Ding Yu really doesn't need much attention from Ding Yu. It's good that Ding Yu is only responsible for the overall policy, and someone will be responsible for the following things. Therefore, Ding Yu is happy to be free and at the same time, it is a good diversion for some people.

As for Guo Li and his party, they came to the United States for the first time. Especially in such a strange environment, they were really nervous. Even if someone led the team, the situation was quite different. As for their teachers, they did not see the figure for a few days. I don't know how situation.

In the strange environment, the most expected to see may be acquaintances, and strange environment, everything is not so familiar, although through the network survey to a lot of things, but really came to the United States, still feel some are not used to, because it is completely different from foreign countries, too much difference.

After waiting for three days, Ding Yu summoned all the people together. "They have been here for a few days. No matter whether it's the house or the environment, you should know something about it, right? Do you have any special feelings

"Teacher, the place is so strange that I feel I'm not used to everything!"

Guo Li did not preempt the first to speak, and everyone felt that Ding Yu was very strict with them, but other negative aspects were quite good to talk about, so now everyone is not so nervous, so after Ding Yu mentioned a sentence, everyone is also very positive.

"It's just a change of country. It's not used to life? Or the language above is not used to, or is not used to other aspects, say a little more clearly! Don't point to face! "

"Teacher, I feel that I am not used to all aspects. Food and housing are the first problems, and then the problem of communication. We only know when we are abroad. What about the foreign language we have learned? It's not so easy and simple to communicate with local people. What's more, in terms of hospitals, I always feel that I'm white eyed everywhere! I don't know why? That's how it feels

"Have been to the hospital, it seems that your elder martial brother is still dutiful Ding Yu didn't know about the news. He didn't really care, "it's good to have such a feeling. Now it's just a preliminary entry. What about me? I hope you can integrate into the environment as soon as possible. I mean the environment of the hospital. Cherish your opportunities. You should know that opportunities are won by yourself, not given to you by others! "

"Teacher, we have seen some situations in the hospital earlier. They seem to be too strict with interns. Are they deliberately aimed at us, or are they all like this?"

"Against you?" Ding Yu also feels a little funny. What about this tone? Naturally, there are so many different, "which onion are you? Also deliberately for you, think too good, everyone here? This is the treatment, no one can be exceptional, the problem of the system! People who don't like it can leave. It's so simple! "

Everyone looked at each other. Guo Li also raised his hand. Seeing Ding Yu nodding, he said aloud, "teacher, do we need to be the same as other interns here?"

"What about here after all? It's the United States. You'd better speak in English, so that you can integrate into the society more quickly, even if it's usually private communication? Also need to use English, otherwise it is easy to be excluded, and I believe you should already know that in the hospital environment, there are some unwritten rules! The so-called hidden rules

"First of all, you are a matter of system. You are at the bottom. What about doctors? No matter what kind of doctors they are, they are in the middle class, at the top level? Patients, you will encounter a variety of situations, so pay attention to observe, carefully handle, remember that you are here to practice, is to abuse, but not to serve them as slaves! Understand, we do our own, integrity! Have backbone

Ding Yu also spoke to the following students in a very strict tone. Usually, Ding Yu is not like this, but now the situation is not the same, so the treatment is naturally not the same!

"Teacher, don't worry, we won't disgrace you!" Everyone also promised to talk to Ding Yu.

"Don't look at yourself too high. Whether my face will lose or not has little to do with you. The problem is that you fight for face by yourself, which has nothing to do with me. Maybe because of me, the hospital will be more demanding on you, so try to satisfy the hospital and satisfy yourself!"

Ding Yu didn't want to take their meaning in person. Did they come? Is to let them realize that there is a certain gap, not that the domestic conditions are not good, but they? After all, it is the seed of the future. Ding Yu needs to make them realize the considerable gap, so that they will not fall behind in the process of the future.

At that time, many of my friends in the British medical school were doctors now, but there were not so many people who really worked as hard as in the school. It was due to various reasons! The problems and conditions are not so easy to say.What about these students? Ding Yu didn't want such a thing to happen, so he made great demands when he was training. He hoped that they could realize the problems and conditions. He had certain conditions and conditions from generation to generation. Naturally, he also hoped to be able to give some help.

What about Ding Yu's return? It also led to the arrival of some people in the capital city in Boston. For them, they just changed their working places. Naturally, they were the staff of the old Peyton family. The change of working place did not affect their own work! I'm used to it.

Old Peyton called Ding Yu, but the contact between them? It's not as pleasant as I imagined, that is to say a few words simply, and then we all put down the phone to know the situation between each other? However, there are some small and serious things about Ding Yu in Britain, but there are shadows of these guys.

Old Peyton also knows Ding Yu's temper, but he really has no words to say. Do you want to know the contradiction between each other? It has also been presented. It is really inappropriate to talk to Ding Yu about the truth and principles!

What's more, Ding Yu didn't mean to veto it completely. What else can he say under such circumstances? Ding Yu should feel happy if he didn't give up his son! In fact, old Peyton disagrees with this matter. What about Ding Yu? There is no problem with this. We usually do it in the same way.

But what about Britain? It has broken a certain bottom line. He and Ding Yu are rivals, but to some extent, they are also friends. What about being friends? He still has a good understanding of Ding Yu. Ding Yu will never give up. He has no reaction now. He is not afraid. He just shrinks his fist back.

In order that the next eruption will be more powerful, but it is clear that some people do not see that. So what about this time? I did not agree, but I did not oppose it. I just abstained from voting. I believe everyone can understand that because of his family's illness, he still needs Ding Yu.

The reaction of Ding Yu, who came to the United States, also made himself confirm this point. Bruno just visited Ding Yu. This Playboy is definitely not a courtesy visit, nor is it a consolation visit. He went to Ding Yu's place, not for the sake of a few cigars, but who knows exactly what is involved.

It is impossible to know all this from Ding Yu's mouth, and naturally it is impossible to know everything from Bruno, although he said that he was under his hand? There is Elizabeth, but now she is not suitable to contact Ding Yu, because there is no such possibility. The ideology of confrontation between each other has always existed, and now it is particularly obvious.

But what about Ding Yu's return this time? The excuse is worth pondering. He brought a group of students back. The background information of these students has been investigated. All of them are medical students, and some people have been exposed to it before. It can be said that it is pure mineral water.

There is no one else among them, let alone Harvard general college? It's not Ding Yu's private back garden. Ding Yu has a certain right to speak there, and other people have the same right to speak, so it's not difficult to get some information.

What about the reaction and situation of these students? All of a sudden, Ding Yu got such a group of students to come over. It's really hard to understand. What's in his head? Now is the time for students to come to Harvard for internships? What's wrong?

"Sir, MI5 is coming to Boston!"

Sitting on the sofa, Ding Yu slightly nodded, "I know, they still have one today? Walked into my office, but what about his body? It's not so healthy! " Ding Yu said a word without salt and salt. It seems that there is not too much anger about it, and the performance is very indifferent.

"One more thing! The female president of South Korea has offered certain military assistance to the United States. What about the Congress? It seems that you have this intention already! " Jin is only responsible for delivering the message to Ding Yu. As for how to deal with the matter, he will not make too many judgments.

"That's a little bit interesting." Ding Yu slightly yawned, "what does South Korea want to purchase?"

"Transport helicopter! We've got information from other channels! "

Ding Yu turned his head and took a look at Jin. "If I remember correctly, it seemed that the South Korean side wanted to develop its own helicopter a few years ago! It's said that there are preliminary results. How can I purchase now? What's more, they copied them? It seems that it's still the helicopter from France. Now I want to buy the helicopter from the United States. How can I feel that I have to please the American side? How much is the amount? It shouldn't be so big! "

"About 200 million US dollars. However, according to the information we have now, the United States is not so interested in this. The meat is so small and the most advanced helicopter. The U.S. station in South Korea has equipment, but the South Korean side wants to buy it. This is another problem!"

"That is to say, this is a transaction at all, but this transaction is covered with a layer of legal cloak." Ding Yu snorted coldly, "from this one step closer, the female president now has other thoughts!""The relationship between the South Korean military and the female president is very good. Thanks to her father, this is an unchangeable fact. So what about this matter? Making friends with the United States, at the same time? Also let the South Korean military get some benefits. What about her? You can sit in this position! Count birds in one stone

Ding Yu put down the teacup in his hand and shook his head slightly, "the courage is a little bit so big! This is to betray the interests of the Korean people, but it's not a terrible thing to say. What about the United States? It has always been the suzerain of South Korea. What about its death and death gate? They are all in the hands of the United States, and there has been no relief. So what has this woman president done? It's understandable! But what about such behavior? Don't you worry about being found out in the future? It's too aggressive

"It is not clear whether it will be found out in the future, but the president of South Korea will not come to a good end!" Kim also said something in silence. "Except one of them, the others are extremely miserable, which is unique in the whole world! Even unique! "

"What about South Korea's politics and economy? It is different from other countries in the world. What about his politics? It is conservative, but its own requirements are more strict, and the elimination is very high, just like a pool of living water. Although the big fish are always the big ones, because of the living water, some dead fish will be taken away and some small fish will come in.

What about the economy? Greedy, but also relatively loose, has a considerable self-restraint, never a single stick to kill, just take the ordinary people as food, from their body continue to suck blood, but such blood? It will not cause the situation of the dead, so it will be accepted by the people below gradually! "

"Strange country!"

"So? From time to time, they will bring out the president, the supreme leader in name. When people's mood rises to a certain degree, they will take the president out to sacrifice the flag. The best effect is the most practical, and all other problems will be covered up. "

Gold slightly has so some shiver, "this is already fixed trick! Is it too cruel and cruel? If so, why do people rush up regardless of life or death? "

"Once the pent up desire burst, there will be some reckless, just like in a casino. When you win money, you never want to leave, because you want to win more money, and when you lose money, you don't want to leave, because you want to turn over and over again!"

Kim stood up on his shoulder. He had been to the casino, but he had a lot of restrictions. But what about such constraints? It doesn't work for everyone. Can you win money in casinos? It's definitely a handful.

"What do we need to do, sir?"

"There is no need to do anything in South Korea. Although the meat is not very big, the United States will not let go of this mosquito leg. Even if it is used to plug the teeth, it is very good, isn't it?" Ding Yu is also quite thorough about this issue. "Even if it is to send the planes during the Vietnam War, the South Korean side will not have any complaints, and even they will happily accept it. Only when the general ledger is finally calculated will it be exposed! But that's another thing

Now that we have figured out how to deal with it, Ding Yu naturally won't have any interference, or even add fuel to the flames. Anyway, it's not their own interests that are sold out. If South Korea wants to make trouble, no one can stop it!

As for MI5 guys? They are now looking for the door, they really need to give them some color to see! "They have all come to my office. Although I am a doctor and they are patients from a common sense, there are some bottom lines? It can't be broken! "

"Sir, many people's eyes are watching, especially in the United States. This is their chassis. They can be said to be particularly convenient. If we act rashly, it will certainly cause quite a lot of noise. It seems that some gains are not worth the loss." Kim is also concerned about this.

"It's you who want to do it, and you are also afraid of it! This is not your style Ding Yu blinked his eyes. "What do you think is the most desirable thing for the United States at this time, and what is the most worrying thing for the British side? Tell me your opinion

"Naturally, the United States hopes that we can face up to the British side. As for what Britain fears most, it should be Mr. Wen's revenge." Kim didn't have any hesitation.

"That's right. What the United States expects most is that we can confront Britain head-on, and what the British fear most is our direct retaliation. We all have our own small plans, but the purpose is quite clear!"

"Sir, do you mean we're going to have a head-on collision with Britain?" This seems to be obviously inconsistent with the previous plan! But Kim didn't mean to say it.

"A frontal collision, unless we are desperate, has no meaning at all. On the contrary, it will make others laugh. If we don't say it, it will not do any good. Why? It's not the way to fight for breathwww.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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