Guo Lixian walked to the stage with pride, without any worry and fear, even a little excited, but an active character! Ding Yu also let Guo Li face a lot of students and give us a demonstration!

"Traditional Chinese medicine also pays attention to seeing, hearing and asking questions. A good Chinese medicine doctor can even diagnose a person's complexion, just like Guo Li's classmate. The complexion on of his face can show a very direct problem. Do you know what it is?"

The following people are also talking, Ding Yu also shook his head after hearing, "such a simple thing can not be seen, kidney qi alone strong!" When Ding Yu finished, all the people below were stunned. Then all of them burst into laughter. Guo Li also touched his head. This teacher was careful enough.

And this expression is also quite obscure, what is kidney qi alone strong, directly say that he is a virgin is not over? As for the expression is so obscure? But it's also good. I haven't lost face too much. If I'm called a virgin in the future, I can't hold on to it though I'm called a virgin in the future!

"Teacher, this shows that I am very healthy and have good living habits, isn't it?"

Ding Yu is also to pulse, the time is not very long, "the viscera problem is not very big, but from the pulse situation, you have the habit of light smoking, and there are some problems in your gallbladder, which should be caused by the problem that you don't eat breakfast very much. Your living habits are not as good as you think, go to bed late and get up late!"

"Teacher, isn't this true? Are you western medicine or traditional Chinese medicine Guo Li's mouth open boss, these are his own living habits, even if the familiar people are not so clear.

"I'm a doctor. It doesn't matter whether I am a traditional Chinese medicine or a western medicine. I want to get rid of the dross and take the essence. But it's a very difficult process, and it's also an endless process, because of people's energy? Is limited, not endless, this is particularly difficult to choose

He patted Guo Li on the shoulder twice and let him return to his position. "You are in school now. It's the most carefree and energetic time. Now you can give full play to yourself. When you come out of the campus and step into the work, you will find that you don't have so much time at all!"

"What about jobs, titles, and so on? You are not the main body of your life. You always need to get married and have a house, right? Do you have to have children after you get married? All kinds of forest, but also will put your passion and confidence all to wear out, in other words, will slowly be eliminated! Because there are more people who want to cross the bridge than they think

The people sitting at the bottom also have some sad feelings. The teacher's bowl of chicken soup seems to be poisonous.

Admit that no matter how much you are involved in the school, do you need to recognize a problem? Ouyang, how much have you invested in your studies and medicine? If your investment is less than 90% during the school period, then you are not a qualified graduate? It's my own judgment

At this time, some students raised their hands and said, "teacher, is it the same when you go to school?"

"What about my investment? More than 150% of them even set up a small organization for this. I am their number one enemy. In other words, I am their enemy. Not only in school, but also in sports and so on, we will beat our heads and bleed blood, but we will never tire of it

Ding Yu slowed down for a moment, "what about here? Let me ask you a question. What about your opponent? There? What about the core idea? Where is your competition? "

This word also let the atmosphere inside the teacher solidify all of a sudden, "you are in a very good school, take postgraduate entrance examination or even take the postgraduate entrance examination? It's not a problem. It's very simple. But do you want to learn something real, or do you want to use the so-called certificate as a stepping stone? "

"Teacher, it's very useful to knock on the door, isn't it?"

Looking at Guo Li who deliberately finds himself uncomfortable, Ding Yu doesn't mean to reprimand him. "Knocking on the door is useful, but it's just a knock on the door. If you have a knock on the door, it just means that you may knock on the door, but what happens after knocking on the door? What are you going to stand on? Is it what you learn in your heart? There are a lot of people who are crouching tigers, hiding dragons and so on. The people in front of you are just like the carp crossing the river, and the people behind are also in an endless stream. How do you deal with yourself and arrange yourself? "

"Teacher, your enemy should be behind you now?"

"It's an interesting topic. It's more or less related to my personal affairs, but what about it? It's a matter of course. What about my opponent? Now he's a very good friend. He hasn't left the business, but he can't take up the scalpel. If he handed me the scalpel in the operating room, I would hate him to be in the way! "

Naked, even some blood sparkling, but Ding Yu did not have any meaning to stop, "how about you? It's the same thing. Although we all study medicine now, will they all become doctors in the future? It's hard to say. The plan has not changed fast! ""Teacher, if we can, can we apply for your postgraduate

This also made everyone's spirit can't help but shake, everyone's eyes are looking at Ding Yu, "my doctor has not graduated, because my teacher is quite dissatisfied with my efforts, always feel that I sometimes have such a lazy, and do not wholeheartedly put all energy on the medical above!"

"Wow!" People are also a shock exclamation, "teacher, who is your doctoral teacher after all! I heard that you came out of Harvard general hospital. Are all the people there a big deal? "

"A slightly stubborn and paranoid old man can be accepted if it is in the normal life, but if it is in his team, then his requirements will make you feel that he is a paranoid. Although I feel that I have good experience and ability, in the whole team, if I really talk about it, I am only initially separated It's just a little brother! "

Ding Yu didn't raise himself infinitely and belittle others at the same time. It's meaningless!

"What's more, as Guo Li said just now, what can happen even if it comes from Harvard general college? This sounds like a breath, but I want to say, don't belittle yourself. The moon in foreign countries is not necessarily the roundest. Our country is also in the leading position in some disciplines, even hanging them! They come to our hospital to seek medical treatment, if you are interested, you can check by yourself, you will find a lot of interesting situation

"Teacher, as far as we know, it seems that many people like to go abroad!"

"How about going abroad? What about some people? They go to further study. What about some people? I want to give myself a refusal! Really speaking, we have quite different education with foreign countries, at least in the training of doctors, there are many problems, for these problems we need to face up to, not to avoid, not to force arguments, their training is quite systematic, we need to ensure that the top and bottom of the doctor is not different, on this issue our side There is a little gap

People are quite satisfied with Ding Yu's answer, because the teacher did not deny some aspects of the problem, but chose to face it squarely. This is also to let the students sitting below or in the rebellious period have a good impression, at least they agree with it!

"Teacher, how are you treated?"

When someone mentioned this sentence, people were also in an uproar. If it was in other classes, no one would ask questions like this. But because Ding Yu didn't care about it at all, everyone was reckless.

"My treatment? I have never asked about it. I have my own industry, including patent rights, etc., so I have donated all of my salary. However, I don't recommend that you do the same, because we all need to live, and all of my wages in the United States have been donated because it is very beneficial to taxation and other aspects Things are good, we are not gods, we can not eat or drink! "

"Teacher, are you married?" A female classmate is also quite bold, asked a very abrupt question.

"Ha ha, this problem is really sharp, but you don't have any chance. My two children have already gone to school. If you have the chance, you can let them see. But now it's very naughty, but it may be better than many of you in concentration!"

Lin Lin said a lot and looked at the time on his watch. "I've given you a lot of chicken soup, but is it delicious or poisonous? You go to taste by yourself! There will be an experiment class later. Let me see your technique. I hope you will perform well. I will give you some preparation time! "

Seeing that Ding Yu left the teacher, many people also had a burst of discussion. Soon, someone went over the wall to find out Ding Yu's information. There was a poor lack of domestic data. However, the doctors in Harvard general hospital clearly marked some of Ding Yu's conditions. Seeing the above introduction, people were also shocked.

"My God! Previously, I felt that this teacher Ding was wonderful. I didn't think it was really a God, and still such a big God? Isn't it terrible? Do you think Mr. Ding grew up on hormones? Is this too non-human? How can you be so successful at this age? "

"Xiaoguozi, you dare to say that Mr. Ding grew up on hormone. I don't think you want to live any more!" Ouyang Ying also snorted her little nose. It seemed that she suddenly remembered one thing. When her grandfather took herself to visit the old Dean during the Spring Festival, she seemed to mention Ding Yu.

If I remember correctly, it seems that a new building has been built in the hospital affiliated to the college, and the old Dean is also the leader. If I have heard correctly, it seems that this building and the equipment inside were built by Mr. Ding.

When you think of building a building in Jinghao, it's not as simple as buying a house in Beijing. It's not like you want to buy a huge amount of equipment! A little exaggeration!What Xiao Guozi said is right. It seems that Mr. Ding really grew up on hormone. I have read the information in the computer just now, so I don't mention the academic papers. What about patents? It's just by the way, but it's not a matter of talent that Mr. Ding is so young that he can make such achievements.

However, Ouyang Ying is really not ready to share these things. She has some selfish feelings. Some people have mentioned this issue earlier, that is, whether teacher Ding Yuding will lead graduate students. This is a very good opportunity. You should know that there are more wolves than meat! What about Mr. Ding Yu? Just one person!

Ding Yu did not take the lead to come to the classroom, because it was an experimental class, so the preparation was a little bit different. Ding Yu changed into a white coat and walked into the classroom, "it seems that everyone's spirit? All very good! Do you choose your own two assistants? I won't specify it! Show it later! "

Is Ouyang Ying chosen? There are so many normal, but Guo Li was also selected, which makes people have some incomprehensible. This guy gives people the feeling of being so cheap, but how about understanding it from another direction? He should have considerable popularity and ability! Only one aspect is not enough!

"Let me see your stitching skills!" Ding Yu is a simple sentence. After years of popularity, the people below also began to prepare. Because there are not so many people, Ding Yu can have a look at it. Everyone's technique is still skilled, but Ding Yu is standing in front of a slightly emaciated classmate!

For a long time, "what's your name?"

"Hello, Miss Ding. My name is Shen Mingzheng." The voice was not loud at all. When he spoke, he didn't dare to see Ding Yu. It gave people a feeling of being submissive. Ding Yu also nodded his head, "the speed is not fast, but the technique is very stable! The wiring is not beautiful, but the structure is good! "

It's rare to be able to say a few words. When we look at Shen Mingzheng, our eyes are quite different, but Ding Yu really didn't stay too much! "I just looked at your technique. I don't mention the speed, but can you really score more than 60 points? Ouyang Ying was the last one. The best one is Shen Mingzheng. If he is assessed, I will give him 70 points. I didn't follow the book and adjust measures to local conditions. "

"And Guo Li, I gave you a score of 40 points. Your hand is very stable and fast, but it is too impetuous. Obviously, you don't pay attention to the training in this aspect. Do you have talent? It's a good thing, but no one likes a smart man! "

Two claps of hands attracted everyone's attention. Ding Yu also picked up tools such as sewing and sewing. Other students may need 10 minutes, but Ding Yu finished in less than three minutes. The work of stitching, threading and so on is completely orderly, but after watching, it is also enjoyable.

"Surgery emphasizes stability, accuracy and ruthlessness, especially the stability and accuracy of words, which is particularly important. Don't be careless. If you have time, don't think about singing, dancing, reading novels, or even eating, drinking and playing, and practice more. Here we refer to the students who want to make progress, because those who don't want to make progress can only be eliminated in the end!"

If Ding Yu gave us chicken soup in the previous class, then in this experimental class, he directly knocked down the dust of these so-called favored children of heaven. The criticism was worthless. There were not many people who could get into Ding Yu's eye, and even let us not have too much confidence!

Looking at the expression of people's loss, Ding Yu also gave everyone a piece of honey when he was about to finish class, "I was in the hospital recently? Maybe it's good to stay for a while and give you a chance to prove yourself to me. It doesn't matter what kind of means you use. I will leave my email as long as you send it to me! "

They were already quite lost. Their eyes brightened up at this time, "but you'd better be careful and don't send any messy things to my mailbox. Otherwise, there will be consequences. I think you don't want to know!"

However, before leaving, Ding Yu personally cleaned up the things on the table, meticulous, did not use his two assistants, the students below are also very clear.

"Our teacher Ding is really exemplary." When Guo Li finished class, he also said with a sigh, "if the school asks for more times, I'm afraid our interest will be greatly increased. Don't we just copy the book?"

Ouyang Ying also snorted, "I think it's very beautiful. Who is Mr. Ding? I'm afraid the school has entrusted a lot of favor to us this time. I'm afraid it's a lucky star to be able to give us a few lessons. You still want to have a long and prosperous future in Sichuan."

"Well, what do you mean? But what are you thinking about? I'm quite interested in this. I should be able to learn a lot from Mr. Ding, but I don't know if there will be such a chance! "

People are also a burst of silence, although everyone did not say, but the heart is also have their own ideas."How about it? My teacher of dingda, there are many good students in it, right? "

"I knew you must have this idea, Dean!" Ding Yu also shook his head. "I gave them a chance to show the best things, and then gave them a chance to practice! Anyway, it depends on their own performance. Relatively speaking, I am willing to give them a fair chance! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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