For the third uncle's reply, Ding Yu is still very satisfied, but he can feel it. The pressure on the third uncle is also quite heavy. What about the matter? What you say with your mouth may be just a few words, but what about the actual situation? There are many problems.

Although the third uncle has been on the post now, it doesn't mean that the third uncle can do whatever he wants. How can it be? At that time, the country was not a country, and no one would allow it. Therefore, the pressure and burden on the third uncle are beyond everyone's imagination. It is not so easy.

I have told the third uncle about the specific situation, some people obviously have other interests and ideas for themselves, and even come to the door directly. What does it mean? I don't need to have too many words?!

Ding Yu really didn't want to take these things over. He had nothing to do with himself. What's more, he was not so interested in domestic politics as he had imagined. Whoever was willing to take up the responsibility would have no relationship with himself anyway.

This is Ding Yu's most intuitive idea now. Even if he comes to visit, what can he do? Is the quadrangle on your side that others can enter at will? Too good to think about? At the same time, they think highly of themselves!

So now Ding Yu really doesn't care so much about it. Is it noisy? It's just the last dying struggle. The more boisterous it is, the faster the dead will be, and there will be no escape. Ding Yu is also quite convinced of this.

However, Ding Yu just came back, and even before he could sit down, William took the initiative to come forward and said, "Sir, Mr. Su quansu has just called, so that you can visit old general Su when you have time in the evening."

Ding Yu ha ha ha's smile, "this matter how sentiment management department also intervened?"? Not quite in tune? "

William has no reaction. When should he say something? This is his duty as a housekeeper. In the face of William's silence, Ding Yu twisted his mouth, and Ding Yu rolled his eyes. "By the way, have you seen the trainees? How do you feel? "

William won't say anything about other things, but he still has a right to speak on such a matter, so he nodded happily without any hesitation. "Now is the best time. Only by being tempered in the storm, can he make considerable progress and recognize himself at the same time."

"It's a little cruel, but I love it!" Forget the previous things, do not need to have too much care.

"Why don't you come to the courtyard to be a housekeeper? There are so many talents, you need to be in charge of the overall situation, rather than in this position. Let Deng Rong have a try first? See if he has this talent and courage! You can't stay in this position for too long, or you need to stand at a higher position, so there won't be any waste! "

"Yes, sir!" William has no complaints about this. Whether in Britain or in the courtyard, it's his job. To do his part is what he should do.

When Deng Rong was called to the courtyard, he didn't see Ding Yu at all. He just saw William sitting there with his clothes straight. When he came back for the Chinese new year, he had a general understanding of the structure of the courtyard. So after seeing William, I bowed and nodded slightly, expressing my attitude.

"Deng, what about today? You start to learn to take over the housekeeper of the courtyard. What do you say? You should be regarded as a siheyuan Suquan, but he didn't pay much attention to it? It also has some considerations of its own. After considerable rectification, the intelligence and governance Department has achieved good results now. Fortunately, we have known it earlier. Otherwise, I am afraid there are many problems.

It has to be said that there is also a contribution of my nephew. If it is not for him, what is the situation now? There are some people who can't say well. They are not idealists, but there are some things? It's really strange that you can't help but think about it.

He went through the discharge procedures for the old man, and soon he was sent back by the special car. Ding Yu took a look at his grandfather's residence, and then he left!

In the eyes of outsiders? Ding Yu's going to the hospital is just a normal process. To make sure whether the old man is really suitable for discharge from hospital, and then personally send him home, almost no stay. From this point of view, there is no problem. If there is a problem, Ding Yu will not stay in the residence of general Su for such a short time.

"You bastard, you son of a bitch, you should be careful. Do you hear me?" Looking at his busy son, Su bochen didn't have any meaning to be grateful. He just gushed two sentences.

"Dad, take a good rest?! There's nothing terrible. You don't know about Xiaoyu's child. In fact, he has kept a considerable distance from the beginning. It's strange to say that he can't do nothing in these years, but the problem is that he can't see any movement. Is it strange? ""You are a mallet Su bochen was also rude and scolded, "if you don't be careful, who knows what kind of situation it will be. I'm afraid this is also the most different place between him and you. OK, go back and have a rest. Don't stay in my place."

"Well, Dad, I want to ask you something. What about your old man? They are proletarian revolutionaries who have lived all their lives and have experienced many things. Therefore, they will have their own different opinions and opinions

"Well, don't pour any so-called ecstasy soup, and talk about serious things."

Su Quan's expression also changed to be so serious, "Dad, what about me? It doesn't need any scenery to do things in the emotional management department, and it never means to stand in front of people. It's the need of work! "

After listening to his son's words, Su bochen seemed to realize something and took a deep breath. "Has everything come to this point? I'm sorry to turn it off? Is that right? "

"Will it pass? I'm really not so clear. Although it's my big brother, I don't know as much as I think. After all, we are brothers, not husband and wife, and we don't sleep on the same bed! "

He knocked on his bedside position and made a rather dull voice. "He hasn't realized it yet?"

"What about Su Yu? It has been solved a long time ago. It has nothing to do with this. The big brother's problems should not be too big, but there are many problems below him, and they involve some of the above problems. If we look at them together, there may be some problems! "

Su Quan said this, not to complain, not to deliberately stimulate his father, but to his father to explain some facts, at the same time, hope that his father can take considerable attention, his own to persuade his brother is no use, he will not listen to his own!

But if you say your father comes forward, the situation may be different! If there is an old man at home, what about some things? You really need someone like your father to sit in town. Only in this way can we not feel flustered!

Su bochen turned his slightly dry eyes and shook his head with a bitter smile. "I asked your elder brother to contact with Ding Yu more. To be exact, I don't know what Ding Yu has done, but I understand that he has paid a lot for the country, but there is no way to expose it, your brother! Ah Another sigh.

"What about big brother? It may be because of some of the above ideas, so what about Xiaoyu? I don't think the problem is so big. In fact, what about Su Yu? It's Su Yu's own problem, not Ding Yu's or elder brother's problem. "

"Whether it's Su Yu's problem or not, it's your elder brother's education problem. This problem can't be denied. By the way, I heard that Su Chen's situation is very good."

Su Quan looked at his father and also gave a wry smile. "It's really quite attentive. It's quite different from other children in the family." What about the problem? It's not easy for Su Quan to say anything. What's good for him to say when he's younger brother?

If the family is good for Suchen, there are still some chances to save it. But the problem is how the family views Suchen? It's true that there are so many small evils. Although it means to take care of the elder brother, they can't take care of them in the open. Can't they take care of them secretly?

Is that Ding Yu? When he knew the situation, he gave a hand, and Suchen really did not live up to this intention. Now that he saw the situation of Suchen, he wanted to make a profit, but would Suchen be willing? What's more, will Ding Yu be willing?

"Check it out! If there is really a problem, then it is not just a simple matter of retreating. The responsibility that needs to be investigated must be investigated, and there is no need to talk about any feelings! " Su bochen also made up his mind in this respect. Although he said he was his eldest son, now is not the time to be affectionate.

At this time, his hand is not helping him, but harming him. He can tell this clearly. "Even if there is no big problem, he needs to change his position. He is no longer suitable to stay in his current position, whether for the whole country or for himself."

Who will take over this position is not so important. As for the boss in the family, who knows? Maybe I have this feeling, maybe not, but anyway? In the face of problems, we still need to solve some problems. We can't avoid them blindly, can we?

"Dad, I'd like to talk to you about this in person? We need to make him have an ideological preparation, which is not aimed at him deliberately. I hope he can take the initiative. If there are really problems and explain clearly, if there are no problems, then it's good to clarify yourself, isn't it? "

Su bochen nodded slightly. In fact, he was also very clear. If the problem was not serious, would the third one tell himself? I'm not stupid. It's obvious that the boss still has a lot of problems. It won't be so small.Oh! When did it start? After thinking about it, he felt very upset. When he was young, he was still very good. Why did he suddenly become like this when he was old? Is there a problem with his education or has he relaxed the so-called requirements?

There is also Xiaoyu that side, is not also aware of this aspect of the problem, so to maintain this distance? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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