"They are very lucky to have a good teacher like you!" Wang Changlin how much some sigh!

Although the eldest son is indifferent to the people in the first echelon, what about relatively? I still try my best, but I don't think it's what outsiders say!

"I'm not going to be their teacher. What about medical students? I really have a little interest, but what about the first tier? I really don't have much interest! "

Medical school? Wang Changlin took a look at his son, this matter is really no one mentioned to himself, "when the matter! I didn't think you went to a medical student to be a teacher?! Can you do it? " I don't really doubt it, but my son seems a little younger? At least in the profession of doctors.

"Our senior director mentioned this matter to me earlier. I also went to the school to have a look. After two classes, the students are still very good!" Ding Yu also mentioned this matter for the first time! Obviously, what about medical students? More interested than the first echelon!

"It's a good thing, too." The eldest son is really a bit of this aspect of the mind have no, oneself also is not good to say what, is really not necessary! Rigid demands have no effect, not to mention that this man is his eldest son.

"Well, I'm not going to say anything more!"

There was a driver outside, so Ding Yu didn't personally send his father back, but when he got on the bus, Wang Changlin also stopped for a moment, "what about the body of your grandfather and grandfather? It's not right. Maybe I'm old! "

"I heard that!" What about Ding Yu's tone? I heard that I have lived in the hospital now. I will go and have a look tomorrow If it was at home, Ding Yu would never have gone. At the beginning, he had said this, and now the relationship between them has broken.

For the attitude of the eldest son, Wang Changlin can't really ask for anything. What is the relationship between him and the old man? The upper and lower families all know that this is not really who can comfort.

After taking two pictures of his son, Wang Changlin got on the bus and left. Ding Yu also said to Deng Rong, "go to the hospital tomorrow." Deng Rong is nodding his head. He told his husband before that this time he could mention it. The meaning of this is not the same!

The next morning, Ding Yu had breakfast and went to the hospital by car. When he came to the hospital, he saw his grandfather and grandmother. They lived together. The room was not very large, but the room was very clean. When Ding Yu came, they just came back from a stroller!

When seeing Ding Yu, it is obvious that there are some unexpected, even some small surprises! "So early? So free? " The old lady looked at her grandson with a smile on her face. Although she said that the relationship between them had been severed, it was very good that Ding Yu could come here. She was surprised.

Ding Yu also put things away, looking at his grandfather and grandmother, more old-fashioned, but relatively speaking, his mental appearance is still good, that is, he is too old, but what about the environment here? It's better than at home, but I'm really worried at home, so I moved to the hospital.

Ding Yu is a doctor himself. How about his grandfather and grandmother coming to the hospital? It's recuperation. It's different from sanatorium, but it can be seen that the situation of grandparents is not so optimistic at home! But the mentality of grandfather and grandmother is really good!

"Recently so free?" Wang Pu also took time out, the next to the nursing is also put his hand, but the hand slightly has so some shaking, age has been so old, there are still some not very autonomous, but all his life do not like to borrow people, this is the same time.

"There are a lot of busy things, but I'm lazy at first. Recently I went to the medical school to take a few classes! Maybe two students will be taken in! " Ding Yu sat there, chatting with his grandfather and grandmother, the real situation is also true, as for the British thing? There is no need to tell them.

It's very important for them to keep their present state of mind, "to take students to medical school? Can you do it? " Wang Pu looked at his grandson as if he was picking a thing. His eyes had a slight taste of disdain.

Ding Yu didn't mean to compare with his grandfather, but he didn't mean to give in. "Teach them these little beans, there's no problem! There's enough water in my stomach! "

Wang Pu is still satisfied with Ding Yu's remarks. Although he says that he is not satisfied with his grandson sometimes, he really does not deny his ability. Since he dares to say that? It means that there is a lot of confidence in your heart. Young people should be like this. Don't always be fooling around behind your back.

Sometimes his great grandson hides too deeply. Even when some people mention him, there are some differences between his words. This is not good. But Wang Pu also knows that it is not realistic to let him make changes based on his own words. However, some words do not need to be hidden in his heart, and they should be said."Xiaoyu, when did you come?" When Wang Hui came, she was very happy to see Ding Yu accompanying her father and mother. She had nothing to do anyway, so she would come here every day. Her parents are so old that it's not appropriate to rely on the service personnel to take care of them. What's the use of children?

"Auntie!" Ding Yu also made way for his own table. He was a young man. Before that, no one came over and he sat there. But now his sister-in-law is coming. If he continues to sit with a big stab, it will be a bit of a shame!

"In the morning!"

"No big deal, just a little older!" Wang Hui is very indifferent to this. Her parents have such a body at this age, which is unique. Thanks to her big nephew, the small pharmacy at home has put in quite a lot of efforts, which she knows.

Although the relationship between father and Ding Yu is very general, it is because they have different ideas and have no relationship with other people. What's the cost of family these years? They are all supported by the great nephew, although Wang Yang? It's in the back, but what about him? It is the cost of the whole faction, which is different from each other.

If Ding Yu really does not do anything, there may be micro words behind the family, but absolutely dare not say anything, but such things? They also know at home that the outside world doesn't know how it happened. They think that the relationship between Ding Yu and the old man is very tense, which is not the case.

"By the way, how's your recent work?" I know a lot about family matters, but I really don't know much about my nephew's work. Of course, I don't have much to ask about!

"Fortunately, the hospital has coordinated my work, and now there are several classes in the medical school!" Ding Yu explained to Wang Hui again, "by the way, how about Xiaohui? I haven't asked too much lately

"Too big a heart! He said he would come back and open a law firm in the future! What about me and her father? I don't really agree! "

Ding Yu nodded, "there are some sensitivities in identity. How about opening a law firm in China? Indeed, there are some too subtle, and she is still very young, and the inside of the greasy may not be clear, if you want to continue to develop in this industry, first calm down this mind, good study for a period of time, may follow well! "

"What about me and her father? That's what it means

After a brief chat, Ding Yu didn't stay for a long time. Then he took a look at his grandfather. His old man's body was also inconvenient. When he saw Ding Yu, he also reluctantly laughed, "why? You have never shed tears in your life. At this age, you are still crying in front of your children? "

"Bullshit! I'm just a little excited. What does it have to do with crying? " Su bochen also said with hatred, "but what about it? Your boy has been calming down a little recently. What about some things? Some of them mentioned it to me when they came down. I don't know if they can see it! "

"So you are worried about this Ding Yu no longer cared, helped pour a glass of water. "With the gradual progress and development of the country, there will inevitably be other problems in the process. Isn't it good to find and solve problems? There is a process. "

"It's just that the cost of this process is a little bit too big!" Su Bo Chen still exclaimed, "what about some leading cadres? It's a pity that I can't keep my style all the time. At that time, it was also very good. Who could have thought that when I was old, there were problems and conditions! "

"The problem is diverse, but what about the vast majority? All should be personal problems. We can't simply attribute the mistakes to others. We can't stand the temptation. We should know whether they made mistakes on their posts, with the common people or two times? At most, it is family conflicts and losses, but if leading cadres make mistakes in their posts, they will cause considerable losses to the country! This is unforgivable! "

"So greedy? Is it really good to be engraved on the stigma column of history? They didn't think about the consequences at all? "

"Good or bad? It's all personal choice. Who can interfere? " Ding Yu patted his grandfather's hand twice. "You are now related to the country. This is a good thing, but what about some things? We can't underestimate the current leaders. They are still determined and courageous, aren't they? "

"That's the same Su bochen also laughed, and his face was much better. "Don't talk about these things, what about me? Old man, some things should be arranged. I have told the eldest and the third, including your mother. What about my life? No savings. The house belongs to the state. After I die? House for the state. Where's the body? Cremation. What about deposits? Pay me party dues, but it's something commemorative. You can share it. If you don't like it, you'll take it as a thought! ""Grandfather, how can you think so?"

Su bochen waved his hand. "It's not something you want or not to think about, but when you are old, you need to see Marx and the Communist Party. No one can violate the laws of nature, and there is no pity. It's a pity that I still have this understanding."

What about grandfather's words? Ding Yu also sighed for a long time. At noon, he deliberately accompanied his grandfather to eat some food in the hospital. In fact, the food did not taste very good. However, his grandfather was in a good mood. His aunt also brought some things. But when he saw Ding Yu, his face was a little formulaic.

What about Su Yu? Or let each other's hearts have a considerable entanglement, their own son? It's also true that you can't come back even if you want to go back to the capital. What about old Su? It's also because this matter has been quite implicated. Although we have passed the customs clearance, how can we say it? My heart is still a little reluctant.

Although this guy in the fourth family said that he was young, his mind was really unusual. Some of them were too "black". It may not be very good for him to be an aunt, but the actual situation is like this! I don't seem to be biased? Right?

After leaving the hospital and looking at the time, Ding Yu went to the medical school again. He did not teach the experiment class in the afternoon. He came to see how their situation was. However, the enthusiasm of these students was very high.

Ding Yu just took a look and didn't mean to be involved in it. After all, it was other teachers who taught the class. What kind of a thing was it when he went to school. Until the end of the class, Ding Yu was also called to one side by Guo Li and Ouyang Ying, "is there anything wrong recently? Take you to practice for a while

"Teacher, it's summer vacation!"

"I know that's why I took you to practice! But not to what big hospital, to find you a special internship place, is to use my little power! I have already discussed with the school authorities! "

Where are you going to practice? Naturally, it's his hometown. When his father talked to him about some problems, Ding Yu also considered them. Although his father didn't say it clearly, the implied meaning was quite obvious. Ding Yu also considered some problems. Since he had time, he moved slightly.

What about Britain? For a while, what about domestic affairs? Although it has nothing to do with myself, I don't guarantee that I will get angry, so now? It's better to do your own job, don't get involved with others!

As for the affiliated hospital? It's very good coordination. Going there for internship is all internship. Ding Yu can still do this little communication. For Ding Yu, it's not a problem at all.

"Teacher, our past together?" Guo Li was also surprised.

"Yes! Together! If there are any special circumstances, I will take you back to your hometown, where I will exchange internships for a period of time, so that you can get in touch with ordinary people. Don't always be superior. At the same time? It's also a little contribution to the people in my hometown, but as a reminder of friendship, I'll do a lot of preparation work! "

"Teacher, we will tell the other students immediately!" Guo Li was so excited, so was Ouyang Ying over there. She had been in contact with this teacher for quite a long time, and she had a very good sensory impression of the teacher. I didn't expect that this time's class work would be like this. I really didn't think of it.

For the school, this is really not a big deal. Can Ding Yu have such an arrangement? It's really for the sake of these students. I didn't expect that Ding Yu was so optimistic about these students that there were some who didn't want to play.

After Guo Li and Ouyang Ying went back, they all gathered their classmates together. They were very excited. How about going to the Affiliated Hospital for internship? It's just an ordinary internship. They don't mean that they haven't experienced it at all. They've learned a lot from them. But how can we say that? I always feel a little bad.

Now the teacher has other arrangements, although that is to go to a county-level hospital, but what about that? This time, we can't disgrace the teacher. We should know that is the teacher's hometown. However, the teacher's arrangement can be reflected from another aspect. The teacher's prestige is really great.

Not everyone can make such an arrangement, even if you are an expert? What about the usual consultation? There may not be any problem, but what about people like yourself? It's just some tender rabbits. What about the hospital for these young rabbits? If it's better, you can have a place to practice. If it's not good, you'll be thrown out directly, regardless of your background?

But now the teacher has it, in other words? This supporter is a little bit bigger, although they are still early from the real graduation? But with such an opportunity, is the beginning of the road to success, we need to cherish it.

Other students in the college are also quite envious, but envy does not play any role. Not everyone has such resources as Ding Yu, nor can everyone take such a large group of students to "eat and drink together"!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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