Ding Yu came to the United States. After meeting sun Yingnan, Ding Yu stayed for two days, and then went to Boston without any stop. Sun Yingnan didn't make any big moves. Everything seemed to be a little calm.

The people of MI5 have a lot of activities, but Sun Yingnan has some meaning of turning a blind eye to him. He has no initiative to avoid, but he does not mean to be provocative. It is good for everyone to make peace with each other. What's more, it is still the United States. Even if the United States deliberately indulges, MI5 can not directly accept sun Yingnan.

That's not a brave man, but a fool!

So what about MI5? There are really not many good ways. Now Ding Yu has come to the United States. Although they say that they have made direct contact with Ding Yu, it is only a result of Ding Yu's deliberate avoidance, which does not mean that he has really defeated Ding Yu. We can still be aware of this.

Now they have come to America. What about Ding Yu? It is also in the United States. MI5 has no law enforcement power in the United States. He openly went to find Ding Yu's trouble. If Ding Yu is a vegetarian, or if he doesn't regard these guys around Ding Yu as human beings, let's forget it! It's better to leave yourself some way to live!

It's brave to go up when it's time to rush forward, but it's to die when you shouldn't!

The people of MI5 have not been mentally retarded to that extent. What's more, they are now in the United States, not to say that there is no danger behind them. If something really happens, maybe the United States behind them will give them a shot. For them, this is not a difficult thing. They are all engaged in this business. Who has not done such a thing? It's just a set up! a minor question.

Therefore, although MI5 is very arrogant, behind the arrogance is also quite cautious and careful, but the problem is that Ding Yu didn't react in any way. All the people in MI5 have been under Ding Yu's nose. I'm afraid they don't have such patience when they put them on anyone's body?

But what about Ding Yu? It is true that there is no action at all, as if nothing has happened. Do you dare to enter Ding Yu's consortium and company? If that's the case, there's no reason to kill you!

Perhaps Ding Yu is preparing for this? So it's better not to touch this mold. You haven't eaten pork, haven't you seen how pigs run? Don't have any insight!

In Boston, Ding Yu also saw Bruno in the photo vest at the door of his home. This style is no one. It's not a general bohemian. After seeing Ding Yu, he also raised his arm high, waiting for Ding Yu to reach the position in front of him, which also caught Ding Yu's neck.

This enthusiasm really makes people not used to it, "I said Ding, is it too late to come back? I have been waiting here for quite a long time! In order to celebrate your return, I arranged a party deliberately before to ensure that you will feel satisfied! "

"Give me a break Ding Yu also begged for mercy and said, "some of them were so clean before. I don't want to be as old as you. My legs are soft when I get up in the morning! I'm not used to it! " It seems to be begging for mercy, but is Ding Yu's attitude actually? It was rejected! But what about the relationship between them? It's also pretty good.

The collusion between the two people is very disharmonious. When they enter the apartment, Bruno doesn't stop at all and goes straight to Ding Yu's table. Soon, he grabs the small box in his own hand. There are few cigars in the box, but Bruno pinches all of them in his own hand.

"Some people gave me a few boxes of wahana cigars, but they always felt that the taste was not right. Whether it was the production or other conditions, it was really not clear. It was too heavy, so it covered up the pure taste! If you have whisky with it, you can barely accept it! "

"Aren't you a bit picky?" When Ding Yu sat down, someone also brought whisky to him. Bruno didn't care at all. Ding Yu also smoked, but he only smoked a little bit less. He didn't have a hobby in this area!

"You don't have to. You're not an old smoker. It's too wasteful." Looking at Ding Yu's outstretched finger, Bruno is also quite painful. Although it is said that the cigar was snatched from Ding Yu's hand, it is also very uncomfortable to be given a new one, but what can I do?

Ding Yu's attitude towards cigars is not as particular as Bruno's, but he has his own style. The two people puff in the small room without any intention of disturbing each other. However, Ding Yu doesn't mean to drink whiskey. Although there are a lot of ice in it, he doesn't have much interest in Yu Dingyu.

"Every time, I have different feelings, just like appreciating different beauties. Each has its own merits. I doubt how you did it! Do you know where cigars can be grown in China? In other places, no matter the temperature and humidity, they are not suitable! ""Your eyes are greedy." Ding Yu was not allowed to put his cigar on the shelf beside him. "I just came back just now. Are you so anxious to come to the door? Too eager? It's not like you! So it seems very strange! I feel very puzzled! "

Bruno also did not have any hesitation and ambiguity, "other people don't understand you, I don't know you yet. Originally, the East wanted to come with me, but other things happened temporarily, and when other people gathered together, there were many inconveniences. I just came to stop you temporarily!"

"There are some things in Britain that should not have caused so much noise." Ding Yu also responded and took a look at Bruno! Obviously, there are different views on this matter!

Bruno waved his hand. "I don't know what they've got in their heads? If you want to say their inflexible words, you don't know where they come from this time. It's really incomprehensible. It's also too lack of contractual spirit. This kind of breaking the hidden rules is actually despised by everyone, but what about the British side? It's not the first time that they have done this. Whether it's Dunkirk's sinking France or Myanmar's Sinking China, they've done a lot of such things! "


"So?" Bruno for Ding Yu's answer can be said to be very dissatisfied, "everyone for such things? It's also very irritating. No matter how we say it, everyone is a whole, and there is no normal competition. But this way is unacceptable to all of us! "

"So I need to prove myself!" Ding Yu also understood the meaning of Bruno, but what about Ding Yu's words? It's also somewhat provocative.

"I really don't mean to think like this, but what about some people here? If you have doubts about this, I have discussed with Dongfang and others. I will not ask about the specific matters, but if necessary, we will support unconditionally! "

Ding Yu slightly frowned his brow, "is this a trial?" When he said this, Ding Yu also picked up the whisky next to him. The ice inside had already begun to melt. The whisky was diluted, but the temperature was very good. Ding Yu felt the temperature with his fingertips.

"I don't mean to try. I know very well that if the British side does this, it will certainly suffer from quite a number of problems. I don't bother to pay attention to the specific problems. It is meaningless to me, even to the consortia and forces behind it!"

Ding Yu didn't think about it for a long time. Then he stretched out his hand. Bruno also quickly put out his hand. Two people clapped in the air and then took it back. "I knew you! I'm sure I'm angry in my heart. I'm afraid it won't be too comfortable for anyone to encounter such a thing! But really, what if we talk about it? Can I give you support? I'm afraid it will be very limited. It has a lot to do with the black president! "

"What? He's a little jumpy? "

"We let him back the black pot, can he have no opinion at all? How could it be! If it was you, could you hold your breath? Sooner or later, what about Britain? He can't be unaware, even behind his back? It's also quite a back door, otherwise people from MI5 would come in so easily? "

"I've tried to avoid it? But I didn't expect to be implicated in the end. Do you think I'm a little wronged? "

"How do I feel that your words are so mean that you get cheap and sell well. You have to know that you have made a lot of profits in the capital market. Did the black president really not know, but he was dumb and ate Coptis, so he could not say anything about it! What are you doing now? It's just a follow-up! "

"It's really new. It's all over the place. It's such a big deal!"

"It's over, but we can't let people have no resentment at all." Bruno took up what was in his hand and was motioned to Ding Yu, "so we all have reservations now. After all, no one wants to make things so big, that is to use a little so-called small hand in secret!"

"I need a lot of time, and what about this? I don't want too much attention and noise about this matter! " Ding Yu can't not fight back. Everyone knows about it, but how to fight back? It's another matter.

Bruno nodded. "What about me? There are also some worries. I'm worried that you can't control your anger. What if you fight and kill? It's easy to have problems, and it's easy to get other people's lip service. What about the British intelligence department? It's not ambiguous. What about their special forces? It is also a pioneer of other countries! There's still some water! Not scum

"I'm not a boon, they are pioneers, this has nothing to do with me!" Ding Yu also chuckled and picked up the cigar and put it aside. "Don't they do it? I won't do it either. Even if they do, they need to consider quite a few conditions. I believe some people are already impatient for it? "Bruno nodded slightly, and the news was true. The intelligence department in the United States has already shown signs of this aspect. If something happens, they will directly take action. They will give Ding Yu a good look, but they haven't found any opportunities.

Ding Yu is too low-key. What about the people around him? There is no high-profile performance. If you do something to Ding Yu, it will be better if you succeed. But if you don't succeed, things will never stop like Britain, because this is a problem of two natures.

All of us are tolerant of each other. No one can directly attack or even make exploratory attacks until the critical moment. We can only observe each other's words and deeds to see who can consume the others.

In the past, Ding Yu gave the United States too much blows, and all of them were heavy blows. Now we have changed our thinking. Don't act like a real guy. It's too dangerous.

Can't all the problems be attributed to the terrorists? Once or twice may not be a problem, but it is really noisy, how to solve it? Affect the stability of the society! Only when the society is stable can the economy develop well.

What's more, that person is Ding Yu. Once he makes a noise, it will never be a small one. Therefore, anyone who can solve the problem peacefully doesn't want to make a big fuss. Anyway, if we don't, you Ding Yu can't do it. If Ding Yu does, we will really let everyone grasp the handle.

Once you grasp the handle, Ding Yu's life will never be too easy. I believe Ding Yu also understands this truth.

But what about MI5 guys? That's enough. The United States has given so many conveniences. Can't you move a little bit? Although on the surface, the five military intelligence departments are full of fanfare, but what about the actual situation? Be cautious. When you were at the British airport, you were not like this. They were very resolute.

"What preparation do you need?"

"Money! I need a lot of capital as capital, and this time may be a little long. I put forward two conditions, one? You take 15 percent. What about professional managers? That's the price. What about the other one? Thirty five percent, you are partners

"Thirty five percent. It didn't look like that before!" Bruno didn't have any other opinions and ideas about the distribution of profits, but he felt that he was confused. Why did Ding Yu say so.

"I need to put out about 15% of the funds for activities, and maybe even more. I can't take the other 50% alone. There are other aspects that need to be dealt with."

"So generous?" Bruno obviously has some moves!

"It's better to be prepared than not to be prepared. I need to prepare this budget in advance. How much I spend is not a problem. But I don't want other problems and shortcomings in the plan. At least I can strive for space for myself to make up for myself."

"Yes, you can come to that row! I don't care about the details. I hope we can have a celebration dinner! " When speaking, he also raised the cigar in his hand. "You know, I'm not interested in other things, but I'm still more interested in it. I don't care about the rest. As long as this tube is enough!"

"You! But greedy Ding Yu's smile is not aimed at Bruno, but shows his self-confidence!

"That's all. Let's go! I'm quite ready for this. I'm sure you'll be surprised

"Come on, I've just come here, and I've brought a large number of students. I don't have your leisure. What's more, I don't have a cold about such things. You'd better taste them by yourself! But take it easy. I think you have a good spirit, but you are a little excited! "

"You know what? This is really a lot less fun! " Bruno really didn't mean to force Ding Yu. Although this guy is not a Puritan in this respect, he has some eccentricities. What about his woman? There are many, but they are a little picky!

This may also be different from westerners! It's not to say that Orientals are conservative and Westerners are open. They are totally two concepts. There are some places in the Orient that are more open than Westerners, but their personalities are slightly different! It's not good to force yourself!

"It's really no fun. The East is very similar to you at this point, but he and I are both old guys, and they had a good time when they were young, but now they are much more restrained when they are old! Now it's not so easy to find a person with the same aspiration! "

Ding Yu shook his head helplessly and personally sent Bruno to the door. When he looked back, he was also sitting in his study. Jin also stood beside Ding Yu. "Kim, it seems that our trip to the United States has attracted some attention."

"Sir, their meaning seems very obvious!""Yes! Obviously, we still need to prove ourselves. At least we can stand on this ground. This is not a difficult thing. I have no doubt about it, but the time may be delayed a little bit! "

"Sir, I believe they will have their own judgment!"

"I don't worry about that!" Ding Yu smiles, "we do our own things, not to be infected too much!"

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