When old Peyton woke up in the morning, he learned the news. When he knew that the blood collection failed again, he also slapped the table heavily to express his anger. Are these guys really eating for nothing? Every time it's like this, isn't it?

"What about people?" If you suppress your anger, if you fail to collect blood, you will fail. It's not a big deal. Anyway, there are other people, and whether important people have problems. This is the most important thing.

"Sir, according to the report sent, the life index is still normal, but in the process, the heart beat violently, and the operation has been completed, but the person is still in the process of coma. However, the whole image data has been sent. I have a look at it, and it is obviously different from the ordinary treatment!"

Old Peyton didn't care to eat. He ate less and was still hungry. He was more concerned about the situation of the staff. What happened?

The same old Peyton is also very clear, Ding Yu now to start, from the timing above, is really right, prism door thing? Ding Yu is just mixing the muddy water. He is not the main criminal! So don't target him! He is to transmit such a concept to himself, it is also deceitful enough!

Soon the projector was turned on, and there was no one in the room except the assistant standing behind old Peyton.

There is a cup of boiled water instead of coffee on the table in front of me. After reading the video materials, I really feel that I am not quite used to it. Mr. Peyton is very old. Although he knows a lot about many problems, he still needs to be considered as an assistant!

The time of the image is a little bit longer, while the old Peyton is attentive to observe. When he sees the blood vessels springing up, he also shakes his hand. The whole person is also a little nervous. When the blood burst out, he can see the situation of the people in the room.

The old Peyton also raised his hand, and the assistant in the back stopped the picture for the first time. Obviously, he was very attentive and did not show any distracted performance!

"What is the situation? I haven't seen it before! "

"I heard about the details! At that time, the taste of blood was too special and strong, which led to other syncope states of the participants, so that the ventilation system was turned on before it was better. This is also the main reason why the blood was not collected at the first time! "

Looking at the blood on the screen? Why do you feel like sewage sludge? Even if you look at it from a distance, there are some people who can't accept it, and feel that there are some convulsions in the stomach, "other situations are all ok?"

"The situation tends to be stable. The medical staff have already checked it. The problems are not so big. There are still a lot of staff there, so you can have a little rest! Dr. Ding's condition is not so good. I'm afraid he needs quite a rest time! " The assistant also explained with great care.

"This fellow! It's really nothing to say Old Peyton snorted. He had asked Ding Yu a long time ago, but what happened? Although Ding Yu promised to come down, but has not been too much action, his previous time really has so some do not understand.

But now I understand, but things have happened, even if I want to say something, there is no meaning, so it's better to push the boat along the river, in this way, everyone's face will look better!

What's more, this matter? Each other is already sitting together, although the concept of everyone is so different, but now this situation, we really do not need to fight each other.

What's more, this matter? This is the problem on our side. Of course, Boston's counterattack is a little excessive, but what about this method? It also makes people have nothing to say. Now we all need to sit down and think about it. As for those who carry the black pot? The president, of course.

It seems that Ding Yu is already in operation for the follow-up processing. There are not many people who will care about the process. Now we need a result. Old Peyton really means that Ding Yu looks at him differently. This guy! It's really quite smart!

If I could have asked one or two questions before, but now that he has made a move, he can't mention anything again, because mentioning has no effect, on the contrary, it will make the relationship between each other quite embarrassing!

It is said that people are in Hong Kong now, but the sky is high and the emperor is far away, and what about the United States? There is no way to be sure that people are in Hong Kong. Once there is any problem or situation, it is easy to be seized by the Chinese side. In this way, it will be very difficult to deal with it. No one will touch China until it is absolutely necessary!

What's more, why people are in Hong Kong? Can't the situation explain the problem? What is Hong Kong? It's different from mainland China, but it's one of Ding Yu's back gardens? If you make trouble in such a place, if you don't offend China, you will easily offend Ding Yu. It's hard to please!Maybe the government will send so-called secret agents, but it is just to find the face. As for whether we can find this scene, it is not really regarded by people. Anyway, old Patton is not very optimistic about this matter! Let it go with the wind!

As for the government affairs, it is irrelevant to what Ding Yu should do. Anyway, there will be no big movement. The US government will not let the matter make a big noise. At the same time, China will not let the matter make a big move. In such a case, what can we do?

Ding Yu returned to his residence, and looked at the appearance of two little guys jumping, and twisted their mouth. Their whole spirit is on the little four eyes now. They are really tired. So the two children say hello, Dingyu also has such a blind eye meaning!

"Dad, drink water!" Maybe I feel my dad is wrong. Two little guys come here with water cup at the first time. But Dingyu looks at the dog hair on their clothes, and sighs helplessly. It really feels like there is no words!

"If you do, don't be diligent without any business!" Dingyu put the water aside. "Today, the patient was treated, so it was a little tired. But I just read your teacher's wechat. I can't say your teacher is praising you? It's hard to define it if you want to criticize you. "

"Dad, we didn't mess up?" The little girl also said with a face of indignation.

My daughter! Is it a bold Lord, as for the son? How to put it? Belong to the role of the badminton fan, two people such as the main together, is the role of the great chaos heaven palace, school? Maybe no one else can hold them down except teachers!

Even in the United States, they are "dominating the king". When they come back, they thought they could stop some. Now, it is not like this, but what about their real mischief? Still really even if not, so the teacher may also be really helpless, to send themselves very special wechat.

"I don't know your little trick yet? Today, such hospitality is really not much! " Dingyu looked at the tea water. "First, don't say where the tea is from. I said your courage is too big? I said that the protein of the green worm is rich, but you don't have to scare children, right

"And if you don't eat it, you just make a little joke!" The little girl is obviously also a little dissatisfied, "who knows they are so timid, and so big, even know to cry! No courage! "

"I don't want to preach you, but you know, what about you two? It's not the same as the education children in school are given, but what about this? It's not your limit. Don't just see their shortcomings, but also see their flash points. That's what we want you to come back to! "

"It's hard to find out, it's a bunch of little farts!"

"You are in my eyes, and there seems to be no much difference with the little fart!" Dingyu is patient, "what about the problem? It is not a big problem in your eyes, but it is undeniable that it has caused certain harm to other children. You should know that you are not an opponent, not an enemy! "

OK! We'll go and apologize to the children tomorrow! "

"I hope you really realize your mistakes!" Dingyu said this, also is very serious warning, two children also drum their own small face, they get along with their father, naturally also know father's temper, since so serious talk to them, also explained quite a problem.

Seeing his father is really tired, two people also did not continue to disturb Dingyu, Dingyu looked at the two children left, but also very helpless shake their heads, to know the children in the school? They are not the same age, is education too much before, or do you have so many too take it for granted?

Dingyu didn't eat too much at night, so he went to rest early. It wasn't that he was dissatisfied with the two children. Dingyu would not spread her emotions to two children. They also knew that his father was busy working. After eating, she was also responsible for it.

When you get up the next morning, you apologize to your father with respect. "Well, since you have realized your mistakes, you should try to correct them. Don't say it is one thing in your mouth. How to do it is another thing. My heart is different. That would be very bad!"

"Dad, grandma said that if you have nothing to do today, go to her for dinner at night, and have a holiday tomorrow!" After exercise, two small also thought of what, Dingyu a, very understand that his father to find themselves, but such things really know, is it useful? It's hard to say!

Now, it is a paragraph. It really needs to be sorted out again. It seems that there is no need for this aspect? But Dingyu did not mean to be embarrassed by the two children. He ordered his head. There was no other words. Obviously, he didn't wake up from exhaustion.During the whole morning, Ding Yu stayed in the courtyard, without any intention of going out. On the contrary, someone wanted to come and visit Ding Yu. However, the housekeeper's attitude was very tough, and he needed a rest, which was inconvenient!

There are so some stiff, but it is really helpless. Although Yu Mingyue said that she made a phone call in person, she didn't have any other role. Ding Yu didn't see herself at this time, and even other aspects didn't mean to see. It's the gate of the courtyard! It's really not an easy thing to knock on it!

"Sir, the man has been transferred and has gone directly to Russia!"

Ding Yu slightly pointed his head to Kim, "do not let the Hong Kong government departments too difficult to do, people have left, can't let them continue to be passive, just tell them, let alone people have left, previously did not know this information, do not know the innocent, right?"

The method is very rogue, but at least it is also a way to deal with the outside world. All aspects are acceptable. People have left the port city. Even if we want to grasp it, we have nothing to do. There are some shirking. However, no matter who encounters such a situation, we are afraid that we will not be too attentive.

What's more, the matter itself is controlled by the major consortia behind the scenes, and even the U.S. government has nothing to do with it. Therefore, it is common sense to see such a situation!

"Younger martial brother, you are quite free!" Receiving the call from elder martial brother Dongfang Jing, Ding Yu is also reluctant to fight his own spirit.

"What are you doing? You think old Peyton is a vegetarian! I'm tired and half dead. The genetic disease in their family is really weird and elusive. What's more, I'm just a monk who's just a monk. I even have some doubts about whether I'll be drained if I go on! "

"Come on, don't get cheap and sell well!" Dongfang Jing also jokingly said to Ding Yu, "basically, the above things have been settled, and they have sat down. What about the past? Although it will not be written off, it will also be handled properly! "

"It's not like the style of elder martial brother!" This is not aimed at the elder martial brother. Is it really easy to satisfy the big families? In Ding Yu's opinion, it seems that this is not the case. In the face of interests, there are few times when he can control himself. This has penetrated into everyone's bone marrow, and it is difficult to change!

"Compared with the loss, the benefits gained are still valued by everyone!" Dongfang Jing seems to be in a good mood. "The president has such a big black pot on his back, so someone needs to pay for it. We should not only be satisfied with it, but also satisfy the government! Can't go too far! Isn't it? " The last sentence was obviously intentional!

"So I need to congratulate you, elder martial brother!"

"What congratulations? Congratulations, we are more in line with the theme of it!" By the way, Jingzi has been talking about the watches on the top of my head for a long time, so that I can see the watches on my head for a long time

At this time, the party concerned should have arrived in Moscow by now. I'm afraid everyone knows it. The matter has come to an end. It can even be said that it is over. In the future, we should not continue to entangle with this issue.

Ding Yu didn't call Yingnan. They should be very busy now. The golden time is within these two days. Now the major consortia have reached this agreement. What about the US government? It doesn't need too much fluctuation in the capital market. In other words, Ding Yu can make a certain profit, not too much!

I'm afraid that the question of how much profit you can make is the most clear one on your side, but there is one point? Or has Ding Yu attracted a little attention, that is the first echelon side? I gave them 150 million dollars, but their current situation is a little bit worse.

How about heavy losses? I'm afraid it's not enough to describe. I seem to have lost 150 million, but this time, the mining in the capital market is not as simple as 150 million! So he did not have any loss, on the contrary, he also made a lot of money, as for the first echelon side? It depends on their own adjustment!

Ding Yu won't interfere with them. If they can't get through this, they will be eliminated. This is an undoubted problem. Don't take the money too seriously. Ding Yu just hopes that they have such an understanding, but what will be the final result? I really don't know!

They are not immortals, and they can not drill into their heads to have a look. If they can bear the pressure this time and have a good understanding of themselves and the market, in Ding Yu's opinion, it is worth losing 150 million yuan. After all, talent is the foundation. Is money? Not so important!

What about this problem? Ding Yu really does not mean to communicate with others. Activities on the capital market can not be exposed. If it is exposed, it will cause anger within a certain range. This is really not what Ding Yu wants to face.It has nothing to do with being afraid or not. It's just too much trouble.

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