courtyard. They eat and drink. What do you want to do?"

Yeah? Wang Changlin is also a little confused, but soon also wake up to taste, it is clear that his wife is jealous, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying came to the capital? I know, but what kind of people they brought to the courtyard to eat and drink is really not like their previous style.

All the time? Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying are both living in a small county, but where does not move? There is not too much movement, at most is to travel, see the scenery, but listen to his wife's meaning? Today's situation seems to be so special! It's really noisy. It shouldn't be!

However, some people soon explained to themselves that some old classmates were gathering in Beijing, and they thought that something big had happened? But what about the wife? Obviously, it's not a big deal. It's not like this!

It's not that Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying came to the capital with their old classmates, which annoyed their wives, but the attitude of Ding Yu, the eldest son? Let Su Yuan have a little bit of anger, what about the siheyuan now? It can be said that the door is closed, the two doors are locked, and there is a guard against William Butler.

Did you go to the courtyard? Just like eating and drinking water, it's very simple, but how about going to the courtyard now? It's this one and that one again. It doesn't mean that anyone who wants to go can go. It's not like this at all. The wife is angry? Maybe that's why.

"Well, what did I think it was?" Wang Changlin also comforted and said, "where? After all, it's Xiaoyu's home. What about Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying? It's his adoptive father and adoptive mother. How do they deal with things? This is their right. What about Xiaoyu? It's also because of their training that they are today? "

"What is their cultivation?" Su Yuan was also quite unconvinced. "Did they cultivate Xiaoyu? Why am I so distrustful? " When he said this, Su Yuan also held his chest in both hands and looked at her husband.

Facing Su Yuan's cold eye, Wang Changlin also shook his head, "what about us? Almost no interference in Xiaoyu's anything, whether it is his growth, or later family and career, or even his development? There is no help at home, and what about these? It's Xiaoyu's personal accumulation, but it's also the education of Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying. No matter what the situation is today, some things can't be denied by one sentence or two! "

Su Yuan looked at her husband angrily. Although this is right, Su Yuan's heart is full of feelings. Why do you invite such a large group of people to go to the quadrangle, eat and drink, and even stay there for the night. While Wang Changlin and himself go to the quadrangle, they are furtive.

They are both parents. The gap between them is too big. So Su Yuan is not angry. What is the deeper reason? It was because Ding Yu was spending the Spring Festival in the capital city today. They were so close to each other, but they couldn't come over. Su Yuan's heart was quite uncomfortable.So when Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying greet people, they also let Su Yuan not suppress their grievances. Things can't look like this! You eat meat over there. What about us? Not even smell it!

"All the time? The boss didn't want to find out the meaning of this matter, so what about his adoptive father and mother? Feelings are extraordinary. In fact, think about it in reverse? This is also very good, everyone is well

Is it true that Wang Dingyu and his son are not good at this? How much resources has he poured into his life? Sitting in such a position, he has the most direct feeling. After reading it, he also makes himself speechless.

The family didn't grasp such an opportunity. It's not that Ding Yu has not tried hard, but the way of expression is so different! After thinking about it, Wang Changlin also felt that he should talk to his wife about the actual situation.

"What about some things? You don't know. What about the house? I have never told you! " Wang Changlin organized his own words, "what is Xiaoyu's contribution to the family? No one in the family can match it! "

"I know that, don't you need to say it?" Su Yuan also looked at her husband suspiciously.

"At home? There are many things you don't know. What about Xiaoyu? I don't like to talk about these things. I just learned about them

"What do you mean?" Su Yuan's eyes were suspicious.

"Some questions? There is no way to talk at home any more. The interests are monopolized by our family, and then we go to seek other things. This is quite unfair to Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying and their husband and wife! "

Su Yuan is not a fool. She knows what happened at the first time. She also looks at her husband with abnormal eyes, "why didn't I hear about it before?"

"I haven't heard of it before. What about this? You can't blame anyone for going to the head. " Wang Changlin also has some hesitation. Is it a deliberate act of the eldest son? It's really not good.

If it is their own, then they will definitely choose family relationship, but the problem is that the voice they can make is still too small for such a large family. What is the goal of everyone? It is also aimed at interests, so what is the situation today? There is nothing to say, otherwise what else would you like?

What about the discontented? Maybe it will become Ding Yu. What kind of things will the eldest son do after he is dissatisfied? I believe everyone has his own judgment. What about the previous heads? It also gives people considerable vigilance.

Su Yuan is also silent. Born in such a family, there are many things that are inevitable, not by personal will. So Su Yuan is so sad at this time, what? After all, he is the eldest son of his own! How can this be done?

No wonder Ding Yu returned to the capital this time? There was no movement among the three old men. Taixi took his two children to visit. That is to say, there was no more movement. What about the three old people's hearts? I'm afraid it's also a reflection on this issue!

But it is too late to reflect or not to reflect? The meat has been eaten in the stomach, and now it has been digested. It doesn't mean that you can spit it out if you want to.

Looking at his wife's silent appearance, Wang Changlin is not good to say anything, some words? That's fine! What's the good news? Ding Yu is not the only son in the family, but also Wang Yang and Wang Li.

"By the way, should Wang Li's affairs be solved? I think Shangnan is still very good, and the relationship between the two is also very good. If there is nothing wrong, hurry up and do it for them."

Su Yuan reluctantly lifted his heavy eyelids and took a look at her husband. "Is it too early to discuss their wedding after the new year?" But Su Yuan thought about it and snorted, "Wang Li's age is not too young, and it's not like that to drag her all the time. Let her come back tomorrow and ask her what she means."

If the situation is not too special, Wang Changlin really does not want to mention Wang Li at this time, but now Wang Li's affairs really need to be put on the agenda, some people are really impatient!

What about this? Wang Changlin does not have too many opinions to reveal. Even if he has any opinions, is it difficult for the eldest son to listen to his own? After coming back, the father and son did not even meet.

It's not that there is any contradiction between them, but there is really no such time and leisure. However, I heard that Ding Yu visited the third elder and even ate dinner there. This situation caused considerable shock in the Wang family and the Su family!

But the problem is that Ding Yu is not a representative of the Wang family and the Su family, but we can see from this that the relationship between Ding Yu and the third son is really good! It is enviable!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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