After the conversation, Ding Yu just came out, and Jin handed his mobile phone to Ding Yu. "Sir, there was a little girl named Xu Linlin who called you. In my impression, there was no such person, but he said that he was the niece of the old ghost. Her aunt gave him this call when he came to Beijing!"

"Sister in law's niece?" Ding Yu also asked subconsciously, "I haven't heard of it before, but my sister-in-law is also there. I let her come to the capital with her children when she has time, even if it is to come and have a look! Always push away, no time! Too polite

Seeing that Ding Yu had no other opinions, Jin then went on to say, "the little girl seems to have encountered some things. The meaning of calling seems to be more trouble. I just let people go!"

"There's nothing wrong with it anyway. Let's drive there!" When she got on the bus, Ding Yu asked subconsciously, "what's your job now, little girl? How many years have you been in Beijing? "

"Still in school!" Kim also Tucao a sentence, and then make complaints about Ding Yu.

Ding Yu's expression was also a little surprised, and then stood up his shoulder. It was not very possible to get the phone call from other places. What's more, she had already said when she called that she was the old ghost's niece. Since her sister-in-law could give her this call, she believed the little girl very much.

"School? What school? Since it's the school, how can there be any trouble? " Although Ding Yu said it seemed that some of them didn't care much about it, but he also lived in the school. At that time, he was not forced to take part in the college entrance examination. Sometimes? School is also a place that affects people's life!


"From Nortel, where did Ding Ding come from?" Ding Yu also called a smart, "where Ding Ding seems to be more familiar than I am, if not, let Ding Ding make a phone call!"

"Not from beipost, but from Beidian, Beijing Film Academy!" As for Mr. Jin's dullness, Jin is also helpless. Fortunately, he still has some knowledge of the capital. It really makes people wonder whether he will find the wrong door if he asks him to go alone. There is such a possibility!

"Nortel? Actors? " What did you learn? It doesn't matter. Go and have a look! On the way to the school, Jin also made a phone call. Not far from the school gate, the car had just stopped for a short time. After making a phone call, he saw three little girls trotting along!

Jin glanced at the girl in the middle, "Xu Linlin!" Seeing the girl nodding, she also frowned, because her husband was sitting in an Audi, and the space of the car was a little small. At this time, Ding Yu also stepped down from the car, "Sir, this is Xu Linlin!"

Ding Yu looked at the little girl in front of her. She seemed to have some impression, but not so deep, "the old ghost is your uncle! I seem to have met you, but I'm not so impressed! "

"Hello, uncle Ding. I'm sorry to trouble you."

"Get in the car!" Ding Yu didn't say too much, but Jin whispered something in his ear. Soon, a business car came up behind him. Jin helped open the door. Originally, he was a guard behind him, but now there are special circumstances, so they let out a car.

Xu Linlin hesitated for a moment, but still got on the business car. Her aunt told her that if there was any problem, she could make this call. But when she called, uncle Ding didn't answer it. She didn't have any hope. But she didn't think that uncle Ding came in person.

Ding Yu with three girls came to a good hotel, "all sit!" The room is not very big. Jin checked it before. Ding Yu sat down and ordered. If you asked the three of them to order, I'm afraid some of them would not be able to let go. Xu Linlin looked at Ding Yu in fear.

"What happened?" After ordering the dishes, Ding Yu inquired and said, "are you in such a hurry?"

"Uncle Ding, I agreed to shoot a TV series earlier, and the contract has been signed! But when I didn't want to come back, they framed me for saying that a camera was lost, and that the script and other things were also lost. We made a record earlier, but we really didn't take the things! "

"What's the other side's request?" Ding Yu poured tea slowly.

"I need my first three years of film and television contracts,..." Lin Lin said a lot of things. At this time, Ding Yu had already heard it very clearly. He took a look at Xu Linlin's eyes.

"I already know about it, but before I ask about it? I need to ask some questions. Are you alone? Or the three of you together. Just now you said that we had taken notes together, which made me confused! "

"It's the three of us!"

"Did you not touch these things?" When talking, Ding Yu said that he didn't care, but he also took a look. When he saw three people shaking their heads, Ding Yu also slightly nodded his head, "give the party a call! Tell them the location and ask them to have a meal"Uncle, we really didn't take the things, let alone the camera, we didn't even see the shadow of the script!"

"I know!" Ding Yu also snorted coldly, "bully you are children! Come on, call! I want to see what is sacred! It's so big, and you're playing such a trick! "

After the phone was connected, there was also a strange voice. Xu Linlin shook her head at Ding Yu, and Ding Yu stretched out her hand. Xu Linlin respectfully handed over the phone, "what's in the phone? Maybe I can't tell you clearly. I'm the elder of Linlin. Since something happened to the child, come and talk about it! "

"If you don't pull up the crotch, you will be exposed as a grandson. I will tell you to ask her to come and sign. Otherwise

"What if not?" Ding Yu's voice did not change much. "You just think you have something to do with it, don't you? You think you are very good in the capital. If Linlin really takes your things, I'll compensate you 100 times. If he doesn't take your things, I need a statement. Just now Linlin has given you your address, I'll give you 30 minutes to roll over! "

After saying that, Ding Yu also hung up the phone, "eat! It's no big deal. It's a bit too mean! "

There was not a few minutes for the meal to be served. The door was pushed aside abruptly. The waiter at the door could not stop him. Ding Yu nodded to the waiter, "OK, there is nothing you can do here!"

Looking at the several people who came in, Xu Linlin and others were still afraid, Qi Qi ran, and Ding Yu paid attention to the people who came in and pointed to the position beside them, "sit down! I'm the elder of Linlin. Let's talk about something! "

"Oh, it looks good! Little white face

Ding Yu held the tea cup in her hand and narrowed her eyes slightly, "what do you do? All need to have a limit, it seems that you are really a person without bottom line! So it must not be good enough today! "

"Good? Of course, they stole our two Lycra cameras, and our script was leaked. The loss caused by this is huge! The company has charged them, and the police have filed a case. All the evidence proves that they stole things! "

"We didn't steal at all!" Xu Linlin also said angrily.

At this time, Xu Linlin also stood up, and Ding Yu pacified her hand and pressed her hand, "if you say you steal it, you steal it. How about playing with it? Some of them have broken through the hidden rules. I'll give you a chance to make things clear, because what's the cost? It's something that you and the people or forces behind you can't afford, understand? "

Cha? The person who came here was also a big stab, sitting in front of Ding Yu, "I didn't expect that Xu Linlin could still find the gold master, boy, and the capital city? You can't just hang around, you know? I haven't spoken yet. You dare to threaten me. I thought things could be settled peacefully. It seems that this time I really have to worry about it! "

The attitude should be more arrogant. Ding Yu nodded her head slightly, "are you sure? You should know that some things can't be regretted. It doesn't mean that you can solve the problem by crying bitterly afterwards! "

Seeing the disdainful attitude of the visitors, Ding Yu sighed, "when you go to see the king of hell, ask him to say hello. I sent many people to hell, because many of them are like you and never believe in evil! be it so! Since there is no room for discussion, it depends on whose ability is great! If the thing is really Linlin took, then easy to do! I compensate a hundred times the loss, send her to squat class, if she does not take things, I send you to hell, including the people behind you! I said it! As for whether it can be done or not, you can watch it! "

Ding Yu immediately also made a finger ring, and Jin did not know where to drill out. When he came to Ding Yu, he also bowed slightly, "sir!" How respectful your attitude is!

"Go and have a look at the record!" Ding Yu also ordered, "there is an application for the public security department to investigate and see if there is anything fishy in it. Go and bring all the people here. Everyone, since some people want to die, and the pits have been dug, we should be willing to bury them, right?"

"Yes, sir!" Jin went out without hesitation. Ding Yu took a sip of tea and said, "go back! Be prepared to prepare for your own affairs. If you have anything to account for, you will have no chance to save. By the way, tell the people behind you that you've messed up. What about me? Call Ding Yu and let him come to see me. I'll see what's sacred! "

"Just you?"

"Yes, just me!" Ding Yu looked at his watch and said, "I'm waiting here!" Then Ding Yu waved his hand to Xu Linlin, "OK, what about your business? It's over. Go back to class and study well! Pay attention to some lessons later

"Uncle Ding!" Xu Linlin is still not a little worried! Because after all, things are caused by themselves."You are the niece of the old ghost, and you have also encountered such a thing. If I am not in the capital city, I have not encountered such a thing. Since I have encountered it, I can't sit back and ignore it. By the way, give me a call when you come home from the holiday, and I'll bring some things for my sister-in-law and the children! " Wave, let Xu Linlin and them leave!

"Linlin, which of your uncles is so handsome?" A girl who came along, when she left, her eyes were all misty. It was obvious that Ding Yu's performance in it had already made the little girl totally intoxicated!

"Don't think about it. My uncle has two children already!"

"So what? Linlin, it's too late for you to please me now. I'll be your aunt at that time. You don't even have a chance to cry! " It's just a joke, but on the other hand, it's a bit careless.

Ding Yu's waiting time in the private room was not very long. When he saw the visitors, his eyelids didn't mean to lift up. He just sat there and drank tea, "Yu Shao!" This is obviously a little different from the previous yellow hair!

When I received the phone call, this one was really scared to pee pants. She was just a little girl. How could she get involved with Ding Yu? Is there such a fantasy? In their own want to a girl, is a good appearance, whether it is the home situation, or other places mediocre can.

Just give her some so-called little tricks, let her know the society in advance, it seems that there are not too many disadvantages, let alone even if something happened, is there any injustice in the capital? But there thought that is such a small matter, unexpectedly led Ding Yu out.

Seeing Ding Yu's indifference, this one also waved his hand towards the back. The little yellow hair who had been shouting with Ding Yu was dragged in. Although he said that it was only after a little time, he could not see that he was a person. "Yu Shao, if you have any words, just tell me!"

"How dare I command?" Ding Yu snorted, "it seems that there is no lack of doing so much pickling! How did this interest come about? " Ding Yu's manner of speaking is not salty, but the people standing in front of him are all wet. He is really afraid! What about the others? Maybe it doesn't matter. I will find some relationship to settle it.

But if you provoke Ding Yu, don't look for any other relationship. Even if you look for it yourself, after hearing such a thing, maybe your backer will be destroyed by yourself! No doubt about it! This is the most untouchable existence in the capital!

Oneself is really blind, bubble other little girl not good? I have to find death by myself. I want to know how many people are rushing to me. But I just like to die. I have this relationship. You should say it earlier! Pockmarks are not pockmarks, they are pits!

"Yu Shao, I know I'm wrong!" "Seeing that Ding Yu still doesn't mean to make a statement, this one also feels that his knee is a little soft, but he is also aware that he should not kneel down now. After kneeling down, Ding Yu will be disgusted.

"Yu Shao, do you think this is OK? All the people involved in this matter have one sentence to be sentenced, and those who should be legally responsible should be legally responsible. How about me? I will surrender myself in person and account for all the problems, no matter in 10 years, 8 years, or 3 years or 5 years, I will accept that as for Linlin, I am responsible for compensation! She must be satisfied! "

"And then? That's how it's settled? "

It is obvious that Ding Yu is not so satisfied with this. If you say a few words casually, I will let you leave. How can I trust my sister-in-law? You should know that Linlin is just a little girl. If something happens, it will be a lifetime thing. I'm afraid I can't face my sister-in-law at that time.

Hesitated for a moment, looked at the wine bottle on the table, directly poured on his head, the blood on his head DC, but looked at Ding Yu's indifferent attitude. He also put his hand across the table. Without any hesitation, he picked up the bottle and smashed it down. His forearm was also bent into a right angle. He couldn't hold on to it. Then he knelt down on the table. You know, it was his arm that broke.

"If you don't have a good way, you have to come to these evil ways! Wipe your ass clean! Otherwise, I'll let you eat for yourself! Do you understand? "

Ding Yu snorted and then stood up. As for the people lying on the ground and standing outside, Ding Yu really didn't have much interest. I believe someone will deal with it later!

After seeing Ding Yu go, the one who kneels on the ground directly lies on the ground. Fortunately, he is cruel this time, and then frankly admits his mistakes in front of Ding Yu. Otherwise, what will happen? It's really chilly.

But looking at the little yellow hair lying next to him, he also snorted, "go to the hospital, and these assholes, let them take them for me. When my arm is ready, I need to know how it happened?! It doesn't seem to be the way I told you! "

At this time, I can't stand up at all. One is that the arm is too painful, and the pressure given by Ding Yu is also very big. Damn it, is he regarded as a disaster free? I'm just interested in Linlin and want to do something about it, but I don't seem to have any other problems and situations? The following people even delete their own meaning! I will never forgive , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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