Yu Mingyue's incident was an accident. She didn't get anything from Ding Yu, but it didn't affect Yu Mingyue. At least she could see Ding Yu and had a cup of tea with Ding Yu, which was a breakthrough in itself. Unfortunately, she had children!

So the core problem is still not able to be solved, but Ding Yu still rescued Yu Mingyue. The reason is that people have nothing to say. What can be said at this time? Let others with pregnancy continue to see Ding Yu, in the feeling in the reason seems to have so some unreasonable!

But in addition to Yu Mingyue, who else can get close contact with Ding Yu? I'm afraid they can't even touch the gate of the courtyard! After returning to the courtyard, Ding Yu took a look at the time. It should be late at night in the United States. They will definitely have a rest at this time. So when they call now, they really have some problems.

I had a good talk with the Russian President, but it didn't solve any practical problems. We still need to see further development. This is the most important problem!

"Sir, someone deliberately sent me a gift just now!" Deng Rong also put the gift list in front of Ding Yu. Ding Yu was curious and took it up. In the past, it was difficult to get into the courtyard. Therefore, few people could send gifts in, and he didn't have much interest in it.

Looking at the tail of the gift list, Ding Yu also raised the gift in his hand. "Who is the person on the top? It doesn't seem to have any influence. It seems that there is something wrong with this gift?"

"It was master Xu who brought people here and left after putting down the gifts!"

Hearing Deng Rong say so, Ding Yu also nodded. It should be that he expressed his thanks. Ding Yu also laughed and said, "I know. By the way, Lao Deng, how is the situation in your home? Is everything all right? "

Deng Rong carefully tidied up the list, heard Mr. Ding Yuding asked about the situation in his home, but also forced a nod, "our family is still busy with her small restaurant, a niece of his own to find help, the two children's problems have been solved, now everything is OK!"

"Hard work!" Ding Yu was also very satisfied and said, "if there is any problem, you can tell me, or tell William and king, don't be too polite!"

"Yes, sir, I understand!" In fact, Deng Rong does not have any other requirements. His work here is still very good. Although it is not so leisure, he only needs to be responsible for this acre of land. In fact, there are no bad things in this acre of land. At most, there are a lot of interpersonal contacts!

Because there was nothing in the afternoon, Ding Yu also went to the hospital to stroll around. Now Ding Yu is doing some guiding surgery at most and starting with himself? It's not that he doesn't have the ability, but he doesn't have so much time. But to say that Ding Yu gave up or slack off, I'm afraid it's just a wrong interpretation from outsiders.

In terms of his own situation, Ding Yu has never given up, but the current situation is really not suitable. He has a lot of things to do. On the way back, Ding Yu also wants to take a look at the new laboratory of the old Peyton family! Just go and have a look!

The laboratory is attached to Charlie's Hospital, but it is completely an independent laboratory. Except for the personnel of the old Peyton family, no one is allowed to enter the laboratory. The security of the whole laboratory is also quite complete. Unfortunately, guns are not allowed in China, which is quite a pity.

As far as the security of the laboratory is concerned, Ding Yu does not want to protect the security of the laboratory? It's on the line now? "

Ge Huai is still following Ding Yu, just like a little follower. Hearing Ding Yu's question, he nods with force, "Quincy's problem is no longer a problem in the family. Now the family attaches great importance to it. Some people have begun to auction the ranking, and the price is very high High

"What about the research?" Ding Yu has no interest in the internal affairs of the old Peyton family, but he is really concerned about the experimental problems, "I don't think you can tell me that there is no good news?"

Ge Huai shook his head. "I can't answer this question because I don't know so much about it! And I'm just a child, not an expert in this field! "

It's reasonable and reasonable. Ding Yu nodded with satisfaction, "yes, it seems that the latest books have not been read in vain, at least there is no waste. I hope you can keep it up!" He said, "what's the result of the experiment? I want to see the most realistic data! "

Soon, the researcher also transferred the relevant information to the tablet computer in front of Ding Yu. The reason why they used tablet computers instead of paper was that there were too many papers, and the expression was not so intuitive, so it was more convenient to use computers.After watching for a period of time, Ding Yu also slightly turned his mouth, "the situation seems not so good, at least the research out of things is not as useful as imagined!"

"There is too little data available, even quite scarce!" The researchers are also quite helpless. This is not ordinary blood. They randomly draw two tubes out and put them on one side to study it slowly. Moreover, after the threshold of 18 years old, the changes of this blood are particularly special.

So now there is a tight situation, but this matter can not blame anyone, Ding Yu has also done his best, can only say this disease! Too special!

After staying in the laboratory for a period of time, Ding Yu also left, but before leaving, Ding Yu once again said to ge Huai his hand, "how about it? When do you want to be a guest? There are two children in my family. They are about your age. I think you should be able to get together? "

"May I?" Ge Huai asked unexpectedly.

Ding Yu nodded her head slightly, "if you have time, come home and be a guest! Don't always put yourself in the laboratory. At the same time, you can also go out together. It's good for you to see different societies and scenes. "

After knowing the news, the third generation was also having breakfast with his grandfather. He asked, "grandfather, I always have some problems. Why does Ding Yu attach so much importance to ge Huai? Is it because he has Chinese blood? I don't think that's the real reason! "

"You just see that in it?" Old Peyton shook his head slightly. "Do you know why there is no movement in other families? Because everyone's heart is very clear! "

"Granddad, what you want to say is that the trip to Russia is actually very smooth, and there are no other waves. Is that right? That's what you don't want to ask? "

"He's a smart man who knows what needs to be said and what doesn't need to be said." Old Peyton put down his knife and fork. "To do anything, you need to see the deep meaning behind it. What about Ding Yu's doing? For us old guys, it doesn't have much influence! "

The third generation fell into a period of thinking. Grandfather and Ding Yu are rivals. This problem has been expressed very early. Since grandfather doesn't mean to care, who cares? Ding Yu's friends won't worry! Then I think of what the third generation is.

"On the part of the government, he was deliberately embarrassed?"

"You should know that he has a very good relationship with the Boston consortium, which we do not need to deny. However, the Boston consortium has been slightly suppressed in the past two years, especially in the government. What about Ding Yu? I was looking for the new president on purpose! Sometimes it seems too anxious

"The contradiction between the government and the consortium?"

"What about the president who wants to weaken the influence of the consortium? There is no problem, but it requires considerable means and patience to make a good balance. However, he does not have the resources, the influence of the Bush family, and Clinton's means to please both sides! "

"So keep him in position now, why?"

"Because he is going to be the best person to carry the blame. What about such a mess? The major consortia will certainly not clean up. They need to clean up the affairs made by the government themselves. The major consortia have no time to pay attention to the government in the past two years, so it is better to choose a person who does not know the root and the bottom of the matter to come up and let him stay in his position! "

This issue does not need to be expressed too clearly. All major consortia and forces have reached a tacit agreement in this respect. Otherwise, why can't every measure he promotes receive too many responses?

"Turn around and say something about GE Huai."

The third generation looked at his grandfather and didn't know what to say for a moment. Was this conversion so fast that he didn't have time to do it.

"What about GE Huai himself? Some of them are smart, but Ding Yu doesn't value his capital. He hasn't shown so much potential. But what about GE Huai? Is it a kind of stimulation for Taylor, and this kind of stimulation will make her mind change a lot? I think this is the original intention of Ding Yu! "

"Why? Because of what happened

The words just came out, and old Peyton gave him a fierce look. "At the beginning, Taylor lost such an opportunity, and it's impossible for him to rescue him again. People standing in such a position would not do such things, but what about Taylor's qualifications? Not bad! "

"What is this and what is it?" The third generation feels that he has so many considerations and does not understand!

"In Chinese words, you are a mallet!" Old Peyton also scolded, "what about Taylor's talent? Still good, she can not become Ding Yu's apprentice, but such a person? If it's really wasted, it's too much of a pity. What about Ding Yu? Maybe there is a love heart in my heart, which is why I brought Ge Huai in! ""For what? I want to get in touch with each other and relax! "

"You are a fool, you are!" Old Peyton was also a little annoyed, "Ding Yu and I are rivals, just because of the difference in concept. What about your future? It may be the same, or it may be the opposite, but these are not so important! "

"Is Ge Huai the object of sacrifice?"

"No, if Ge Huai can get out of this shackle, he will have a good future, and so will Taylor. She will shine more brightly and cultivate such a person? It's also a kind of affirmation to oneself. It's the same truth that I cultivate you! "

"Not even a friend can do it? I remember Tyler once said to me that if there is a chance in the future, I can't understand Ding Yu's two children, but now I feel a little bit of flavor! "

Old Peyton poured himself a cup of coffee. "You've always been ruthless. As I said, you are getting better now. There are some reasons for Ding Yu, which can be said to be affected by Ding Yu. What about here? I need to say, who knows you the most? It's your enemy, and the best person to learn? It's also your enemy! "

"I'm sending a message to Tyler right now, and I think it's going to be a blow to her!"

When we were having dinner with two children in the evening, old Peyton called over and said, "Ding, your behavior is so unfriendly. Tyler has been greatly stimulated. I know this is for her good, but don't you stimulate her into mental illness? You know, I value her a lot? "

"How do I feel that you are so complacent?" Ding Yu also asked, "you give me this call, should not question such things with me!" Anyway, Ding Yu has finished eating, so you don't need to care too much. The two children are helping to clean up the dishes and chopsticks!

The necessary work still needs to be handled by them. The main reason is that they have made mistakes today. This is also a punishment for them. Therefore, Ding Yu ate a little more, just to make them work hard. Otherwise, they will not remember the lesson!

"Tyler is still young after all. What about me? It's her grandfather. I agree with your way of education, but I hope I don't put too much pressure on her. I'm really worried that she can't hold on! Although she said that her life was recovered, she didn't want to be abandoned! "

"Do you want me to be merciful?" Ding Yu was very discontented and snorted, "in this case, then you should call her back now, instead of letting her continue to hang around at this time!"

It's a typical one that gets cheap and sells well. Therefore, Ding Yu has a feeling that he doesn't feel angry at all. He still wants to bargain for such things. Some of them are too much! I can't stand it!

"Well! There are two people in my family who may want to go to the capital. I want to ask for a favor. Can you solve their problems in three months? What about them? The body is not as strong as you think. The situation you made earlier is too bloody

"If only it was bloody!" Ding Yu also sighed. On such a question, Ding Yu really didn't mean to joke, "I also hope that blood can be more, but you can see their situation, and I really try my best! It's so noisy that I have to doubt myself! "

"There are not too many achievements in the research on the family side. I have urged many times! But no one can make breakthrough progress, I have some doubts, my money is not in vain

"Scientific research has always been like this, and I have also studied the image data of the Taoist priest, and I have not been able to complete all of them. However, some progress has been made in China. I have reached some agreements with the Longmen school. They have sent me a lot of things. Do you want to have a look at them, old man?"

"Really, I should congratulate you!"

"Congratulations. I don't know how long it will take to decrypt, and my work here will never be much easier than you, OK! I have other calls coming in! Excuse me Then Ding Yu also put down the phone, did not mean to continue talking with old Peyton.

Originally not what friends, each other is an opponent, but this opponent? Because of their family's illness, there have been different situations. Now it's a cooperative relationship. I don't know how it will be good in the future!

Looking at the caller ID, Ding Yu also slightly twisted his mouth, "Hello, I'm Ding Yu!"

"Dr. Ding, I would have called earlier, but I still need to thank you."

"It's better for you and the baby to discover it earlier." For Yu Mingyue's entanglement, Ding Yu does not really have so much interest, "take good care of your health!""I'll see you again when I have time."

Yu Mingyue doesn't really mean to die now. After all, Ding Yu helps himself out and finds his own situation. Anyway, this call needs to be made! This is not a small favor!

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