"Although there are more rainy days in London, it is also an international metropolis!"

What about Ding Yu's stereotype and humor? They have contact with each other, but if you want to say that they can completely accept it, they really can't even say, "the time on the other side of the castle is too long, which is not in line with internationalization and modernization!"

"And the castle? It's a kind of symbol, but there are not many people who like to live there, but it should be fine as a scenery! " Charlie's father already knew Ding Yu's meaning. Ding Yu wants to leave Britain. What about the so-called industry? It is also the processing of the processing, the transfer of the transfer!

For this problem, Charlie's father really did not know what should be said is good, to be exact, can not say this too obvious! Ding Yu has no confidence in the British side after such an incident. It's very normal for Ding Yu to clap his hands and leave!

If it is Ding Yu, there may not be too many problems, but it is really difficult to say how big the joint reaction is. At least, you can't take risks! But now to refute Ding Yu, there are really some who can't do it. Even if people are shameless, they also need to have a certain bottom line, right?

"Ding Yu, the matter has not been fully investigated, and the UK will never carry this black pot for nothing. What we need now is to calm down. Can we put this matter a little bit and maybe we can sit together and watch a football and boxing match, which will be better!"

Ding Yu looked at Charlie and his son, hesitated for a moment, trying to gain some time. If other people said this to themselves, he would never give this face, but now Charlie's father said to himself, this face must be given, so Ding Yu also nodded his head, "the children in the family are on holiday, and need a few days of vacation time! ”

the reason to accompany the children to go on holiday is quite sufficient. Both sides can come to this stage. Hearing Ding Yu's words, Charlie is also relieved. He is really worried that his friend and opponent will refuse his father face-to-face, which is a bit embarrassing!

After drinking tea, Charlie's father took the lead to say goodbye. However, Charlie did not leave, but stayed. He shook his head when he looked at Ding Yu. "I really don't know those people in London will play these tricks, but these guys are really too much!"

After his father had left, Charlie was not so restrained, but he still adhered to the British stereotype. When he saw Deng Rong coming, he even nodded his head. The family relationship in Britain is like this. What is the position of housekeeper in an aristocratic family? It's not really unusual! Because all of the boys are basically completed under the watch of the housekeeper, and the role of teaching is even more than that of the father.

"I can understand things like planting weasels!" Ding Yu also showed some incomprehension, "what's your relationship in Britain? The structure should be similar. Even you don't have any news. The courage of these guys is really not ordinary. To break the bottom line, it's not just for me alone! "

Charlie nodded heavily. "Now the prime minister is quite big. What about special immunity? It is very sensitive. Once the line of law is changed, the result will be fatal! "

Britain is a relatively conservative country, not to say that they will not keep pace with the times, but the conservative nature of the UK? Especially for these nobles, it is sacred and inviolable, but this time, the sudden attack of the emotional government department also completely swept the face of the aristocrats, and even made people have no place to live.

Can these elites from Oxford dragon primary school, Eton University and even Oxford and Cambridge universities endure such challenges and betrayal? You know, they basically cover more than half of Britain's elite network.

Ding Yu suddenly thought of a question. After brexit, the problems in this issue are worth discussing. Is the so-called democratic voting really that democratic? For this matter, Ding Yu's heart is really there are so some thinking, even the whole person is a little distracted!

"Rarely see you wandering for such a long time?" He yelled twice, waiting for Ding Yu to react. Charlie also took the coffee in his hand and tried it. The taste was really good!

"Thought of some questions!" Ding Yu waved his hand carelessly, "but you seem to be a little relaxed! It's not like your style. I really don't want to show up this time. It's a good chance

"Forget it!" Charlie directly shook his head and said, "I'm not a person who likes to be in public, let alone this thing? Up to now, there are still some people who can't see clearly. The fog ahead is too heavy. Even if you can't see your fingers, if you go ahead rashly, you will easily step into the trap! "

"Smart choice!" Ding Yu also said with a smile of approval, "what about the arrangement of weasels? Someone told me that I didn't really pay attention to this aspect at that time. I asked the weasel about it, and then I released it back. However, the hangar was not expected. It happened so suddenly that people couldn't make any preparations! ""You are not going to England all the time. Sasha has been busy with the affairs of the European Union, and she has no connection with Britain. In addition, there are so many relationships. Under such circumstances, there are still such changes. The reasons are so strange that people can't tell clearly and the way is unknown."

"That's why I feel strange!" Ding Yu was also not angry and said, "I don't even know what you are doing in England? Even if it's a greeting in advance, it's like six places. They're not without people in the company. Everyone doesn't mean to expose them. Isn't it better? "

"Don't look at me. I don't know what people in five places are thinking? If the six departments have contact with the outside world, it's OK to say something. After all, they are in charge of foreign intelligence work, but what about five? Is responsible for the internal intelligence work, and then directly put the spearhead on your body! It's interesting! "

"It's not so simple and interesting! Watch it? I don't know what kind of moth will come out? "

"Originally, I planned to invite you to go hunting with me. It seems that there is no such chance!"

"You think I don't want to?" Ding Yu's face is also quite reluctant, "the two children in my family have already said that they will go on holiday when they are on holiday. I have also promised to go down and have a look at the pandas and other animals they have adopted, and then I will go to England. There are many animals in the manor over there. The two children like them. But now something like this happens, I will let them go again Are you a bit irresponsible in the past? "

"It's a bit irresponsible indeed!" Charlie also laughed bitterly. Ding Yu's manor was a good place for vacation. The environment was very leisurely. There were many animals in it. But I didn't expect that MI5 had installed so many instruments and equipment there.

I'm afraid it doesn't matter who goes there on holiday, but it doesn't matter? I don't know how much information has been leaked out. MI5 is really successful and disgusting to everyone. If we don't let them know the power of it this time, we will have no way to be a man!

This is not a simple explanation for Ding Yu. To a certain extent, it is also an account for himself.

"So, this time, the thunder and the rain are getting smaller?" Charlie asked tentatively. When he spoke, he also deliberately tilted his body forward. As far as he knew, Ding Yu was definitely not a peaceful person.

His father is not very convenient to ask about this, but he is not the same!

Ding Yu looks back at Charlie and shakes his head slightly. What about his friends and opponents? It's really that I feel a little helpless. He can even ask about this, how do you think? However, Ding Yu didn't mean to avoid it. "Things always come and go. I can make some concessions! And then? "

Yeah! so what? Charlie is really not good to say anything about this issue. Are these old British people really interested in this matter? They may not care how important Ding Yu is in their mind. What they care about is honor, but their face.

Ding Yu's question? The final result is likely to be heavy lifting, but it was gently put down, there is a very possibility! But Ding Yu is definitely not a man who is willing to give up! I am also British, so I have a very keen understanding of this issue!

What about father's efforts? The final result may be the East water, Ding Yu no matter how to say? They are all the leaders of the consortium. They are humiliated. If there is no one to explain, then all aspects can not pass!

"I don't know what the end result will be, but I need to do my best!"

"Understand!" Ding Yu looked at Charlie with a smile, "I have always appreciated your point. It's the same in school and in society. Whether this can be avoided or not is entirely a matter of two properties, but what is the final result? You may get a bad name on your back! "

"If it wasn't for this, would we still be friends?"

Each other is the coffee in the hand! The answer is what may not be so important, each other is very clear, no matter how the situation to develop, will not affect the relationship between two people! That's enough!

"Xiaoyu! I've heard that there's a lot of fuss on the British side? "

"Uncle, you're calling a little late!" Ding Yu's mood is not so depressed as he imagined. From his joking tone, Ding Yu can change one or two. "This is almost past style. From last night to now, many people have come and gone in and out of siheyuan."

"I heard you wrong. The British ambassador to China, Charlie and his son, and other heavyweights, if it's not your courtyard, it's not very easy to get in and out. Now the threshold has been broken? Are you just sitting on the Diaoyutai"I didn't expect things to go so far." Ding Yu called out wrongly, "who knows whether the British MI5 forgot to take the medicine or took the wrong medicine. He hit me all at once, so that I really didn't have any precautions. Although I played some tricks, who would have thought that they were so stupid?"

"That is to say, it is still a fog at the end of the day!"

"Almost." Ding Yu said helplessly, "but what about Britain? After all, there are many relationships, and the situation is quite complicated. Britain is not the same as the United States, although in terms of royalty and aristocracy? It has always been quiet, but no one goes back to underestimate their power, and I don't want to be too rigid with them now! "

"It's not much like your style of doing things!"

"Uncle, I can hear other tastes from your words!" Ding Yu's conversation with his third uncle is really quite impolite, "OK! I have made considerable preparations here, but both Sasha and sun Yingnan have quite a British relationship. What about Charlie and his son? I need to pay more attention to the follow-up treatment! "

"Pay attention to the propriety!" Just let Ding Yu pay attention to this sense of propriety, not to say that he will watch Ding Yu this child being bullied, as to why this thing will come out, I still know some!

In the past, China may not have this confidence, but now that the country is developing and strong, we will not watch Ding Yu being bullied out of thin air. It is not because Ding Yu has a good personal relationship with himself and can't get involved, but because Ding Yu doesn't know how much contribution he has made to the country in the dark!

On this issue, there are not many people clear, even the number of hands can be counted, the state can not watch, bully? Who's the crowd? Look who's powerful, right? We in China are not empty who?

However, Ding Yu is a child who has a good view of the overall situation. At this time, he can also sit down. Is he in the UK? Just lost some so-called skin, there is really nothing else!

Now falling out with the British side, it is really that some gains and losses are not worth the loss, and even cause considerable losses, so Ding Yu does not need to have too many movements, just wait slowly!

However, Ding Yu didn't talk to his third uncle for a long time. Deng Rong came to Ding Yu again. Today, Deng Rong really felt the seriousness of the problem. "Sir, the eldest son of the Li family in Hong Kong has come. I want to come into your side!"

"Let him come here!" And this one? It must be made clear to the British side. The relationship between the Li family and the British capital can be said to be quite good. What's more, the relationship between the Li family and Ding Yu is also very good. Of course, it is also a very good lobbyist! But Ding Yu saw some other problems from it! So Ding Yu's words are not so polite.

"Ah Yu!" The eldest son of the Li family is very genial. When he sees that Ding Yu is also the first to stretch out his hand, that is to say, he should be older than Dingyu when he is older. If the relationship between them is really general, it is appropriate to call him Dingsheng. After all, people talk about him with his father!

"Uncle is so leisurely?" Ding Yu said jokingly, shaking hands with a little smile on their faces? It's hard to be gracious? " Ding Yu took the lead in breaking the embarrassment!

"Some of my father's Old English friends called me. I was ordered to come to the capital last night." Li's eldest son did not have any concealment to Ding Yu!

Li's and Ding Yu's routes are different! To a large extent, the Li family grew up with the support of British capital, so the relationship between the Li family and British capital is also unusual. Now the British side needs someone to reconcile, and the Li family is naturally the best object! They can further contact Ding Yu.

"Not yet aware of the whole thing?"

"What the British side said is very vague, but it can be seen that they are slightly embarrassed and passive!"

Do you really don't know or do you want to say it through your own mouth? Ding Yu did not go too far to investigate what, "British MI5 has installed weasels on my side and installed a lot of monitoring devices in my manor. I sent people back, which may have made them lose face. I detained my things and personnel in the airport hangar, and forcibly abolished my special immunity right in my hands!"

"Forced? Is it British? It shouldn't be! "

"Who knows what they're up to? I haven't figured it out yet! However, judging from the current response, I am afraid that the British side themselves do not quite understand, but do not understand? We really need to review each other's problems and relationships. Sometimes we are a little far away from each other? Maybe you can see it better! "

"Ah Yu, will things really go to such a level?"

"What is the problem here? It's really not clear about the investigation. I'll give the British side a lot of time to see what kind of explanation it will eventually make. If both sides are satisfied, it will be fine! "Li's eldest son also helped his eyes and was satisfied with both sides. This is unlikely. If there is unilateral dissatisfaction, what will be the result?

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