"Brother, do you have time in the evening? I want to go there! " When Wang Yang said this, he seemed to be a little careful.

Ding Yu is to pick up two children, received a call from Wang Yang, "can't you say in the phone?"

"More trouble! I want to say it face to face! It might be better! "

Since Wang Yang said so, Ding Yu didn't say anything. He said he knew it. That's all! The two little guys are busy these two days. After they come back, they also take care of Siyan. There are two new members in the family. They are all prepared for xiaosiyan. They are the real concubine! Don't talk about dogs, even people seem to have no such treatment!

One of them was even sent by Gong Baotian. He was extremely attentive to it. When he saw the little four eyes, he also behaved very differently. He was very flattering to the two children. Although he said that he had promised to come down at the beginning, who knows if there will be any change?

When Wang Yang came, the two children also showed up to say hello. As for the people who followed, the two little guys said hello, and then they ran away. The mood of the little four eyes was not very good. They were too protective of food. The two wives wanted to eat something, so they were kicked to one side.

The performance is very unfriendly. For the two children, there should be love, so it is also as much as possible to comfort the little four eyes. Even if you don't like it, don't act too much, right? Wang Yang looked at his nephew and niece jumping away, shaking his head and smiling, but also fast forward!

From this point of view, he is still more anxious, in the past, he rarely looked like this!

Deng Rong just took people to the door position, did not want to go in. Wang Yang nodded to Deng Rong, then said thank you, and then went to the room! Originally, when the elder brother recruited Deng Rong, he met him and wanted to get acquainted with each other, but he said the same as before.

What is his status now? Extraordinary, how many people are looking forward to this road, but it is so easy there? William won't stay here too long. What about the future? The person who is in charge of the Butler position of the courtyard is definitely Deng Rong in front of him, even if he is his own identity? Not the same, but in front of Deng Rong, I'd better be honest!

As the saying goes, distant relatives are not as good as near neighbors. What's more, Deng Rong can be regarded as a big brother's confidant! And still the confidant among the confidants, really think that everyone can come to Siheyuan when the housekeeper?

"Big brother!" Wang Yang did not immediately go in, but called out outside. After hearing the voice inside, Wang Yang also pushed the door open and went in. Looking at the elder brother, he seemed to be busy. He also motioned to the people behind him. Don't be impatient! After coming in, he also helped to bring the door.

Ding Yu looked up. He heard two different steps and looked at the people standing behind Wang Yang, but he didn't mean to look at him. Then he hung down his head and said, "look for a place to sit down. I have something to deal with immediately." Ding Yu didn't mean to hang them, but he was really busy!

After waiting for about five minutes, Ding Yu finished processing the documents in his hand, and then he also pressed the desk bell. Soon, Jin also came in. Ding Yu also handed the document to Jin, "let them deal with it as soon as possible!"

Jin is very careful to pack up the documents, for Wang Yang and other young people is not too much to pay attention to meaning, go out is also the same to close the door, but there is no movement, Ding Yu back to his body, hands on the abdominal position.

"What's the matter, so anxious?"

"Brother, this is Xiao Qi!" Wang Yang took the lead in introducing his eldest brother, "his grandfather and grandmother are old comrades in arms, but Xiao Qi is a posthumous son. His father died in the front line when he was fighting, and his mother brought him up. If anything else, I won't come to you, but my aunt has had some problems recently! It's tricky! "

"Hello, big brother." Ding Yu nodded his head, "go on

"Some people want to grasp the handle of auntie, but the aunt still has not too many problems, so they deliberately splash dirty water on the aunt's body. I don't have any way to investigate the problems, so I come to see you!"

Ding Yu looked at the past with inexplicable eyes, "have you found the wrong person? What about me? I have some small abilities, but I have never interfered in domestic affairs or domestic politics. "

Wang Yang also scratched his head, "brother, if it is a normal investigation? No problem, Auntie can definitely stand the investigation, but what about this thing? It's not as simple as normal investigation. Is someone in the United States? I opened an account for my aunt, an account of five million dollars, but she didn't know about it! "

"Five million dollars?" Ding Yu subconsciously opened a small seven, "this number is a little exaggerated! But what's the use of me in this matter? I didn't open an account! "

"Well, now the investigation is in trouble! After all, it's the United States, not China. All the relevant investigations will be very troublesome. Big brother has a considerable relationship in the United States, so I don't know if you can do me a favor! "When Wang Yang mentioned this matter, Ding Yu was already alert. Wang Yang was definitely used, but he didn't realize that he was helping the military? It must have aroused some people's suspicion.

That's a good guy! Ding Yu now also has some exclamations, but Ding Yu looks at the two people sitting there, "such a thing is very troublesome, because this is touching the hidden rules. Where am I in the United States? It has considerable power, but power does not mean that I can break the hidden rules! It's two times! "

"Big brother!" Xiao Qi also looked at Ding Yu with a slight intersection. "My mother has never opened any so-called account in the United States? This is a frame up at all

Ding Yu pressed his hand and motioned Xiao Qi not to be too excited, "as far as I know? How about opening an account in the United States? You need a passport or an American ID card, and what do you want me to help with? When he came, he said a lot, but he didn't seem to recognize any of them. "

"Brother, we don't understand this very well. Now it's really the ants on the hot pot. We have consulted a lot of people about this issue, but we haven't got a letter of approval. Do we know about this fund? It was opened in the name of my aunt. The fund is five million US dollars, and the rest is almost unknown! "

Get it! Ding Yu already knew what it meant. When he made a time to make them calm down, he immediately took out his own phone. The waiting time was not very long. He remembered the voice, "Hello, Mr. Ding. Brown will serve you wholeheartedly!"

"Well, I have some questions to consult with." His own lawyer, who is also a private lawyer, simply told the matter once, and then Ding Yu also expressed his own idea, "this matter is quite urgent. I hope to investigate it. I don't know whether it is OK or not!"

Brown on the other side of the phone has been meditating for quite a long time. As Ding Yu's private lawyer, the person who can get in close contact with Ding Yu naturally needs to turn his head faster. Although he says that he is a lawyer, his branch seems to have nothing to do with it.

Don't Mr. Ding know that? It's impossible. But since Mr. Ding knows it, why should he call himself? Obviously, Mr. Ding hopes that this matter can be solved, but it should be hoped that this matter will go through normal channels, and at the same time, it can not be too fast.

"Sir, this matter is very troublesome, it can not be solved in a moment and a half! I need a lot of time to investigate, and it's very difficult for me to complete the work alone. Moreover, I need to see the client. As long as I have a detailed understanding of the situation, I can deal with the relevant matters at my discretion! "

"I'll send someone here, and you? With your team immediately began to have action, I need to in the shortest possible time to investigate the matter, no matter how much the cost! At all costs! "

After putting down the phone, Ding Yu also looked at Xiao Qi, "I don't know much about this problem, but I can offer the greatest help within the scope allowed. Can you go abroad?"

"No!" Xiao Qi also gave a wry smile, "I'm restricted from moving!"

"Then I'll send someone over. Can I see my aunt? There should be no problem with this? "

"I can visit personally, and lawyers can visit!" Because of the recent contact, Xiao Qi knows something different about it, but it can be seen that his pressure seems to be so big!

"Since you are not so convenient, I'll let Deng Rong go and have a look! He was originally a lawyer. It took a while for brown to fly over. Although he said he was a well-known barrister, he was, after all, from the American side. He was mainly responsible for handling the affairs of the United States. Is that ok? "

Thank you Xiao Qi stood up and bowed deeply.

But Ding Yu did not mean to stand up, just slightly nodded his head, "in advance, if the aunt is really innocent, no problem, I believe that under the brilliant sky and the earth, there will always be an account for aunt!"

The hidden meaning of this discourse is very clear. What about the matter? He has already taken over, because when he came, Wang Yang has already explained the relevant situation. The relationship with his family is extraordinary. What's more, his father died in the front line. For Ding Yu, this is another emotion, so I will help him!

"It's too much trouble for you, big brother!"

"Since they are all family members, there is no trouble or trouble!" Ding yuhun didn't care. Ding didn't tell the outside world about it, even the military? There is no action. What about informing them now? It's no use, at least for the time being, it's better not to let them have any action at this time. As for when to inform them? It just depends.

But what about my third uncle? I should tell you why? I've found it myself. I still need to tell my uncle about the Russian affairs. After all, it's closely related to China. It seems to be a good choice for him to grasp the overall situation, isn't it?"You boy cat, after so many days of time, you finally show up!"

Ding Yu looks at the third uncle's office carefully. The desk top is very neat. But when you look at the thickness of the documents placed next to it, Ding Yu shakes his head. It's really good to look at this position, but who knows the hard work? I'm afraid it will take a long time to process these documents.

"There's no way. It's freezing there. It's not so warm in China. Fortunately, the body is still very good, but it's also kept at home for a few days. But even if it's like this, there's still a lot of trouble!"

"It's like a lot of complaints!" Middle aged people obviously hear something. If it's something about Russia, Ding Yu, a rabbit, will never tell himself like this, because everyone is made up of it. But now Ding Yu is still talking about the so-called troublesome things. There are so many different things!

"Very serious?" The middle-aged man asked subconsciously! Looking at Ding Yu nodding, he also took a little breath. He knew something about Ding Yu's taking over the military. But what do you mean? Seems to have been detected, otherwise Ding Yu would never come to see himself in person!

"Uncle, what about Russia? It's very simple to say simple, but trouble is also quite troublesome. What about the nature of laomaozi? That's what it looks like! What's more, the great emperor is not a very good role to play. This time, it seems to be an agricultural problem, but actually it is also a process of multi-party capital struggle! "

"I'll find an expert and a secretary in this field to discuss it!"

The waiting time was not very long. Then several people walked into the office. When they saw Ding Yu, they were not too surprised. Ding Yu also briefly introduced the situation of Russia. As for the details of the negotiation, they did not miss it! What should be said is basically said!

The time of public discussion was also a little long, about two hours. At noon, Ding Yu also ate in the dining hall, but he didn't mean to avoid other aspects. Other people knew or didn't know about it. It didn't matter!

In fact, we all pay attention to the problem of Dingyu farm. It can be regarded as a pioneer in China, driving the development of related industries, as well as the progress of the whole academic field. Now, Dingyu is out of the country. Although Dingyu is an invisible capitalist, it is still very welcome for such capitalists in China!

After lunch, everyone discussed again. Ding Yu left in the afternoon, but the effect has come out. Everyone knows what the purpose of Ding Yu's coming here is. It has nothing to do with capital. Ding Yu can afford this, but he can't afford agricultural talents!

If there is no considerable support, that is, if people do not let go, Ding Yu is also a clever woman who can't make a meal without rice. Of course, this is also a verification problem from another aspect, that is, Ding Yu's negotiation with Russia can be said to be very good!

Although it is said that it was a few days late to know the result, but ultimately we still know the situation inside!

Think about it carefully, it seems that it is expected that Ding Yu has already done it himself. If he is not quite sure, will he do so? It's impossible! It seems that the protracted war with Ding Yu still needs to be carried out!

However, Ding Yu's power seems to have grown again out of thin air. It is not easy to deal with the great emperor. How about many American consortia? There are really not many advantages on this issue.

The main reason is that at that time, the harm to Russia was a little too cruel. Now I want to get the forgiveness from the Russian side. No one is so stupid. We can see the situation clearly!

It's good to say that Ding Yu is cheap, but he is good at opportunism! In any case, a new situation has emerged. Now we need to start to deal with the relevant issues. As for the previous problems? Can turn over this article, fortunately, we are also quite prepared for this, so it will not be in a hurry!

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