"It seems that your brother's side has been on the quiet lately! Living your own little life at home To visit his grandfather and grandmother, Wang Pu is also a sudden question, Wang Yang is also asked a Leng, fortunately, he also has a lot of preparation.

"I met my elder brother once before, and I mentioned some things with him, but I'm a little bit of a generation, and I can't do anything here, and other things are also in short supply." Wang Yang is also to push things off, this thing do not find their own head to come, is really not too much to deal with it! That, after all, is his elder brother. There are not too many people in 49 cities who can deal with it. I still forget it!

The old lady is obviously in a bad mood. Fortunately, it is not very hard to walk, but her head has been shaking. Although it is only very slight, it can be seen that grandparents are really too old. For example, they are still able to maintain this state. I don't know How many people envied.

"So I won't go out for half a year?"

Ah? Wang Yang really didn't know about this problem, so he didn't deal with it for a while. After thinking about it, he scratched his head, "it's not so clear. My work here is quite busy. Xiaobao went to Shanghai, and the busy there is also in full swing. One of my companies listed this year! There are other companies that need to be prepared in this respect, which is very cumbersome! "

What about this? Finding your own big brother really plays a very important role. What about your identity on Wall Street? It's not worth a cent. You may be sold directly after you go. What about yourself? I'm busy counting money for others. If I don't go deep into it, I don't understand the underlying rules.

It can be said that I am quite busy here. What's the matter with elder brother? I don't mean that I don't care, but the focus is completely different. What about the second echelon? I have mentioned it to my elder brother. Who knows how things are arranged.

"I heard that Wang Li's business is just a few days ago, isn't it?"

"The days have been set down, and the merchants are more satisfied with it!" Hesitated for a moment, Wang Yang also tentatively said, "as for the arrangement of the elder brother, it is still unknown, but there should be no problem!"

When he came out from his grandfather and grandmother, Wang Yang also took a heavy breath. Although his grandfather and grandmother were old, their thinking was still quite clear. He just gave his father the hand over stick inside. As for the next step? It's up to my father!

But is father on the faction side? Although I said I didn't ask, I knew a lot about it, and I didn't have too many obstacles. Because my grandfather and grandmother, including my grandfather, had a big fight before, and took off many heads and black gauze hats. The movement and range of action really made me feel quite shocked.

It's true that my elder brother caused the incident, but my father was the best beneficiary. There is no doubt about it. As for when the elder brother will talk to his father, I don't know and don't want to know. Otherwise, it will be troublesome.

As for now? He went to see his grandfather. He went to the hospital again. However, when he came to the hospital, he found that his eldest brother was there. He didn't see any other people outside. His grandfather was sitting on the hospital bed. His mental condition was very good. When he saw Wang Yang, he also said hello with a smile.

"What a coincidence today, both of you are here?"

Wang Yang is also in a hurry to put down the things inside. He can't come empty handed. Although my grandfather doesn't know how to eat, he is also a little bit of care for his younger generation, isn't he? Taking advantage of his spare time, he also took a look at his big brother. He was sitting on the Diaoyutai, very relaxed.

"Just heard? How do you feel, grandfather

"No big deal, just bones? Maybe a little bit loose! " Su bochen is not so concerned about this, but what about the housekeepers? I didn't dare to have any relaxation. I sent myself here early in the morning, just like how I was. Yes!

"By the way, I will stay in China for half a year?" He also pointed the spearhead at his great grandson.

"This is the general arrangement. I may go to Russia in two days. The investigation there has been basically completed, and the effect is very good, but it needs a lot of personnel and equipment support. When I went to see Mr. Qi earlier, the old man also had some jumping feet. The old president also told me that because of his" clamour ", he did not have this year There is "too good."

"Has the president of Russia expressed his opinion in this respect?" Su bochen is also very concerned about this, good thing for the country and the people! Right?

"I'll have an interview with him in two days. I don't have too many questions. What about this time? It can also be regarded as the mutual cooperation of various parties. What about the interests of China, Russia, my side and the United States? There may be some wrangles, but on the whole, there are not many problems on the whole! ""Although it's said that it's on Lao maozi's side, and even involves many aspects, it's always something with luster on his face." Su bochen felt gratified to go out of China. Ding Yu is his great grandson, which can't be changed. He feels happy when he does well.

"Grandfather, I'm not so great. For me, it's just to earn such a profit. As to what extent I can finally go, it's really hard to say. It depends on the development of the situation."

Ding Yu is really not complacent about this. Where is it now? What about success? It's just a step ahead of others. If you are complacent, you may be chased out, so you won't be too proud.

Su bochen did not make too many judgments about this. Great grandson has his own way of dealing with people, that is to say, he has his own unique world outlook, values and consciousness. What about an old guy like himself? It's almost out of touch with the world. It's really unnecessary to educate Ding Yu.

"By the way, I heard that Wang Li's marriage was almost ready. She had gone to my place with Shangnan before."

"I feel Shangnan is still good, very progressive, but also a little bit of ability. Now I'm going to experience it below. I don't think there are too many problems!" What about Ding Yu? It's not that I'm so interested. I feel Shangnan is not bad, so I said two sentences for more.

"It's almost ready at home." Wang Yang also took over the topic, "but the two families don't mean to ask for more than half. One is the corresponding call. On the other hand, there is not much need. It's just two people getting married. As long as they feel satisfied with each other, it's the opinion at home."

Of course, this is not what Wang Yang said. What is his seniority? What is Ding Yu's saying? It may still be acceptable, but Wang Yang can't be accepted if he says so. However, Wang Yang also makes it very clear that he is the opinion at home, not that he is the opinion!

"It's OK, as long as they feel good!" After saying that, he also waved his arm, "go, go out and have a look! It's really a little stuffy in the room! "

When Wang Yang was going to look for a crutch, Ding Yu also stood up and twisted his mouth on the opposite side. Wang Yang was also hesitant, just a walking stick. As for the position so far away? But after opening the door, I was stunned to see the wheelchair inside!

Some people looked at their elder brother suspiciously, but soon they pushed the wheelchair out, which was a little bit heavy. It seemed that it was fully automatic. With a little help, Su bochen was also sitting on the wheelchair. He didn't need the help of Ding Yu and Wang Yang. He controlled the wheelchair by himself, but it was a little leisurely.

"What's the matter? How did you suddenly get into a wheelchair

"The bones are a little soft, with muscles? There is also a considerable contraction! " Ding Yu is very insipid to say, "the situation that old people often have, how about normal walking? It's not to say no, but there is no guarantee that there will be other problems, so just in case, the wheelchair was prepared deliberately! There are no other problems! "

There is no threshold in the hospital, so my grandfather drives very smoothly. As long as the electricity is sufficient, you can push it by hand even when the electricity is out. It's not so difficult to say, "the air here is not so good? It's better to go home and stay. It's not a big deal! "

Ding Yu and Wang Yang, who followed him, also laughed, "grandfather, what about doctors and nurses? I'm afraid not many people would like to come here, no one is willing to be sick, more miserable thing, and came to the hospital after the most expected thing? Besides getting well, maybe it's going home! "

Accompanied his grandfather around for several times, but also met some acquaintances, how many old cadres recuperate here, here? It's not so lonely. We are familiar with Wang Yang, but for Ding Yu? It's true that not many people know, all know that there is this person, but met, really not many.

What about the veteran cadres? Ding Yu didn't really know much about Wang Yang, but he was very familiar with him from the doctor's side. Although the research was different, there was still a considerable relationship between them, so we called each other.

"Big brother, how do I feel that my grandfather is deliberately showing off?"

After a while, Wang Yang also obviously felt something. Ding Yu didn't explain so much, "how did Wang Li and Shangnan arrange? Previously, I called me. I had something to do at that time. I didn't receive him. I didn't know the specific situation!"

"I'm not so clear. I've never been involved in the affairs of the second sister. As for how to deal with her and Shangnan, it depends on their personal opinions. If you follow Shangnan, go to the place where he works. If you don't want to, it's in the capital. Who knows? I'm not so sure anyway! Both are workaholics! "Seeing several people coming, Ding Yu also slightly nodded his head and looked at the hand that was first stretched out from the opposite side. Ding Yu also stretched out his own hand and shook each other. "Doctor Ding, don't you say hello when you come, isn't it too inappropriate? This obviously looks down on our hospital!"

"Please don't be criticized by the old Dean when he paid a new year's visit to him. If anyone would go to the old dean to complain, I would not dare to go to the door again! We must be merciful

The crowd also burst into laughter, but soon they also chatted with Ding Yu, "Dr. Ding, I heard that a new round of election has begun? Many people are rubbing their hands for it! "

What Ding Yu couldn't help but was stunned, and then he wanted to fight something. "I'm not so clear about this matter. I don't really care about the hospital affairs. I just introduced a channel? Yes? 301 you're interested in this? Not really

"Competition? It exists everywhere. For doctors, only through competition can they keep going and never stop! " The person standing opposite Ding Yu is also looking straight at him. After all, Ding Yu's channel is very special. Do you know what he introduced? But it's just Harvard general.

"The US military medical system is not so easy to enter?" Ding Yu also directly expressed his views on this aspect, "under normal circumstances, it is not open to the public, so it is quite difficult to enter." Then Ding Yu's painting style also changed suddenly, "after all, this is two things!"

"That's why we found Dr. Ding! No one else can be found in this matter! "

Ding Yu said with a smile, "I can ask you. If it's Harvard general hospital or other medical centers, the problem is not so big. Just go there and see the specific situation. But what about the military medical center? It's hard to guarantee that they will be open to the outside world because of some core issues involved! "

Take the lead to say the difficulties, what is the meaning of the hospital is not so clear, can help this? I'm willing to help, but if I can't help, then it has nothing to do with myself.

It's like arranging an American to enter the Chinese army. It's impossible. It's also impossible for a person from this side to go to the U.S. Army. What about the medical system? Just a lot of trouble! Ding Yu still feels a little tricky about this.

"Brother, what do you mean? They seem to be asking for trouble!"

"What and what?" Ding Yu also did not have a good breath of hum, "with this does not have any relationship, said you do not understand!" After thinking for a while, Ding Yu also looked at his younger brother, "there was a man named Tao Jin beside me. Do you still know?"

"You know? A little pepper

Ding Yu's words that is, point to stop, did not continue to say, Wang Yang understood or did not understand, he has already mentioned almost, it is obvious? This is the meaning of the military. It depends on Ding Yu's reaction!

But what about the military? It is obviously different from that of the third uncle's army. They found themselves through the medical system. They don't know what kind of plans they are making. Who knows?

After staying in the hospital for quite a long time, after her mother came over and chatted for a period of time, Ding Yu also left. On the way back, Ding Yu also answered two phone calls. However, he exchanged greetings and did not have any practical communication. Ding Yu took the phone and turned around for two times, which was funny.

Too direct, right?! What's the reason? He is not so clear, but some problems can be affirmed, since the beginning, some problems are also to be poked out!

Is this a temporary cramming? Do you usually burn incense or not? If it's really good for the country, it doesn't matter if it's really good for the country. But what about these guys? It's the moth of the country. Now find your own head. What do you think?

After returning to the courtyard, Ding Yu also took out his mobile phone and made a call to his third uncle. The phone was also connected after a period of time, "you monkey son, do you have time to call at this time?"

"There is no way." Ding Yu pretended to sigh and said, "my grandfather's health is not very good. I went to the hospital to have a check, but I didn't think anyone would find my head. It was very difficult."

"Oh? So fast? I'm really prepared

"If you want me to arrange personnel to enter the military medical system of the United States, it is really not difficult. I have considered it and see if I can find this relationship. Who knows?" Ding Yu said ambiguously, "but third uncle! There are really some troubles in this matter. What are we thinking about? "

"What? You want to plead with me too? "

"No, I've never wanted to get involved in this area. If I really wanted to be contaminated, there would not have been a few people in the military before, and my grandfather and grandfather would not have done it in person. I am extremely disgusted with such things. I just want to ask the third uncle for your attention!""All right, I don't know about your playfulness, just be honest and honest!"

"Then I'll stay at home, but I don't know if the disaster will come from the sky! There have been several times before! " Ding Yu is intentional, and there is a heavy hum, then also hang up the phone.

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