Ding Yu really has nothing to prepare for and no need to be prepared for what the military wants to investigate. He has not done anything heartless, so the investigation is carried out. It doesn't matter.

However, after a day's interval, Deng Rong also trotted to the door of Ding Yu's study, knocked on the door twice, and then pushed the door and came in after asking for permission. "Sir, two generals are coming. They have arrived in the front hall!" There is no embellishment, it is just a statement of the situation!

Ding Yu slightly nodded his head, "Hello, I'll come over!"

Who on earth, Ding Yu is not so clear, Deng Rong hesitated for a moment, but also whispered in Ding Yu's ear to say two words, come? Just show their identity, the body is not wearing military uniform, it seems to be casual!

When he saw the visitor, Ding Yu's eyes narrowed, and then he bowed slightly. Who was coming? You can see his face. After thinking about it, Ding Yu also stood at attention and saluted. Although he said that he had left the army, he was also a former soldier.

The two people sitting there looked at Ding Yu with a smile on their faces as well as a salute to them at the same time. Before they came here, their understanding of Ding Yu was just a face-to-face paper article. They knew that they were the eldest son of Wang Changlin and Su Yuan.

Moreover, he seems to be a rich man. He is one of the few young people in the capital who can't be offended. His power and assets seem to be amazing. However, the two people really don't know much about the specific situation. However, after reading Ding Yu's top secret information, they are also quite shocked.

There are young people like this? It's really a national blessing. What about the surface? It is not clear whether it is clear or needs in-depth contact and understanding. At the beginning, he retired from the military, which was also quite a pity. Some other problems were involved. If he continued to stay in the army, he would become a pillar in the future.

But there are not so many possibilities in history, "Comrade Ding Yu, Hello!"

"Don't call me that. It's too serious. Besides, I'm a little bit of a generation. If my father knows, he won't beat me, but he won't give me any good looks. Just call me Xiaoyu!"

After all, the current environment is not the same, Ding Yu absolutely can not grasp their own identity, they and their father? They belong to the same generation. If they are abroad, they may not care about these things. But now that they are at home, Ding Yu still thinks that he should keep a low profile and not be unscrupulous.

"I saw some information about you from chief one. Chief one asked us to discuss some issues with you."

"Two uncles, don't mix with me. If there is any situation, you can tell me. My side is not a white tiger hall!" After thinking about it, Ding Yu hesitated for a moment. "Two uncles, if it's convenient to come to the study, the situation there may be better. The tea there tastes good!"

The reason is not in the living room, but in the study, the meaning is not the same, soon three people also came to the study side, two people look at the layout and lighting in the study, but also look at each other, there are some exclamations in the heart, this is absolutely not on-site layout.

Ding Yu closed the door himself. "Two uncles, I don't know what you want to know. Although my small courtyard is not big, I pay more attention to all aspects, and sometimes it is quite troublesome."

"Well, let's get to the point and tell us the details!" The leader also opened his briefcase and took out two documents, "what about one of these? When it comes to someone who betrayed your intelligence in the first place, this problem has been lying there and has never been solved. What about this one? It's not your personal business, there are some other problems, so I want to find you to know something about it! "

Ding Yu rubbed his finger. "Uncle Liu, if this thing is a guess, I have some feelings, but if I bring out the actual evidence, I can't bring it out, and what about these things? I took it back from the United States. I really don't know what effect it will have. "

"What about the subsequent assassination? That's what happened in Beijing! "

"I was alert at that time, but this involves some specific secrets!" Ding Yu also looked at them and found that they didn't react much. Ding Yu then said, "I didn't ask about the follow-up situation, and the situation at that time did not allow me to have any interference."

"You are cautious enough. You don't have much news at home, but it seems that there is a lot of noise abroad."

"This is a matter. I'm not very convenient at home, because the domestic situation is very special, but it's not the same in foreign countries. It's more straightforward. As long as we can find out some accounts, we will still give me a little face. We won't fall out because of these small profits! As long as it is within the scope of permission! "The two people sitting there looked at it for a while, and then they took out a document, "Xiaoyu! What about this one? At present, there are no more than two slaps in the face. This is not only a simple matter, but also involves considerable national interests. However, if we go to investigate, there are still small things, mainly because there will be many constraints! "

After reading the document for a period of time, it was just a few people's names. After Ding Yu put it down, he returned it. However, it was also explained that, "I need a period of time, which should not exceed a month!"

"So short?" It's not that he doesn't believe in Ding Yu, but he doesn't think that everything will be so fast.

Ding Yu is a little smile, appears to have a confident look, "just look for a relationship, will not be particularly troublesome, the United States, Europe and Japan, these are the three most significant places, at least in the minds of many people, these three places are quite safe, just in these places I can find some friends! All relationships are fair! "

"Xiaoyu, this matter is not a joke, you said a month, is a month, there is no joke in the army!"

"I say a month is a month, but I can only give you two things, not other people. There is one thing I need to make clear. What about me? There is no relationship, I help the two uncles, not because of personal feelings and relationships, I just do what I should do

"Wang Lao has a grandson like you, which is really enviable!" Since Ding Yu said this, and chief executive No. 1 mentioned it specially when he came, they were relieved. There was a lot of pressure in China, but after all, they were in China. No matter what, they could be solved. There was no problem in wiping out these rats.

But what about abroad? The country is strong, but what about some things? It's really very troublesome. Everyone's bickering with each other, and even the domestic affairs have been solved, so the wrangling has not started yet?

Ding Yu wrote down the name and told sun Yingnan in the United States that she would be responsible for solving the problem. Judging from her current power, it is still very simple to do such a thing, and no one will deliberately stop it.

Even if the governments of the United States and Europe know about this matter, they will not express too many opinions. After all, they have just owed Ding Yu a great favor. The matter of mcmuller is in the past, but it does not mean that the favor will be paid back. This is two times and needs to be treated differently.

Ding Yu also didn't call his third uncle. What about this? He should have known, why didn't he call himself? There are also considerable considerations. What about Ding Yu? Naturally also won't intentionally make this call, this small tacit understanding still has!

"Boss, if you have time tomorrow morning, come and have breakfast?"

Yeah? Ding Yu also felt that he couldn't feel his head. What about going home for lunch and dinner? Can understand, but let oneself have breakfast, is not too abrupt? Make yourself so hard to understand?

The two kids want to go to school, so Ding Yu didn't want to take their meaning and directly transferred to the previous primary school or the original class. There was no trouble. When did Ding Yu come? Looking at the people at home, but also blinked their own eyes, people seem to have a little so many ah! Why are you all here?

"Dad, mom, uncle, aunt!" Ding Yu said hello one by one, and then he also sat on one side of the table. He didn't show much politeness. Wang Changlin looked at his eldest son, and his expression on his face was so dull.

"Boss! Do you know about your uncle

"My uncle?" Ding Yu looked suspiciously, "what's the matter? After I came back, but it has been relatively quiet, the things at home seem to have no any involvement? What's more, I don't seem to have been involved in anything at home all the time? What happened to my uncle? Not much? "

"It's my own problem. I don't have any relationship with Xiaoyu?"

Ding Yu looked at his mother in a puzzled way. The meaning was obvious. Although Su Yu had been making too much noise before, he did not have any big movements. He believed that his uncle should be able to understand. Now he suddenly came to see him, and he really felt that he did not understand.

"Dad? What happened? Why is it so mysterious? "

"You really don't know?" Wang Changlin asked again, looking at his eldest son's appearance, he also nodded, "your uncle's subordinates are involved in a series of problems. As a chief officer, he has unshirkable responsibility, and in the whole process, it is somewhat implicated."

Ding Yu leaned back on the sofa. When he met two military people yesterday, he didn't mention this problem. Moreover, he met his third uncle and grandfather, and they didn't mention this problem either! What's more, I haven't heard the news and rumors in this respect.

"When did it happen?" Ding Yu asked in a low voice, "to what extent? Is it to organize or assist in the investigation? There should always be a charter? ""Don't ask about things you shouldn't ask!" Wang Changlin is also a low voice reprimand, think about also stand up, "you come in with me, I ask you a few words!" Some things are really not good to say face to face.

After entering the room, Ding Yu looked around, and then sat down. Wang Changlin was impatient and walked around the room. "You don't know about your uncle's affairs. When you went to the hospital and met your grandfather, he didn't say anything?"

"I've never been involved in family affairs. Father, you should be aware of it, and I haven't heard of any news about my uncle's affairs." However, when talking about this, Ding Yu also slightly stopped for a while, "I'm not so clear about what's wrong with my uncle, but it should not be a big problem."

Wang Changlin, who is walking, is stunned for a moment. What does it mean and what is not a big problem? What did he mean by that? Can't he know the problems and the situation, then Wang Changlin also sat opposite his eldest son.

"Your uncle's problem is not so simple!"

"I don't know whether it's simple or difficult. I don't know because I don't know anything about it. As for the problems, I think my uncle should be very clear about what he has done, just make it clear." Ding Yu thought for a while, but also wanted to fight what, "how? Did my grandfather know about it? Didn't you see what he revealed

"Your grandfather came to your uncle. Last night, you also went to the relevant department to report the relevant situation. However, because it was a voluntary explanation, the treatment received was quite different. However, it is impossible to continue to stay in the position."

"Still want to stay in position?" Ding Yu also snorted, "is uncle's problem serious or not?"

"From what he said, it was not so serious! But it has something to do with it, your uncle! What about earroot sometimes? It's a little bit soft, but it's not bad about tutoring! "

Ding Yu wiped his hand, there was no dust on it, but Ding Yu still did it like this, "I don't think I want to be involved in the family affairs. I didn't want to be involved in it before, and I don't want to be involved in it now. I'm really not clear about my uncle's affairs. This should not be counted on my head."

"That's your uncle, not an outsider!" Wang Changlin also comforted him and said, "although he has a general relationship with you, what about Su Yu? It's quite contradictory with you, but we can't just look at it! "

"The past is over, and I didn't expect to be killed by a stick. Su Yu's affair has nothing to do with my uncle. I can still distinguish this point clearly. I still have the ability of right and wrong!"

Say such words, also really have so some not very polite, but Ding Yu really did not so much attention, but Wang Changlin? After all, he was his own father, so Ding Yu's tone also eased a lot, "I think? I haven't seen any bad thing. After the third uncle took office, he focused on this aspect of the problem. Now I'll break this pussy bag. It's good! "

Wang Changlin at this time is also suspicious of looking at his eldest son, why do you feel that there are words in this word? What does he mean by that? Now I'm going to crush this abscess bag, OK?

What about your own side? In fact, there is no problem. The three elders have solved all the problems. They should kill and chop. If there is a problem, they will not be merciful. But what about the military? Is it that simple? There are so many problems that need to be considered!

Some problems? The eldest son should know more than himself. He has a very good relationship with that one, even better than himself, who is a father. Is it possible that there is any news? Think about it, Wang Changlin also shakes his head, there are so some unlikely, his situation is still known, how many years!

"You think you're going to do something to the military?"

Ding Yu shook his head, "what about the words? It's the father you said, not me. I don't take any responsibility for any problems and situations in the future. As for the temper of the third uncle, I think you should know more about your father. After all, you are good brothers and good friends for many years. I am a little generation! "

For his son's words, Wang Changlin also considered one or two, and sighed slightly, "what about the military? I dare not rashly reach out, after all, the military and the official career have quite different places, but really what? There are also some troubles in the military affairs these years! Very troublesome

"Is it a trouble that I am not so clear about it? Anyway, it's my uncle's problem now. Just explain it clearly. What's my personal feeling? It is better to explain the problem as soon as possible. If the problem is not so big, whether it is retirement or changing positions, there will be at least a bit of face! Don't lose face in the end

"Judging from what your uncle said, the possibility of retirement is not so great. After all, your grandfather is still there. I still believe that your uncle will not have too many problems, but he can't stay in this position, which is to give your grandfather some face!""Well! I haven't eaten yet! I'm in a hurry! "

Ding Yu clapped his hands twice. Since the matter has been solved, that's it! As for other questions? Now it's not appropriate to talk about it. My mother and uncle are waiting there!

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