Ding Yu quickly and simply dealt with this matter, and from the above situation, it seems that it is really over, because both sides have reached an agreement, but some aspects really have other views on this matter!

He has not been out since he came back from the Chinese New Year. He has always stayed in China. From the common sense, there are no problems and conditions. But what about this guy staying in China? Staying in the shadow corner like this really makes people worry. This guy is a non barking dog now.

Always let this guy squat seems not so a thing, even if it is not able to take the initiative to let him have action, but also need to let him passively accept, absolutely can't let him too idle, because once this guy is free, then it's his turn to have problems! It can't be tolerated!

So this thing is really an opportunity. Isn't Gong Yi's arm broken? Just use this to talk to him about this. Ding Yu broke his arm. This matter can go through the procedure! And there are so many witnesses on the scene that they don't even need to look for them deliberately.

Gong Yi did the operation the next day, and didn't deal with it on the same day. It wasn't that the hospital refused to give up, but there were some other considerations. It seemed that there was something wrong with talking about such things with Gong Yi in person during the operation. So it was also the day after the surgery that he woke up and came to see him with a gift.

It's just a broken arm. It's not a big deal. To say it's like picking up a life. It's better to do it by yourself than by Ding Yu. If Ding Yu does it, who knows what kind of situation it will be. Gong Yi doesn't dare to have any guarantee! I dare not even think about it!

However, before Gong Yi had any plans, someone came to the door, "Xiaogong, I heard that her arm was interrupted. Why didn't you call the police? This is not good. Do you still need to trust the people's police?! Isn't it? "

Gong Yi, sitting on the bed, looks at the visitors with a smile. If the younger generation goes to see the elder, this should be divided. But if you are an elder to visit your younger generation, even your position is almost the same as that of your father, it will be strange to visit yourself at this time!

What's more, he has understood his words more or less. He hopes to pull out the broken arm. Is NIMA kidding himself? Gong Yi's heart is also a burst of cold hum, if not their own willing, will personally break their arms? That's your arm.

Why do you want to do this is to thoroughly solve all the problems and troubles. Ding Yu is the best to be able to hold his hand high. After knowing that Ding Yu has been provoked, he really has no other ideas. The existence that the capital can not provoke is absolutely not a joke.

What if Ding Yu is unreasonable? You may not be so afraid, but Ding Yu is the most reasonable person, and he does not mix in the circle of 49 cities. Do you want to communicate with him? It's almost impossible.

Although he is the last one to be provoked by 49 cities, the distance between them is too far, and what about this guy? It's a dead house. What about Gong Yi himself? It's really death. I have to play tricks on a little girl, and I haven't thought that this little girl can get involved with Ding Yu.

After knowing about the matter, Gong Yi immediately expressed his attitude, confessed to his mistakes, apologized, and everything was in an orderly manner. Ding Yu only gave himself a small punishment, and stopped.

Gong Yi really didn't have any hatred for this, and even had some small gratitude in his heart. Ding Yu had to pay a price if he did something wrong, so he broke his arm.

But now some people still want to pick up this matter. What does that mean? One of my arms is broken, so I want the other arm to be broken, right? In the face of Ding Yu, I have some worries, even fear. But do you face the people in front of you? It's another thing.

"I'm worried. I broke my arm because I was careless when I was drinking. In fact, it's not a big deal. Sometimes people drink cold water to plug their teeth and fart to hit their heels. It's very normal."

Gong Yi also shows his attitude directly. I don't know what you mean, and I don't want to know, but I certainly don't want to find trouble in this respect. If something happens, it will be me who will die. You know that person is Ding Yu, not a good stubble.

"Xiaogong, you are interfering with justice by doing so!"

"Is it?" Gong Yi also said with a smile, "I'm such a jerk. At the beginning, my father said that I was not sensible when I was young, so I made a lot of mistakes. When I have time, I really should admit my problems. After all, if I make mistakes, I need to be punished!"There is no change in Gong Yi's face. You can feel it from Gong Yi's words. He has no complaints about Ding Yu. Why? Why? Should still be afraid of Ding Yu caused! Now even if it is his own appearance, but also can not eliminate his idea in this respect.

Even I can conclude that the ideas in Gong Yi's heart have been deeply rooted, yes! Who is Ding Yu? What kind of person is Gong Yi? They are not at the same level with each other. Ding Yu didn't fight against each other. Gong Yi didn't get angry when he got such a lesson. On the contrary, he was so complacent. After all, he broke free from Ding Yu's hands.

Under such circumstances, why bother Ding Yu? Isn't it typical to get yourself into trouble?

Therefore, Gong Yi's attitude is very firm. You have ideas about this matter, no problem, but don't ask me. I will never compete with Ding Yu. The gain outweighs the loss. Previously, it was my lucky star to be able to break free from Ding Yu's hand, but it doesn't mean that he can break free from Ding Yu's hand every time.

In the face of Gong Yi's situation, there is really no way to come to the police. Gong Yi doesn't mean to call the police. If you say that he has beaten someone and detained him with this matter, it seems that there are some people who can't be justified, let alone those who have been beaten? There is no intention of calling the police!

At the end of the visit, Gong Yi also took out his phone. All the people in the room were turned out. However, it took a little time for the phone to be connected. Moreover, it was not Ding Yu's voice. When Ding Yu called back, it was already two hours later!

"I went to the class just now! It's a little bit of a delay! " Ding Yu's tone does not have any haughty meaning. What about Gong Yi? It has also been solved. It is not necessary to ridicule him because of this. "What's the matter?"

Don't mention that Ding Yu's tone makes Gong Yi listen, and his heart is also extremely comfortable. "Yu Shao, it's like this. Earlier, someone came to me and mentioned what happened. In fact, I bumped my arm and had nothing to do with other people, but some people seem to be pestering me!"

So, Ding Yu understood it, so he also said with a smile, "so persistent?"

"I don't know how it happened. Who came? Still hanging the identity of the police, I do not have too many ways! But I have already indicated my attitude, and there is Linlin. I have sent people to apologize to them. I believe they will show themselves well! "

The resources in his hand are given to other people, and Xu Linlin is also given. What's more, he can play a good relationship with Ding Yu. Although he said that he broke an arm, he just broke his arm, but he was not cut off an arm. It's no big deal. Gong Yi is really open about this!

"I know about it!" Ding Yu immediately also put down the phone, but also to grasp a little time, these guys still have some perseverance! Look, this means that you want to drag yourself into the whirlpool so that you can't get out of it. Are you really worried and afraid of yourself, or are there other reasons?

When Ding Yu was thinking, there was a cough nearby. Then he saw Guo Li come to Ding Yu with a smile on his face. "Mr. Ding, all the students are worried. Let me come and ask. Anyway, my skin is thick enough."

Looking at Guo Li's appearance, Ding Yu also snorted, "how? They're all moving. Think carefully? "

"No, it's just that people feel so nervous in their hearts that they're all nervous now!" Looking at the expression on teacher Ding Yu's face, Guo Li also had a smile on his face in his hand. "Teacher, do you want to give us some clear information! You know, we are still students, and we have not entered the society! "

"You're clever enough, or else! I'll open a back door for you

"Teacher, don't, don't, I'll be swallowed up by everyone!"

Ding Yu looked at Guo Li and nodded. Although he said that he was a little bit cheap, his emotional intelligence was quite good. You should know that he said to open a back door for him, which was a step ahead for a group of people. He could not not not hear the meaning of the words, but he refused it in a rather tactful way! This point is really good for Ding Yu.

"The application from the school has come down. I will take you to the hospital for an internship. I can't tell you how long it will take. In this process, slowly eliminate it! I will give you a fair environment and try my best to let you play your part. As for what kind of results you will get, it depends on your own! "

"Really?" Guo Li also has so many uncontrollable, if not Ding Yu face-to-face, perhaps Guo Li has jumped up, "thank you teacher Ding!" Then there was a big bow.

What about your character? It's not suitable to be my assistant. Let them choose a monitor to be responsible for the coordination and work between you. As for you? Be a runner! That's how it works! "Ignoring Guo Li, Ding Yu also left school. When he went back, Ding Yu also took a look at Jin beside him. "Some people seem to be so reluctant to me. Do you want to drag me into the water? It doesn't seem to do any good! "

"Sir, do you think they will jump over the wall in a hurry?" Jin's worry is not unreasonable. After all, such things happened, and the situation was very urgent at that time. Although Mr. Zhang didn't have too many problems, he also had considerable losses at home. What's more, things happened in Beijing!

"Things like dog leaping over the wall will not happen in the near future. They just want to hold me back. What if they do to me? Not likely! Because I don't have the official status above, so we are not so afraid of me. It's mainly because the contradiction between them is a little bit big, but is this really a good time for them? Even so blatantly mentioning this matter with Gong Yi is to let me know! "

The thing is too bright, Gong Yi just finished the operation and went to the door. He told Ding Yu that someone had been watching Ding Yu, but would Ding Yu be afraid of this? I really don't know if these guys have water in their heads. Now I don't know if they should be restrained!

But Ding Yu really does not have much time to deal with all this, because of the prism door thing? It's imminent! At this time, the personnel had arrived in Hong Kong. Looking at the news, Ding Yu sighed.

Going to Hong Kong in person? It's an unlikely thing. It has caused too much noise, but some things really need to be explained. So Ding Yu also sent a message to Xiang Shi, asking him to find a safe line to call.

"Hello, Yu Shao!" When Xiang Shi receives a message from someone to deliver to him, his heart is also a thump. Why? Because the man who came to him, he came to his own place, whispered a word in his ear, and then disappeared!

Therefore, Xiang Shi also found a safe place to call Ding Yu by satellite phone deliberately. It must be very important for Ding Yu to pay so much attention to it. Recently, the anti-corruption storm in the mainland has become increasingly severe. Is it related to this aspect? You should know that you also have a great deal to do with it.

"Brother ten, I need you to do something. It's inconvenient for me to come to Hong Kong in person. It involves too much. I hope you don't come out personally. I'll arrange someone to go there. You are responsible for receiving. After all, you are familiar with the situation there. If necessary, only you can have such channels!"

"Yu Shao, you can say that, I have nothing else to do with ten, the first loyalty!"

"It's too much to do. I'll cover all the expenses. Besides, I'll give you 100 million yuan."

Xiang Shi is very clear about what Ding Yu means. Besides spending, how about 100 million yuan? It's for sealing! "Yu Shao, I think ten is not such a person. You know this best. I can't...."

"You can't bear the responsibility in vain. As long as you have prepared the channel, you can leave when necessary. This is what I said. However, it is necessary to ensure the safety of the party concerned. This is the most important thing. What about the outside information and situation? You need to be in control of your own hands, and I will be responsible for the internal problems! "

"Maybe I can use it, maybe I can't use it, but I need to be prepared for it!"

"I'm in charge of it myself, and I don't want anyone else to interfere." Xiang Shi also promised Ding Yu that, for himself, the relationship with Ding Yu has been very good, but there is no further development. Why? It's not because of the lack of name, but now the opportunity comes!

Since this opportunity fell on their own head, then they need to seize this opportunity, absolutely can not let the opportunity slip away! From Ding Yu's account, it must be quite important and dangerous, but risks and opportunities coexist. How much risk there is, how much return!

"Yu Shao, don't worry!" This is the most sincere guarantee to ten!

"If I don't worry about it, I won't look for you!" Ding Yu also laughed, "what about this time? There is a bit of investment in this area at home. You will have a share of ten brothers as much as you earn. Don't be disgusted with ten brothers! "

After putting down the phone, Ding Yu also explained to Jin, "this time, you are in charge of this matter. You are an expert in this field. Protect the safety of this guy, but neither you nor I can appear in Hong Kong. Besides, I will call the great emperor to reveal the information in this respect."

"Yes! I'll take care of it immediately! "

Ding Yu called sun Yingnan for the first time. She knew about the prism plan. Now that people have arrived in Hong Kong, it means that this incident is about to break out. She needs to let Yingnan know about this, that is to say, how about drinking soup? It's about to start!

I didn't get involved in the whole plan, but there's nothing wrong with having a sip of soup? Of course, it would be better to eat a few more pieces of meat in the process, but what about these? Let Ding Yu control it by himself. It's too difficult for Ding Yu. It's not the material at all.Professional things or let professional people to deal with it! Ding Yu is in charge of this matter as a whole!

Sun Yingnan, Lily and sun Yingnan, including Dashan and others, are also rubbing their hands at this time. This is the first action that we all unite. What matters is the mutual union between them. Ding Yu must not be disappointed!

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