Ding Yu returned to his hometown with a group of students. He walked quietly and abruptly, but what impression did he leave on everyone? Is it true that there are so many small deep, this time to play disappear? And why? Is it really suitable?

However, the atmosphere here in the capital is getting more and more tense. Ding Yu is now detailing the power of it. Is he going to avoid this rumor? It's possible! What about Britain? It is also thorough, there are so some do not understand!

If you are in the capital, you may also spy on Ding Yu, but when Ding Yu returns to his hometown, this matter has basically gone to pieces! Ding Yu's old man is a small county, just like the suburbs of England. Although it has a large population, it is too obvious to go to a foreigner!

Even if you send a banana man, do you really think Ding Yu is a vegetarian? At that time, I'm afraid even bones and dregs will not be left. The information provided by the United States, the information from six places, and the data from five places have been read here. They also feel that their scalp is numb and their hearts are shocked.

Ding Yu left the capital, but did he want to give orders? It's not difficult, but if you don't get close to Ding Yu, how can you understand Ding Yu? If you don't know Ding Yu, how can you talk about other problems and situations? Ding Yu has not had too many reactions. This is not normal in itself, OK?

But Ding Yu suddenly ran back to his hometown, can you play a good game, Ding Yu's arrival? However, the city hospital was overjoyed. Even if these people came to the hospital for internship, they were all high-quality students. Whether they would stay in the future did not need to be considered by the hospital, but it played a crucial role in the spread of the city hospital's reputation! It played a very important role in caring for Ding Yu in those years.

Ding Yu was a student at the beginning, but what about his father? In the hospital relationship is quite peripheral, so the hospital is also a big green light, did not expect Ding Yu? Actually, it has risen, and the return to the city's hospitals is beyond imagination. The relevant experts, technical support and so on, now the hospital has a small name.

Therefore, the hospital also expressed a warm welcome to these students. However, we all know that Ding Yu is not a person who likes to publicize so much, so it is the internal treatment. However, we also invited Ding Yu to sit down for a while. In the process, Ding Yu also put forward some requirements.

What about the so-called requirements? Let these students do some tired work, can not let them idle, they have not entered the hospital system, so what is the understanding of it? It's not so much. I brought them here this time, which is a systematic understanding.

What about the capital hospital? There are many opportunities for them to understand, but they have no idea about the situation of county-level hospitals or Harvard general hospital. Ding Yu is ready to take their practical experience and deepen their understanding of all aspects. In this way, it may be faster and simpler to enter the work!

The hospital has arranged accommodation for Guo Li and his people, but can they eat? It's in the hospital. There's no difference. It's Ding Yu's rigid request. Of course, if you don't feel suitable, you can go out to eat, but the hospital won't let them eat small stoves alone.

Even if Ding Yu came here, he often ate in the hospital, and did not show any discomfort. Is it possible that Guo Li and his people are so expensive? Compared with my own teacher, it seems that it is not very good!

"Bring a group of students back?" Ding Lin is also different, up and down looking at his eldest son, he when a doctor? It's OK, but now I've brought the students with me. Why do I feel so wrong? Can it really work?

Xiao lazy looks at Ding Yu with a smile. As for the Labrador, it is very big at this time, but it is not as naughty as xiaolazy. Compared with xiaolazy, it seems very simple and honest. I don't know whether it is because Ding Yu is at home? It's hard to say.

When talking, there was a doorbell, and then I saw a fat girl with two children standing at the door pitifully, "grandfather Ding, can we take a little lazy in the afternoon and go to play with them?"

Ding Lin carefully put a collar around the little lazy and Labrador, and then grabbed the little fat girl's cheek. "If no one takes care of it, just send it to the guard. Don't give them two other things to eat, and don't scare them, OK?"

"Thank you, Grandpa Ding!"

Little fat girl is very polite. Ding Yu looks at her father, "whose child is very outgoing?"

"Xiaolazy is the star of our community. Not only children, but also adults like it very much. Many people deliberately come to breed, and some people spend a lot of money to buy it outside, but they are not as spiritual as our family. I heard that big bear was born?"

"What big bear? It's little four eyes Ding Yu also snorted, "gave birth to two nests, previously promised others, and sent away one. For this reason, the two bunnies called a pain, and the rest of the baby is like what. If it's not inconvenient, maybe this time when you leave, you'll take it with you!"After chatting for a while, Ding Lin suddenly reacted. His previous topic seemed to be misled by his own son. He told him about the students' affairs. How could it be related to Xiao lazy and big bear? What and what?

"I said," can you? With so many students all at once? It's not like what we're going to do? Don't delay those children! This is the key point! "

"And they? It was handed over to me by our senior director. I learned things well in the school, but I didn't have much experience and experience. I just took them to have a deep contact. Anyway, it's better to come here and make some contribution to our parents? If I have a chance, I will take it to the United States and have a systematic understanding of it. It will benefit them a lot. Anyway, I feel very good! "

"Then you should pay more attention to the students who are good and don't have other problems! Do you know? "

Ding Yu nodded, "where's my mother? It's already summer vacation. Do they need to have a rest time for their teaching support work? Not every day in the past there? Can it be done? "

"Come back soon?" Ding Lin also didn't care about it, and immediately turned on the TV. "Do you feel like you have to work harder than before you retire? There are some really do not understand, what is the idea? But it is also very good, anyway, looking at her full of vitality, not to be idle at home! "

Ding Yu looked at his father and shook his head. "When I came back, I didn't say hello to Ding Ding. There are so many things in Beijing. Besides taking these students to practice? It's mainly to avoid some things. What about it? Whether it's all over the world, whether it's luxurious or humble, or it's good at home! "

"That is!" Ding Lin is not old-fashioned at all. "I thought I would go to the house over there with your mother in two days. What about after the house comes down? That is to say, one of them is empty. Originally, it was prepared by you for Ding Ding Ding. Now it's good. It's basically useless. That is, your mother and I will stay for two days in our spare time. "

A little resentful, but why does Ding Yu sound like his father is so proud? "I don't have so much time to run here and there. By the way, I heard that our high-speed rail has begun to plan?"

"Well? The proposal has been approved earlier, and some rumors have been heard from the government. The problem is not very big. However, it is said that the demolition and relocation problems are so serious due to the construction of high-speed rail. However, it is not a major event. Unified planning is also necessary. However, if the high-speed rail is adopted, it will be very convenient! "

Ding Yu was chatting with his father in the afternoon, and he had nothing else to do. He had been waiting for his mother to come back with Xiao lazy and Labrador. Only when they found out that the afternoon had passed, they had nothing to do, just chatting here!

Looking at his wife's appearance, Ding Lin is also in a hurry to the small lazy and Labrador to go, to clean up for them! "Didn't you come back early? Why didn't you eat anything? " Looking at nothing on the tea table, and then looking at the sofa, we can see that their father and son are lazy cancer criminals, and they are also so angry.

"I came back early, but I really need to ask my father about some things!" Looking at her mother's suspicious eyes, Ding Yu also forcibly explained, "this time brought a lot of students back, all arranged in the hospital. After all, my father is still the vice president. He has the experience in this aspect, so I should study hard?"

"Just him?" After Zhao Shuying changed her clothes, she snorted with disdain, "if you give him two students, he can't manage them well? Your mother and I have always been on the front line of education. "

At last, Ding Yu took a long breath and helped his father clean up Xiao lazy and Labrador. They were all very honest. Discipline is one aspect, mainly because they get a lot of activities every day, so there won't be any depression.

Otherwise, the smiling angel of xiaolazy will not become a home demolition maniac? Don't underestimate them. Otherwise, you can be sure that one day when you come back, you will be furious when you see the mess in your home.

At dinner in the evening, Zhao Shuying seems to be very interested in the students brought back by her eldest son. To be exact, what about her time? It is true that there is nothing wrong. The school is on holiday, and the work of supporting teachers is also temporary. The grandson and granddaughter have not come back, and the grandson has not come back. He has nothing to do.

"I'll find a chance to have a meal together some other day. Don't come all the way to the hospital and let them work hard. They are all children. If you come back home, it will be a treasure. If you get here, you can't ignore it, can't you?"

Ding Lin didn't say anything. His eldest son seldom brought his friends here. It seems that there are not so many people who can enter his eyes. Anyway, after returning to the army? There are really not many people who can bring home. This time he brings so many students here, which should be a good opportunity.Ding Yu didn't say anything about his mother's enthusiasm. He nodded his head and agreed. It's really hard to say how many of these people could become their own students, but they are in good condition now.

But also let these students stay in the hospital for three days, Ding Yucai found Guo Li to his side position, "in the evening? Keep your stomachs, you have been here for three days, and you should feel the hard work here. Find a place to taste the local products tonight. If you have any taboos, please say it immediately! After this village, there will be no such shop! "

"Teacher, don't use it! We... "

"All right, don't ink. I heard that the sheep were slaughtered by noon. My mother bought some sheep for you and invited two old masters to come here. Do you have any taboos? I don't know. It's up to me, anyway

"Teacher, how interesting this is..., hehe."

"There's nothing to be ashamed of, my father? You should have met, that is, vice president Ding Linding. Where is my mother? It's a teacher who said that you come from afar. It's always hard. Anyway, I don't see how hard you are. Today, I'll treat it as a family dinner. It's also a consolation to you, so that you can cut corners in your usual time! "

Ding Yu said a couple of jokes, and then he expelled Guo Li. Soon, other students also knew about the relevant news. They really didn't expect that there would be such an arrangement in the evening. What about Yangtang? Some of us have drunk, some have not, but everyone's taste and taste are not the same. Since we have come here, we will let our guests do as we please.

Zhao Shuying came a little bit early, while Ding Yu came with a group of students who had been waiting for their work to be handed over after work. She didn't ask people to bring any gifts. She just asked them to come to dinner!

Ding Yu also introduced his parents one by one, and Guo Li and his students were honest and honest to say hello to Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying. After all, what about these two? But the teacher's parents, but look is also really young, good.

At the beginning, there was still some formality, but after all of them sat down, the atmosphere gradually became warm. Zhao Shuying deliberately invited two masters to come over, and the restaurant was also contracted down to welcome these students.

"Come here all the way. Although the place is small, it has its own characteristics and taste." Zhao Shuying also pulled in the opening remarks. Ding Yu accompanied her father and a large number of boys and girls at a table. Zhao Shuying took a table with girls, which was quite different.

We can also feel that the teacher's parents are really very approachable, kind, there is no so-called picky, what's more, there is no so-called look at each other, we are treated together!

The soup on the table is also divided into clear soup and fat soup. After all, the taste is different. In addition to the mutton soup, there are various kinds of mutton with cumin salt and mutton. They are all large and small, and they are quite unambiguous. At least their teachers are not vague. A large bowl of mutton can be eaten in a few mouthfuls.

Since the teachers are not vague, when the students of nature will not be too vague, things are absolutely enough.

"Dean Ding, how did you educate us? Surely you and Mr. Zhao have an exclusive secret recipe? Is that right? " What about Guo Li? Taking advantage of not paying attention to the time, but also a clever.

Ding Lin was laughing, "little rabbit!" What about this? It's not swearing, it's a bit of doting. "You haven't got a family yet? Now I want to save my family?! OK, anyway, it's busy today. I'll tell you about it, Xiaoyu! When I was a kid, I was pretty skinny. It was a toss with his sister

Ding Lin doesn't have too much restraint. Is he with these students? Is it true that there is a feeling of youth, as for their eldest son? He didn't pay much attention to it, but when he didn't pay attention, Ding Yu also glared at Guo Li. He even inquired about his own embarrassment. Do you want to do it?

The dinner time is a little longer, but Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying don't want to take part in the following activities. When they get older, they can have a good meal. However, other activities are unnecessary. Ding Yu doesn't want to participate. He doesn't like to be lively. As we all know, we all know that.

However, before leaving, Ding Yu also handed Guo Li and Ouyang Ying to one side. "It's nothing to go out and make a scene. It's very normal to relax and relax. However, we must pay attention to safety together, and don't make any other messy things! It's up to you. When something goes wrong, be careful of your skin. "

"Teacher, I promise all the students will go to work happily tomorrow! Absolutely no problem! Otherwise, I will not be vague about your stick

Ding Yu snorted, and then followed his parents to leave, but did not do too much stay. As for the monkey cubs in the back, Ding Yu didn't really care."How nice to go together, old-fashioned? You don't seem to be much older than them

"Mom, how old am I? I'm less than half a generation away from them these years. I'm different in age. I don't want to play together. What's more, if I go there, they can still jump and pedal?"

"You! Is the discipline too strict, this face has always been so serious? Why don't they shoot you? " Zhao Shuying looked at her son and said, "that's it! You really should learn more from me! "

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