But Dingyu here has not so many ideas and opinions. You found me, even dragged my father and uncle Shang. What about Shangnan? After all, I value it for myself, and what about my father? It seems that it is not very good to refuse. The two people's face is added together, and how much they need to give.

But Dingyu will not show too directly. Anyway, it is you who ask me, and I ask you. Whatever you think, I have taken my sincerity. As for you? Who knows?

Dingyu did not pay attention to the distress of these guys, and left directly. When they looked at Wang Yang and linqiuyan, they said hello with a nod, and they didn't have to talk to each other. Xiaobao behind him shook his head helplessly. "Brother's temperament! It's still a little cold! "

"You can get it!" Holding his son, Wang Yang also faces one side of the position nunuzui, "see no, just now Zhang Xiaohua and Yuming are like grandchildren, slip to the position, I heard that they both seem to have so many small doorways, by the big brother to be not light!"

"Is it still not light? I think they are happy, right Xiaobao also bit his teeth. "I really have some doubts. Are these two grandsons happy and bright, they were not small, so easy to release, too cheap for them!"

"Is it cheap, they know, in fact, we also know that the sand is really so delicious? And then, that is big brother. You see who has been please in the elder brother's hand, that is, sister two! Said to the courtyard to grab a, no scruples, but now the Butler William to see a little tight, otherwise, brother's warehouse is probably already cleaned! No leftovers! "

Actually, when two people say this, they all have so many sour water. Are these two grandsons? It's so annoying. How could they be seen by big brother just like their second class? Is it true that there is a mistake or not? But what is the feeling? Why are there so many uncomfortable?

"Mom!" Dingyu came to say hello to his mother. Su Yuan saw his eldest son. She was in a rather complicated mood. Today, her daughter married and his eldest son came. What was the matter that he had been dragged away from before, he knew what he thought in his heart?

So when he saw his eldest son, Su Yuan also held his eldest son's hand tightly, afraid that his eldest son would run away the same way. "Wang Li is ready to go there? I heard that it was just a little bit cry? Not that exaggeration? "

Wang Li is on the side of the position, looking at the big brother is also a white eye, he really did not think that big brother today so to face, Wang Yang wedding he did not attend, his engagement he also did not pay off, but today's marriage, big brother came, and so early, it is really too difficult!

"Brother, I am married. I am a little excited. Is it OK to have a normal thing? Where did you say that? "

"It's not easy, isn't it?" Dingyu also joked and said a word. Su Yuan's mood beside him slowly calmed down. Dingyu also took a picture of her mother's hand. Everything was fine on her side. Anyway, today is Wang Li's wedding. He can't disturb the situation, can he?

The wedding belongs to an open wedding. Wang Li slowly walks out with her father's arm. Shangnan is also standing in a position waiting for her. The people who attend the wedding are sitting in the surrounding position, quite different from the ordinary Chinese wedding. Dingyu is sitting in the front row with her mother.

"I didn't think Wang Li was a beautiful girl to clean up!"

Su Yuan looked at his family next to him, and then he stared at his eldest son with resentment. At this time, he said this, although he knew it, but you couldn't say that. Isn't this a typical old king selling melons and boasting himself? It's a little bit bad! But Dingyu is not so much scrupulous.

Wang Xiaogang, who was beside, was holding out his little hand. Obviously, he was interested in the balloons and flowers on the platform. He was babbling in his mouth. "Brother, you have been in the country this half year?" Because nephew and niece have already been studying in Beijing, Wang Yang also asked a little more.

"If nothing happens, it's generally arranged like this!" Looking at Wang Yang, holding his son, Ding Yu also looked at the position above the stage. "How? You have something? "

"Nothing, but recently someone found me, it feels like I am inexplicable, it's American!"

"Peyton, that old guy? What did he look for you? "

"It's not old Peyton, it's the third world. I don't know it. But I visited me before. I also feel inexplicable. So I didn't contact before, but there seems to be some relationship between nine brothers!"

"A family of old names on the east coast of the United States, this matter has no direct relationship with you. It is better to keep the relationship above the surface. Although he is very young, he is also a strong role and keeps your vigilance!""Brother, isn't it too much to deal with you?"

"You?" Dingyu turned around and looked at it. "Don't say you. Even if I want to give him out, it's hard to do it. What about their family's influence in China? It is also very deep, as if their family is very difficult to give me out of the United States, as long as it is legitimate, no one will break through this line! "

"What does that guy mean? How to feel the weasel into the house, nothing to come! "

"Their family has a problem. I'll help you, but first of all? It is a formal etiquette to say hello to some aspects. In our Chinese words, what? That is, the one that never came out of the world, and in ordinary times, they would never hear their name, the same group as Rockefeller and Morgan! "

Wang Yang has such a silly eye, and Rockefeller and Morgan equivalent of the financial group? This is not a joke, isn't it? Such a person found himself, as if there are so some inexplicable so!

"They belong to the California consortium, but now? The major financial groups in the United States have married each other and replaced their equity. So you have me and I have yours. It is difficult to distinguish too clearly. Do they look for you? The two reasons, on the one hand, are to make good relations with each other, not afraid of bad things, or good people. Moreover, they have a considerable relationship with me. However, if you are careful, it is OK to make friends! "

Wang Yang's mouth slightly has so some twitches, "or forget it! I'll keep a considerable distance! I feel there is a considerable distance between them, and it is not a person in a circle at all! "

But Dingyu seems to have thought of something suddenly. "You can help me do something. Go and investigate the recent overseas students in China! It doesn't need to be too clear, and they don't need to be specifically verified. It's OK to investigate the relevant information! "

Since it is the order of the elder brother, Dingyu did not ask for specific reasons. He only needs to do this. Other things have no relationship with himself. After all, the elder brother seldom let himself do anything, and it seems that it is easy for him, not so difficult as the imagination.

The wedding was held for a long time. Dingyu has been sitting here without leaving. After all, Ding Yu is one of the masters. If he leaves, he will have opinions. However, many guests greet the business and Wang family when they leave, and they also deliberately greet Dingyu for a while.

But what about Dingyu's face? It is still quite cold. It is a happy day for your sister. It is not good to have some other expressions on her face. It doesn't need to be so rigid. But the problem is that we haven't got any response. I really don't know what to say is good!

"Director!" Zhang Xiaohua and Yuming stayed in the end, they didn't mean to leave. Dingyu gave them a task before. Although they didn't know what the final result was, they also realized the difficulty of the situation, but it was not their current character and temper to shirk their responsibilities.

"I heard that both of you made a box of notes when you were in it?"

Ah? They also have some bad meanings: "it was written in a random way. The situation was relatively clean and the ideas were also quite much. But now, looking back, we feel quite blushing after we read a lot of notes!"

"Progress is good, but it's too early to be complacent now! Anyone here? It may or may not be. You have experienced anything imposed on them. If you can't bear it directly, you will be kicked out. We will not raise the master. "

"Yes!" Zhang Xiaohua and Youming also assured Ding Yu.

"It may be an opportunity for you!" Ding Yu also felt that he could throw out a candy, and could not let them smell the taste all the time, and nothing was obtained. If they had long been speaking, they would lose this confidence.

"After eating such a long time of sand, it must be a lot of fire. It is normal to say it. I am not responsible for the fire suppression for you, because this is a punishment for you and the punishment you should get. What conditions and support do you have in your family, I have no right to interfere, but what am I? Give you a warning, or a kind one, what about you? It's just flowers in the greenhouse. Don't think about going out to show up so early! "

Zhang Xiaohua and Youming are a little confused. The flowers in the greenhouse? It was really the case in the past, but is it still the case now? And what does that mean by the so-called exhibition publicity?

However, they don't understand, which does not mean they will not ask other people to discuss. Shangnan is the best candidate. They also quickly explained the doubts in this respect, and asked the elder brother of Shangnan to help the staff.

"You are a little far away from the capital city, so what happened may not be so clear. At the beginning, someone had a group of students who had been plugged in to big brother. At the beginning, twelve of them were sent to the house. Then He Jun took the initiative to find the door, which was 15. Really, don't say, these guys are under the guidance of big brother, and they are like they have made rockets under their buttocks Almost all forces are looking at it very greedily! ""I've heard of it, but I haven't heard anything coming out of it!"

Shang Nan nodded, "everyone values their future, so they are protected very well. Not long ago, big brother gave them 150 million dollars for their exercise."

Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming almost dropped their eyes. Then they both looked at each other and suppressed their surprise, "that is, this big brother can do such a thing. If the surprise is true surprise, but should we say it's not surprising? I'm not as surprised as I thought

It's Shangnan's turn. It's strange that these two little brothers have experienced very well! If at the beginning, if two people had heard this number, their eyes would not be red? But now there are not too many reactions, which really makes people look at you with such a big surprise.

"The people of the first echelon were forced into the elder brother's hand. The elder brother didn't have too many methods, so he accepted. But some people also formed the second echelon, hoping that elder brother...." Shangnan also stood up on his shoulder. "When he saw the benefits, they all rushed up in a swarm, but the elder brother didn't have the meaning of this aspect at all."

Shangnan breathed a sigh of relief, "and there are some other issues involved in this. Even I dare not speculate about what, elder brother gives people to you? What's more, what about the people in the second echelon? Don't contact too much, do well or not, you are only responsible for supervision and guidance, after all, your two shoulders still can not bear such a great pressure! I see! "

"So much trouble!" Now that we have understood the problems and the situation, it's easy to do. There is really no pressure on the two people. Brother Ding Yu's meaning has been analyzed very clearly. It's better for two people not to make too much publicity, otherwise, no one will look at them unfavorably.

If there are other contradictions caused by this, some of them are not worth the loss. They just need to arrange the work. As for whether they should do it or not, or whether they have done it well, this problem has nothing to do with them. Some people will observe them. Ding Yu's idea is this.

Since the wedding is over, Ding Yu doesn't mean to go to the new house with him. As for the guests in the evening, Ding Yu doesn't mean to show up. He goes back to the quadrangle early. He has to go to Russia to discuss the specific situation in these two days. He really has so many troubles!

It's not that you can come back after a walk. It's not as simple as you think. Do you want to open up the Russian market? First of all, it is also necessary to obtain the trust of the great emperor. The cooperation between them is not the first time, but there has been no contact, because it is very inconvenient.

Even now, the previous cooperation still does not mean to be exposed, because it is of great importance, and what about the people involved in this matter? They all need to be kept secret, but this time, there is no need for such cooperation. However, there are also many forces involved. How to balance is not as simple as saying.

Sun Yingnan and Li Fuzhen have arrived. The next meeting with the great emperor is just a further contact between each other. Now we are not looking at one side of the eye, many eyes are staring at each other.

"Sir, is the chief here?"

Ding Yu, who is in the study, was stunned when he heard William's voice. He lifted his head from the document. As soon as William's voice fell, he saw his third uncle coming in. Seeing the busy Ding Yu, he also slightly nodded his head, "today is a happy day for your sister, so you can't give yourself a day off?"

"Third uncle!" Ding Yu looked at the hand pressed down by the third uncle's emptiness, and straightened up his waist. "The morning passed, and what's more, some guests were invited to dinner in the evening. If I were there, I'm afraid that some of you can't sit still. Don't make a fuss about it. And there are more things on my side!"

Although the third uncle was polite, Ding Yu also personally poured a cup of tea for his third uncle. "Things in Russia are very complicated."

"There is always a need for considerable preparation. This is a non-governmental cooperation, which belongs to a new beginning. We still have considerable expectations for opening up the Russian market. Therefore, cooperation is more concerned, but it is better to be prepared than not to have any preparation, at least with this confidence in mind!"

"You really don't fight unprepared battles, but don't work too hard! Although said to maintain is very good, but also can not be reckless. What's more, I'd like to say that, no matter what's going on at home or outside, you need to keep a fairly normal mind! "

Ding Yu also a smile, "third uncle, I have been so tired, you still have the heart to blame me? I'm very wronged, OK? " Jokingly, he said, "in fact, it's easier to deal with things outside, but it's hard for honest and upright officials to cut off housework. What about some things? This nerve is so sensitivewww.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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