Ding Yu returned to the siheyuan with two small children. He wanted to buy some things on the road, but the problem was where there was anything to buy at this time point. The two children had no choice but to take a photo. There was only empty scene on the photo, and there was hardly any personal shadow on it!

Where are Zhao Shuying and Lin Shu Ying sitting inside? Seeing a family of four, Ding Yu twisted his chin and said, "wait a moment, you two will see the pictures they took, and you will know how it happened."

Ding Yu goes in to wash and gargle for a while, and soon comes out. Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying look at the picture above, and they cover their mouths and laugh. What about the outside? Even the ghost shadow can not see a, the scene is good, but no one set off, still appears quite deficient, really difficult for his eldest son.

The whole family sit together to watch the Spring Festival party. For the northerners, what about the Spring Festival party? What about Uncle Benshan's character? We really don't care much about it, but without him, it's like a little less salt in the dish, so there's not much taste.

Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying both feel a little sleepy. The two little guys are enjoying playing with tablet computers. It's really fun for them to keep up with the new year because they don't need to have any burden. They just need to have a good time!

Even before it was time, two children took their father to go outside to set off cold fireworks, which was the most attractive thing for them. Ding Yu also pulled Taixi and his parents out. The attraction of the Spring Festival party was not as big as imagined.

Sitting there are so many dozing off, so it's better to go out and have activities. Ding Yu also asked the housekeeper to take a lot of photos. There was no such condition before, but now? The situation is not the same, the happiness of the family is also well reflected at this moment.

On the first day of the new year's day, we didn't get up very early. We all went to bed a little late last night, but not very early. It's just relative to what we said in the past. Generally speaking, the whole family got up a little early, especially the two children, and there was no so-called lack of spirit.

Ding Yu also sighed about the two little guys going to the temple fair. "What happened last night? You have not seen it, but you must insist on it? I don't have any objection, but I'm going to baiyun temple today. I'll go there on the first and fifth day of junior high school. "

"Not to the Yonghe temple?" Zhao Shuying also asked with some doubts.

Ding Yu also scratched his head, "Dad, mom, can I send you to the Yonghe temple? We don't have so many taboos in our family, but I'm a Taoist, so I need to go to baiyun temple, where is the meeting place of Taoism. It's really hard to say whether you can squeeze into the position when you go to the Yonghe temple. It's absolutely full of people at this time! "

Because Ding Yu is very clear, his parents burn incense to worship Buddha? It's not superstition to ask for comfort and sustenance. What's more, do you burn incense and worship Buddha in Yonghe temple? It's really not that simple, especially in today's day, when people can crush their heads, even last night, someone burned incense for the so-called touzhu incense.

The family made a simple arrangement. Ding Yu asked his parents to go to the Yonghe temple. He took Taixi and his two children to baiyun temple. Then everyone gathered at the temple fair. There were no more people at the temple fair today. It has nothing to do with whether the weather is cold or not. Today is the first day of the lunar new year. Most of them visit relatives and friends, but few of them go out to hang out.

Ding Yu's family is not included here. Are they mainly relatives and friends? They are not here any more, so they are free from vulgarity. As for Wang's family, Ding Yu had already been there last night, so there was no need to rush about any more!

When Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying went to the Yonghe palace, they felt a little numb when they looked at the dense people. However, they did not go through the gate, but entered the hall through other doors. There were even special personnel responsible for reception. There was no crowding or pushing.

The people who followed Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying immediately presented a check, which was sesame oil money. Ding Yu was a Taoist, but he didn't mean to embarrass the Buddhist family. Their traditions are different, but they are all monks. What about the so-called dispute between Buddhism and Taoism? It should not be reflected in this, too vulgar.

What about baiyun temple? It's even simpler. Zhou Chengtie has been standing outside the door. After seeing Ding Yu, he also bows. However, the Taoist robes on his body are really not suitable. This size is slightly larger.

Ding Yu didn't come here before. But because of the existence of uncle Liu, the relationship between them can be said to be quite familiar. What's the identity of Ding Yu? It is also extraordinary. It has a considerable influence on the whole Taoist school, which is extremely important for the Taoist school.

Ding Yu is also a gift to the baiyun temple. What about Taixi and the two little guys? They are all following Ding Yu's back position, but some people's eyes are bright when they see two little guys. If it's just looking at the appearance, the two little guys are carving and carving jade, but they can see more than just the appearance.The eyes of the two little guys are bright and pure. Look at their walking and breathing. My God! If not reserved identity, I am afraid that the first time to start! Some people also trotted to the side of Taoist priest Liu, "uncle Liu, are they the children of younger martial brother Ding?"

Liu Daochang also looked at Dingyu's family with a smile and nodded his head slightly, "do you think? The two of them are very smart and intelligent, but is there any more reason? It should be out of Yu Ming's body. What can you see from him? It's no different from ordinary people? "

"It's also true. Basically, I can't see anything. No matter it's walking, sitting or lying, or anything else, there's nothing to show. It's too common!" An old Taoist priest nearby is also narrowing his eyes, as far as he knows? Taoist priest Yuming's accomplishments are absolutely not ordinary people.

But from his movements and appearance, we can't see any movement at all. Has he reached the point of hiding without leaking? If he's too old, he's too old?!

What about a man? We need to see not only his appearance, but also his interior. But there is nothing in Ding Yu's body. Although his eyes are so deep, that's all. What about others? The temple, the coordination of the body and movement and so on, how can there be no change at all?

Some people put the target on Ding Yu's body, while some people put the target on two children's body. Ding Yu's attitude towards the two little guys is indulgent. Although he said that he was a Taoist, it does not mean that the two children must be Taoist. See what they like!

After the ceremony, Ding Yu entered the room together with uncle Liu. As for Taixi and the two primary schools, some people would accompany them to stroll around baiyun temple. Ding Yu took this opportunity to contact with everyone, without any other substance. He had no interest in this aspect.

However, the two primary schools really surprised the Taoist masters who came into contact with them. Some Taoist Scriptures and classics came along, and even had their own unique understanding. Do you want to know some adults? They are not even so profound and skilled, so good seedlings?

Everyone's heart is also feeling a little itchy, but itching at the same time? If Ding Yu is not a general person, then is it difficult? If you want to put two small under the door, you need to show your real ability.

Ding Yu didn't stay in baiyun temple for a long time. He came here to get acquainted with his feelings. He was also famous for a long time with others, but he didn't meet him very much. How about coming here today? It's just a greeting. If you don't look down and look up, you're all from Taoism. You don't need to have too many sectarian views.

For Ding Yu, the Taoist Masters really don't have much. Unfortunately, his identity is relatively high, and his understanding of Taoism is quite different. There are not many words, but it sounds delicious. Some of them are beyond the understanding of the sect. This is a good thing.

What's more, he didn't mean to get involved. The reason why he came here today is mainly because this is baiyun temple, the gathering place of Taoism, and he is also in the capital. So he came to have a look at it on the first day of the new year's day, and there was no problem.

But what should be done with the two children? People ran to Liu Daochang and blocked him directly. The two children are really greedy. Such a good child may become the hope of Taoism in the future, so we should hurry to attract him!

"Mom and Dad!" Ding Yu and Taixi, as well as the two children, also took away the amulet that their father asked for. This represents the wishes of their parents, which needs to be treated with care, and can not cope with things.

As for noon? There's no need to go home to eat, although the hotel side? There may not be too many people, but the temple fair has already opened. The food in it can be said to be three rivers and five mountains. It is not limited to some things in old Beijing. Even if you try every kind of things, you will not be able to try all of them when you are full.

The windmill, mask, sugar gourd and so on in the hands of the two little guys can't take them at all. When Ding Yu looks at the masks that they bought for themselves, Ding Yu twisted his mouth. Is this really good? But look at the parents and Tai hee, let them take, I'm afraid, more inappropriate? So Ding Yu is reluctant to take it.

For the two small to stay evidence, Ding Yu is also the slightest care, indifferent things, today to come? It's just for the sake of happiness. It's just wearing a mask. It's like trying to make up for my childhood regret, isn't it?

However, when the two children didn't pay attention, Ding Yu bit off the sugar man in their hands. Then he looked at the front of them and pretended that nothing had happened. When the two kids woke up, he looked at the sugar man in his hand which had been "disabled" for a long time. His expression was also quite astonished.

Dad is too careful, two people with sugar man? It is for the sake of showing off, but it took a long time to find out that the white one has become a joke. For two children, can you bear it? Around Ding Yu is a burst of mischief.Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying are happy to see their eldest son, grandson and granddaughter. They didn't really feel so much fun in the past. When they came to the capital this Spring Festival, they really felt many different places. How big is the place? There are big benefits, small charm.

"Dad, mom, Taixi, you have a rest!" Taixi found a place for them to rest for a while, just accompany the two children to make mischief. He has the energy and physical strength, but his parents and Taixi can't insist on living. He has experienced too many scenes like this, and now they are not treated as a thing.

"Be careful!" Zhao Shuying is also worried.

In the evening, in addition to Ding Yu and their two children, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying, including Tai Xi, were exhausted. They were happy, but they were too happy, and they were almost headless!

After eating a little food and having a rest for a while, he rushed straight to the bed. As for Ding Yu and his two children, they can't take care of them now. It's really hard to continue. Not everyone has such physical strength and energy.

"Why did you call at this time?" Received Li Fu Zhen's call, Ding Yu is also very curious, "even if you want to pay New Year's greetings, is it too late?"

"Some are not very happy, but I don't know who to talk to for a moment. You are a good candidate!"

"Isn't it?" "Dingyu said," Well! Talk about it What about Li Fu Zhen? Is their own woman, the woman is not happy, then as a man needs to come forward, anyway, he is more free, otherwise is to read a book, accompany her to chat is also very good.

"We had a meal together, but it was not very good!"

"What about chairman Li? It is a person who inherits Samsung, but at the same time, it is a person who carries forward Samsung. What about his heart? Nature has its own judgment. What about the territory it has won? There needs to be a suitable successor! "

"At the beginning, I had the idea of this aspect, but now I don't have this meaning any more. There is no surplus of what should be handed in. But even if it is like this, there is still no satisfaction. I think it is too much!"

"Samsung's power in Asia has become stable. Now it is developing things in Europe and the United States, which we all know very well. What about you? It's a natural thing that people who are exploring the Asian market don't feel at ease about you. This is not a situation that you can avoid if you want to avoid it! "

"I don't want to get involved in Samsung's business, otherwise Samsung will fall apart easily!"

"I don't really want you to be involved in many things of Samsung. If you win, you will lose. If you lose, you will lose. What about Samsung? In the end, it will be handed over to Li zaireng. Everyone knows about this problem. However, Li is too close to Europe and the United States, and he has not touched on the essence of the core. I am afraid there will be problems in the future! "

Ding Yu is also a small point, Samsung will be what kind of problems, I can not control this, but you? It's my woman. I need to account for it. Otherwise, Ding Yu would never have said it.

How can Li Fuzhen, who is in charge of Asia, not understand what this remark really means? Ding Yu didn't mean to threaten Samsung, but at the same time? Samsung can't be arrogant because of its pet. I hope they can figure out why Samsung has broken through the current bottleneck.

I believe that Li Jianxi should have something to explain with Li zaireng, but how much will Li Zairong believe in these problems? It's really worth considering one or two, but this is not what Ding Yu needs to care about. What does he need to care about? It's just Li Fuzhen.

"My brother is very confident now?" Li Fu Zhen also said with a sigh, "since I chose to quit Samsung, I naturally hope that Samsung can carry forward, not to see it slowly decline."

"Samsung is impossible to decline!" Ding Yu also laughed. "Even the South Korean government can't watch him decline. Otherwise, the problem will be too big. Then the whole South Korea will collapse. What about South Korea? Samsung has an irreplaceable position, and I think you know it too! "

"Sometimes it's too much to understand. It's not a good thing."

"It seems that your brother is really a little inflated!" Ding Yu also sighed, "but don't hit my attention. It's impossible for me to attack him. On the one hand, it's because of chairman Li. On the other hand, what about it? It's also because of you. What about your ideas? It may be a little different, but there's no need to kill each other! "

"You are always like this!"

Li Fu Zhen has a good understanding of Ding Yu. What about Ding Yu? He doesn't like to provoke other people's rights and wrongs, so when he can avoid it, he should try his best to avoid it. However, it does not mean that he does not really have the power and ability. It is not the case at all.

What about Samsung? Is it provocative? It doesn't seem to be. To a certain extent, it's completely family affairs, so Ding Yu has never meant to get involved. Li Fu Zhen sighed about this and was happy.Sigh is Ding Yu when really can restrain and forbear, happy? Is oneself in Ding Yu's mind always has the quite position! That's enough!

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