Ding Yu and Li Fuzhen talked for a little longer, but anyway, Ding Yu didn't mean to get involved in Samsung. What about the internal affairs of Samsung? It's their own affairs of the Li family. They have no connection with themselves. They didn't have this interest in the past and will not have this interest in the future.

Hang up after the phone, Li Fu Zhen is also sitting there alone, this call will hide live? It's impossible at all. My father will definitely receive the news in this respect at the first time. Whether it is true or not, he has his own judgment, perhaps because he did it on purpose.

It's good to think about it at home. Anyway, I've done my best. Even if I'm not satisfied with my own, what can I do? Can you chop them up and replace them? In the beginning, if you didn't do it, you won't do it in the future.

In other words, what about your own heart? Always read family, but born in such a family, family really exist? All things are based on interests. With interests, there is everything. Is there no interest? So everything is false.

Of course, Li Jianxi knows the content of the phone. What about the content of the call? I'm also skeptical, but what about all the time? Ding Yu doesn't have much plot for Samsung. This is true. What's more, what about Ding Yu's business? They are also quite measured, and they are very confident about Ding Yu.

But what about your daughter? But some of them are not at ease because of Samsung's power in Asia? Basically, she expanded them, and now she is in charge of Ding Yu's power in Asia. If there is any unexpected situation, she will transfer to accept Samsung without any problems.

With this confidence and power, there is no problem even in terms of structure. This is what Li Jianxi really feels difficult about. What is his age? After all, it is already quite large. There are also some problems that are not enough. What about the upper echelons of South Korea? It's also a lot of strife.

What about the new president? It is also a matter of many interests. Where Samsung will go? Li Jianxi also has considerable consideration. The problems and conditions in this issue are not clear in one sentence or two.

What about daughters and sons? Although they are all their own children, Samsung has only one person to inherit! There can't be any problems! This is the premise.

On the fourth day of the new year's day, Ding Ding's family finally came back. Seeing their appearance, they had a good life. From the expression on Ding Ding's face, we can see that she was not a big lady's temper and temperament. Although she once had some conflicts with her mother-in-law, but now? Too much has been eased.

There's no denying it? There are some reasons for Ding Yu, but Ding Ding also occupies a very important part. If there is no two-way maintenance, I am afraid it has already been the same. At that time, Cao Zhen, who was sandwiched in the middle, was probably the most difficult.

So while not paying attention, Ding Yu also touched Cao Zhen, "Ding Ding Ding didn't make any moths, right? What about the other things? I'm not so worried, but I'm only worried that sometimes she's a little bit petted by her family, so it's hard to avoid other situations and problems. "

"Big brother, Ding Ding has grown up, and now they are all children. Now it's really different from before. You can rest assured Cao Zhen is still very convinced about his brother-in-law. If Ding Ding Ding really has any problems and the husband and wife can't solve them, it would be right to look for this brother-in-law, but now they have no problems.

Since there is no problem, don't make any trouble, right? And Ding Ding's performance at home during the new year's Eve is really very good, not only parents look at each other, but also feel it is necessary to know his wife again!

"No problems and no problems As for the two nephews? At this time, they were held in their arms by their grandparents. They haven't seen each other for a period of time. What about the big red envelope? It's already ready. It hasn't been sent out! Today is a chance!

"Elder brother, you will go to the temple fair later?" Ding Ding came over with the fruit, and subconsciously asked, "I asked Dad and mom just now. They are not going to join us?"

"Tired of your nephew and niece!" Ding Yu also snorted, "from the eve of the new year's Eve, until today, there is no day to stop. If you didn't come back today, I'm afraid you would have run out."

Ding Ding looked suspiciously and thought about it. She still didn't want to take this nephew and niece. At least she couldn't see it. What about the two living treasures in the family? It's hard enough. I really can't take care of some of them. "If sister-in-law Taixi doesn't go, why don't you come with us? Anyway, you are familiar with it

Get it! This is to grasp the rhythm of a strong man. Ding Yu thought about it and didn't mean to refuse. Go ahead! Whether you are a guide or a spectator, you can do it! Anyway, there is nothing on my side!When they left, they were elated, but when they came back, Ding Yu and the two children had no feelings. However, Cao Zheng and Ding Ding Ding did not even have the spirit to speak. Fortunately, they had a servant and a nanny. Otherwise, whether they could come back or not would be two things they talked about!

Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying didn't mean to blame at this time, but Cao Zhen and Ding Ding Ding didn't eat at all. The two children were also the same. After cleaning up a bit, they slept in the courtyard. They were really too lazy to go back and didn't have the spirit and physical strength.

"How can I be so tired?"

"But now there are too many people on the street? It can be described as shoulder to shoulder, not to mention at the temple fair. Cao Zhen and Ding Ding are holding one each. It's strange that the tonnage of the two children is not tired. It's strange to lie down? "

Ding Yu said this with some intentional meaning. Maybe he saw the look in his eyes handed to him by Taixi. He felt that his mother's momentum was not right. Ding Yu also said with a smile, "besides, they have just come back. They are tossing back and forth. Although there is a private plane, it is not so easy! I heard that Ding Ding Ding behaved very well in the Cao family, and her father-in-law and mother-in-law were very satisfied! "

Zhao Shuying didn't listen to the words in front of her, but did she hear the words in the back? It's true that when it comes to Zhao Shuying's heart, she doesn't see who raised her daughter. Although she is a little lazy in her eyes, and even disobedient, she can still handle it outside.

"By the way, I haven't said you yet! For the new year's Eve, did Tai Xi come into our house? It's for you to be your daughter-in-law, not to be your mother. It's before and after, you! Pay attention to me! Don't give me that mess! Do you hear me? "

Ding Yu is also puzzled to see his mother, this is what with what! Tai Xi is also surprised, mother-in-law suddenly said this word, why? You didn't make any mistakes, did you?

But then Ding Yu also understood, "Mom, you think too much! You see, it's frightening to Taixi

"We've been here for quite a long time. I think I'll go back with your father when there's nothing to do in the past two days. We're not used to it when we're both here. Although it's the capital, some of us are too busy. We two old guys! It's better to go back! "

Ah?! "Mom, this is just the fourth day of junior high school. Anyway, there is nothing wrong with you when you go back. Ding Ding and I have nothing to do here. Just stay here for a few more days? The conditions here

Before the words were finished, Zhao Shuying waved her hand in a domineering way. "All the relatives in the family haven't been entertained yet. Before leaving, although the etiquette has arrived, it's not such a thing. OK, what about our old couple? Don't worry about it Then he also waved with Tai Xi, "let's go, let's talk to each other!"

Is this your mother? Ding Yu is also holding his head. What did his mother and Taixi talk about? Ding Yu is really not very clear. As for what Taixi is willing to say, if he doesn't want to, he won't have any reluctance. But seeing the appearance of Taixi, why is his face so ruddy?

On the morning of the fifth day of junior high school, Cao Zheng and his family got up quite late. Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying were not easy to call. If it was their daughter alone, there was no problem, but there was a son-in-law? How about two children? She got up early in the morning, mainly because she woke up from hunger. Zhao Shuying was also itchy.

Wash and feed the two grandsons in person, and then feed them. Even the two little guys have already started to play. Cao Zhen and Ding Ding Ding still have no meaning. Don't mention Zhao Shuying. Ding Lin also feels that there are some things on her face that can't hang. This is really a bit of a shame! That's too much!

As for how Cao Zhen and Ding Ding were educated, Ding Yu didn't mean to see the Western scenery. Otherwise, her sister would definitely find her own trouble, so she would not make trouble for her! Tai Xi is so funny to follow Ding Yu. Ding Ding is really in trouble this time.

It's not to say how late they got up, with this? There are not too many relations, mainly because the two children have already woken up from hunger. What about their parents? Even have not got up, father-in-law and mother-in-law can tolerate it?

"I'll go out first!" On the one hand, to avoid Ding Ding Ding, on the other hand? Wang Yang called himself just now. What about Wang Yang? It's not the main reason for Ding Yu to go out. Now I really don't want to face Ding Ding Ding and celebrate the new year? I don't want to eat melon.

Taixi also snickered, not really afraid of Ding Ding Ding, there is no problem. After waiting for about half an hour, looking at the angry Ding Ding Ding, Tai Xi also led him to the dining table. Everything was ready. If he could not afford it, it would be cold!

"Where's big brother?" Ding Ding is also so some gnashing teeth, Tai Xi is also sipping his mouth, "just came a phone call, go out, I did not ask what is the matter?""Fast to hide!" Ding Ding is also a hum, in the morning is really not up the spirit of the head, yesterday was too tired, anyway on their own ideas? This is the elder brother's home. What's the matter? It's a nanny and a servant. I'm sure you don't need your own! But I forgot that my parents were there.

But the fire came and went quickly. After eating, the Qi was almost dissipated. "Sister Tai hee, I heard that mom and dad are going back. Why are you so early? We've just come back. They're so partial? "

"My father-in-law and mother-in-law said that they still feel a little bit unfamiliar here. In fact, they all hope that they can stay here for a long time. It seems that there is nothing to do when they go back, but no one can persuade them!"

Ding Ding also knows that this is the truth. What about her parents? Always stay in the other side of the small county, as if there are really any treasures in the home, but the situation in the home is not clear? "Two more days! I said it just now. Who knows? If you can't, you will be forced to stay! "

"Big brother, happy New Year!" Ding Yu also nodded with Wang Yang and said hello.

"So early in the morning, you have nothing else to do?"

What about Wang Yang's expression? There are also some oddities, "forget it, big brother, I'd better speak up! What about the second sister's wedding? Has been put on the agenda, may be the latest period of time! Shangnan is not very busy. What's more? What about the second tier? There are a lot of forces that have considerable ideas, but what about you? It's all headed and disordered! "

"This is the thing." Ding Yu snorted and took a sip of the tea cup in front of him. As for the snacks and snacks nearby, he didn't have much interest. "Director Wu is in charge of this matter now. It seems that there is no use in looking for me."

"Brother, we all look at the first echelon. 150 million dollars? Also let a lot of people are envious, this money is earned or lost? You may not matter, but who else will take out so much money? Is it to cultivate? "

"What? Do you look red? "

"Big brother, don't make a joke with me!" Wang Yang also wryly laughed, "we have all kept in mind the cultivation of Xiaobao and me. What about the power behind the second echelon? Some of them can't stand it, especially some of them? They were also picked out by the first echelon! "

"Is it that the people in the second echelon are out of control now? Did you find the father's side or the merchant's side? "

"Between our family and the business? There is no contradiction. What about you, brother? At the beginning, they were worried about each other, but when the second sister and Shangnan walked together, all the problems were not any problems! " Wang Yang is also very patient with his big brother.

"Since there is no contradiction between each other, and they have become children's parents, it's no big deal to get together. After all, the political form is different now!"

"I can't take over the second tier. What about the first tier? Because the third uncle personally came forward, I can't refuse, and there are a series of political issues behind it, but before, before, now is now! It's impossible to talk in the same day. Don't you understand that? "

"Brother, don't embarrass me. I'm not asking you to reason with me."

"I know, father asked you to come here!" Ding Yu said, "when my father is free, I will talk to him personally! Some things? I'm afraid it's not so convenient for you. If you know too much, it's not a good thing for you

That is Wang Yang. If it is someone else, I'm afraid he won't get such treatment. Wang Yang also took a long breath, and he didn't hold back. Otherwise, he really had some difficulties.

"Big brother, what about the second sister's marriage? Is also imminent, have been engaged for some time, the feeling between each other is quite good! In addition, the second elder sister is not too young. She always needs an explanation

"If you agree with me, what do you mean?" Ding Yu patted his hand, as if contaminated with something strange, "make me seem to be estranged in it."

"Brother, that's not what you mean Wang Yang also scratched his head? What if I really said it? It may be so shameless, but I don't know what you mean. What about my brother? You have to show something! "

"I know what you mean!" Ding Yu snorted, "do you want to show something? That's what you want. How can I do it? It's my business. What's the matter at home? I don't need to know too much! "

After saying this, Ding Yu also stood up, "tell me about the specific day, and Ding Yu shakes his head, "forget it, this matter is not suitable for you, let's talk about it then!"

Don't tell Wang Yang about the matter. Tell Wang Li in person!He is not short of such a thing, whether it is the face outside, or the family relationship inside, he is the eldest brother, can not let Wang Li's hands empty!

Looking at the big brother who left, Wang Yang also sat down and pondered for quite a period of time? I still don't have so much power. I still have many defects in my ability. I'm too constrained!

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