"Mr. Charles will see Mr. Ding Yu!" Gallas made a solemn remark.

What about this time? It's about to present a huge network of contacts in the UK, "not only the Lord Charles, but also the Duke! He will also go to see Mr. Ding Yuding together

The corners of William's mouth were beating. He was also in England. Naturally, he knew the relationship between them. So he didn't speak for half a day. He just bit his teeth. What about the housekeeper? Can't have any attitude to show, but now the situation is really too special! I really feel that there are so many thorny!

"Gallas, I can't wait too long! It can't be too long! "

Galas also heard other meanings from it. The special immunity was broken, and the faces of the royal family and the senior officials were lost. Ding Yu dealt with some problems, but also expressed his dissatisfaction. This is a natural situation! As a housekeeper, William can only obey Ding Yu's orders! This is the duty of a housekeeper! It has nothing to do with the rest!

"In this case, it's really irreparable." Gallas also expressed considerable regret and emotion for this.

"I remember that I once told you that Sir, let the young master and the young lady come to England for a holiday. It was already planned. You must be very clear about the situation on the manor side. No one wants to break the peace, but now? The problem is a little bit bigger, even for me? I don't think I'll stay in England! "

"It's not the best way!"

"But it is the most appropriate way!" William sighed, "since the Duke and your excellency have already gone, the gentleman will give some face, but at most he will not be investigated, and then withdraw completely. This is inevitable, even inevitable, and no one can dissuade it. As for whether to go to France or other places, it is not so clear. But what about this matter? It should be under consideration already! "

The metaphor in the discourse is quite obvious. What about the manor here in England? Basically, it belongs to a given up state! In other words, what about Ding Yu's center of gravity? Started to transfer, even in the UK? Will also start to transfer in succession, will this cause fluctuations in the market? No one can make this clear.

Once there are huge fluctuations in the capital market, then the associated situation will also appear. This is probably Ding Yu's most direct revenge, right? But think about it, it seems that this is not Ding Yu's style, even if he is violent, he will not be so direct, very abnormal!

"Madame Sasha looked at Charlie's mother and said it respectfully.

"I already know about it in general!" The lady's attitude was not revealed, as if the whole thing had nothing to do with her. Judging from the actual situation, the fact seems to be the same! "Everyone has expressed their opinions and opinions, but the information management department has put all his eggs in one basket! They have been given considerable support! "

"Madam, I'm in charge of some European affairs, but I don't have much involvement in British affairs." Sasha is also very candid to say the inside story, "but this time the matter made a big impact, if it is a peaceful break-up, nothing, even want to take back this special immunity, it is not impossible to discuss, do not need to take such a way!"

"Sasha, we all don't want this incident to affect our relationship with Ding Yu. He has a very good relationship with Charlie. I still hope that he can come home to drink tea or even hunt when he has time."

Sasha thought about it for a while, and then she said, "madam, I will convey this to you. I believe he still attaches great importance to his personal relationship with the Duke and his Excellency Charles."

The conversation between the two women can be said to be quite short. Then they went to the gallery outside together. Mrs. Charlie's own gallery was very late. The gallery had been closed for a long time. However, the reason why Mrs. Charlie wanted to give Sasha a a painting was quite sufficient!

When Sasha and Mrs. Charlie came out together, some people gave a sigh of relief. Now that we can invite Sasha out, this is a success in itself. Compared with MI5's disposal method? It's really unusual.

Previously, we also expressed express opposition to the way of MI5, but MI5 sneered at everyone's wishes. The contrast effect of the two is too obvious! So people can't help sighing after watching it!

What about this evening in England? It seems to be very quiet, but in fact, it's really rough under the night.

When Ding Yu woke up in the morning, he took a look at the time, and then he took exercise alone. As for the two children, they got up after a period of time. They were still sleepy, and it took a long time to wake up.

"Let's not stay up too long, you feel hard!"

Xiao Siyan was really promoted to be a father yesterday. There are six puppies in total. It's really not so many. The two children are also guarding quite late. However, Ding Yu also said something, and did not mean to criticize.Two little guys don't care? The puppies are so cute when they are born. Are they two bitches? Some of them are too fierce to let others get close, so they can only wait and see from afar, which is quite a pity.

Breakfast is not how to eat, the two children jump away, and at this time Ding Yu opened his mobile phone, just opened the mobile phone, looking at the message above, Ding Yu also shrunk his mouth, as for such a turbulent? Did the news of what happened yesterday spread too fast?

"Xiaoyu Hearing the sound outside, Ding Yu didn't stand up. After su Quan rushed in, he also simply cleaned his hands. Then he sat down beside the dining table and declined the help of the service staff. He filled himself with a bowl of millet porridge and felt the temperature. All of them were poured into his stomach.

After eating two steamed buns, I didn't feel much about whether it was delicious. I didn't have a rest last night, and I kept staring at the news. I wanted to come over last night, but no one answered the phone at all. Even if it was in the past, I would have closed the door.

Could have come earlier, but think about it or forget it, even if it's over, I'm afraid it won't get any attention, I know my nephew too well. So it's also a good time to have a breakfast, "don't say, the chef at home is good at craftsmanship! It tastes good! I like it

Ding Yu has already had breakfast. It seems that he is dealing with some official business. He looks up at his uncle. The two drawers of steamed stuffed buns in front of him have already been eaten. Now he tells himself that the taste is good. Is this zhubajie eating ginseng fruit? But forget it, such a thing to say, not to say, there are so many impolite.

Su Quan wiped his mouth and took a sip of water. "Last night, the British side was quite restless. What about the atmosphere in London? It can be described as strange waves! "

"I'm not in England again. Last night, two dogs were born in my family. I've been busy for a long time."

This said, Su Quan spit out a saliva, fortunately in time to turn around, but there are still some sprinkled on his clothes, looking back at his nephew, the expression is so surprised, there are so some helpless, he told him about the British things, he told himself that there are enough things in the family, is it OK?

Biting the back teeth, "the trouble in Britain is not so big. Previously, the issue of placing weasels has not been solved. Now the matter of hangar is coming out. What do they think? And what do you think? It seems that this is not the case when we discussed things at the beginning

"What can I think?" Ding Yu didn't care at all, "people are big countries. What about me? It's just a little people. What's more, there's a saying since ancient times? If the people do not fight with the officials, but are mixed up with them, are there so many people who are too much for themselves? "

Su Quan is humming, obviously for his nephew's words have so some disbelief, who does not know his nephew is what personality, this matter he so retreat, how possible thing? What about the ghost? I don't believe it!

"It's a matter of settling down? Why don't I believe that? "

"What else can be done?" Ding Yu shook the mobile phone in his hand. "What's the matter with the British side? No matter who will carry the black pot in the end, but now? The important thing is not to cause any disturbance. Otherwise, it will be a devastating blow to the whole government department. Someone has already called on Sasha and William. I believe that it will not be long before some heavyweights come to visit us! "

"I didn't come at the right time!" Su Quan said with self mockery, "what about the confrontation with Britain? Although we can get something temporarily, it's easy to get problems. I'm really worried that you will have some superiorities! "

"No, it's not necessary, isn't it?"

Ding Yu has his own thinking about this matter, but now it is not convenient to talk with his third uncle in detail, let alone his guests should be coming soon! Especially the British ambassador to China, he should be waiting outside the door at this time!

Not long after su Quan left, Deng Rong went to Ding Yu's side and said, "Sir, people from the British Embassy in China want to see you! We're accompanied here too! "

"What? Afraid you can't knock on the door Ding Yu said sarcastically, and then nodded to Deng Rong. When he came, he also came. Did he meet or not? It's not so important. I don't really put it in my heart.

"Good morning, Mr. Ding. How do you do?" The ambassador also took the lead in extending his hand. He did not sleep all night, and kept communicating with London! This matter does not belong to diplomatic time, but it belongs to a serious political event. Therefore, we should not ridicule the intelligence and governance department now, and let the matter go to its neighbors first.

"Hello, good morning, Mr. Ambassador!"

Seeing that there was no angry expression on Ding Yu's face, the ambassador did not show any joyful expression. On the contrary, he was also very worried. He was afraid that Ding Yu would have such a situation. Is Ding Yuyue relaxed? It means that the more he cares about it in his heart! This is not a good situation."I'm sorry, Mr. Ding, this will happen in the UK, so the investigation started last night!" While talking, he also looked at the expression on Ding Yu's face.

"There are so many things that are not very pleasant!" Ding Yu didn't mean to go deep into it. "I believe it will be investigated in the end. No one wants to see such a thing happen. Even if there are some contradictions, I believe everyone will restrain each other and find and solve problems."

Ding Yu's attitude is not what the ambassador wants. He even hopes that Ding Yu can have a bad attitude. But what about Ding Yu now? A full mouth of diplomatic language is my job in this field. Naturally, I know what it represents? It's all hypocrisy, but you can't do anything about it.

"Mr. Ding, this matter is being investigated step by step in China. I believe that no matter what aspect it is, we will give Mr. Ding an account." When he said this, Mr. ambassador also showed his sincerity.

Ding Yu took a look at his watch. After half a day, he also took a look at his watch. "What about Britain now? It should be early in the morning! It seems that we have not had a rest, continue to work busily! I hope they can get the answers and results we all want as soon as possible! "

It's not easy to say whether this is sincere or diplomatic. The ambassador did not express any views on this matter, because he really did not know what to say now! Explain? Ding Yu has already expressed his understanding, but does Ding Yu really understand? It seems that this is not the case!

The ambassador didn't get the result he wanted, but he always came back and said? It's not a special disappointment. What about Ding Yu? I hope things can be settled peacefully. Although the problem has already come out, Ding Yu doesn't want the conflict to be boisterous. It's not a bad thing to stop it, is it?

On the way back, the ambassador also reported relevant information to the British side.

But not long after the ambassador left, Deng Rong came to Ding Yu's side again. After hearing about the visitors, Ding Yu also stood up and said, "call the two bastards here. I need to meet them in person." Deng Rong is so strange, but it is also the first time to call for two children!

It's just two foreigners. It's really not easy for Mr. Ding Yu to treat him like this. Then Ding Yu takes his two children to the door and looks at the Charlie and his son coming in. Ding Yu also bows slightly, and the two children behind him are the same.

"Hello, Ding Yu!" The expression on Charlie's father's face was a little serious. He came by plane yesterday, not for this matter, but who let it happen so coincidentally? However, the courtesy given by Ding Yu still makes him feel quite respected!

Although their own courtyard is not so understanding, but how much or know some!

The whole reception process is a little bit serious. Ding Yu also completely copied the British etiquette. Other people can't enjoy it when they come to the quadrangle. However, Charlie and his son are different. They are the bond that they integrated into the British society at the beginning, and even now they play a crucial role.

Ding Yu is really not a forgetful person.

They sat down separately. "I didn't know the situation when I came yesterday. I didn't expect that those people would be so reckless and make such a ridiculous thing! Both the royal family and the nobility have expressed serious indignation at this

Ding Yu's attitude towards Charlie and his son was totally different from that of the ambassador before. "I still have some problems with it. What if it's just the installation of weasels? Although it is said that there will be some contradictions, this contradiction should not make such waves? "

"The British side is also investigating. What is the problem behind it?" Charlie's father is also quite suspicious of this. Previously, such a huge force gave Ding Yu a platform to show their attitude, but the intelligence and governance department is still fighting like this. How dare they do this?

We should know that the relationship between the royal family and the aristocracy is inextricably linked, and the social relationship formed is also very broadcasting. In such a case, the only power of the intelligence department is not enough! There should be someone else behind it.

But the question is, what about Ding Yu over the years? Basically, she doesn't work in the UK. She has to deal with all the necessary business and finance. At most, she takes her two children to England for a holiday and meets her old friends in her spare time. That's all. So there are some enemies of Ding Yu in the UK. It seems that some of them are unreasonable!

"It can be said that the power of the emotional management department will not be as many as imagined. The same British side definitely has contacts, and I don't know if this person can be found out this time!" Charlie's father also said a simple, but the meaning of the disclosure is also very clear, do not hope that this time the matter is too big, internal can solve is the best!

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