Guo Baotai originally wanted to order two more dishes, but the conditions here are really too general. What's more, what about Mr. Ding's two children? Is also quite polite, anyway, their children are absolutely not able to catch up with when they are young! Therefore, the topic naturally shifted to the two children. Guo Baotai paid a little compliment.

Guo Baotai didn't drink when he ate. He just ate. Originally, Guo Baotai wanted to check out when he went to the bathroom. After all, he was his son's teacher. No matter what happened, he wanted to sell a favor! And what about this one? It's not a lot of money!

But when I didn't want to come to the counter, I found that the account had been settled. Guo Baotai was also a little unclear. So, during the meal, everyone didn't leave. Who did this account come from?

"Mr. Ding, you are so kind!"

"Guo Li is still a very spiritual student! What's more, when you come to the capital, you are a guest When leaving, the two people shook their hands with each other. Ding Yu and his two children soon left!

"Li Zi, do you want to..." When speaking, he also made a gesture.

"Dad, can you stop being such a philistine?" Guo Li is also very dissatisfied with the appearance, but looking at his father hate it does not fight, is also supporting his father continued to sit in the position above, "Daddy! Our teacher looks young, but that one is also outstanding. It's our old Dean and senior director's invitation to come and give us a few lessons! "

"It's just to get in touch with your feelings. It's not any other mess."

"Daddy, I don't know you yet!" Guo Li poured a cup of tea for his father. "Our teacher came from Harvard general college in the United States. What's more, according to the grapevine, Mr. Ding's background is not small. People won't value any so-called meaning. As long as I have the ability to prove myself, it's enough!"

"Just you?" Guo Baotai also did not believe that a look at their own son, in their own ideas? There is no cat that does not steal, such a situation is rare! Anyway, I don't believe it!

"Dad, I'll tell you so!" Guo Li also looked around, and then lowered his voice, "where is our hospital? It is said that a new building was donated by our teacher Ding. It is not known where the news came from, but it is very possible! "

"A building, son, aren't you kidding me?" Guo Baotai looked at his son, and then touched his head. There was no sign of fever. "This is the capital, not a small place like ours. What's more, even if it's a small place in our family, a hospital building, it's sky high!"

"Dad, are you so surprised?" Guo Li looked at his father and was elated, "where is our school? We have been given a chance to fight for a chance. In any case, we will follow the position of Mr. Ding. Whether we can stand out or not depends on our personal ability. There is almost no relationship with other people! "

"No! Son, if I can't, I can still find some friends in the capital. Anyway, it's an opportunity for you, and it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Let's have a try! If you can get good results, there will be no problem. If there is no good result, there will be no loss. Do you think so? "

Guo Li's head was shaking like a rattle. "Dad, don't worry about this for me. I still believe in my own ability. I have to give it a try? What's more, there are more people with a good foundation in the school. If they look for relationships in the same way, can we still be comparable to local residents? So we still need to rely on ourselves! "

"It's better to learn and succeed! Even if it doesn't meet the expectation, at least I don't regret it! "

Guo Li also drove to his father in turn. The contact time between Mr. Ding and them is not long, but we are really convinced by this teacher Ding, not only in terms of ability, but more importantly, he also taught them some experience. Such life experience is really deeply felt for everyone.

"Everyone wants to fight for such an opportunity, but Mr. Ding has said that he will give everyone a fair chance, and from the beginning to the end? Mr. Ding does the same thing, so don't let Mr. Ding hate this impression! "

It's really a coincidence that I met Mr. Ding today. After all, I and my father took the lead in entering the restaurant, and then I saw Mr. Ding. It's not that I and my father came after seeing Mr. Ding leave the restaurant. This is a completely different situation!

What about this meal? It was invited by Mr. Ding. I'm afraid this is the reason why my father felt there was something wrong? I don't deny that there are still some other problems in the society, but I believe that Mr. Ding is definitely not such a person. I still believe in my own feelings.

"How was your work at school? You know, your studies are different from other studies! "

"There were so many goofs in the beginning!" Guo Li touched his head embarrassed, "but now I have realized some problems, Dad, you should give me some nutrition! Otherwise, it will not be enough! "In this way, Guo Baotai also noticed that his son seemed to be really a little thinner. On the one hand, he was so tired from his recent studies. On the other hand, what about this exercise? It's also quite a consumption! However, whether it was too much puffiness at the time, or other reasons, it is not known!

Ding Yu accompanied the two children to the playground. In any case, they should play and should not play. All of them played with them. Speaking of the two children, they were quite bold. They did not have acrophobia because they had received considerable training. But what about the two of them? Sitting on a pirate ship with a look of excitement, how can this be a thing?

Looking at their sweating appearance, Ding Yu also subconsciously turned the corner of his mouth. From this point, we can see that they are different from ordinary children. If they are ordinary children, although they still have this spirit, I'm afraid they have no such energy, but they are both good! After coming back also did not stop, with small four eyes is a burst of play, so that the whole yard has so many jifeigoutiao!

The so-called cat three dog four, all in all, the dog will only have two months to give birth to a dog baby, so these two days of time two small is also quite concerned about, as for Ding Yu is not any concern, such things to them two good, although said that they are children, but the child also represents the future, need to let them slowly contact one Something!

Although it was Sunday, but because yesterday, they had been playing with them for a whole day, so today the two children did not want to disturb their father. They dragged the little four eyes to play games in the room. Ding Yu also came to play two games, but soon they were also disliked! Looking at the handle, it's also "glaring at each other"!

He is not really this material, especially small four eyes to see his eyes, more let himself feel the atmosphere, kick a foot is not likely, after all, two children are also there, so also grasp its brain bag a meal of ravage, and then go out of the spirit.

"Previously, the patient has woken up, but the body can be said to be extremely weak!" When I came to the door of the ward, I looked at the situation inside. The assistant next to me also introduced the patient's condition in detail.

"Just weak? Do you have organ failure? "

"We haven't found this situation for the time being, but there are some heart problems and murmurs. Obviously, during the previous treatment, the heart beat too violently, which brought about other effects, but the whole person's condition is still very good!"

Ding Yu also looked at the detailed test report, "it seems that there is still some effect. I will not be involved in the follow-up treatment, but we need to pay attention to the patient's condition at any time." A little bit of advice is good, I think they will be more concerned about this, there is no need to participate in this aspect of leisure!

Look at the phone! Ding Yu was stunned for a moment, but soon understood that there would be no one else except old Peyton? Not very satisfied with the treatment, but also make a follow-up call? Not so good? "

There is a bit of irony in the words, but for old Peyton, it will not be regarded as a thing at all. The patient's treatment can be said to be in full control. Although the body appears to be weak, the patient's condition is good. For himself, this is the best response!

"I want to thank you, OK?" Old Peyton was in a good mood. They didn't want to talk about the prism gate incident, because it was all over. Is there anything left? It's about the U.S. government. We don't really care about it!

"No thanks, I'm a doctor, just do my duty!" Ding Yucai didn't want to pay attention to the good intentions of old Peyton, and could not serve as a meal. "However, if I have the ability again, there is a limit. The patient's condition is too special. I think you should understand the situation at that time."

"My father and I still have the images, but in my opinion, it's not so bad!"

"I did not get involved in the specific treatment, because only through the historical data left behind, but from my personal inference, the fast-paced modern life, coupled with the explosion of information, led to a sudden increase in people's contact with the outside world! Can it be caused by the influence of this aspect? "

"In other words, the gene has changed a little bit!"

"I just speculated on this aspect, and there was no actual evidence. But the blood flowing out at that time was really special. Anyway, my kung fu was pretty good. Otherwise, I would faint. The person I treated was not him, but his condition was the most special!"

"I have seen all the people who have been treated, but this is the first time that I have encountered such a situation!"

"Anyway? I'm only responsible for the treatment, but the follow-up problem processing still needs to rely on you, an old guy, to complete by himself. I don't have so much energy and not so much leisure. To know that to treat a person, I need at least a month's rest! "This is also a warning to old Peyton that he can't cram people on his side repeatedly. He is not the exclusive doctor of his family. This time, he didn't make trouble for the prism gate incident, so he chose to let him go. But having this time does not mean there will be another time!

Although Ding Yu didn't show a resolute attitude, this attitude is enough to show a lot of problems. What about the two old guys who were treated previously? Although there are considerable physical problems, but the mental state is good, from the current situation, live over 60 years old this ridge, should not be too many problems!

Even if there are problems in other aspects, as long as people are alive!

As for the process, the family has paid a lot, which is also due. Is Ding Yu not paying anything? Is he eating ready-made? How can it be? There are many strange people and strange things in their own home. Naturally, they have a very clear understanding of the situation.

Ding Yu spent a lot of energy and energy. This is not to say that it can be replenished in a short period of time. This is also the main reason why Ding Yu wants to state himself. He can't lose his body again and again to fill the hole of his family. So what about everything? You need to rely on yourself!

But what about this? Let old Peyton is really speechless, even quite helpless, these people in the family always fall off the chain, and more than once, it is too speechless!

Is a simple operation, repeated problems and conditions, can you play happily? Even if Ding Yu plays tricks once, he can't play tricks every time. What's more, the problem itself is not out of Ding Yu's body. It's impossible to ask Ding Yu to handle all the things!

What about old Peyton? Before putting down the phone, I still want to talk about Taylor, but I still can't find this opportunity. Ge Huai is in the capital, and his relationship with Ding Yu is quite good. He even went to the quadrangle. For the third generation and Taylor, the blow is really a little bit big!

After the prism gate came to an end, Ding Yu made a lot of money in the capital market. However, Ding Yu did not behave extremely vicious. After all, he started to close down. After all, we all made considerable profits, so we can't let Ding Yu just watch? just so so!

After a brief look at the hospital, Ding Yu also returned to the courtyard and the study. The video was ready. Ding Yu first mentioned some problems with Yingnan. He made a lot of profits this time, but Ding Yu didn't mean to swallow all of them into his stomach.

"What about Hong Kong? He deserves to give 11 shares to him. After all, he also has a lot to do, but the channel needs to be steady. I don't want to disturb the people behind him, at least not yet! "

"Master, the development of the consortium is still relatively good, and the demand for funds is not so big! However, all of them are used as reserve funds, which seems to be too wasteful! Can be used for considerable investment! " Keeping all the money in hand can only be devaluation, which is not in line with the trajectory of capital development.

"Not for the reserve fund! We have enough reserve funds, and this time we are cooperating with each other. There are no major problems and situations. I am very satisfied. 60% of them should be distributed to them. After all, their sphere of influence is still too weak. We can't just focus on one direction! "

Sun Yingnan did not have any objection to this. In fact, the master didn't need to discuss with himself, but the master still did so. This is a kind of respect for himself, but he can't be spoiled.

Soon, the whole video was opened. Sasha, Li Fuzhen, Horton and Dashan all appeared on the video. Ding Yu made a brief summary of this short cooperation action. We all cooperated very well. We hope that we can keep it. At the same time, we should stop arrogance and rashness. Ding Yu spoke for a short time, and then left the rest to Yingnan 。

Sun Yingnan is also adhering to Ding Yu's style. His speech is very short, and then he starts the specific distribution of interests. This thing really makes people have no idea that Ding Yu did not want to put the interests into his own pocket, but put some of them into the major regions. At the same time, what about some of them? It was also distributed to the major supervisors and meritorious personnel.

What about the principle of distribution? There are so many unfairness, but the so-called unfairness is also relatively fair, and it will also be the driving force for everyone to move forward. Who pays more will earn more profits. Ding Yu adheres to this principle, not to say that everyone is equally divided. That will kill the enthusiasm!

At the end of the profit sharing, sun Yingnan also gave Ding Yu an account. Ding Yu was the first to pass on the past to ten. Since everything has been done, he can't default on his account. His credit is a problem!

When Xiang Shi got the account, there were still some unknowns, but after seeing the amount in it, he didn't close his mouth for half a day. He was really scared! Feather less really is not general generous!A little lucky, but at the same time? It's also a pity!

I have paid my name, but how can I do it now? Can not completely get rid of their own identity! Otherwise, it has already been close to the position of this feather less side, what are you waiting for? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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