Li Fu Zhen came to the capital very quietly and did not disturb any aspects. Although her identity is quite different, people will not pay special attention to her. After all, she is just a representative of Ding Yu, which is not to say that she is Ding Yu. Two things do not need to be treated the same way, nor need to be so nervous.

"I feel a lot thinner!" Looking at Li Fu Zhen, who is lazy and sitting in front of him, Ding Yu also slightly shakes his head. Li Fu Zhen is a bitter smile, "is it? I also feel quite tired recently! Even exhausted

"Samsung's affairs are so serious? I didn't think of it! " Ding Yu also slightly rubbed his finger, after all, in the phone, with the reality, the situation is not quite the same, the phone mentioned things, need to pay attention to too much, but in reality? You don't need to worry about this.

"What about my big brother's control over Samsung? It has already reached a considerable degree, but the more this time? The more suspicious, after all, it is moving towards the position of the emperor without crown, and no one can stop him! Anyone who blocks him is his enemy! Even sometimes the father needs to give in a little bit. "

From this discourse, it is obvious that Li Fu Zhen is dissatisfied with her elder brother. This kind of dissatisfaction has been revealed on her face. It is too obvious, and there is no concealment.

"The relationship between Chairman Li and me is fair, so I still say that as long as Li Zai Rong does not go too far, I will never do anything. What's more, what's more, what's more, what's more? I believe that Chairman Li will also have some disposal, Samsung's position as Emperor! The crown prince does not want others to have any contamination, or even opportunities to do so! "

When talking, Ding Yu also took a look at Li Fu Zhen. Here, she is the special one!

"Too much consideration, but no idea? I thought I had broken away, but I didn't think about it. On the contrary, it was misunderstood, or what I did was wrong! I don't understand! There are also some who don't understand! "

"The problem of family education, or the oppression of culture on women, is that in Korean society, women's position is low, which has been deeply engraved in everyone's bones, and there is no way to change it!" What Ding Yu mentioned is also quite practical, and there is no so-called hiding.

"I feel tired. I want to rest here for a while."

"And the child? It doesn't matter if you are alone. You can't give up the child! "

"He doesn't have to worry. Everything's fine." Li Fu Zhen also smiles at Ding Yu. What about Ding Yu's son? It's really quite good. How about the food and clothing? I've never lost one of my own. I've also thought about whether I want to put my son next to Ding Yu? But then he gave up.

First of all, his son has not been able to accept, and the family is also not able to accept, so don't be too hard, can maintain the status quo is a good thing! It's causing other problems.

"What about Samsung? I'm not suitable to make a move, nor is it suitable for you. It has nothing to do with personal gratitude and resentment. However, if Li zaireng always behaves like this, he is likely to have problems! And it's easy to have big problems! "

Looking at Ding Yu's appearance, Li Fu Zhen realized that he was not aimless. He should have a good grasp of it. However, he really did not know what it was! "Sometimes elder brother is a little bit arrogant. He is also a little bit arrogant in his position as the crown prince of Samsung. I'm afraid he has some depression in his heart."

"What about the rise of China? It is just around the corner, but the problem is that neither Li Zai Rong nor the female president is fully aware of the problem and hope that they will keep vigilance in this respect. "When he spoke, Ding Yu's mouth was slightly raised, which was obviously a little disdainful.

"Who knows?" Li Fu Zhen did not have much confidence in this. After he became the leader of Asia, because of other reasons, he got a better understanding of the situation in Asia, especially from China!

As far as South Korea is concerned, some of them are too naive to challenge China. I hope the South Korean side will not kill themselves! Otherwise, no one can save them. They just want to rely on the U.S. side. The role of the United States will not be as large as imagined, and even will be beaten up in the end.

But can such a thing be prevented by oneself? Li Fuzhen thought for a while, but also very helpless to shake his head, because it is really not what he can stop. Samsung has expressed quite opinions about himself, and on this one, all the roads are blocked, and there is no room for turning back.

"Ding, what do you think the end result will be?"

"From the perspective of Asia, China does not want to see the United States intervene too much, but what about South Korea? Because of the pressure from North Korea, we hope to use the United States to check and balance. The effect has been quite good, but what about this situation? Only limited, not unscrupulous! "Ding Yu pondered for a while, and then slowly said, "in the past two years, the new female president will enter the honeymoon period with the Chinese side, whether for the sake of reputation or for her own position. However, once the position is stable, it is not clear what kind of choice she will make next."

"You mean she can't stand the pressure and temptation from Europe and America!"

"Who knows? However, from my personal point of view, she has not been able to withstand the pressure and impact. What about your big brother? I'm afraid it has fallen into the pit now. It's not because any of us pushed it, but because of himself. They've been standing together for a long time, and you must be very clear about it. "

"It is because it is too clear, so there is such a sigh, what about the Asian market? Although it is said that it has been developed, it is not so stable as imagined. For Samsung, the power in Asia is fundamental, and it can never cause any problems and conditions in the Asian market! You can't just have face, not inside. "

Wow, Ding Yu also laughed, "Chinese is very smart, even this can be expressed!" Small expressed his surprise, Ding Yu also shook his head, "Europe and America's infatuated soup, Li zaireng has drunk, the normal competition in the Asian market, we have never been involved in, this point is quite clear to each other."

"Why does his father still support him

"Because there is only one crown prince of Samsung. Although you are brothers and sisters, there is no other successor. The final result of Samsung will only fall on Li zaireng. Chairman Li has no choice, because he also has no choice. Besides, who can sit in this position? That's his son! "

"It's time and life. I feel so bad!"

What about this? He said that he was his woman on purpose, but he didn't want to have too many problems with Samsung. However, his elder brother wanted to fight with Ding Yu for a while. However, he was not able to cope with Ding Yu. At the same time, he underestimated Ding Yu.

Ding Yu is just unwilling to make public. It doesn't mean that his empire has no power. On the contrary, this force is also a huge one. All the things exposed are just pieces of feather. It's ridiculous to think that such a small and half claw is everything.

"The right to choose? In their own hands, the more people are at this time, the more crazy they will be, or even unable to be themselves. This is also very normal. Who knows what kind of result it will be, and no one will guarantee it. Our hope is quite different from the final result! "

Ding Yu did not explain what, between each other? It's just a combination of interests, which does not mean that he or she can go and tell. Ding Yu has no interest in this aspect. He just needs to stand beside him and watch quietly.

Even if their pointer is crooked, Ding Yu will not pay any attention to it, let alone reveal other aspects. Just sit by and watch, what about each other? It is because the interests are united with each other. What if the so-called feelings? I don't think so. At least this friendship is very ordinary.

What if it was my own elder martial brother in the east? This situation may be unusual, but what about Li Jianxi? Let's forget it! The old guy is too suspicious, even for his own daughter is also under the hand, other outsiders will be in his eyes? It's impossible.

So Ding Yu keeps a distance from him. What about people like this? It's good to be a partner, but what about being a partner? It's not so beautiful! There are too many things to worry about! Not so in line with Ding Yu's character, so we also keep mutual restraint.

"It seems that in the Spring Festival just now, when I mention these things, will it affect my mood?"

Ding Yu yawned, "it's a normal thing. Although it's a little ahead of time, it's not so big a deal. I wanted to talk about this issue with you earlier. I hope you can make considerable preparations."

"Do you think that woman president has not been able to control herself? It seems like a good performance now! "

"Taixi has talked to me about this issue, but I don't think it's so good. I have met with the female president a few times, but it doesn't mean everything. What's more, what about the things Taixi revealed? She also has quite a lot of problems, including the things around her, and she is not the clean one to solve them! "

"I seem to have some impression on this matter, but judging from your performance, it seems that some of them are too serious!" Li Fu Zhen also slightly shakes his head, "but really, what if we talk about it? Being president in South Korea is really a very high-risk occupation. In the end, there are very few people who end up very good! "

"What about that? I don't know if you will have any other opinions! "When mentioning this problem, Ding Yu also paid attention to a look. He really didn't want other changes in this matter. After all, what about Li Fu Zhen? It is also a Korean. If I say too much, it will affect him in other aspects. I really can't say well. No matter what, she is her own woman.

"I am a Korean, so when I look at the problem, I may have a little narrow sense!"

"First of all, South Korea is not an independent country, at least not a fully independent country. What about jungle rule and small country? It can only survive by relying on big countries, but what about the geographical position of South Korea? Being in Asia and depending on the United States is quite different from that of Japan. What is the so-called situation? If there is a slight problem, it will lead to liquidation! "

Seeing Li Fu Zhen nodding, Ding Yu also sighed, "another problem is the Korean and Korean issue, an unavoidable topic, and from the beginning to the end? Is it the last question that runs through the history of South Korea? It is the political problem of South Korea, which lacks a relatively unified political ideology. Once it is in power, it is necessary to strangle its opponents and never show mercy! From this point of view, we can only say that it is too immature! "

"And at this point? Even if you can't learn from China, you can also learn from Japan. They all have their own advantages, but what about South Korea? It's too narrow, so now? Four different! "

"That is to say, this time is basically doomed to the end of the president, and it will never be too good!"

Li Fuzhen had already heard the meaning of the words. Ding Yu thought about it for a while and nodded, "what's the end of your female president? It will not be too good. This is a doomed thing. For the development of the country? Being close to China is the most appropriate thing, and it can also stabilize its position. But will the United States sit back and watch this happen? They will never allow your female president to stand in the business of China

"What if she had the courage?"

Ding Yu tilted his head, "what? Do you have to bet? "

"It's not easy for women to get to such a position!"

"As long as you're in this position? There is basically no choice! " Ding Yu closed his eyes, "where is her hand? It's already dark. I don't think there's any need to avoid this problem any more! "

"It's still too abrupt!" Li Fu Zhen shook his head. What about politics? It has never been so optical fiber on the surface, especially in the politics of South Korea. After adjusting from this limitation, we can find that there are many differences in it after a reexamination!

"Say something happy, you are ready to stay at home all the time?"

"Things on the Russian side have been put on the agenda. I just talked with the emperor on the phone, and the conversation between them was ok, but the details still need to be clear after meeting!"

"It seems that the great emperor is very anxious about this."

Ding Yu nodded slightly, "Russia's demand for food is not very big, is it vegetables and fruits? It has always been the problem. Even in modern times, it still hasn't been solved much. The emperor is still interested in the farm. I believe he will take the opportunity to come and see it! "

"Just for a farm? Or other reasons! "

"This year is the new year. The leaders of various countries in Asia will take office. This is a very good opportunity. The problems between China and Russia are not as big as imagined. Therefore, it is quite necessary to sit down and have a good talk at this time."

"Sergey's problem is not very big. He has begun to recruit quite a number of personnel. I have not inquired about the specific situation, but as far as I know, he is still quite attentive!" What about this man? It was picked out by himself, so Li Fu really has a lot of confidence in his heart.

"I'm not really worried about this. He can handle it by himself. However, I need to remind him not to eat alone. I believe he will understand the meaning of this word and do business? Eating alone is quite disgusting! The final result may be more than the gain! "

"What about him? He is born in Russia. He has a good understanding of the domestic environment of Russia, but he doesn't know what the final situation will be. In other words, it really makes people have some expectations! "

"Old Peyton sent someone over and deliberately sent me a gift. What does that mean? If you send a gift to Yingnan, you can understand it, and you can also understand if you give a gift to Tai Xi. But what do you mean by sending me a gift? To stir up the relationship between me and British men, or between me and Thai hee

"Not at all!" Ding Yu said with a smile, "I'm not going to go back to the United States this time. There are a lot of things that I need to deal with in China. It's really not so convenient. And the affairs of the old Peyton family need me to deal with them. So they need to take the lead to say hello to you, the leader of Asia?""It's so simple!"

"What about the hospitals in Beijing? Charlie's family is in charge of it, but old Peyton still doesn't have too many problems to borrow. It's just to rebuild a laboratory. It doesn't need too much trouble, but whether I will go or not is another question. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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