
Looking at Wu Lei who came to the door, Ding Yu also looked at him suspiciously, "I'm going to go out to dinner and have an appointment! There are so many of you who are not at the right time! I don't have so much time for you

What about this? Some of them are not very popular! But Wu Lei really didn't have much to care about, thanks to this young director? Treat yourself as a secretary, otherwise he would never say such a thing! What about his temper? There is also some assurance.

"My chief director! Some things are very difficult for me. People from the first echelon are back! They've been out there for a while, and now they're back in the dumps! Now it's all over the capital! "

Ding Yu took a surprised look, and then looked at his wrist watch, "I don't have so much leisure, not so much mind. What about them? I have not been under my jurisdiction for a long time, this matter has been quite a conclusion for a long time, what's more, I have no interest in them! Do you know that? "

This is not a simple thing to say. I have already expressed my opinions and opinions in this respect. How can I still come to my door? It's hard to believe that he was made out of mud. He didn't have any anger at all. So when he looked at Wu Lei, his eyes were not good. Now it's you who is in charge.

"Director, what about the first echelon? I'm still very young. I don't have much bearing capacity for such pressure. I tried a lot of methods, but they didn't work. So I thought of you, director. You still have a good example for them! It will be quite inspiring to speak! "

In fact, Wu Lei also knows that Ding Yu doesn't want to be involved in the first echelon, but now that these people come back, they are listless and are really stimulated. You know, that is not a small amount, 150 million US dollars! There's no such thing. Even if the waste paper is thrown into the water, you can hear a movement, right?

"That's their own business. If they can't adjust this, I think they'll be so generous that they won't have much success in the future. What's more, I remember that you are their chief director! There are so many things on my side! "

Ding Yu really didn't mean to be involved. At the beginning, he gave them 150 million yuan to train their hands. He said this very clearly. What should he do? Is it possible that they are their own sons, who eat, drink and Lazar themselves need to care, there is no such thing! So Ding Yu showed some impatience.

"Director, they failed this time, and it's still such a big sum!" The visitor is also painstakingly comforting Ding Yu. In addition to Ding Yu, there is no other person suitable for this matter.

"Oh, because of this?" Ding Yu disdained to hum, "first of all? I didn't imagine that I was so dirty and threatened the people of the first echelon with such things. At the beginning, I gave them a chance to exercise. Second? Whether they make or lose is their own business, it has nothing to do with me! "

After that, Ding Yu also stood up. Wu Lei looked at Ding Yu's appearance, but he was very helpless. After all, what about the money? At the beginning, it was Ding Yu who took it out, but now it means that Ding Yu doesn't have any meaning and ideas in this respect. What can he say now?

"Director, although I have this position, I understand that..."

"Well, comrade director, I really don't have so much free time. You can handle it by yourself! There is a presumptuous to say, in the future such things can not come to me, I am really busy

Ding Yu's attitude is not so good, but Wu Lei doesn't care about the tone of Ding Yu's words. If you can't say it, you can't come. How can it be? But after careful consideration, Ding Yu seems to be really interested in the first echelon? No idea, even the second tier? It is also completely ignore any attention, the rest of the people are still eating sand every day.

Watching Ding Yu go out, Wu Lei is also following the position behind, "I said director!" Looking at Ding Yu's intention of turning over his face, Wu Lei did not care, "did you hear that? There seems to be a lot of noise on this side of the capital! "

Ding Yu looked suspiciously at him. Although he didn't speak directly, his eyes were also full of expression. If he had words, he would quickly release his fart. He didn't have time to accompany him to grind his teeth!

"That one seems to have something to do with it?"

So this is it? Ding Yu said with a smile, "don't stretch out your hand and you will be caught. It's normal! In any case, my heart is very magnanimous, I did not do any messy things, do not do the wrong thing, do not beat ghost door, right? " When he said this, Ding Yu also made a deliberate pause.

"As for whether that person has done something wrong, I'm afraid he knows it best."

Two people looked at each other, and then they got on their own cars. Ding Yu also agreed to an appointment today. However, there are not many such times. Not everyone needs to give this face. Even if he is free at home, this also depends on the situation. If he doesn't come, what can he do?Until the evening, Ding Yu came back, looking at his father sitting outside, Ding Yu was a little puzzled, "Dad!" That is to say, then Ding Yu also went to wash and gargle, and then changed his clothes. Before returning, the housekeeper Deng Rong had told himself that Ding Yu just had some doubts about why his father would come alone!

"Dad, have you eaten yet?"

Wang Changlin nodded, but he didn't mean to stand up. "I'll talk to you about something!" After that, Ding Yu was even more curious when he looked at his father's actions. Obviously, his father didn't want to talk about things in public, but the problem is that although there are some empty spaces here, there are no other people.

However, the father and son finally went to the study side, "I heard some things about the first echelon today. It's really that there are some things that I'm not sure about, so I came here to have a look."

"Why is it still such a mess?" Ding Yu also shook his head. "I have already shown my attitude before. What about them? I didn't have any interest. At the beginning, if the third uncle didn't force me to give it to me, I didn't bother to pay attention to it. As for taking 150 million yuan? I'm not saying that it's just for the sake of selling people, or deliberately pit them, using so-called means on their bodies, and the gains outweigh the losses. Why can't anyone understand them? "

"It's not a question of whether you can understand or not. You also know that there are so many different rumors in the capital recently. Relevant investigations are also in progress, and many people's covers are about to be lifted up!"

"Ha ha!" Ding Yu said with a smile, "what? Everyone put the responsibility on me again. I said that they were stupid or deliberately looking for trouble? I don't seem to have anything to do with the whole thing, do I? How can I make it as if all the things are caused by me alone?! That's too much! "

The expression on Wang Changlin's face is not as relaxed as his own son, "at the beginning, all the assets on your face have been contributed, what about this matter? There has never been a final conclusion, but now some people have begun to mention some problems in this area, and some sources? It's also here! "

"You should go to the old man, right! At that time, I didn't mean to take the initiative to take out the money, but my grandfather's problem. As for the follow-up things? I don't know. Is it better to find the old man for this matter? "

"In every way." As for the appearance of his son, Wang Changlin really doesn't know what to say. Things should really be said to have a certain relationship with his son. It seems that there is no such relationship, but it doesn't matter? It seems that all aspects are involved.

"Even in all aspects?" What about Ding Yu? It's not that they deliberately aim at their own father, but that they have considerable confidence. Even if these guys put their goals on their own bodies, what can they do? If you want to rely on this means to beat themselves down, some too take for granted.

"I'm afraid they will bite back. What about your goal? Some of them are too obvious! " If Wang cunlin is too ruthless, he will not be too ruthless when he comes out.

How you treat others, people will also how to you, you really heard a little wind, the truth of the matter is not known, but for their own son? It's also true that there are some worries, not afraid of 10000, just in case, isn't it?

"Isn't that obvious? It's really open to discussion. In fact, it's just a deliberate release of such a news. It's not a big news. It seems that some people have realized their own problems! "

Yeah? Wang Changlin also looked at his eldest son. What does he mean by his words? Why do you say that?

"What about the situation now? It can be said that they are quite nervous. What about some people? Feeling the delicacy of the situation, it's impossible to be unprepared and unprepared at all. What's more, even if the people on the table spend more, how much can they spend? Let's take you as an example. How much money is spent at home with your salary? "

"Transfer assets?" Wang Changlin seems to understand something!

"Is it a transfer of assets? I'm really not so clear about this matter. I'm not a person in the system. But I'm very willing to beat a dog in the water. What about some people? Obviously, there are concerns in this respect. What about other places? No sense of security, but in the United States and Europe? It's not that insurance, so now? You need to think about it! How to deal with it? "

"Did they deliberately let out the wind?"

Ding Yu looked at his father and nodded, "there are not many people like you who can pass the wind to people like you. There are only a few of them. I probably know who it is! It's not convenient for me to disclose some things to my father. If you know too much, it's not good for you! "Ding Yu didn't want to cause any so-called troubles to his father, so he didn't tell him much. However, after his father went there today, he couldn't let him go back empty handed, could he? So that is to say two more sentences, I hope he can understand, some things? It's not that simple.

Even his own father? If you take a wrong step, it is easy to have other problems and situations, but Ding Yu is not. Because he is not a person in the system, it doesn't matter. What's more? Ding Yu himself has no so-called handle to grasp, advance and retreat freely, very convenient!

"It seems that you are ready for this?"

Ding Yu was silent for a little time. "It's really not that I didn't have any preparation at all. When my information was sold out, I was very passive and didn't return to my mind soon. What do I know? It's not just that I sold my information, but there are other things involved in it, so I've left some thoughts! "

"I don't know much about it!"

"There are a lot of problems and things in this, involving some things at the national level, and I have never had the meaning to say. How about speaking it out? For all aspects are not so favorable, there are some other disputes, even now, some things are not able to mention again! No one dares to do that! The same is true of me

Wang Changlin looked at his son seriously. "If you started paying attention to it at that time, how long has it been now? You should have a lot of things in your hands?"

"Really? There are not as many things as you think

Ding Yu's answer also made Wang Changlin have some unexpected things, "because I spend most of my time? I'm not at home any more. To be more exact, I can be more arbitrary in foreign countries, but I'm honest and honest at home, without using other means and resources, so I don't have a thorough understanding of some situations! "

Is there any other problem in this? Wang Changlin really can't say it well, but between the words of his eldest son? I still heard some problems, some problems? It's not very good to get your son's face on the top!

I have always been worried about this. What about Ding Yu's eldest son? Too young, sometimes really worried that he would appear spoiled and proud of the situation, after all, he involved in those things? They are very important, but looking at the appearance of his eldest son, he is calm and really has some terrible.

"Speaking of it, I really have some white worries!"

"I don't like to get involved in domestic politics. There are some things I have to do, but that is to help. As for the foreign side? It is only because of the interests involved, otherwise there are few actions! I'm not so sensitive to the political situation! " Ding Yu also said two simple sentences.

But Wang Changlin really understood what his eldest son meant when he said this. Of course, he knew about the first echelon, and even some people took the initiative to find themselves. But what about this matter? Wang Changlin really does not have any opinions and ideas, his eldest son! Let yourself say what is good?

But really, it's not a bad thing to say, what about the eldest son? It has its own purpose, and it is quite executive. "Boss! You know, that's 150 million dollars, not a small sum of money?! Maybe in your eyes? This number is not worth mentioning, but in people's eyes, it is astronomical

"After letting them go out, I didn't want to use this to buy them off, and I didn't want to let them make money by relying on these. If the money is really so easy to earn, then I don't need the following people!" Ding Yu also deliberately explained to his father, "is to let them know, have psychological preparation in this respect, did not think that they still have not been able to feel this layer, it is really a pity!"

"You know, that's 150 million US dollars, a small billion yuan, just to train them. Even if they spend so much money on gold, it seems that they are too much?"

"At least there are still some hopes on their bodies, but it is impossible to build them into fine steel if they don't work hard. Even if they spend some investment, it's no big deal! What's more, spending these money on them is better than eating, drinking and playing! It's an airplane and a yacht. Isn't that more expensive? It's like a few less trips, not everything! "

"The mentality is really good. What about this? I also quite admire it Wang Changlin also knows how it happened. The eldest son still attaches great importance to the people in the first echelon. However, the eldest son does not want to see the so-called shackles on them, which fetters these young people.

What about the first tier? It can almost be said that the eldest son gave up his painstaking efforts to pave the way, but from the beginning to the end? The eldest son doesn't mean to control. Since the eldest son doesn't mean to control, what about others? What about Wu Lei? It's just a representation placed there. Don't be wrong about that!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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