What about the hospital? In fact, it's just a miniature. Ding Yu really doesn't mean to pay attention to it. Even if he doesn't come over, does the hospital really have no other solutions? impossible!

And why did Ding Yu come here? On the one hand, it gives the chief director this face, on the other hand? He also got quite a reputation, although for such a reputation, Ding Yu didn't care as much as he thought.

As for the operation, Ding Yu didn't mean to do it in person. The problem is relatively big. The reason why he had to have two or three operations was that he had many considerations. It is not to say that it is really to embarrass the patients. Does the hospital not want to solve all the problems at one time? Do you really want to entangle?

What about the one in the ward? Now this time is no longer shouting. After Ding Yu came, he was honest and honest. He was very cooperative with the work of the hospital. The hospital didn't mean to be angry with this man. If he was angry every day, he would have been very angry!

But the impression left to the hospital can be said to be very bad, and I don't know why I had to take out that kind of momentum in the previous time. It's really a donkey without falling, but is it really worth it? There are some doubts! Ding Yu did not return to his office, but stayed in the operating room for several hours.

When he came out of the operating room, the doctor next to him also expressed his gratitude to Ding Yu. When Ding Yu came over, he did not interfere in any way. This was originally an operation of others. It was like a cook who was making dishes. Did he like to be criticized by others? How you like to do it depends on your interest.

Ding Yu came to the operating room is to do cooperation, a chef is not able to do a full table of Manchu, just like a doctor can not complete a complex operation alone! Even if the ability is outstanding, no matter how superb the technique is, people just have long hands.

Ding Yu is the most practical experience to help the attending doctor to complete the work, with the help of Ding Yu, everyone did their best to complete their work quickly and effectively. Even when the operation was completed, the family members were not prepared and told them three hours, but it did not take two hours to complete!

When informed of the situation, the family members thought that the patient died on the operating table. Later, they learned that there were other doctors to help them. So the operation went smoothly. It was totally two things to guide and support the operation. But Ding Yu showed us the common features of each other.

"Xiaoding! The echelon training in hospitals has made considerable achievements. The communication with hospitals in the United States and Europe is also quite successful. Your contribution is outstanding

Ding Yu listened to the president's words, but also quickly shook his head, "Dean, the honor and commendation of things, you know, I don't like this, I still prefer medical skills and research, what's more, I just hung a name here in the hospital. If I really want to say the credit, it's the efforts of the leaders in the hospital and everyone's struggle!"

"You! too modest! The hospital still hopes to hold a commendation activity. The leaders of the Department have praised us very early, but you have never had this time, so it has been delayed for a long time. "

Ding Yu is also a little smile, "leader, if you have a word, just say it! What about what I can do? Never refuse

"That's what you said Ding Yu! Or smart people, "what about your recognition? It has been reported to the public at a very early time, and it has been approved by the above authorities. Do you attend or not attend? It doesn't matter. It's mainly in our hospital? I hope you can go back to school and give some lessons to my younger brother and younger sister! "

Eh? Ding Yu's expression is somewhat strange, "leader? I don't seem to have a teaching task, do I? What's more, my time is not fixed. If I come to the hospital for several surgeries, there is no problem, even in scientific research. But let me teach students? It's really the first time! "

"The chief doctors in our hospital have teaching and research tasks. How about you? There is no problem with identity. It is mainly to teach some experience to these children. If you want to teach them, they need to understand! You're a little bit high from Hopkins. By the way, are you going to graduate with your Ph.D

"No, Lao Huo always pinches and doesn't let go. I haven't spent a lot of time with him in the past two years. I mainly study and communicate through videos. There are too many other jobs around me. I spread the shelf a little bit too big!"

"I can see that Professor Hopkins is not willing to let you go!"

"In our Chinese words, Lao Huo is definitely a Zhou shaopi. If you don't look at the people who are around him, I really have some doubts. At the beginning, how could my brain get into it?"

After a few jokes, Ding Yu left and went back to the hospital to give business to his younger brother and younger sister. For Ding Yu, it was really a very strange thing, and of course, it was quite challenging.Hospital to mention such things to themselves, their feelings in reason need to give considerable face, this is mutual! What's more, I don't seem to have too many things recently, so even if I promise to come down, there are no big problems and situations!

As for the so-called teaching plan, Ding Yu really doesn't need such a thing. It really can't be done. You can ask the director for a copy. Do you really think you want to teach yourself? It's not for this reason that I want to give some chicken soup to my younger brother and younger sister in medical school, and at the same time give them a little pressure!

The main reason why I want to teach is at this point. What about medicine? Is an endless, as long as engaged in this work, is really to work until the old, can not have any stop and slack, otherwise will be eliminated, to a certain extent, is absolutely high-risk occupation!

He arranged several departments for Ding Yu. Ding Yu also asked the chief director for a few teaching plans. Then he took a look at him and said, "director, you wrote this by yourself. It's really rare! I should have a good collection! "

"Come on, I'll let you print one at most. This is my painstaking effort. Don't think about this idea. What about the future? I'm going to leave it to my students, you! It's better to ask someone else! Give my students a hand

"Little picky, no, I should say old one!"

The chief executive also laughed, and it was very interesting to fight with Ding Yu. At least Ding Yu was still a man with a lot of smoke and anger. He had seen many children in the courtyard and many senior executives and nobles. But few of them were able to do this like Ding Yu. Naturally, it was one of the pillars of Ding Yu's success!

Ding Yu asked for the teaching plan and then went to the medical school. Ding Yu, the leader of the medical college, was no stranger. He came a little early, that is to say hello to each other. Relatively speaking, Ding Yu is still very used to staying with the people in the system. He doesn't have so much fun!

When he found the teacher, Ding Yu also found a place in the first row. The time was a little early, and the students didn't seem to have as much as they thought, "man, haven't you seen it before? Which hospital? "

Ding Yu, who was reading a book, also glanced at the people beside him. He was very young. He could even see some zits on his face. His eyes revealed a bit of cunning. Ding Yu took a look at the book on his desk. "I heard that a teacher came to lecture, so come and have a look?"

"You also heard that the hospital seems to have a notice, clinical Guo Li!"

"Guo Li?" When Ding Yu heard the name, he also subconsciously felt that the name seemed to be so feminine!

The big boy also stood up for a moment on his shoulder, "Mr. Dongguo's fault, the plum that fills the world? I can't help it. My father's surname is Guo, and my mother's name is Li. They'll save time, and I can't express my right to object! "

Before he could speak, someone in the distance called out to Guo Li, "little Guo Zi? I heard that the new teacher here today is from Harvard general college and has rich experience. Don't make trouble today! "

"What's wrong with Harvard? It's not two shoulders and one head! " Then he also raised his head at Ding Yu, "brother, do you think so? By the way, what do you call it? "

All of them are very familiar, and Ding Yu is also smiling. At this time, some students came in one after another. Ding Yu looked at the watch on his hand and cleaned up the things on the table. Under Guo Li's gaze, he also stepped onto the position of the platform. Under the stage, Guo Li's eyes were just like the ball!

"I was asked what to call it? What about me? Ding Yu, Ding of a, B, C, D, feather, is a common name! " He helped the microphone on the podium and said, "I asked the director earlier what I would like to tell you about the specific courses? Even though, I may give you a few classes, so I decided to pour you some chicken soup. But you need to be careful. It may smell delicious, but how about it? Maybe it's poisonous chicken soup! "

"Xiao Guozi, do you know?"

Guo Li looked at Ding Yu, who was also growing up and shook his head. "I don't know him at all!" Then he also helped his chin with his hand. When Ding Yu didn't look at him, he also said in a low voice, "I thought it was from other colleges, so I chatted for a second. How could I know that he was the teacher over here! How young

"Let your mouth be cheap, and you will suffer a loss at once!"

Guo Li glared, and then put his eyes on the new teacher. Is this teacher so young? I'm afraid he will be in his twenties! With eyes slightly show that there are so some refined, just now did not feel too much, but now? Looking at it carefully, I found that the teacher seemed a little cold!

"What about the so-called great truth? It seems to be in the limitless exaltation oneself, but actually everybody's heart is afraid also don't think that! " Ding Yu's words also made Guo Li's face embarrassed. Just now, he said, what can happen to the Harvard general hospital? It's like a slap in the face!"And to be practical, doctor? It's a hard job. I think a lot of people before they go into the pit? I have never thought that this major will suffer to such an extent, and even many people will think about whether they will review high school again, and then enter another university. For everyone, it seems that it is not difficult! "

When talking, Ding Yu also paid attention to a look at the students below, "Guo Li, you are more active, at the beginning, you should have such an idea!" Looking at Guo Li's intention to stand up, Ding Yu also pressed his hand. This is a habit developed in foreign countries. Just sit and talk. There is no need to be so polite.

"Teacher, I was forced! My mother said that if you want to break my legs and feed me at home, or let me go to medical school, I really have no choice! It's all tears With Guo Li's expression, the crowd also laughed.

"Why did I go into the pit? My father was a doctor. At the beginning of the college entrance examination, he wanted me to be a military doctor. This has always been his expectation. However, I didn't become a military doctor, but I went to work as a soldier. I was quite disappointed with this. Later, after I retired, I understood some of my father's difficulties, so I studied medicine? I'm also a senior brother of you. After all, I've had a class here

Looking at the students who raised their hands, Ding Yu also pointed, "this classmate?"

"Good teacher, I'm Ouyang Ying. Do you regret being a doctor now? Do you feel very hard? "

"I didn't regret being a soldier or a doctor. What about the so-called hard work? I don't have any feelings. I feel happy. Well, it's time to call you chicken soup! What time do you get up and start sleeping

"Get up at six, and go to bed about ten to eleven!"

"I get up about four o'clock, and I go to bed at about twelve o'clock in the evening. Occasionally, when I work in the hospital, I basically don't eat at noon because I have to keep my energy and live on coffee. Sometimes I eat some other energy type things! So what does this mean? "

"Teacher!" Guo Li once again raised his hand, "so the teacher will achieve today's achievements!"

"You're just flattering. What about this? It explains two questions. You should keep your physical strength and energy all the time. The second one? You may not succeed if you try hard, but you will never succeed if you don't work hard. Especially in the profession of doctors, the standard is so harsh, but it's fair! "

"Teacher, how to maintain physical strength and energy, I feel that I don't get enough sleep every day! I wish I could have a hundred hours a day, which might be just enough! "

"How to read is your own problem. Some people rely on rote learning, others rely on practical combination. There are many kinds of ways and methods that I use are not suitable for you. Only when you feel suitable, it is the best and most applicable. As I said just now, I'm not here to give lectures, I'm here to give you chicken soup!"

"Teacher, how do you keep your energy and strength?" The following students are obviously attracted by Ding Yu!

"I get up at more than four o'clock in the morning to exercise, and I will have breakfast at about six o'clock. However, as a hint of friendship, this is a gradual process, which can start from the beginning of 30 minutes and gradually increase to 45 minutes to an hour. If you can persist in it for three months, you will begin to develop this habit!"

"Is this to maintain energy and strength?"

"It's too simple. This is just for the future. What about when you go to work? To be able to integrate into it as soon as possible, you need to go through the two processes of internship and internship. At this stage, you need to devote yourself to it. If you don't have enough physical strength, you will not be able to keep up with the progress! So it's about preparing for the future, but unfortunately, you've never noticed that! "

Some of the students below have really opened up the Western scenery to meet with many professors and experts in the college. However, there are not many people who tell them the truth in this respect. It's a bit open their own horizons!

"Are you from a family of traditional Chinese medicine?"

Seeing Ouyang Ying raise her hand, Ding Yu also nodded, "can you do Taijiquan?" Seeing Ouyang Ying shaking her head, Ding Yu didn't ask for anything. "If you don't like running or swimming, what about playing ball? It's also very good to practice traditional martial arts and posture. The space occupied is relatively small, and the effect of exercise is also good! "

"Teacher, why Taijiquan?" Because of Ding Yu's indulgence, everyone spoke enthusiastically.

"For personal reasons, what about me? He believes in Taoism, so he has a special preference for Taijiquan. What about Taijiquan? It's passed down after years of tempering. You don't necessarily need to master the connotation, but it's good to have a strong body! What's more, most of you are clinical oriented, but it's not bad to learn Chinese medicine! "

"Teacher, have you also studied traditional Chinese medicine?""There's a certain amount of research. What? Guo Li, do you want to try it? " Then Ding Yu also stirred up other students' emotions. "You seem to be expecting more about this. If you are so active, do I want to let you know and see? Do you have any opinions and ideas about this?"

Such an interesting teacher, of course, we will not let it go. What's more, we are looking forward to Guo Li's demonstration! Someone even started to pull their own voice!

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