When Ding Yu came back home, Ding Ding Ting just gave a blank look, but it didn't mean to be angry. Anyway, everything has passed. Ding Yu took a look at Cao Zhen, who was honest and quail, "I said what happened to you two? Up so late? Even if it's unintentional

In the face of the joke, Cao Zhen also peeked at it. "It's really tiring to go back these days. There's no rest at all. There's not so much entertainment outside. But the social activities at home don't even bring Chongyang. From opening to closing their eyes every day, they're almost fooling these things! I'm tired

For such a thing, Ding Yu also feels so funny and normal. What about Cao Zhen's family? It's also a political family. What about Ding Ding Ding? The capital aspect also has the quite power, although said that they young couple are in the capital, is far away from the home, but Cao family has been paying close attention to.

After I went back, it was hard to avoid these so-called social gatherings. What's more, there were still two children. Anyway, it was quite troublesome. When he came back, he didn't even have a good rest. He took his two children to the temple fair. Even if he was an iron man, I'm afraid it was worn out. Ding Yu knew this well.

But what about that? There is really no way to tell their parents in detail. Sometimes life is just like this, but it can't be said that Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying are wrong. Naturally, they have the vision and views of the older generation. What about the younger generation? They have different views of consciousness.

"When it's OK tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, I'll take my two children to the children's welfare home to have a look."

Cao Zhen is also a Leng, looking at his brother-in-law, children's welfare home? Which one is this? "Big brother, I don't have any opinions and ideas. I just feel puzzled. How can I think of coming and going there?"

"The relevant issues were raised in the report given to me by my family. What about me? Is it not just a doctor and a capitalist who, in due course, is also kind-hearted and does something good? Always can't just think about themselves, if there is no such conditions? Do one's own heart is good, but with such conditions? It's not the same! "

"With the children?"

"Let them feel that although they are young, the children in the children's welfare home are not too old! Children? Some things will affect their life, let them have contact, some understanding! It doesn't seem like a bad thing! "

Cao Zhen looked at his elder brother, and then nodded, "I took both of them with me. However, elder brother, the two children in my family are some mischievous. Don't let me hit them. I can't even talk about them!"

For Cao Zhen's performance, Ding Yu is still very satisfied. As for how to educate the children? This is their own business, and they really don't want to be involved in too much. However, let the children contact more, and they can't always keep them in the greenhouse. Even if the conditions at home are better, what can we do? Right?

What about other volunteers? I'm afraid it's really difficult to enter the children's welfare home, but what about Ding Yu? It's not an ordinary volunteer, or even a volunteer. However, Ding Yu's entry into the welfare home has received considerable attention. Ding Yu waves his hands and lets two little boys and two younger brothers go to play with other children.

After watching for a period of time, Cao Zhen felt that he couldn't see the past. He ran outside at the first time, not saying that the taste inside was wrong, but looking at these children, he really felt unbearable in his heart. What about these little children? So abandoned, those in charge of the family are all animals?

I am also a father. I have two children in my family. I am the same age as many children in the welfare home. Looking at their pathetic appearance, my heart feels like a knife, and even tears can't be controlled.

In the past, I didn't really come to such a place, and I didn't pay attention to it. Even if I had heard of it, it was swept away. But now I have really contacted with you, my understanding and idea are quite different!

"Big brother, how do you want to come to such a place!"

After coming back again, looking at the elder brother was helping the children to tidy up their clothes, Cao Zhen also asked subconsciously, and he did not know how to ask out this sentence? But then it seemed that something came to mind! But it's too late to cover your mouth.

Ding Yu was smiling, as if he didn't care at all, "what about me? The situation is quite special, and it is not abandoned, and even has not suffered much. Therefore, I am not quite the same as their situation. Do I pay attention to them? On the one hand, they feel that they need this concern. On the other hand? It's also for the two children in the family. "

"For the sake of children?"

"What about the family they were born into? Some are different, including your two sons, who grew up in such a family? It can be said that they have no worries about food and clothing all their life. What about such conditions and environment? Naturally, we will develop some bad problems. When we find out? It may be too late! "Cao Zhen also has some understanding, "now give them some correct ideas, and lead by example?"

"Almost! I not only brought them to the children's welfare home, but even took them to the old people's home. I also took them to poor families to live and work for a few days. At that time, the two sons of bitches cried bitterly and cried bitterly. But when I looked at other people's children, they still insisted on biting their own teeth. I didn't find this opportunity in the past two years! "

Looking at his elder brother's appearance, Cao Zhen also bit his teeth. How old was he when he went out with two children! Let them work at that time, if it is their own words, can really be cruel under this heart? Even if you have this idea, it will be very difficult to make this decision!

At this time, Cao Zhen has more or less understood. Why does the elder brother bring himself here today? It is to prove with practical actions that he looks at the nephew and niece not far away? It's very good to integrate with the children of the welfare home, but what about their two sons? It seems to be out of place.

Is it because nephews and nieces are older? Absolutely not. How about my two sons? I'm still too young, so I just need to grow up, but what's your feeling today? Let oneself realize the considerable problem and the condition, the child? When is it time to grow up?

Children are always in their own eyes. But in reality and society, are they always children? To provide them with the best conditions, this is their responsibility as a father, but also need to let them realize more problems, this is also their responsibility! Children do not teach, the father's fault, the taste of this is really too right.

"But don't think too much of me. Let them realize the most sincere things in the world. At the same time, I will let them contact the most ruthless exchanges in the United States. Sometimes, I will take them with me. They can't lack sensibility and rationality. But what about the first stage? They are mainly perceptual, and their rationality lies in cultivating slowly! "

Thank you

Cao Zhen is very clear, big brother is the most simple way to tell himself, should be how to educate children, rather than preach in person, such words have no meaning at all, on the contrary, it will cause their own antipathy!

Two big men and four children stayed in the children's welfare home for a day, during which Ding Ding also made a lot of phone calls, but Cao Zhen was able to cope with the past, even if he went back to kneel on the washing board, or could not get to bed, but this kind of Education method was learned by himself, so it was more useful than anything.

The food is not very rich, and there is really no comparison with the family. The two children in the eldest brother's family are very happy to eat, but what about the two children in his family? It seems to be tardy, obviously things are not in line with the appetite.

What we eat at home is pure food. What about this? It is made by ordinary people. It can only be said that they are not hungry when they are full. The two children have never eaten such things since they were young. Although they are hungry, they are still very picky about such things.

But can't the conditions of big brother's family compare with ourselves? Wrong, but why can the two children in the eldest brother's family be able to eat? The problems revealed in this are worth thinking about!

"Big brother, I learned a lot today!"

Ding Yu waved his hand in disapproval, "I saw that the two children were picky when they ate. What if we said this in person? Everyone may be unhappy. Now that the conditions at home are better, no one wants their children to suffer. Naturally, I am also a father. Watching them rub off a piece of skin, I am also distressed. But they don't know the pain now. Is it difficult for them to know after they grow up? "

When he came back home, he let the four children take the lead in washing. All of them were noisy and dirty. Ding Yu's two children didn't need any help at all. When Cao Zhen looked at all this, he also pursed his mouth. Why can the children in the elder brother's family do it, but the children in his own family can't.

It's because the big brother's genes are good. It doesn't exist. It's mainly because of his good education. How about his communication with two children? What's more, it's done through guidance, not by preaching. What about the way of education at home? More is to teach children how to do it? I didn't even think about guiding.

It seems that I really need to talk about this issue with Ding Ding Ding. If you are close to the red, you will get black if you are close to the ink. In the same way, you should learn from the good and learn from the bad. When you are young, you should set up a correct world outlook, values and consciousness for them, so that they can have a better growth.

"What did you do with the kids today?" When Zhao Shuying was tidying up her two grandsons' clothes, she was also discontented and asked. She didn't even come back for lunch. She also hesitated on the phone.

"Let them receive a re education. When I took them to the temple fair, when I saw them eating, they were thrown aside without taking two bites!" Ding Yu has nothing to hide. He didn't say anything about going to the children's welfare home, but he told the nature of the matter."There are a lot of them stuttering at home, and there is no shortage of them to use, but they can't develop these bad habits!" When he said this, Ding Yu was also very attentive, "if you follow, they will feel that they have dependence. If they start to do things, they will be quite evasive, so I will take Cao Zhen with me!"

Ding Ding is a fierce stare at her husband, good guy, even with their own son to bear hardships, home can around him is strange! On the other hand, Ding Lin slightly nodded his head. "I think it's very good. Although it's said to be children, we should let them know what is suffering. In those difficult times, if we look at the present, we can't imagine that your generation has really lived a good life, but we can't forget history!"

"Dad, talk about history to these kids? There are still some too early, only let them personally experience, they will know the taste of it! The impression will be more profound! " After all, what about it? Also have their own son and daughter, don't you feel distressed? impossible.

However, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying want to go, we can't stop. They have lived here for such a long time. Although it is said that this is also home, it can't catch up with the home in the small county town. For Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying, it's just like this.

Dingyu and his mother wanted to help him back. They didn't want to be helped back by his parents! Ding Yu arranged for the plane and personally sent the old couple to the airport. After waiting for the plane to take off, he sighed.

"Ding Ding, what do you think of my father and mother?"

In the face of the big brother's sudden question, Ding Ding Ding also snorted, "you knew the answer, and asked me, but elder brother, I would like to ask you, what kind of ecstasy did you give our family Cao Zhen? Good guy, I was too lazy to be like a pig. Now I feel that I should get to know him again, or what bad things he has done ?”

"Bullshit!" Ding Yu is also full of do not want to stare at one eye, "on your home Cao Zhen that coward, have I my little thumb big?" What about the other things? Ding Yu doesn't dare to say, but Ding Yu still has some guarantee. What about the relationship between their husband and wife? It's true that there are no problems.

"Of course I know, but I feel a little confused?"

"With his own experience? Personal taste is better than everything. If you have time, let Cao Zhen also take you around. What's the money? Can't represent everything! "

Ding Ding did not listen to it. Ding Yu really didn't know. Anyway, what about her sister? It's not the arrogance and arrogance in imagination. I believe that Cao Zhen's experience with her once will give her a lesson in advance!

There are quite a lot of problems in the education of the two nephews, but I directly point out that there are too many problems. I don't want to make any contradictions with my sister because of this, so I just pass it on in this way. There may be some obscurity and trouble, but for Ding Yu, this is the best solution.

Ding Yu is in the capital, under the eyes of the Wang family and the Su family. What about Ding Yu's taking four children to the children's welfare home? It's not so secretive, so it's soon known at home. Originally, I thought whether Ding Yu wanted to express other meanings at this time.

But it soon became clear to the family that this was a misunderstanding. Ding Yu had no meaning in this respect. On the 30th of the lunar new year, Ding Yu returned home for the first time to pay New Year's greetings. If he didn't go, no one would say why. But when Ding Yu went, the meaning expressed was different.

How did Ding Yu's foster father and mother not know? These are not so important. Did Ding Yu pay a new year's visit to Wang Changlin and Su Yuan, or did he let the Wang family and Su family, even the three elders, feel different meanings and their relationship? There may still be some embarrassment.

However, such a situation is a good thing, so it is not difficult to interpret Ding Yu's going to the children's welfare home. However, after solving the problem, Wang Changlin also looked at his wife and said strangely, "where do you think our eldest son came from? I even want to take the children to the welfare home! "

"I think it's very good." Su Yuan is also browsing two small spaces, which have some growth records from small to large, but what about this space? It's really not everyone can come in. It needs considerable verification.

"You see, there are also pictures of them when they went to work. They experienced these things when they were young. What about going to a welfare home now? It shows that the child has love and deserves to be the child of our royal family! "

What about these pictures? Wang Changlin is not the first time to see it, but every time he sees it, his feelings are different. The way his eldest son educates his children, he has some exclamations. There are quite a lot of conditions at home. At the same time? For children's education is also sparing no effort.

What about the growth of the next generation? Is now the most concerned thing, Wang Xiaogang at home? That is to say, it was put on the top of the list. At the beginning, Wang Yang belonged to the one who did not have a complete education. It may be that he was too busy at work, or other reasons. But really speaking, these are all excuses.Now there are so obvious examples, it depends on how to do it at home!

PS: Happy October 1! When you have nothing to do, call home more than two times! The joy of the whole family is the real happiness!

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