So now? It's really not suitable to explore what, not to mention the information that you get? It's just a guess. There's really no real evidence. Under such circumstances, the direct confrontation with Ding Yu, some of which are out of thin air to provoke strong enemies, are really so uneconomical!

Now the situation is quite difficult, some problems still need to be considered comprehensively, can't be blindly rampant, after all, today is different from the past, especially in the treatment of Ding Yu.

Some things? Although it's going on quietly, it doesn't mean that we really don't know. It's like two days ago when Gong Baotian also went to Siheyuan, right? This problem has caused some people's attention, even some panic!

Who could have thought that Ding Yu was so cautious, and that the big family in the United States was so uncertain about doing things. How could such things be discovered? Didn't you kill your mouth at that time? Isn't it hard to even have this time? Isn't the typical one sold in China?

Ding Yu does not have any action, which is not to say that he does not dare to have any action. This guy is a real poisonous snake. He is just waiting for the opportunity on purpose. If he finds the opportunity, he will be directly fatal. There is absolutely no second chance.

So now, even if Gong Baotian is disposed of, it has no effect. On the contrary, Ding Yu will speed up the pace of some aspects. However, the people who know this matter are not as many as imagined, so it has not caused too much fear. What's more, Ding Yu has no intention to make this matter known to the public.

It's not that it's not too late. It's too early to start now, and it will cause other incidents. What's more, for Ding Yu, it's just waiting for some time. It's like fishing. Bait is very important, but the same patience is also very important, otherwise you can't catch big fish! Little fish and shrimp don't mean much.

Ding Yu is not in a hurry, but it does not mean that some forces are also not in a hurry. When there is no problem, no one will have preparation and ideas in this respect. What about these things now? It seems too late!

If we said that in earlier years, we might have gone abroad and it would be over. Then we would be happy. But now? How to run out? What's more, what's the use of running abroad? Ding Yu is waiting outside, at home? Maybe it's a hot discussion about explaining the problem and then sending it to the judicial investigation.

But what about going abroad? When the time comes, I really can't help myself. Will Ding Yu, that bastard, let everyone have a good life? He is too cruel for impossible things, let alone contradictions between them? There are also some unclear, really if you care about it, then how to say?

So we all choose to stay in China. At least there is a chance to live. What about the size of the family? As far as possible, don't go abroad. If you go out, you're just looking for death. Ding Yu's influence is too huge. You can run for a while and you can't run for a lifetime!

As long as Ding Yu doesn't get involved in it at this time, everything is easy to say. So after a little trial, it's also easy to stop. Never go further. Who knows if Ding Yu will set up any so-called traps. If he really steps into them, he won't be able to say clearly at that time!

Ding Yu had nothing to do in the morning, so he also arrived at the laboratory. Old Peyton called himself and asked him to treat two people as soon as possible. Ding Yu also came to see him, but maybe Ding Yu came a little earlier, so there was really no one here in the laboratory!

Ge Huai is also small with the class behind Ding Yu's buttocks, "how are the books for you? I think you should have your own opinions and ideas now? "

"I took notes and consulted a lot of people, but there are some different opinions and ideas from everyone. I am summarizing the thoughts in them!" Although Ge Huai is young, but now? It is also under pressure, the growth is very fast!

What about the two kids in the house? Is also very excellent, but in this point is really not comparable, this is not a disgraceful thing, so can not make up what to hide? Ding Yu is not so conceited.

To be sure, I don't quite agree with this kind of education, but the old Peyton's family is so special that it can't be changed in a moment, let alone that an outsider should change it. I can't worry about it.

Ding Yu and Ge Huai discussed for about an hour, and then met with the visitors. Ding Yu didn't want to find out why they came late. There was no need to ask for their information for a period of time.

When he saw their age, Ding Yu also deliberately looked up at the two people sitting in front of him. The age was about to reach the limit. The old Peyton really arranged for himself some important figures. It was not that he really cared about their identity, but that their age was really very delicate."From your age, one of your feet has stepped on the door of hell, waiting for the other to enter. Besides, old Peyton, the old bastard, should have told you about the whole process? It's going to be a little bit painful, I hope you're ready, Russell? It should be a very good example! "

"Dr. Ding, I'm sorry we're late. We haven't been to the capital for many years. I didn't expect that the changes here would be so great." There was no melancholy on their faces. On the contrary, they said this to Ding Yu kindly.

Ding Yu snorted, "you can tell me that the road is too crowded. I can understand it!"

This is too straightforward. However, looking at the couple opposite, he also put down the materials in his hands. "Old Peyton should attach great importance to you, otherwise, he won't call me deliberately. I have made some progress recently, which may be applied to your body. I hope you can make some preparations."

"For the sake of the children in the family, it's no big deal to pay your own life!" The couple's mentality is really good, "we have passed that age, now we can have such a chance, and what we can't see is just a new experiment. For us, at least, it has proved that we have some value to the family!"

"What about these two days? It's better to stay in the laboratory. Although I don't have much interest in these data, I think the research on the disease can provide quite good materials. " Then Ding Yu also took out two pieces of paper and handed them to the couple sitting there, "sign it! If anything happens in the process, I'm not responsible for it! "

On this issue, Ding Yu's performance is too cold and heartless, but Ding Yu is doing this. Are you willing or not? This is your business, it has nothing to do with me!

The couple also took a close look at the above statement, because there were not many words on it. They were written in English. What's the meaning of the subject? Ding Yu will not be responsible for any problems of their husband and wife!

The two men did not have any inquiry. They soon took up the pen on the desk and signed the autograph happily. Ding Yu also looked at their faces carefully, and could see something more or less. What about the face? How much seems to be so general, what I said is the problem of children.

But I won't eat too much pickles. I'll have nothing to do with myself! After staying in the Research Center for a little time, Ding Yu also went to the hospital to have a look. However, he just entered the office and was grabbed by the chief director!

"Doctor Ding! I was just about to call you? Today, a special patient came to our hospital. All the doctors in our family are so busy. Please help me

"Isn't it?" Ding Yu also looked at his chief director suspiciously, "I have not seen the pathology, nor have I understood the specific situation in detail. This let me start, it is easy to have problems!"

"This operation will not be too small. Let these rabbits at home start. I really have some worries. When I go upstairs later, you will know the situation after a look at the patient!" Chief director, there is no way. What about the others? I can't suppress the one above the building. I'm also very anxious.

I didn't expect that the rain came in time at this time. Other people are not good at pressing the one on the top of the building, but it doesn't mean that Ding Yu can't suppress the one above the building. What about Ding Yu? It's a Buddha. It's used by the hospital to suppress the demons. What about these guys? Too much trouble.

It doesn't make sense to tell them the so-called truth. The blood pressure of the old experts in the hospital is so high, but there is no way. But if Ding Yu really shows up, the situation will certainly be different!

Ding Yu put his coat in the box and put it on. Then he put it on with a white coat. Without even fastening the button, he was rushed upstairs by the chief executive. Looking at the information in his hand, Ding Yu simply took a look, "what's the origin? We dare not reach out in the hospital?"

"Anyway, we can't hold the pressure in our hospital. The chief Dean came over to have a look, and it's hard to say anything. Anyway, I've been carrying a lot of black pot in the past two days! Worry me! The hair is white several times! "

Looking at the chief director's appearance, Ding Yu also laughed. "Director, you are carrying the black pot for the hospital. It seems that you are going to be promoted. I said, director, is your display really good?" This is a joke.

The chief director also points to Ding Yu. Although it is no secret that Ding Yu's identity is at the top of the hospital, there is no sense of estrangement and estrangement for Ding Yu. He is not the kind of person who often appears, but his relationship with the hospital is quite good.

He was born out of the ordinary family, but he never bullied others. Moreover, when he really asked for help, although he said that he could not do what he wanted, there would not be too many problems. Why didn't such people make friends?So after listening to Ding Yu's joke, the chief executive also laughed happily, "you! Let me say something is good. By the way, when I went to visit the old headmaster during the new year's festival, I also mentioned you? The career is too big. Otherwise, the position of the president will be reserved for you. What a pity

"Never!" Ding Yu also shook his head. "My work here has been so busy that I don't even have much time to accompany the two sons of bitches at home. If you give me such a position, I still have the so-called private space and time. If I have such leisure, I'd better study it! Maybe better! "

Two are to take the stairs, so there is no outsider. When they come to the outside of the ward, they hear the voice inside. Ding Yu also helps his nose glasses. The chief director waves his hand to the people outside the door. OK, the people who solve the problem come, so there is no need to leave so many people!

Also did not use Ding Yu to reach out, the chief director is also the first to push open the door to come in, Ding Yu is following the position behind, inside two small nurses are receiving training? When the chief director came in, his face was a little gloomy, but after Ding Yu stood still, he looked at the situation and coughed slightly.

"Cough what, don't you know there are patients resting in the ward?" The voice was a little sharp. Ding Yu once again helped his eyes and looked up. The man who spoke was dressed in a flowery manner, which gave people the feeling of a fighting chicken. This was Ding Yu's first impression.

After feeling the smell of the air, Ding Yu also indicated to the two nurses, "the patient needs to rest, and the room needs to be kept clean and dry. If you don't want to affect the rest of the patient, leave after the visit is over! The perfume on your body is too strong, it will affect the patient! "

"Who are you! How can you be a doctor if you talk like this

Ding Yu looked at the dead Squilla on the hospital bed and snorted, "I've seen the condition. It's not small. I can't solve any problems now. So both the patients and their families need to keep calm." When he finished speaking, he squinted his eyes and looked at it again.


Yeah! The people on the hospital bed seem to have just woken up. Of course, this is also a deliberate attempt to silence the woman who is talking next to her. After opening her eyes, she also deliberately slowed down for a while. When she saw Ding Yu, she also nodded her head slightly, "director Ni, doctor Ding! Hello, I'm a little sleepy just now, so I have a rest for a moment

The chief director just laughed and didn't say anything. Anyway, he had already dragged Ding Yu over. When the sky fell, Ding Yu was on top of it. He really didn't need to be afraid. What about the one on the hospital bed? In my opinion, there are so many people who don't know good or bad.

Now that you have come to the hospital, you should cooperate with the doctor. What do you mean by shouting and shouting like this? Do you show your identity? You know, once you're on the operating table? Everything is what the doctor has the final say. Why should we make trouble for ourselves? you're asking for it!

Do you have this identity? Everyone respects you, but it doesn't mean you can get carried away! Ding Yu's identity is not more noble than you, but when was Ding Yu so arrogant and domineering, although the expression on his face? There are so many coldness, but the feeling to everyone is very good!

"I've just read the diagnosis, it's a big problem!" Ding Yu didn't have much to say, "physical examination also has many problems. Now if you have an operation, it's not a big problem, but you can't solve all the problems at one time, so you still need to..."

"If you're doctors, you can't even solve this problem. If you want to do a second operation, you'll be relaxed. But we patients and family members

Ding Yu doesn't have any explanation for this argument. Would you like to hear it? If you don't want to listen, even if you don't want to listen to them, you can't be more serious with them. Anyway, I have already explained quite well, "the general situation is like this. What about the doctor? It's a career, not your puffer. Please pay attention to it. "

"Oh, I'm really scared! ..。”

But before the words were finished, the people on the bed also coughed, "director Ni and Dr. Ding, I'm sorry, the tutoring is not strict, let's laugh at you!"

Ding Yu snorted, and could feel it from the words. Ding Yu expressed his dissatisfaction seriously, "since this is the case, we won't disturb you!" What about the name of Ding Yu? Good or not easy to use, since the situation encountered after can be seen one or two!

When he came out, director Ni looked at Ding Yu and shook his head? Why did you find such a wife? Although it is understandable to say that their bodies are in a state of irritability, their lives are all in the hands of doctors. Although we all abide by medical ethics, it does not mean that we have no temper! "

Ding Yu is shaking his head, "grasshopper after autumn, can't jump for too long! It is really strange that such a person can still stay in the position. The people around you can't control it. Do you believe he can control himself? ""Who doesn't know? But my temper is really not very good. It seems that I have been going along with the wind for a long time, so I am so forgetful? " Director Ni also said with a smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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