"What can I do for you?" Looking at Xiao Bao sitting in front of him, Ding Yu also looked up and down. The meaning of examination is very strong! "I heard that I'm very busy recently. I don't have so much time and free time to come to my side?"

"Big brother, I'm wrong!" Xiaobao also said with a laugh that big brother would not care too much. He didn't need to be so serious. There was no other person here! "I should keep you informed! Listen to your guidance. "

"Come on Ding Yu didn't wave his hand kindly, "I'm not your chairman, so there's no need to mention such things to me! But you and Wang Yang have always been night owls in the house. You and Wang Yang will come here for nothing

Hey, hey! Xiaobao was embarrassed to smile, "big brother, it's not a big deal in fact." Looking at the change of the expression on Ding Yu's face, he also hastily folded up the expression on his face. His speed is so fast that there should be no big problem in taking part in the face change! "It's just that there are some problems, some of them can't grasp the general direction! I don't know who to talk to, so I come to you! "

"I heard that you are developing very well."

"There are so many games and games in it When Xiaobao talked about his main business, he was also very excited. "When I didn't enter this business, I didn't have this feeling, but now it really has a profound impact. In the words of Hong Kong City, it's really a milk company!"

Ding Yu also snorted, "is it in here? I need to mention that work is work. You can be a cow or a horse, but you need to ensure their interests. At the same time, you can't involve other issues. Do you want to know about the emerging industries? There will always be many problems! "

"Don't worry, brother. I still have this control power! I don't have any interest and action for them. I have provided them with a platform. If you feel good, you will continue to cooperate with each other. If you feel bad, you can get together and disperse! "

For Xiaobao, this is a cause of his own, and other people are not allowed to make trouble. Therefore, in terms of supervision, Xiaobao is particularly strict. How about strict management? It is bound to eliminate some people, but from the industry, it is also a lot of norms, for the overall development, also played a considerable role in promoting!

Elder brother, this words does not have any to preach the meaning, just told oneself some questions, some edge ball? It's better not to involve it. In the future, it will be troublesome, and it will have a considerable impact on itself. Xiaobao is still very grateful for this, and there is no reluctance in his heart.

"In fact, there are other things here. The live broadcast is increasingly standardized, and so is the video website. However, I have a lot of money in my hand. In the current environment, it seems that there are some risks in my hands!"

"You want diversified development!" Ding Yu also fully understood Xiaobao's meaning. He leaned back on his body and then put up his legs. If there were other outsiders, Ding Yu would never do this. But what about Xiaobao? After all, he is not an outsider, and the matter he mentioned is quite difficult.

"Yes Xiaobao also said seriously, "but I know what the result will be. This is not only the expectation of the people below, but also from some competition in other aspects. But you know, I don't have such a high vision now! It's not so clear about some things! "

"What's the essence of diversified development? What is the purpose you want to achieve? "

Ding Yu also asked, "what about my profession? I don't know much about it, but from my personal point of view, what is the so-called fundamental? It's your users, but whether your stickiness has really reached the level imagined, I really have some doubts about it! "

"I've thought about it, so I'm worried now!"

"Diversification? There are advantages of diversification, which can be said to be better to develop and faster to finance, but the disadvantages of diversification will also be exposed in this process. Do you have any core things, and can your core support your diversification? What's more, you have sufficient funds, but what about your funds? Just relatively speaking, does it mean that you have made a good reserve, even if you step into the pit, you can also break free

Ding Yu took a look at Xiaobao with great care. "There is no problem in creating a new enterprise, but it is not an easy thing to hold on to. At the same time, do you want to open up? It's not an easy thing! When you have a hundred million or even a billion, don't spend it in a hurry. It's better to put it in your own hands and test yourself well! "

"Big brother, I don't know why!" Xiaobao also said with a sigh, "in other words, in the past, there were three brothers supporting me in front of me. I just need to do something. It doesn't matter about other aspects. But now I change the environment, it seems that there is no constraint suddenly. The whole person even has some expansion!""Common sense is what matters." Ding Yu also hummed and laughed, "everyone has such a process. The question is whether you can stop the car or not. This is not what everyone can do! What about self-control? Is also slowly developed, not to say that can be completed overnight! It's not that easy! "

"What about the report for me? It doesn't make me too excited. It's mainly the competition in other aspects that makes me a little bit impatient. It's mainly about two directions. What about the first one? It's the mobile phone industry, the entry level is relatively low, the prospect is also quite radio, and the film and television industry! This is because of the wide range of resources! "

Ding Yu sipped his mouth for a moment, then shook his head. "If I choose, I won't choose mobile phone business. What about Samsung and apple? They all have some shares, so they have some understanding of their details. How about their introduction? It's not that high, but do you want to go deep? We need a lot of information. Your dairy company can't support it. Once there's a capital chain problem, the whole system will collapse. "

"Domestic mobile phones are slowly rising! I was thinking of seizing the opportunity! "

"The rise of domestic mobile phones is due to the economic development of the whole country and the progress of science and technology, which leads to the rise of domestic mobile phones. However, you should pay attention to the fact that there are already two Big Macs in front of us, whether they are Huawei or Xiaomi. How about their entry-level level? What about their details? It's not that you can play around

"That's right. I've learned something. If it's an entry-level one, there's no problem, but After finishing speaking, he also smiles at Ding Yu, but there is no embarrassed expression.

"What about television and film and television? From my personal point of view? You can have a try, because you have this platform, and what can't be denied is the relationship between the General Administration of the people's Republic of China and other parties? It can be said that they are quite familiar with each other. What's more, this will open a very convenient door? There are also such conditions at home! There is no need for any denial. "

Ding Yu knocked on the table, "but what about these? It's all my family's words. How will history go forward? I really can't say it well, and I dare not make this prediction. Anyway, what's the final decision-making power? It's still in your hands! "

"Hey, big brother, don't carry the tea cup first!" Xiaobao is also dancing, said, this time if the tea cup, is the meaning of tea, he has some words not finished? At least you should give yourself such a chance, shouldn't you?

"I want to buy! But what about this acquisition? Now the problem is relatively big, involving some other issues. Which one do you want to know? Although similar to our business, its external development surpasses us too much, but in reality? It's just an empty shell, but there are still some core things! It's troublesome! "

"I know who you are talking about!" Ding Yu also said with a smile, "if it's just a matter of money, I can provide you with some convenience, but you have to talk about the specific situation by yourself. Business is business, not involving other things. As for whether you can finally talk about it, it depends on your own choice!"

"Brother, I'm confident to talk about it, but I just want to do it in a familiar field. What else? I don't have any interest. I don't have a big appetite. If I don't have such a big appetite, don't think about swallowing the sky. I just need to remind you. I'm easy to get started sometimes

"Well, don't show off your cleverness!" Ding Yu shook his head. "You should also know that I am not involved in political affairs basically. Once I am involved, it's easy to say something that is unclear. You know what you want to inquire about, and I also understand it. But I need to say something, understand it, understand it, and don't go wrong!"

The meaning of this warning is too obvious. Which one is competing with Xiaobao? There is quite a relationship behind it, even if it's all connected. However, business is business. It's better not to mix in other problems and situations. What does Xiaobao want to explore with himself? Is the person behind the list already on the list!

He did not face up to Xiaobao's problems, but also gave him a wake-up, even Ding Yu's meaning is quite obvious! What does approval mean? It's already on the list. What's the specific situation? Ding Yu doesn't know that, but he still has his own special historical memory.

"I see, big brother!"

"But what about me now? I really don't think much of your acquisition! Because there are no problems in the core, and even the development is very prosperous, but to a certain extent? It's just a Ponzi scheme, that is, not so many people wake up now! "

"There's always a day to show, isn't it?" Xiaobao is also smiling, but there are so many cunning in this smile, it is obvious that he also has some understanding!

"Take care of yourself." Ding Yu held up the teacup at hand, and the meaning of serving tea to the guests was very obvious. There was no emotional contact between them. Xiaobao blinked his eyes, which was very helpless. Big brother was too indifferent in this respect! There is really no way!After knowing more, you will find that big brother is like this. What about Wang family, Su family and Zheng family? It is a state of indifference to get along with each other, not to mention oneself, even if it is the third elder brother, it is not like this?

And really, what if we talk about it? The elder brother is quite good for himself and the third brother. Otherwise, if he doesn't pay attention to you, what can we do? Now how much envy oneself envies the eye that envy is aglow, why? Isn't it because I can say a few words, or can I get in and out of the courtyard?

Of course, entering the courtyard is no longer the same as before. In the past, you can come in at will. But after changing the housekeeper, the quadrangle is not just in and out. Or do you think that Su Yu is the son of a bitch? If it is not his fault, how can we all be so depressed now?

"How's it going with big brother?"

Wang Yang didn't mean to go into the courtyard. He didn't get involved in Xiaobao's business. What's more, he was not so familiar with his business as he imagined. What's more, he didn't really want to see the big brother's face. He was too serious! It's even frightening.

"I have not been educated, but I have also analyzed the specific situation with me, and I deeply believe that! Deeply touched. "

"Yes Wang Yang also said a compliment, but more is also joking Xiaobao, "it's not easy to be able to move big brother. It seems that we need to celebrate this evening!"

"Up to now, I still have some shivering in my legs. Even in the face of the old man, I have never been like this. I really don't know what the reason is? Do you think that two children can bear the evil spirit of big brother? "

"Well, what about that? You really don't say, let alone the two children of the eldest brother. Even if it is the living ancestor of our family, after seeing the elder brother, it's like seeing treasure. They are crawling on the elder brother's body, and Ding Ding Ding's two children are the same. I really don't know where the attraction comes from?! Do you think it's strange? "

Xiaobao shook his head helplessly. "It's not to say bad things about big brother, or to belittle him. Anyway, how do you feel about him? A little bit strange, you said that we have a good relationship with big brother! But what about big brother's attitude? It's speechless, but you can't speak well! I'm afraid a lot of bricks will fall down! And it will kill us! "

"By the way, I heard you also bought a club? Are they a bunch of baby soldiers? "

"Don't say it's so cold. It's called E-sports. Originally, there were some problems in the management of the club. Moreover, the professionalization of the club was not so pure, and there was even some nonsense. How about managing this thing? It's really not something that can be done overnight. We need to let them integrate into this environment, rather than let the environment accommodate them. Obviously, at this point, it is not satisfactory! "

"I don't have much interest in your management philosophy class!" Wang Yang also started the car, "but you're so focused on this that I'm really surprised. Why? I must show it to that person. I think she has chosen the wrong person, or I'll let your sister-in-law say it again? "

"Brother, can you spare me?" Xiaobao is also a little dissatisfied, "I just want to prove myself, not for others to see, as you imagine so rich?"

Wang Yang also sighed, "ah, I have not encountered such a thing, I will never know, but my little life is pretty good, how about you? Although it is still consumed now, there is still a deadline. It is impossible for the family to indulge in such a one! " He is also a wake-up call to save him from any preparation.

"No more!" Xiaobao also sighed, "by the way, have you heard about the situation in the United States?"

"The first echelon?" Wang Yang immediately nodded, "I heard that their situation seems to be so bad. Although it can't be described by heavy losses, I'm afraid they can't turn over for a period of time! Yes? They asked you for help? Shouldn't it? Or do they want to ask big brother for help?! It shouldn't be! "

"I also heard about some situations, so I called and asked them two more questions. The elder brother gave them money to make them toss about. Anyway, there was not much hope. I just wanted to give them some experience and experience in this field. Everyone knows how to make them talk to him again? forget it! It's pretentious

Wang Yang is also very speechless looking at Xiaobao, "is not affectation, this is not what we should say, but this time luck is really not good? It is said that the United States has been unable to bear such a thing! Do you think they want to die by themselves! Do you have to do this? "

"Who knows what these Yankees think? There's water in their heads?! But these guys are really wilting, and the ghost ideas are more than one, underestimate them? It's really easy to have problems! "

What about the first tier? Know also can, also really do not need to mix what, really do not have this necessity!What's more, the elder brother didn't say anything about it, so they didn't have to!

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