"What about the matter? It doesn't happen in a day, it's a long-term tiredness. What about this truth? Everybody knows, everybody knows! "

But for Ding Yu, the meaning of this word may be different. It should be multiple. Ding Yu also nodded slightly, "uncle, I won't have too many problems here!" This is not a simple word, but a guarantee.

"What about the problems abroad? I can still carry it, even if there are some twists and turns, there should be no too many problems! " Speaking of this, Ding Yu also remembered something, "there is one thing that may make a move. The prism plan is going to be detonated. It's hard to say whether the movement will be too big, but it will certainly be made out! And the replacement of the interests behind this will be quite large! It's not very easy to predict

"The U.S. side has already made considerable preparations?"

"They invited me to participate, but I have no interest in this aspect. The black president is a very suitable choice, but I may need to be responsible for some follow-up problems and ensure the safety of some personnel. This is what I am arranged for! Will this lead to some resentment in the end? It's really hard to say! "

"It is not appropriate for China to arrange such a job for you. It is difficult to send it to Russia!"

It's not difficult to guess. If you stay in the United States, I'm afraid that none of the bones and scum will be left. And once they are put on the surface, everyone will be quite embarrassed. But what about sending them to other places? There are so many inappropriate, whether it is Europe or China, one is not appropriate, the other is? It's not allowed.

Therefore, Russia is the best choice. Besides, Ding Yu is going to meet the great emperor now. He must have considerable arrangements in Russia. Does Russia need to worry about the United States? No, this arrangement is really to let people have so much to say, quite smooth!

"All the major consortia have reached an agreement in this respect, and the final result is that we will share the interests with each other. I think president * * will hate these consortia!"

"The interests represented are not the same. It was made up by George W. Bush, but who let the president on the stage be the president? The influence of the Bush family is still quite large, and controlling public opinion will not be a big problem, so this accusation will not be deliberately targeted at him! "

If there was no Ding Yu, China would never know about these things in the short term. But what about Ding Yu? He has already become a member of the consortium. Therefore, he is very familiar with certain situations. Knowing some news in advance means that China can make considerable preparations.

No way! The middle-aged man looked at Ding Yu suspiciously, "you boy didn't have any movement, this seems to be a little unconventional!" On his own understanding of Ding Yu, he is definitely not a willing to suffer losses!

Ding Yu said with a smile, "I don't have much interest in the struggle for power and profit, but after this incident is revealed, there will be considerable fluctuations in the market. If they eat meat, I always need to drink a mouthful of soup, right? Otherwise, there are so many people who need to be fed, which is also a trouble!"

"You, you!" The middle-aged man also pointed to Ding Yu with his finger. For a moment, he didn't know what to say. "You didn't tell the news to your students. I'm afraid they will suffer a lot this time."

"There are too many uncertainties in the market. It's not a bad thing to teach them a lesson. At most, it's just to put the money in the left pocket in the right pocket. For me, it really doesn't have much impact, and it kills many birds with one stone."

Ding Yu is quite confident. From his words, we can see that one or two of them are arranged in many ways, which can move the whole body by pulling one hair. Moreover, these so-called arrangements can not be completed in an hour and a half. They all see the brilliance of Ding Yu's surface, but who can see him is still working hard.

These are what I saw with my own eyes, not deliberately arranged.

Before leaving, the middle-aged man also looked at Ding Yu with both eyes, "is the result of the investigation serious?"

"Shocking!" Ding Yu's third uncle of the way of nature asked what was the matter, but Ding Yu did not fully express it, "but everything is in the process of investigation, in foreign countries? This may be more convenient! "

Seeing his third uncle leave with a sigh, Ding Yu also personally delivered them to the door. Some things are not publicized, but do you want to achieve the so-called "one size fits all"? It is really quite difficult, even for the whole country is also a considerable impact, need to come step by step, can not be achieved overnight.

In the past, Ding Yu didn't quite understand this truth, but as he spent more and more time in the position, Ding Yu also deliberately and comprehensively looked at some problems. This is similar to the truth of being a doctor. He can't treat the head and foot with headache, and even if he finds a problem, he needs to be careful to make a diagnosis.Because there may be joint problems. What about the joint problems? It may even affect the life of patients. If you are not good, you are a good doctor. The truth is the same!

When Shangnan and Wang Li were going to visit their elder brother, they were told that they had left. Where did they go? No one informed them, and the two just returned home with a slight "disappointment". It was no different for Wang Li to go back to the door. She was the same as before.

"Is big brother so busy? When I wanted to see my elder brother, he didn't have much Kung Fu! "

"Your elder brother went to Lao maozi's side!" Su Yuan gave Shangnan the fruit. "I heard your father say something by chance. I'm not so clear about the specific reason. Shangnan, you are very busy at work."

"Yes Shangnan wanted to visit his elder brother when he was leaving, but it happened that he had something to do, but it was not a big deal. The elder brother didn't mean to avoid them. What's more, the elder brother's affairs must be very important. He has already done it in person! remarkable!

Ding Yu's clothes are not many. The whole airport has been under martial law. Obviously, this is to give Ding Yu the same courtesy. Which Russian emperor will not appear at the airport, but the Minister of the Ministry of internal affairs sent to the airport specially. Sun Yingnan also made a detailed introduction to Ding Yu.

What about the Ministry of the interior? Ding Yu is not so familiar, but he also knows the Ministry of internal affairs? It's the one in the lineage. It's really not anyone can do it. It's definitely the confidant in the confidant. But this figure is really tough enough to put Ding Yu in!

"Hello, Mr. Ding. Welcome to Russia!" Salute, and then take the lead to extend their own hands.

"Hello!" Ding Yu did not show any other expression, and then stretched out his own hand. The two hands tightly held together, and did not let go for a long time!

Sitting in the car, looking at Sun Yingnan next to him, Ding Yu's expression was finally relaxed. "The weather here is relatively cold, so I'm not ready to wear more. My body is my own, which is fundamental!"

"The conditions are very good, so there is no need to worry about this aspect!" Holding Ding Yu's hand, sun Yingnan's expression is obviously different from that at the airport just now. "I talked to the president about some problems before, and I also went to see some conditions in the laboratory, and the progress is very good!"

What about the hidden meaning in the discourse? The negotiation is in good condition, and there are not many problems in the so-called distribution of interests. Now we are waiting for the leaders of both sides to sit down and sign a so-called document, so that an agreement will be reached. As for the follow-up issues? That's another thing!

"I just came here to eat ready-made ones. It seems that some of them are too much! Isn't it? "

The meeting with the great emperor was not in the Kremlin, but in a villa on the outskirts. When Ding Yu came, he was very quiet and did not have a large army with him. Since he came to Russia, he could do whatever he wanted. This is also a respect for the master.

When it comes to the fact that there are a large number of people there, it obviously makes the president feel a little uncomfortable. How to say that when they get to other people's places, there are so many people who are obviously worried about the safety here. What makes the president think in his heart, why should he make such an unpleasant situation?

When we met with the famous emperor for a long time, neither of them spoke, but they both looked at each other. There was a certain amount in each other's heart, "I like hunting!"

What about the first sentence? It's not a welcome, but an expression of one's hobbies. For Ding Yu, there are some accidents: "I haven't touched a gun for a long time, but I have a dog at home!"

Pun back to the problem, two people are in English to express, there is no problem between each other, "the environment here is good, I like to come here in my spare time, the noise is too loud, it is necessary to be quiet!"

From the words of the great emperor, I can feel that he is very strong, but the strength also shows his self-confidence. "I also like the quiet environment. I can take quiet in the quadrangle in the capital. If you have the opportunity, you can go to visit. There are some good things I treasure there."

"I've heard that you have a special cigar that has never even been handed down!"

"It's also a trial of agriculture. There are plants in many places, but there is only one place that can have special taste. Therefore, the yield is very small. When good friends get together, everyone will taste it together, and then they can feel the real taste."

"Cigars and whisky go well together."

"But we don't have much leisure time!" Ding Yu didn't defend the president's provocation. Instead, he said something soft and hard. However, this is also the actual situation. Ding Yu did not smoke and drink much, or even a few.

As for Ding Yu's counterattack, the emperor is also smiling. He can't say why. He has a very good first sense of Ding Yu. He has read Ding Yu's information many times. Standing in his position, there are too few people who can be strict with himself.I have a lot of imagination with myself, but I can be quiet without being confused by the colorful world. I have a lot of imagination about it. Moreover, I have perseverance in my character. If I have a good temper, I can talk about other things.

After chatting for more than an hour, the two returned to the room, but no one really knew what they had talked about, and no one was close to their two sides. However, from the look of the two of them, the conversation between them should be very pleasant.

Ding Yu also stayed for a dinner, that is, Ding Yu and the emperor did not talk about the distribution of interests, because this did not belong to the scope of their conversation.

For Ding Yu's good appetite, the great emperor obviously did not admit defeat, but the final result could only be sitting there with his stomach and lamenting. There was no way out. Ding Yu's appetite was like a bottomless pit. Although he had read this information, he did not expect such exaggeration.

Even if Ding Yu's stomach is bigger, it can't hold so many things, right? You know what you eat is enough for Ding Yu's two stomachs, and his appetite is also wide open. However, it's more to compete with Ding Yu. There's no other meaning, that's not to lose!

Although said the result has been doomed, but there is no displeasure, eat with Ding Yu, although their own food support, but the mood is happy! "Go hunting together sometime! You know, hunting is more than just a contest of shooting skills? "

"My shooting skill is good, other aspects may be very common, and I hope to learn more at that time!"

Ding Yu is not so proficient in hunting. What about this? There are so many compliments, but the same is to express their own ideas, although said that they are a novice, but did not see will lose!

After Ding Yu left, the emperor rubbed his stomach as well as looking at the man who flashed out from the side. "It's really good to see him young when you see him."

"All the negotiations have been completed, and their demands are not high. However, in the process, they have expressed some prospects for the outside world. There are no other forces in the negotiation group. It seems that his control over the subordinates is very beneficial!"

"He was able to survive in the cracks of several major financial groups in the United States, and even achieved considerable development. Now he is on the same level with them, absolutely can not be underestimated. We need to use his influence, and what about him? Know how to be proper, at least what you should get and what you should give up

Ding Yu is also sitting with sun Yingnan and Li Fuzhen. It is not a desk, and there is no outsider. Therefore, there is no need to have too many scruples. Ding Yu just sits on the carpet and reviews the documents on the top.

"I met with the president, which was different from some of the rumors. I was an easy-going person and a pure Democrat! We all have a better imagination of this, and it may be because of this aspect, so we can walk together! "

"Sir, the minutes of the meeting are already here. Would you like to have a look at it in the laboratory?"

"I'd like to see Mr. Qi. It's good that he is in charge of the laboratory. I'm afraid I can't understand when I go. Zhang Xuemin is here too! I think there must be a reason why Mr. Qi chose him. I won't interfere! But what about them? The academic aspect is more powerful, but what about other things? I don't understand that! "

It's much easier to meet with Mr. Qi, but Ding Yu is more enthusiastic. "Mr. Qi, I really want to complain about you. This word has come to my mouth and I don't want to spit it out!"

Yeah? Looking at Ding Yu, master Qi is also puzzled. What's wrong? Hearing Ding Yu continue to say, "you don't know! I went to pay New Year's greetings to the old Dean, and I was criticized by the old Dean! It's almost shameless! Do you think I should call on you, old man! "

"Ah?" Then master Qi also laughed, "Hey, I thought it was something?" Mr. Qi also patted his thigh. "That old guy used to show off in front of me. It's this new instrument and that new building. We can only be greedy. Now, I'll let him know what is greedy! I'll make him pay for the saliva I've shed before

The people who followed him looked at the appearance of master Qi, and they all laughed in agreement. After coming here, what happened? Basically engaged in scientific research, there are many differences with the domestic situation, but whether it is the instrument, laboratory or other aspects, are not enough to compare with the past.

"What about you, old man? The body is also big, look at these younger students and younger students, their heart is also full of confidence, now this time should let them these young people charge ahead, do not know how powerful they are

"You boy, don't give me ecstasy soup. I'm not confused yet?"

Meeting with Qi Lao and meeting with the great emperor are two things. There is no adulteration between them, so the laughter is always on! Before leaving, Ding Yu also expressed thanks and blessing! I hope they can go one step further.But Ding Yu did not mention any requirements, as long as they put their heart and effort, now the direction has been set, the rest depends on their own! You can't replace them!

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