It's been several years since I came home. When I came, I was still a little guy. I was very sick, but now? It's a big guy, and it's a very big guy, too much bigger than two little guys!

When I was a child, I could let it lie on top of two children, but now? There are not too many problems for the two people lying on his body. The size is a little bit bigger. The important thing is that they are more intelligent. Master Huang and Gong Baotian are quite interested in this. The two children seem to have agreed with master Gong.

As for the placement, Ding Yu doesn't want to intervene. Why did the family have dogs? It doesn't mean that they can't raise others. But what about xiaosiyan? Come to the home, accompany the two children, let them learn to care, learn to share, learn to tolerate! Enough!

So as far as possible, Ding Yu will not interfere.

The next morning, the phone calls came one after another. Everyone wanted to know how Ding Yu and the great Russian emperor were talking about? The result may be good, but without asking a word, I always feel a little uneasy in my heart.

But Ding Yu didn't mean to answer the phone. Even at the spring meeting between the world bank and the international monetary organization, Ding Yu didn't mean to care about it. He just nestled in the courtyard, which made everyone confused. What does Ding Yu mean? Isn't it so friendly to talk to the emperor?

If this is really the case, the situation will be so bad, and there are so many problems involved. We still have a lot of expectations for Ding Yu. We hope to open some special channels through Ding Yu. If this action is really blocked, the impact will be quite great!

So for a while, other rumors were spread out, but even if it was like this, Ding Yu still didn't have any meaning to explain. In the morning, he called his mother. His mother seemed to be driving. Ding Yu took a look at his watch. It was only seven o'clock. What is mother doing?

"Mom, are you shopping so early?" Ding Yu is also concerned about a question.

"No, there was an activity held by the Education Bureau to call on us retired old teachers to help teach. I think it's a very useful activity, so I joined you with Aunt Li and Aunt Huang." With a Bluetooth headset, Zhao Shuying really won't affect her driving.

I didn't come here for money. I didn't have anything to do with it. I was bored at home. I felt that I would be bored. So I came out specially. Although the work was not so easy, it didn't have any effect on myself.

This consciousness is OK. Ding Yu also praised him and said, "I thought you bought something for my father early in the morning? I didn't expect that you should learn from you

"Come on Although Zhao Shuying was very happy, she was not merciless at all. "Don't give me those messy things, but I told you, since the child is following you in the capital, you should not give all the things to the nanny. The nanny is not a father or a mother. Give me some snacks and be careful that I clean you up! Do you hear me? "

Come on! Ding Yu also said jokingly, "you and my dad are happy, everything is OK with me! The two bunnies have been quite noisy these two days. They are tight on their little four eyed baby. They are going to be mated recently

After a few nagging words, Ding Yu put down the phone. When Zhao Shuying put down the phone, the two colleagues sitting in the back were also envious. Look at their eldest son, they really didn't say anything! In primary school, we were also common, but who could have thought that we could make such a success now!

What's more important is that they really have nothing to say to their parents. If it wasn't for their husband and wife who didn't like it, where could they go now? Why stay here? "Miss Zhao! Your eldest son and daughter really did not speak. I said how did you and your old Ding educate the children? "

For Ding Yu, if his father and mother are well, there is no other thing. As for what kind of work they are going to do, Ding Yu really doesn't mean to interfere. As long as they think it's good and meaningful, why should they intervene? Parents have their own life, right?

"Sir, here comes master Xu!"

Ding Yu stretched out his hand. Deng Rong also brought master Xu to him at the first time. "Hello, master Xu!" Ding Yu is also the first to put out his own hand. Master Xu brought all the bad drugs in the house. The small pharmacy also has his share of the credit. When he met today, Ding Yu would not be proud to put it aside.

In the past, he was not very at home, and he was often received by Chen Feng, but now Chen Feng has left his position as a housekeeper. Now Deng Rong receives him. William is the housekeeper. He knows about this, but he doesn't show up very much.

"Is the sun rising in the West today?" After waiting for tea, Ding Yu also said with a smile."Mr. Ding!" At the beginning, I didn't know the identity of this young man, so it doesn't matter. But it's not the first time I came to siheyuan. After knowing some situations, I'm still careless. That's your problem. You should know that you have got the guarantee of your own interests by relying on the quadrangle.

What about this one? It's enough to keep yourself in a position of mutual benefit and mutual benefit. Don't do other things under the banner of siheyuan. If it's really detected by the courtyard, will the people who do such things have their own? People can't find anyone else?

Be a man? It's better to be a little bit self-conscious, so Xu Junchao has always been quite cautious. What should be done and what should not be done need to have a sense of propriety and bottom line! "Mr. Ding, what about this time? On the one hand, they sent some medicinal materials here, and on the other hand, they wanted to ask Mr. Ding for something! "

"Oh?" Ding Yu's expression is also somewhat unexpected, but there is no displeasure on his face, even with a little smile. Master Xu is really straightforward enough. Even if ordinary people ask for help, they will not talk like this. People like master Xu are really more and more rare!

"Master Xu is very good at saying things like this. If you have anything, you can just say it!"

"Mr. Ding, I'm from a small place. I may act rashly. If you say something wrong, don't blame me!"

Ding Yu is also waving his hand. How about master Xu? It's really not simple, but it's precisely because of this that I chose him deliberately at the beginning, and since he joined the quadrangle, this performance has always been very good.

After seeing Ding Yu's gesture, master Xu also took a mouthful of saliva. "The situation is like this. A friend of mine found me through other relationships and asked me to find a swim bladder of large head yellow croaker. If it was 20 years ago, although it was very expensive, it was also very common, but in recent years, such things were really less and less!"

Looking at Ding Yu's face, he didn't find any change in his expression, so he went on to say, "although we can find some resources through Vietnam, there are still some times too late. The children in the stomach don't wait for others. The doctor has already given a notice, so let's help together!"

"So it is. This is not a big deal!" Ding Yu nodded, "do you have any special requirements? When my sister gave birth to a child, my family prepared some, but I didn't want to be strong. The twins have been very strong since they were born, just like Michelin tires!"

"Oh, my God! At last I found something Master Xu also took a long breath, "Mr. Ding, these things are really valuable and have no market. Even if you have money, you can't buy it! But don't worry, Mr. Ding. I'll have someone prepare a new one for you, and... "

Ding Yu once again waved his hand, "you're welcome. What about the things in the house? Thanks to your help, there is a sentence how to say, there is no credit, there is also hard work, isn't it? There is no need to be so polite between us, then we will really treat me as an outsider! What about? I'll arrange it at noon? We haven't sat down for a while

"I don't dare to say no to you!"

Ding Yu also called Deng Rong over, "take master Xu to the pharmacy to look for it!" Then he also pointed to master Xu, "let's make an agreement. I'll set a table at noon! You can't stand me up

The lunch arrangement is not on the side of the courtyard. Although Ding Yu doesn't like it a lot, Ding Yu takes care of master Xu's face. After going out, he will have a lot of talks.

However, Ding Yu talks less. Master Xu is very talkative. He mentioned a lot of interesting things with Ding Yu, and the meal was very pleasant. Since Ding Yu invited him, master Xu didn't mean to take charge of it. He was already at this level and had nothing to do with money!

Master Xu doesn't have much to do with each other, but Ding Yu's coming to the private restaurant still attracts people's attention. Yu Mingyue is almost stuck in the road to go out. When she sees Ding Yu, she doesn't feel any displeasure. The expression on her face is as old as before, "doctor Ding, so clever?"

"Oh, I have an appointment with a friend for dinner!" Ding Yu nodded, but the expression on his face had already been put down. When he was with master Xu before, it was totally two situations! "Since chairman Yu has something to do, I'll see you another day."

"Dr. Ding, can you have a word?"

Ding Yu took a look at Yu Mingyue, while Yu Mingyue took a look at the distance. At that time, he fought against all opinions and kept Ding Yu out of the jade style group. From the perspective of the situation at that time, his actions were not any problem, and the effect was remarkable.

But at that time, now is now, absolutely can't say the same thing. I have already felt the constraints brought by foreign capital, and I really don't have much to do for a moment. If you do not get rid of this shackle, then the impact on jade style group will be devastating."What? You didn't really contact rich? " Dingyu is really there are so many things that yumingyue can't say, so even if it comes to block her, Dingyu has no interest. Even Ding Yu looked at the jade moon, and looked up and down again, "should I say congratulations?"

Ah? Jade moon slightly Leng, Dingyu said this words, yumingyue is also a Leng, Dingyu also smiled, "if there is time to go to the hospital to check it! And during this period? Don't drink, this is the best choice! " Take a breath, "now that I have a good day, then give you a chance! Save that I'm not close! "

Yumingyue has so many dreams, but Dingyu, since he has given himself such a chance, needs to seize it. "Dr. Ding, I heard that things on the farm are progressing very quickly!"

"What? Jade group is also ready to enter agriculture? " Dingyu sat down and poured two cups of tea. "But I didn't hear that jade group has this business. If there is one, it can cooperate with each other!"

Ding Yu deliberately opened up the topic. In fact, when yumingyue said the first sentence, Dingyu had basically figured out what she meant. No matter what kind of agreement someone wanted to know about her negotiation with Russia, and what kind of agreement would be reached between them.

Do a bit earlier in this aspect of preparation, not to be busy at that time, this is the most fundamental purpose of all! Otherwise, how can jade come to the moon? Now, on the capital side, people who can contact Dingyu are not as many as they can imagine. Although the relationship between yumingyue and Dingyu is general, it is better to have a thick face.

"Doctor Ding, you are a big doctor. It seems that the medical skill is really very good!"

"I saw a teacher in my family just now!" Dingyu also moved in his heart, "I asked a swim bladder of big head fish. I heard that the effect was very good. I have been helping for so many years. So since there is a demand for door, it is natural to respond to it. I came to eat a meal together!"

Dingyu's suggestion is very obvious, but yumingyue always has so many things that I can't understand. "I have other things, I will go back first!" But before walking, Dingyu also knocked at the table with his hand, "as a friend?"? Or friendship prompt, to do a check is not a bad thing! "

Looking at Dingyu leaving, yumingyue has so many reactions, what does Dingyu mean, but after a long time, two men came over and saw yumingyue sitting there in a daze, and there were also some puzzles.

But before waiting for these two to speak, yumingyue was the first to open up, "Dingyu asked me to go to the hospital to check it, what does that mean? Is it a deliberate irony? He doesn't seem to have such a bad taste! "

"Let you go to the hospital for a check-up?" The speaker is also a China national communication, it is clear that the meaning represented by this statement is different. If the person with poor relationship asks you to go to the hospital for inspection, this is scolding you, and the head is defective, so he needs to go to the hospital to check it, but will Ding Yu express such a straight answer?

"Chairman Yu, I don't think Dr. Ding will make such a direct joke!"

Ding Yu gives everyone a good feeling. At least, he will not let others hold the handle of what he calls "handle" on the way of doing things for others. Naturally, he will not use such things to talk to yumingyue.

Yumingyue has his own family doctor, but what about the examination of the family doctor? It is just one-sided, so yumingyue also really deliberately came to the hospital, waiting for the results of the examination to come out, Yu Mingyue's expression has so many silly eyes, and I really don't know what to say in a moment!

How can it be like this? What about Ding Yu letting himself come to the hospital? It is not really ironic, no wonder he let himself not drink, the doctor just now also deliberately ordered himself, but things have so much helpless!

I called my husband. The two people who followed before were congratulating yumingyue at this time. This is really a good thing, boy? It is a gift from heaven. It is quite pleasant to share this glory.

What about what you want to ask about with Dingyu? This is not so anxious, at least Yuming moon is not so anxious, now this time to force her also has no use!

"Sir, even if it is all the more urgent, it is not yumingyue's turn?"

On the way back, Jin asked a question, which is a little strange!

"Some people can't sit down and open the Russian market? It means that our power has expanded again, and what about the Russian emperor? There has been no good impression of the United States! "

"But it doesn't need to be so anxious, right? Or do some people want to do it? "

"What about Russia? It is always the most important issue in the United States, and it is the same with China. Before China has not risen, the two sides have been confronted for many years. Therefore, the United States does not wish Russia too well in the case of possible! "Some parties want to know about the situation, which is the most fundamental reason. However, the United States will not give up on the so-called growth of Russia's national strength. The problems in this regard do not involve much with interests.

However, for China, it is not a matter of hard power, so there is no need to worry too much. What's more, with Russia standing in front, it is a very good choice for China!

We all have their own interests and goals. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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