The British disgrace can be said to have lost a lot of hair. Li Zekai can't have no idea. As for the British side, it is said that Ding Yu should be given an account. But what kind of explanation can satisfy Ding Yu? It's impossible.

It can be said that this is a dead end. What is the final way and method for the British side to deal with this matter? There won't be too many special, for the Li family who has already started to march into Britain, this is really a very good opportunity!

Ding Yu is unlikely to give up all the British things, but he still has a lot of good things in his hands. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the Li family. In business, the Li family hopes to get this opportunity. This is another reason why Li Zekai came to the quadrangle.

"A Yu, if things don't come to a helpless time, we all hope to be able to handle the relevant problems peacefully! Now or in the future? That's all true! "

"Yes Ding Yu also agreed and nodded, "no one wants to have too much turbulence, but the situation in the UK is not as stable as expected! If this goes on for a long time, it will not be a very good choice! "

He said vaguely that the withdrawal of the Li family from China was basically carried out by Ding Yu and Zhuang Dongliang. Because of the seamless connection between Ding Yu and Zhuang Dongliang, they did not cause much noise.

What about the eldest son of the Li family? Too steady.

Therefore, it only shows the meaning of this aspect. If Ding Yu leaves Britain, he also hopes to make a seamless connection. What about Ding Yu? I didn't object, but it pointed out the risks. If you are still willing, I can't do anything about it? It's just normal business behavior!

Li Zekai certainly heard that. What about this? He really needs to think about it. Ding Yu will never mention this without any reason. Obviously, Ding Yu has some other opinions and ideas in his mind. However, for the Li family, this is a very good opportunity for the layout of the UK.

What about the Li family? To a large extent, it belongs to British capital. What about Ding Yu? With the British capital is a kind of mutual cooperation relationship, so each other's affiliation is also quite different!

The British side found a lot of people and finally let Ding Yu stop. However, it does not mean that all the problems have been solved. Instead, it makes them feel more difficult to deal with some internal problems and situations, because what about the units involved? But MI5 is not an ordinary person or an ordinary unit.

In charge of the domestic intelligence and governance departments, whether they have problems or such a big problem, the leaders directly under them definitely have considerable problems, but what kind of investigation is needed? What's more, the attitude of the royal family and the aristocracy is entangled with each other, which also makes the British side have some problems.

Some problems can't be touched, because they involve state secrets, and who is responsible for the investigation? We must also have highly respected people. Otherwise, we will not be able to suppress this field. However, there are not many people willing to take charge of this investigation, either they are not proficient in business, or they are not good at it? There is a clear tendency.

Charlie's father was a very good choice. He had a good relationship with Ding Yu, the aristocracy and even the British high-level. But the problem is that he has no intention in this respect. The important thing is that he is not familiar with the work of the intelligence department. This is the most important problem!

Of course, there should be a layer of reasons, that is, what is the final result of this event? It may make Ding Yu very dissatisfied. Charlie's father has already seen through this point, so Sasha has begun to close down the industries in her hands at the same time. The industry under Ding Yu's name and the industry under her name are treated in such a way by the British side. If she is still indifferent, she is really sorry for herself!

William also went to France the first time. He was a housekeeper and didn't need to worry about other aspects. Compared with Britain, the environment in France is better. What do you mean here? It's the living environment. It has nothing to do with other things.

The British side is really not willing to let William leave, but there is no control. The previous events really offended William completely. However, when William left, they also expressed some opinions to William, hoping to get William's assistance in investigation when necessary.

On the whole, I still hope that William can stay in England, because William is Ding Yu's housekeeper and takes care of all important affairs for Ding Yu. Although he does not live with Ding Yu, no one can deny his importance!

But William suffered such humiliation and continued to let him stay in England. William himself also felt quite uncomfortable. Too many reasons determined this problem! So William also left the UK, along with other staff is quite a lot, for everyone, is just a change of work place.

However, for the British side, this behavior also felt a considerable pressure. William has now withdrawn. If the investigation is unfavorable, Ding Yu will also withdraw slowly. What about Ding Yu's evacuation? Naturally, it will also drive other families and forces to withdraw slowly, which is complementary.This is bound to hit the UK. If Ding Yu transfers the center to France, his consortium relationship with France seems to be very good. Now, the status of France and Germany in the European Union is extraordinary. If you think about the position of Britain in the EU, the British side also feels quite headache!

Fortunately, I haven't heard how good the relationship between Ding Yu and Germany is, but the problem is the relationship between Ding Yu and the French consortium, which is good. The British side still knows about it. When Ding Yu was hijacked at the airport, it was also involved. This is really a very troublesome guy, which makes people extremely helpless!

Ding Yu didn't have so much trouble at this time. She said hello to Tai Xi and asked if she had time. The two children would go to visit the pandas and other animals they had adopted earlier. Moreover, they were still close. If they were free, the whole family would be together!

Of course, Taixi is interested in this. I'm afraid there are not many people in the world who can resist it. The private plane is also very convenient. After all, the distance from the capital is not as far as imagined!

Looking at the slightly excited Tai Xi, Ding Yu also touched his nose, as for so excited? Two children sometimes have this aspect of performance, is it because of the inheritance of Tai Xi? There is the possibility of this!

This time, there is no small four eyes, its child has just been born, what is important is where to go? It's a zoo. It's not really any other place. What about it? There are really so many not suitable! However, little four eyes seems not to have so much mood recently, it is also recently a few small guys make a fuss, some wilt!

The two children are very interested in these little dogs, but they can't go back on their promise to Gong Baotian. Gong Baotian has already taken one of the puppies away. If he doesn't carry them away, even if he sends more teddy bears here, he won't be able to play any role!

For the two little guy's tearful eyes, Ding Yu also carefully explained to them, who let them in the previous time did not withstand this temptation, so many gifts were sent to the door, they were also lost for a moment, the consequences of such a really did not surprise people.

I believe they will understand the truth. What about the remaining five puppies? The two little guys are also precious. Basically, they don't let other people start. They are mainly worried that people like Gong Baotian will appear again and cheat their puppies. Such a thing can never happen again!

Small four eyes is no other opinions and ideas, these two days is very honest, may not be used to being a father? From another point of view, it's really a little too sudden!

When Tai Xi came, he also deliberately took a look at the little dog. Naturally, he had a special feeling for the big baby little four eyes. There was a very special existence in the family. Now there are several more small lives in the family. It's really good!

"I heard something happened in England!" Taixi has been waiting to sit on the plane leaving Beijing. Taixi is also a little worried and asks Ding Yu, "Samsung has deliberately come to see me before. Although it's just a courtesy visit, the meaning is very clear!"

"Is it so noisy?" Really, what if we talk about it? Ding Yu really has such a contemptuous feeling about this. "In fact, there is no big deal. The British side wanted to target me, but I designed it. However, their internal problems are a little bit bigger now! To put it bluntly, it is so simple! "

In any case, it is a country, not to mention a country with such an old brand. Taixi's eyes show a lot of worries. He has been receiving such education since he was a child. Although he has been with Ding Yu for some time, some of the changes can't be completed in a short time!

"It's Britain, after all. I'm afraid it won't do much good to both sides, right? The final result may be that both sides will lose. I feel that some gains are not worth the loss! "

"There are some reasons for this worry!" Ding Yu didn't deny this fact, but in front of other people, Ding Yu did not reveal anything, but Taixi was different after all, "what's the final result? It may be that both sides lose because of the conditions of everyone? It's hard to reach an agreement! "

"What is the situation that will make the British side suddenly difficult?"

"They put weasels next to me, and they put a lot of surveillance and surveillance equipment on the British manor side!" In this way, Taixi was surprised at first and then angry.

"How dare they do this? Don't they know that this is an invasion of personal privacy? Even if they are a country, they can't be like this! "

"Ha ha, is there a strong sense of law?" Ding Yu is also smiling, but the ridicule in this is really not aimed at Taixi, but at the British side, "as you have said, after all, they are a country, but also an old-fashioned capital country. They must have their own little temper! So I designed a little trap for them. To be exact, I didn't expect that they would be so reckless"Completely torn face?"

"In fact, you're the late guy already?" Ding Yu didn't want to hide Taixi's meaning. "The British ambassador to China and other personnel, Charlie, their father and son, the Li family in Hong Kong City and some people from the United States all called. What's the purpose? I hope this matter can be solved calmly! "

"What is indifferent to solve?" Tai Xi's small face also pulled down, "they have been like this? What else to say What if it's about the installation of weasels? Taixi did not get so angry, but to install monitoring equipment and equipment on the British side of the manor, there are so many can not be forgiven!

"There is also polarization within the UK about this matter!" Speaking of this, Ding Yu also snorted, "what's the result of this time? In fact, a decision was made long ago. What about the so-called investigation now? It's just a temporary suppression of this contradiction, so that Britain's face can be better

"That's too much!" After experiencing more things, Taixi also had his own unique sensitivity in practical matters, "Britain is so shameless, they have no great power demeanor at all?"

"Are you a big country? Is it true that there is not much relationship between the so-called national demeanor? That is to say, the important thing is to guarantee the interests, which is the most fundamental. From another point of view, they seem to be hungry at this time! It doesn't matter what you do with it

"Just watching?" Tai Xi is also very worried, looking at Ding Yu.

"Let them make a fuss?" Ding Yu seemed not worried at all and said, "the British side said it was to investigate this matter, but do you believe it or not, even if we go back, there will not be any news about this matter. At most, it is just to change two personnel from five places. As for the others? All will be crushed down! "

"Would they be so blatant?"

"There must be a lot of problems and conditions behind this incident. Although it has not been fully revealed, some of them have been able to feel some of them!" Ding Yu smile, appears very confident, "now? Even if we are worried, there is no effect. We'd better spend a good holiday with them

Ding Yu waited for Taixi and his two children to come to the panda base. The base welcomed the arrival of four of Ding Yu's family. At the beginning, it was not only simply adopting pandas, but also some other animals. It was not just about loving!

Accompanied by the staff, Ding Yu and Tai Xi also have two children who have changed their clothes. So straightforward contact with giant pandas will bring certain risks to the survival of giant pandas. Everyone needs to have such a process, and no one can be an exception!

Tai hee didn't take off his eyes and hat, and his recognition was still relatively high. Although he said that he didn't show much in recent years, his appearance did not really change. Now he is not in South Korea, but he still needs to pay attention to it.

In fact, there has been news about this aspect in South Korea, but no matter which aspect of the news will soon disappear. What's your guess about this? There are also some, but it's just a guess. Not many people can get in touch with Taixi and know about this situation? It is also a taboo.

So when he was in the panda base, Taixi was also very low-key. He came with his father and two children. However, looking at the giant panda, he was so excited that he couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart! Soon, she also took the giant panda adopted by her family in her arms.

"Mom, isn't it particularly cute?" The two children were not willing to be outdone. They soon gathered around their mother's side. The adopted panda was a little bit bigger, but it was really naive. In the past, even if they were watching TV very little, now they are not only so simple as close contact, but also can be integrated into the arms. How happy!

There are two staff members who are specially responsible for accompanying them. They just tell us how to get in touch with pandas, and also tell us some living habits and conditions of adopted pandas. They all have very clear records. As for leaders? They didn't mean to disturb them at this time.

Ding Yu didn't mean to go to trouble. What about the animals adopted by two children? All of them have been taken good care of, which is enough. Taixi and his two children also gathered around the adopted panda and didn't give up! At this time, even if God comes, it's not easy to use it!

Ding Yu is also very helpless at the side of the staff stood up his shoulder, there is no way to do things, he now seems to be an outsider! I feel that there are so many small bending! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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